예제 #1
        private async Task ProcessActionsAsync(IContext context, Action[] actions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Execute all state actions
            foreach (var stateAction in actions.OrderBy(a => a.Order))
                var action = _actionProvider.Get(stateAction.Type);

                    var settings = stateAction.Settings;
                    if (settings != null)
                        var settingsJson = settings.ToString(Formatting.None);
                        settingsJson = await _variableReplacer.ReplaceAsync(settingsJson, context, cancellationToken);

                        settings = JObject.Parse(settingsJson);

                    await action.ExecuteAsync(context, settings, cancellationToken);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ActionProcessingException(
                              $"The processing of the action '{stateAction.Type}' has failed: {ex.Message}", ex);
예제 #2
        private async Task ProcessActionsAsync(LazyInput lazyInput, IContext context, Action[] actions, ICollection <ActionTrace> actionTraces, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Execute all state actions
            foreach (var stateAction in actions.OrderBy(a => a.Order))
                if (stateAction.Conditions != null &&
                    !await stateAction.Conditions.EvaluateConditionsAsync(lazyInput, context, cancellationToken))

                var action = _actionProvider.Get(stateAction.Type);

                // Trace infra
                var(actionTrace, actionStopwatch) = actionTraces != null
                    ? (stateAction.ToTrace(), Stopwatch.StartNew())
                    : (null, null);

                if (actionTrace != null)

                // Configure the action timeout, that can be defined in action or flow level
                var executionTimeoutInSeconds =
                    stateAction.Timeout ?? context.Flow?.BuilderConfiguration?.ActionExecutionTimeout;

                var executionTimeout = executionTimeoutInSeconds.HasValue
                    ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(executionTimeoutInSeconds.Value)
                    : _configuration.DefaultActionExecutionTimeout;

                using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(executionTimeout))
                    using (var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, cancellationToken))
                            var settings = stateAction.Settings;
                            if (settings != null)
                                var settingsJson = settings.ToString(Formatting.None);
                                settingsJson = await _variableReplacer.ReplaceAsync(settingsJson, context, cancellationToken);

                                settings = JObject.Parse(settingsJson);

                            if (actionTrace != null)
                                actionTrace.ParsedSettings = settings;

                            using (LogContext.PushProperty(nameof(BuilderException.MessageId), lazyInput?.Message?.Id))
                                using (LogContext.PushProperty(nameof(Action.Settings), settings, true))
                                    await action.ExecuteAsync(context, settings, linkedCts.Token);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (actionTrace != null)
                                actionTrace.Error = ex.ToString();

                            var message = ex is OperationCanceledException && cts.IsCancellationRequested
                            ? $"The processing of the action '{stateAction.Type}' has timed out after {executionTimeout.TotalMilliseconds} ms"
                            : $"The processing of the action '{stateAction.Type}' has failed";

                            var actionProcessingException = new ActionProcessingException(message, ex)
                                ActionType     = stateAction.Type,
                                ActionSettings = stateAction.Settings.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >()

                            if (stateAction.ContinueOnError)
                                _logger.Warning(actionProcessingException, "Action '{ActionType}' has failed but was forgotten", stateAction.Type);
                                throw actionProcessingException;

                            if (actionTrace != null &&
                                actionTraces != null &&
                                actionStopwatch != null)
                                actionTrace.ElapsedMilliseconds = actionStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        public async Task ProcessInputAsync(Message message, Flow flow, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

            if (message.From == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Message 'from' must be present", nameof(message));

            if (flow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(flow));

            message = _inputExpirationHandler.ValidateMessage(message);


            // Determine the user / owner pair
            var(userIdentity, ownerIdentity) = await _userOwnerResolver.GetUserOwnerIdentitiesAsync(message, flow.BuilderConfiguration, cancellationToken);

            // Input tracing infrastructure
            InputTrace    inputTrace = null;
            TraceSettings traceSettings;

            if (message.Metadata != null &&
                traceSettings = new TraceSettings(message.Metadata);
                traceSettings = flow.TraceSettings;

            if (traceSettings != null &&
                traceSettings.Mode != TraceMode.Disabled)
                inputTrace = new InputTrace
                    Owner  = ownerIdentity,
                    FlowId = flow.Id,
                    User   = userIdentity,
                    Input  = message.Content.ToString()

            var inputStopwatch = inputTrace != null
                ? Stopwatch.StartNew()
                : null;

            var ownerContext = OwnerContext.Create(ownerIdentity);

            State state = default;

                // Create a cancellation token
                using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(_configuration.InputProcessingTimeout))
                    using (var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cts.Token, cancellationToken))
                        // Synchronize to avoid concurrency issues on multiple running instances
                        var handle = await _namedSemaphore.WaitAsync($"{flow.Id}:{userIdentity}", _configuration.InputProcessingTimeout, linkedCts.Token);

                            // Create the input evaluator
                            var lazyInput = new LazyInput(message, userIdentity, flow.BuilderConfiguration, _documentSerializer,
                                                          _envelopeSerializer, _artificialIntelligenceExtension, linkedCts.Token);

                            // Load the user context
                            var context = _contextProvider.CreateContext(userIdentity, ownerIdentity, lazyInput, flow);

