/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1348178542592658AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return(Action_Pasajero_SIU_create_instance(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1348178542592658AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return(Action_Pasajero_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1348178542592658AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return(Action_Pasajero_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1348178542592658AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return(Action_Pasajero__Auto_(context, row, actionKey)); } default: return("1"); } } catch { return("1"); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return(Action_NaveNodriza_Crear_NaveNodriza(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return(Action_NaveNodriza_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return(Action_NaveNodriza_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey)); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return(Action_NaveNodriza__Auto_(context, row, actionKey)); } default: return("1"); } } catch { return("1"); } }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { case "Clas_1348178673664478NavOfer_AutoElemNav_1_Alias": { return(getNavigation_Revision_IIU_Revision_Revision(context, row, navigationKey)); } case "Clas_1348178673664478NavOfer_AutoElemNav_2_Alias": { return(getNavigation_PasajeroAeronave_IIU_PasajeroAeronave_PasajeroAeronave(context, row, navigationKey)); } default: return("1"); } } catch { return("1"); } }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query to retrieve an instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instance searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryInstance(IUQueryContext context) { RevisionPasajeroOid lOid = null; if (context.ExchangeInformation != null && context.ExchangeInformation.SelectedOids.Count > 0) { lOid = new RevisionPasajeroOid(context.ExchangeInformation.SelectedOids[0]); } return ExecuteQueryInstance(context.Agent, lOid, context.DisplaySetAttributes); }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query to retrieve an instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instance searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryInstance(IUQueryContext context) { PasajeroOid lOid = null; if (context.ExchangeInformation != null && context.ExchangeInformation.SelectedOids.Count > 0) { lOid = new PasajeroOid(context.ExchangeInformation.SelectedOids[0]); } return(ExecuteQueryInstance(context.Agent, lOid, context.DisplaySetAttributes)); }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query related with other instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instances searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryRelated(IUQueryContext context) { // Parameter values object[] lParameters = new object[1]; lParameters[0] = context; // Parameter types Type[] lTypes = new Type[1]; lTypes[0] = typeof(IUQueryContext); return(ExecuteMethod(GetClassTypeName(context.ClassName), "ExecuteQueryRelated", lTypes, lParameters) as DataTable); }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { default: return("1"); } } catch { return("1"); } }
public static void GetActionsNavigationsEnabledState(IUQueryContext context, DataTable data, List <string> actionList, List <string> navigationList) { if (data == null) { return; } // Add control columns to the DataTable if (!data.Columns.Contains(Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME)) { data.Columns.Add(Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME, typeof(string)); } if (!data.Columns.Contains(Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME)) { data.Columns.Add(Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME, typeof(string)); } string activationActionsValue; string activationNavigationsValue; foreach (System.Data.DataRow lRow in data.Rows) { activationActionsValue = ""; if (actionList != null) { foreach (string actionKey in actionList) { activationActionsValue += GetEnabledAction(context, lRow, actionKey); } } lRow[Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME] = activationActionsValue; activationNavigationsValue = ""; if (navigationList != null) { foreach (string navigationKey in navigationList) { activationNavigationsValue += GetEnabledNavigation(context, lRow, navigationKey); } } lRow[Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME] = activationNavigationsValue; } }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { case "Clas_1348178542592347NavOfer_AutoElemNav_1_Alias": { return(getNavigation_RevisionPasajero__Auto__RevisionPasajero(context, row, navigationKey)); } default: return("1"); } } catch { return("1"); } }
