예제 #1
 public void Publish(Product product)
     output.Error("InnoSetup packager does not support publishing.");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the given build script on the given project, returning the set of
        /// target files the script generated.
        /// <para>
        /// The script's global scope has the following predefined variables set:
        /// - <c>project</c> refers to the project being built
        /// - <c>sourceSet</c> is the project's source set associated with the build script
        /// - <c>targetRoot</c> is the root target directory where all the files are generated
        /// - <c>targetDir</c> is where the project's output should be built
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// A special global function <c>get_tool</c> is available which accepts a reference URI and
        /// a file name.
        /// The same protocols are supported as for references in the suite definition. The
        /// function's return value is the absolute path of the given file, where the tool
        /// has been deployed.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The input project to build</param>
        /// <param name="buildScript">The build script to execute</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the set of files generated by the script. They have to be
        /// indicated in the script's <c>results</c> variable, relative to <c>targetDir</c>.</returns>
        public ISet <TargetRelativePath> Run(Project project, IBuildScript buildScript)
            var engine = CreateEngine();

            var runtime = engine.Runtime;

                var scope = runtime.CreateScope();

                scope.SetVariable("is_mono", parameters.UseMono);
                scope.SetVariable("project", project);
                                  .Files.Select(srp => (string)srp)
                AddGetToolToScope(scope, project);

                var targetDir       = TargetRoot.GetChildDirectory(project.Module.Name, createIfMissing: true);
                var localTargetDir  = targetDir as LocalFileSystemDirectory;
                var localTargetRoot = TargetRoot as LocalFileSystemDirectory;
                if (localTargetDir != null && localTargetRoot != null)
                    scope.SetVariable("targetRoot", localTargetRoot.AbsolutePath);
                    scope.SetVariable("targetDir", localTargetDir.AbsolutePath);

                    var pco = (PythonCompilerOptions)engine.GetCompilerOptions();
                    pco.Module |= ModuleOptions.Optimized;

                        var script = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(buildScript.Source, SourceCodeKind.File);

                        return(new HashSet <TargetRelativePath>(
                                   scope.GetVariable <IList <object> >("results")
                                   .Cast <string>()
                                   .Select(t => GetTargetRelativePath(targetDir, t))));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var eo = engine.GetService <ExceptionOperations>();

                        string msg, typeName;
                        eo.GetExceptionMessage(ex, out msg, out typeName);

                        foreach (var line in msg.Split(new[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

                        output.Error("Call stack:");
                        foreach (var frame in eo.GetStackFrames(ex))
                            var line   = frame.GetFileLineNumber();
                            var method = frame.GetMethodName();

                            output.Error(String.Format("Line {0} in {1}", line, method));

                        throw new ScriptException(buildScript);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Only local file system is supported for python scripts!");