예제 #1
        private void VideoStreamStopped()
            FrameQueue = null;

            // Clear the video display to not confuse the user who could otherwise
            // think that the video is still playing but is lagging.
예제 #2
        //// <summary>
        /// Unity Engine Start() hook
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.Start.html
        /// </remarks>
        private void Update()
            if ((_i420aFrameQueue != null) || (_argb32FrameQueue != null))
                // Inside the Editor, constantly update _minUpdateDelay to
                // react to user changes to MaxFramerate.

                // Leave 3ms of margin, otherwise it misses 1 frame and drops to ~20 FPS
                // when Unity is running at 60 FPS.
                _minUpdateDelay = Mathf.Max(0f, 1f / Mathf.Max(0.001f, MaxVideoFramerate) - 0.003f);
                // FIXME - This will overflow/underflow the queue if not set at the same rate
                // as the one at which frames are enqueued!
                var curTime = Time.time;
                if (curTime - lastUpdateTime >= _minUpdateDelay)
                    if (_i420aFrameQueue != null)
                    else if (_argb32FrameQueue != null)
                    lastUpdateTime = curTime;

                if (EnableStatistics)
                    // Share our stats values, if possible.
                    using (var profileScope = displayStatsMarker.Auto())
                        IVideoFrameQueue stats = (_i420aFrameQueue != null ? (IVideoFrameQueue)_i420aFrameQueue : _argb32FrameQueue);
                        if (FrameLoadStatHolder != null)
                            FrameLoadStatHolder.text = stats.QueuedFramesPerSecond.ToString("F2");
                        if (FramePresentStatHolder != null)
                            FramePresentStatHolder.text = stats.DequeuedFramesPerSecond.ToString("F2");
                        if (FrameSkipStatHolder != null)
                            FrameSkipStatHolder.text = stats.DroppedFramesPerSecond.ToString("F2");
예제 #3
 private void VideoStreamStarted()
     FrameQueue = VideoSource.FrameQueue;