/// <summary> /// Copy constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeToBeCopied"></param> /// <param name="newExchangeInfo"></param> public TreeNodeController(TreeNodeController nodeToBeCopied, ExchangeInfoNavigation newExchangeInfo) { mRecursiveNodes = new List <TreeNodeController>(); mParentNodeId = nodeToBeCopied.ParentNodeId; mNodeId = nodeToBeCopied.NodeId; mIsMainMaster = false; mShowGroupingNode = nodeToBeCopied.ShowGroupingNode; Filters = new FilterControllerList(); mQueryContext = new IUPopulationContext(newExchangeInfo, nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext.ClassName, ""); mQueryContext.DisplaySetAttributes = nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext.DisplaySetAttributes; mOriginalNode = nodeToBeCopied; IUPopulationContext lPopContext = nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext as IUPopulationContext; if (lPopContext != null) { ((IUPopulationContext)QueryContext).BlockSize = lPopContext.BlockSize; } mShowInTree = nodeToBeCopied.ShowInTree; mFinalNodeID = nodeToBeCopied.FinalNodeID; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the state formulas (enabled or disabled) for action and navigation items (preconditions). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> /// <param name="data">Datatable.</param> /// <param name="actionList">Action list.</param> /// <param name="navigationList">Navigation list.</param> public static void GetActionsNavigationsEnabledStateFormulas(IUQueryContext context, DataTable data, List <string> actionList, List <string> navigationList) { try { // Parameter values. object[] lParameters = new object[4]; lParameters[0] = context; lParameters[1] = data; lParameters[2] = actionList; lParameters[3] = navigationList; // Parameter types. Type[] lTypes = new Type[4]; lTypes[0] = typeof(IUQueryContext); lTypes[1] = typeof(DataTable); lTypes[2] = typeof(List <string>); lTypes[3] = typeof(List <string>); ExecuteMethod(GetClassTypeName(context.ClassName), "GetActionsNavigationsEnabledState", lTypes, lParameters); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Configures the controller from the data context. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IU context</param> public void ConfigureByContext(IUQueryContext context) { if (AssociatedServiceController != null && context != null && context.AssociatedServiceContext != null) { AssociatedServiceController.ConfigureByContext(context.AssociatedServiceContext); } base.ConfigureByContext(context); }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { case "Clas_1348178673664478NavOfer_AutoElemNav_1_Alias": { return getNavigation_Revision_IIU_Revision_Revision(context, row, navigationKey); } case "Clas_1348178673664478NavOfer_AutoElemNav_2_Alias": { return getNavigation_PasajeroAeronave_IIU_PasajeroAeronave_PasajeroAeronave(context, row, navigationKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_Revision_IIU_Revision_Revision(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action MDIU_PasajeroAeronave of PasajeroAeronave has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_PasajeroAeronave_MDIU_PasajeroAeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action _Auto_ of RevisionPasajero has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_RevisionPasajero__Auto_(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_Aeronave__Auto__Aeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action _Auto_ of Aeronave has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Aeronave__Auto_(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action Crear_Aeronave of Aeronave has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Aeronave_Crear_Aeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Refresh one instance using the context and Oid received as arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="queryContext">Contexto del nodo.</param> /// <param name="nodeId">List of Oid to be refreshed.</param> /// <param name="oid">Oid of the instance to be refreshed.</param> /// <param name="displaySetInfo">DisplaySet information used to represent the instance data.</param> private void RefreshInstance(IUQueryContext queryContext, string nodeId, Oid oid, DisplaySetInformation displaySetInfo) { try { DataTable lInstance = Logic.ExecuteQueryInstance(Logic.Agent, oid, queryContext.DisplaySetAttributes); Tree.UpdateNodeValues(nodeId, oid, lInstance, displaySetInfo); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_RevisionPasajero__Auto__RevisionPasajero(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_delete_instance of Revision has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Revision_SIU_delete_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_create_instance of Revision has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Revision_SIU_create_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_Aeronave__Auto__Aeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Retunrs the instances related with the received Oid using the received context /// </summary> /// <param name="relatedOid"></param> /// <param name="queryContext"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DataTable GetPopulationRelatedWith(Oid relatedOid, IUQueryContext queryContext) { if (relatedOid == null || queryContext == null) return null; List<Oid> lOids = new List<Oid>(); lOids.Add(relatedOid); // Assign the exchange info to the context queryContext.ExchangeInformation.SelectedOids = lOids; queryContext.SelectedOids = lOids; // Clear the last oid IUPopulationContext populationContext = queryContext as IUPopulationContext; if (populationContext != null) { populationContext.LastOids.Clear(); } DataTable lData = null; try { lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryRelated(queryContext); } catch (Exception exc) { ScenarioManager.LaunchErrorScenario(exc); return null; } return lData; }
