private void AddErdTableAttribute(IUMLPackage parentPackage, IUMLClass parentTable, string diagramName, IR.TableAttribute irAttr)
            // Attribute creation + basic properties
            IUMLAttribute attr = m_UMLFactory.CreateAttribute(parentTable);

            attr.Name           = irAttr.Name;
            attr.TypeExpression = irAttr.Type;
            attr.SetStereotype2(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_COLUMN);

            // Setting optional properties

            if (irAttr.PrimaryKey)
                attr.SetTaggedValueAsBoolean(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_COLUMN, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_PRIMARY_KEY, true);

            string nullStatus;

            if (irAttr.Identity)
                nullStatus = Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_IDENTITY;
            else if (irAttr.NotNull || irAttr.PrimaryKey)
                nullStatus = Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_NOT_NULL;
                nullStatus = Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_NULL;

            attr.SetTaggedValueAsEnum(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_COLUMN,
                                      Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_NULL_OPTION, nullStatus);

            if (irAttr.ForeignKey)
                attr.SetTaggedValueAsBoolean(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_COLUMN, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_FOREIGN_KEY, true);
                string           relativePath = irAttr.ForeignTableRef + "::" + irAttr.ForeignKeyRef;
                IExtensibleModel refModel     = parentPackage.FindByRelativePathname(relativePath) as IExtensibleModel;
                if (refModel != null)
                    attr.SetTaggedValueAsReference(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_COLUMN, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_FOREIGN_KEY_REF, refModel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return diagrams owned by given package
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent package</param>
        /// <returns>List of diagrams</returns>
        internal List <IUMLClassDiagram> GetOwnedErdDiagrams(IUMLPackage parent)
            List <IUMLClassDiagram> result = new List <IUMLClassDiagram>();

            for (int i = 0; i < parent.GetOwnedDiagramCount(); i++)
                // Collect only IUMLPackage elements
                IDiagram         diagram      = parent.GetOwnedDiagramAt(i);
                IUMLClassDiagram classDiagram = diagram as IUMLClassDiagram;
                if (classDiagram != null)

        internal void AddErdDiagram(IUMLPackage parentPackage, string diagramName, List <IR.Table> tables)
            // For perfomance reasons informs the main program that a sequence of models is created

            IUMLClassDiagram erdDiagram = m_UMLFactory.CreateExtendedClassDiagram(parentPackage, Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_DIAGRAM_TYPE);

            erdDiagram.Name = diagramName;

            foreach (var table in tables)
                AddErdTable(parentPackage, erdDiagram, table);

            // End of creation of a sequence of models
        internal void AddErdTable(IUMLPackage parentPackage, IUMLClassDiagram parentDiagram, IR.Table tableData)
            IUMLClass newTable = m_UMLFactory.CreateClass(parentPackage);

            newTable.Name = tableData.TableName;
            newTable.SetStereotype2(Symbols.ERD_PROFILE_NAME, Symbols.ERD_STEREOTYPE_TABLE);

            IUMLClassDiagramView diagramView = parentDiagram.DiagramView as IUMLClassDiagramView;
            IUMLClassView        newView     = diagramView.CreateViewOf(newTable, m_xPos, m_yPos) as IUMLClassView;


            foreach (var irAttr in tableData.Attribues)
                AddErdTableAttribute(parentPackage, newTable, parentDiagram.Name, irAttr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect child packages of given package
        /// Uses top project node if no parent is given (is null)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent package or top project package if null</param>
        /// <returns>List of owned packages</returns>
        internal List <IUMLPackage> GetOwnedPackages(IUMLPackage parent = null)
            List <IUMLPackage> result = new List <IUMLPackage>();

            if (parent == null) // If no parent given start from the top project node
                parent = TopProject;

            for (int i = 0; i < parent.GetOwnedElementCount(); i++)
                // Collect only IUMLPackage elements
                IUMLPackage package = parent.GetOwnedElementAt(i) as IUMLPackage;
                if (package != null)