                            // Try restore a stored state
                            var stateId = await _stateManager.GetStateIdAsync(context, linkedCts.Token);

                            state = flow.States.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == stateId) ?? flow.States.Single(s => s.Root);

                            // If current stateId of user is different of inputExpiration stop processing
                            if (!_inputExpirationHandler.IsValidateState(state, message))

                            await _inputExpirationHandler.OnFlowPreProcessingAsync(state, message, _applicationNode, linkedCts.Token);

                            // Calculate the number of state transitions
                            var transitions = 0;

                            // Create trace instances, if required
                            var(stateTrace, stateStopwatch) = _traceManager.CreateStateTrace(inputTrace, state);

                            // Process the global input actions
                            if (flow.InputActions != null)
                                await ProcessActionsAsync(lazyInput, context, flow.InputActions, inputTrace?.InputActions, linkedCts.Token);

                            var stateWaitForInput = true;

                                    if (stateWaitForInput)
                                        // Validate the input for the current state
                                        if (state.Input?.Validation != null && !lazyInput.SerializedContent.IsNullOrEmpty() &&
                                            !ValidateDocument(lazyInput, state.Input.Validation))
                                            if (state.Input.Validation.Error != null)
                                                // Send the validation error message
                                                if (IsContextVariable(state.Input.Validation.Error))
                                                    var validationMessage = new Message(null)
                                                        To = context.Input.Message.From
                                                    validationMessage.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                                        { "#message.spinText", "true" }

                                                    validationMessage.Content = new PlainDocument(state.Input.Validation.Error, MediaType.TextPlain);
                                                    await _sender.SendMessageAsync(validationMessage, linkedCts.Token);
                                                    await _sender.SendMessageAsync(state.Input.Validation.Error, message.From, linkedCts.Token);


                                        // Set the input in the context
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.Input?.Variable))
                                            await context.SetVariableAsync(state.Input.Variable, lazyInput.SerializedContent,

                                    // Prepare to leave the current state executing the output actions
                                    if (state.OutputActions != null)
                                        await ProcessActionsAsync(lazyInput, context, state.OutputActions, stateTrace?.OutputActions, linkedCts.Token);

                                    var previousStateId = state.Id;
                                    if (IsContextVariable(state.Id))
                                        previousStateId = await _variableReplacer.ReplaceAsync(state.Id, context, cancellationToken);

                                    // Determine the next state
                                    state = await ProcessOutputsAsync(lazyInput, context, flow, state, stateTrace?.Outputs, linkedCts.Token);

                                    // Store the previous state
                                    await _stateManager.SetPreviousStateIdAsync(context, previousStateId, cancellationToken);

                                    // Create trace instances, if required
                                    (stateTrace, stateStopwatch) = _traceManager.CreateStateTrace(inputTrace, state, stateTrace, stateStopwatch);

                                    // Store the next state
                                    if (state != null)
                                        await _stateManager.SetStateIdAsync(context, state.Id, linkedCts.Token);
                                        await _stateManager.DeleteStateIdAsync(context, linkedCts.Token);

                                    // Process the next state input actions
                                    if (state?.InputActions != null)
                                        await ProcessActionsAsync(lazyInput, context, state.InputActions, stateTrace?.InputActions, linkedCts.Token);

                                    // Check if the state transition limit has reached (to avoid loops in the flow)
                                    if (transitions++ >= _configuration.MaxTransitionsByInput)
                                        throw new BuilderException($"Max state transitions of {_configuration.MaxTransitionsByInput} was reached");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (stateTrace != null)
                                        stateTrace.Error = ex.ToString();
                                    // Continue processing if the next state do not expect the user input
                                    var inputConditionIsValid = state?.Input?.Conditions == null ||
                                                                await state.Input.Conditions.EvaluateConditionsAsync(lazyInput, context, cancellationToken);

                                    stateWaitForInput = state == null ||
                                                        (state.Input != null && !state.Input.Bypass && inputConditionIsValid);
                                    if (stateTrace?.Error != null || stateWaitForInput)
                                        // Create a new trace if the next state waits for an input or the state without an input throws an error
                                        (stateTrace, stateStopwatch) = _traceManager.CreateStateTrace(inputTrace, state, stateTrace, stateStopwatch);
                            } while (!stateWaitForInput);

                            // Process the global output actions
                            if (flow.OutputActions != null)
                                await ProcessActionsAsync(lazyInput, context, flow.OutputActions, inputTrace?.OutputActions, linkedCts.Token);

                            await _inputExpirationHandler.OnFlowProcessedAsync(state, message, _applicationNode, linkedCts.Token);
                            await handle?.DisposeAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (inputTrace != null)
                    inputTrace.Error = ex.ToString();

                var builderException = ex is BuilderException be ? be :
                                       new BuilderException($"Error processing input '{message.Content}' for user '{userIdentity}' in state '{state?.Id}'", ex);

                builderException.StateId   = state?.Id;
                builderException.UserId    = userIdentity;
                builderException.MessageId = message.Id;

                throw builderException;
                using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(_configuration.TraceTimeout))
                    await _traceManager.ProcessTraceAsync(inputTrace, traceSettings, inputStopwatch, cts.Token);