/// <summary> /// Copy constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeToBeCopied"></param> /// <param name="newExchangeInfo"></param> public TreeNodeController(TreeNodeController nodeToBeCopied, ExchangeInfoNavigation newExchangeInfo) { mRecursiveNodes = new List<TreeNodeController>(); mParentNodeId = nodeToBeCopied.ParentNodeId; mNodeId = nodeToBeCopied.NodeId; mIsMainMaster = false; mShowGroupingNode = nodeToBeCopied.ShowGroupingNode; Filters = new FilterControllerList(); mQueryContext = new IUPopulationContext(newExchangeInfo, nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext.ClassName, ""); mQueryContext.DisplaySetAttributes = nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext.DisplaySetAttributes; mOriginalNode = nodeToBeCopied; IUPopulationContext lPopContext = nodeToBeCopied.QueryContext as IUPopulationContext; if (lPopContext != null) { ((IUPopulationContext)QueryContext).BlockSize = lPopContext.BlockSize; } mShowInTree = nodeToBeCopied.ShowInTree; mFinalNodeID = nodeToBeCopied.FinalNodeID; }
/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1348178542592177AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return Action_PasajeroAeronave_SIU_create_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178542592177AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return Action_PasajeroAeronave_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178542592177AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return Action_PasajeroAeronave_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178542592177AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return Action_PasajeroAeronave_IIU_PasajeroAeronave(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178542592177AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_5_Alias": { return Action_PasajeroAeronave_MDIU_PasajeroAeronave(context, row, actionKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query related with other instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instances searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryRelated(IUQueryContext context) { try { ExchangeInfo lExchangeInfo = context.ExchangeInformation; if (lExchangeInfo.ExchangeType != ExchangeType.Navigation || lExchangeInfo.SelectedOids.Count == 0) { return null; } IUPopulationContext lIUContext = context as IUPopulationContext; int blockSize=1; if (lIUContext != null) { blockSize = lIUContext.BlockSize; } ExchangeInfoNavigation lNavInfo = lExchangeInfo as ExchangeInfoNavigation; // Specific case. No role name indicates Query by Instance. if (lNavInfo.RolePath == "") { if (lIUContext != null) { lIUContext.LastBlock = true; } RevisionPasajeroOid lOidInstance = new RevisionPasajeroOid(lNavInfo.SelectedOids[0]); return ExecuteQueryInstance(context.Agent, lOidInstance, context.DisplaySetAttributes); } // Get link items. Oid lOid = lNavInfo.SelectedOids[0]; Dictionary<string, Oid> lLinkItems = new Dictionary<string, Oid>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); lLinkItems.Add(lNavInfo.RolePath, lOid); bool lLastBlock = true; RevisionPasajeroOid lLastOid = null; string lOrderCriteria = string.Empty; // Get population members. if (lIUContext != null) { if (lIUContext.LastOid != null) { lLastOid = new RevisionPasajeroOid(lIUContext.LastOid); } lOrderCriteria = lIUContext.OrderCriteriaNameSelected; } NavigationalFiltering navigationalFiltering = NavigationalFiltering.GetNavigationalFiltering(context); DataTable lDataTable = ExecuteQueryRelated(context.Agent, lLinkItems, context.DisplaySetAttributes, lOrderCriteria, navigationalFiltering, lLastOid, blockSize, ref lLastBlock); if (lIUContext != null) { lIUContext.LastBlock = lLastBlock; } return lDataTable; } catch (Exception e) { ScenarioManager.LaunchErrorScenario(e); return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_RevisionPasajero__Auto__RevisionPasajero(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_edit_instance of Aeronave has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Aeronave_SIU_edit_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_Revision_IIU_Revision_Revision(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
private static string GetEnabledNavigation(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationKey) { try { switch (navigationKey) { case "Clas_1348178542592347NavOfer_AutoElemNav_1_Alias": { return getNavigation_RevisionPasajero__Auto__RevisionPasajero(context, row, navigationKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the context indicates that the last block has been received /// </summary> /// <param name="queryContext"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsLastBlock(IUQueryContext queryContext) { IUPopulationContext popContext = queryContext as IUPopulationContext; if (popContext == null) { return true; } return popContext.LastBlock; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_delete_instance of NaveNodriza has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_NaveNodriza_SIU_delete_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
public static void GetActionsNavigationsEnabledState(IUQueryContext context, DataTable data, List<string> actionList, List<string> navigationList) { if (data == null) { return; } // Add control columns to the DataTable if (!data.Columns.Contains(Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME)) { data.Columns.Add(Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME, typeof(string)); } if (!data.Columns.Contains(Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME)) { data.Columns.Add(Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME, typeof(string)); } string activationActionsValue; string activationNavigationsValue; foreach (System.Data.DataRow lRow in data.Rows) { activationActionsValue = ""; if (actionList != null) { foreach (string actionKey in actionList) { activationActionsValue += GetEnabledAction(context, lRow, actionKey); } } lRow[Constants.ACTIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME] = activationActionsValue; activationNavigationsValue = ""; if (navigationList != null) { foreach (string navigationKey in navigationList) { activationNavigationsValue += GetEnabledNavigation(context, lRow, navigationKey); } } lRow[Constants.NAVIGATIONS_ACTIVATION_COLUMN_NAME] = activationNavigationsValue; } }
/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1348178411520734AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return Action_Aeronave_Crear_Aeronave(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178411520734AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return Action_Aeronave_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178411520734AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return Action_Aeronave_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178411520734AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return Action_Aeronave__Auto_(context, row, actionKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_edit_instance of RevisionPasajero has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_RevisionPasajero_SIU_edit_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action _Auto_ of Pasajero has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Pasajero__Auto_(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1348178673664478AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return Action_RevisionPasajero_SIU_create_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178673664478AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return Action_RevisionPasajero_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178673664478AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return Action_RevisionPasajero_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1348178673664478AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return Action_RevisionPasajero__Auto_(context, row, actionKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Get the value to Enable/Disable the action idientified by the Key /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="row">Instance values</param> /// <param name="actionKey">Action Identifier</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetEnabledAction(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionKey) { try { switch (actionKey) { case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_1_Alias": { return Action_NaveNodriza_Crear_NaveNodriza(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_2_Alias": { return Action_NaveNodriza_SIU_delete_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_3_Alias": { return Action_NaveNodriza_SIU_edit_instance(context, row, actionKey); } case "Clas_1347649273856884AccOfer_AutoElemAcc_4_Alias": { return Action_NaveNodriza__Auto_(context, row, actionKey); } default: return "1"; } } catch { return "1"; } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_PasajeroAeronave_IIU_PasajeroAeronave_PasajeroAeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the state formulas (enabled or disabled) for action and navigation items (preconditions). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> /// <param name="data">Datatable.</param> /// <param name="actionList">Action list.</param> /// <param name="navigationList">Navigation list.</param> public static void GetActionsNavigationsEnabledStateFormulas(IUQueryContext context, DataTable data, List<string> actionList, List<string> navigationList) { try { // Parameter values. object[] lParameters = new object[4]; lParameters[0] = context; lParameters[1] = data; lParameters[2] = actionList; lParameters[3] = navigationList; // Parameter types. Type[] lTypes = new Type[4]; lTypes[0] = typeof(IUQueryContext); lTypes[1] = typeof(DataTable); lTypes[2] = typeof(List<string>); lTypes[3] = typeof(List<string>); ExecuteMethod(GetClassTypeName(context.ClassName), "GetActionsNavigationsEnabledState", lTypes, lParameters); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query related with other instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instances searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryRelated(IUQueryContext context) { try { ExchangeInfo lExchangeInfo = context.ExchangeInformation; if (lExchangeInfo.ExchangeType != ExchangeType.Navigation || lExchangeInfo.SelectedOids.Count == 0) { return(null); } IUPopulationContext lIUContext = context as IUPopulationContext; int blockSize = 1; if (lIUContext != null) { blockSize = lIUContext.BlockSize; } ExchangeInfoNavigation lNavInfo = lExchangeInfo as ExchangeInfoNavigation; // Specific case. No role name indicates Query by Instance. if (lNavInfo.RolePath == "") { if (lIUContext != null) { lIUContext.LastBlock = true; } PasajeroOid lOidInstance = new PasajeroOid(lNavInfo.SelectedOids[0]); return(ExecuteQueryInstance(context.Agent, lOidInstance, context.DisplaySetAttributes)); } // Get link items. Oid lOid = lNavInfo.SelectedOids[0]; Dictionary <string, Oid> lLinkItems = new Dictionary <string, Oid>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); lLinkItems.Add(lNavInfo.RolePath, lOid); bool lLastBlock = true; PasajeroOid lLastOid = null; string lOrderCriteria = string.Empty; // Get population members. if (lIUContext != null) { if (lIUContext.LastOid != null) { lLastOid = new PasajeroOid(lIUContext.LastOid); } lOrderCriteria = lIUContext.OrderCriteriaNameSelected; } NavigationalFiltering navigationalFiltering = NavigationalFiltering.GetNavigationalFiltering(context); DataTable lDataTable = ExecuteQueryRelated(context.Agent, lLinkItems, context.DisplaySetAttributes, lOrderCriteria, navigationalFiltering, lLastOid, blockSize, ref lLastBlock); if (lIUContext != null) { lIUContext.LastBlock = lLastBlock; } return(lDataTable); } catch (Exception e) { ScenarioManager.LaunchErrorScenario(e); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_delete_instance of PasajeroAeronave has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_PasajeroAeronave_SIU_delete_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action _Auto_ of NaveNodriza has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_NaveNodriza__Auto_(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the next data block using the context and the last Oid received as arguments /// </summary> /// <param name="queryContext"></param> /// <param name="lastOid"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DataTable GetNextDataBlock(IUQueryContext queryContext, Oid lastOid) { if (queryContext == null) { return null; } DataTable lData = null; try { IUPopulationContext populationContext = queryContext as IUPopulationContext; if (populationContext != null) { populationContext.LastOids.Clear(); populationContext.LastOid = lastOid; // Depending on the ExchangeInfo Type switch (populationContext.ExchangeInformation.ExchangeType) { case ExchangeType.Navigation: if (populationContext.ExecutedFilter.Equals("")) { // If this Population doesn't contain filters, search all related population lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryRelated(populationContext); } else { // Search using the executed filter. lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryFilter(populationContext); } break; case ExchangeType.Action: case ExchangeType.SelectionForward: // If this Population doesn't contain filters, search all population if (populationContext.Filters.Count == 0) { lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryPopulation(populationContext); } else { // Search using the executed filter. if (!populationContext.ExecutedFilter.Equals("")) { lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryFilter(populationContext); } } break; default: lData = null; break; } // Assign the LastOid to the context populationContext.LastOid = Adaptor.ServerConnection.GetLastOid(lData); } else { // Instance lData = Logic.ExecuteQueryRelated(queryContext); } } catch (Exception logicException) { ScenarioManager.LaunchErrorScenario(logicException); } return lData; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action SIU_edit_instance of Pasajero has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_Pasajero_SIU_edit_instance(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Execute a query related with other instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Current context.</param> /// <returns>A DataTable with the instances searched.</returns> public static DataTable ExecuteQueryRelated(IUQueryContext context) { // Parameter values object[] lParameters = new object[1]; lParameters[0] = context; // Parameter types Type[] lTypes = new Type[1]; lTypes[0] = typeof(IUQueryContext); return ExecuteMethod(GetClassTypeName(context.ClassName), "ExecuteQueryRelated", lTypes, lParameters) as DataTable; }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the navigation element has to be enabled/disabled ("1" / "0"). /// By default it is always enabled /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="navigationItemIdXML">XML identificator of the navigation element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the navigation element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string getNavigation_PasajeroAeronave_IIU_PasajeroAeronave_PasajeroAeronave(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string navigationItemIdXML) { return("1"); }
/// <summary> /// Decides if the action Crear_NaveNodriza of NaveNodriza has to be enabled or disabled ("1" / "0"). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">IUQueryContext object received.</param> /// <param name="row">DataRow that contains the data of the instance selected.</param> /// <param name="actionItemIdXML">XML identificator of the action element.</param> /// <returns>A string indicating if the action element has to be enabled "1" or disabled "0".</returns> private static string Action_NaveNodriza_Crear_NaveNodriza(IUQueryContext context, DataRow row, string actionItemIdXML) { return "1"; }