예제 #1
 public bool EvaluteCondition(Dictionary <string, object> Parameters, IUIParser Parser)
     return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Condition) ? true : Utilities.EvaluateBooleanExpression(this.Condition, Parameters, Parser));
예제 #2
        public static string ProcessText(object Object, Dictionary <string, object> Parameters, IUIParser Parser, bool Parsing)
            string Str    = "";
            string format = null;

            if (Object is Dictionary <string, string> )
                foreach (string condition in ((Dictionary <string, string>)Object).Keys)
                    if (EvaluateBooleanExpression(condition, Parameters, Parser))
                        format = ((Dictionary <string, string>)Object)[condition];
            else if (Object is string)
                format = (string)Object;
                throw new Exception($"Invalid text format: '{Object.GetType().Name}'");
            if (format == null)
            if (!Parsing)
            for (int i = 0; i < format.Length; i++)
                if (format[i] == '[' && (i == 0 || format[i - 1] != '\\') && format[i + 1] == 'c' && format[i + 2] == '=')
                    i += 3;
                    int endidx = -1;
                    for (int j = i; j < format.Length; j++)
                        if ((j == 0 || format[j - 1] != '\\') && format[j] == ']')
                            endidx = j;
                    int    length = endidx - i;
                    string color  = format.Substring(i, length);
                    if (!IsNumeric(color))
                        color = (string)EvaluateExpression(color, Parameters, Parser);
                    Str += $"[c={color}]";
                    i   += length;
                else if (format[i] == '{' && (i == 0 || format[i - 1] != '\\'))
                    i += 1;
                    int endidx = -1;
                    for (int j = i; j < format.Length; j++)
                        if (format[j] == '}' && (j == 0 || format[j - 1] != '\\'))
                            endidx = j;
                    int    length = endidx - i;
                    string var    = format.Substring(i, length);
                    Str += EvaluateExpression(var, Parameters, Parser);
                    i   += length;
                else if (format[i] == '\\' && (i == 0 || format[i - 1] != '\\'))
                    Str += format[i];
예제 #3
        public static bool EvaluateBooleanExpression(string Expression, Dictionary <string, object> Parameters, IUIParser Parser)
            if (Expression.Contains("&"))
                List <string> ands = Expression.Split('&').ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < ands.Count; i++)
                    bool result = EvaluateBooleanExpression(ands[i], Parameters, Parser);
                    if (!result)
            bool normal = !Expression.StartsWith('!');

            if (!normal)
                Expression = Expression.Substring(1);
            if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + Expression))
                object value = Parameters[":" + Expression];
                if (value is false || value == null)
                    return(normal ? false : true);
                return(normal ? true : false);
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(Expression, @"([a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[a-zA-Z0-9_:])|([a-zA-Z0-9_]*![a-zA-Z0-9_:])"))
                char   c        = Expression.Contains('=') ? '=' : '!';
                string varname  = Expression.Substring(0, Expression.IndexOf(c));
                string value    = Expression.Substring(Expression.IndexOf(c) + 1, Expression.Length - Expression.IndexOf(c) - 1);
                string variable = null;
                if (!Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + varname))
                    Widget w          = Parser.GetWidgetFromName(varname);
                    string Identifier = Parser.GetIdentifierFromName(varname);
                    if (w == null)
                    variable = w.GetValue(Identifier).ToString();
                    variable = Parameters[":" + varname].ToString();
                bool result = variable == value;
                if (c == '!')
                    result = !result;
                return(normal ? result : !result);
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(Expression, @"[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\?[a-zA-Z0-9_:]"))
                string varname  = Expression.Substring(0, Expression.IndexOf('?'));
                string value    = Expression.Substring(Expression.IndexOf('?') + 1, Expression.Length - Expression.IndexOf('?') - 1);
                object variable = null;
                if (!Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + varname))
                    Widget w          = Parser.GetWidgetFromName(varname);
                    string Identifier = Parser.GetIdentifierFromName(varname);
                    if (w == null)
                    variable = w.GetValue(Identifier);
                    variable = Parameters[":" + varname];
                bool result = false;
                if (value == "string")
                    result = variable is string;
                else if (value == "int")
                    result = variable is int || variable is long;
                else if (value == "hash")
                    result = variable is Dictionary <string, object>;
                else if (value == "array")
                    result = variable is List <object>;
                else if (value == "bool")
                    result = variable is bool;
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid type: '{value}'");
                return(normal ? result : !result);
                Widget w = Parser.GetWidgetFromName(Expression);
                if (w == null)
                object v = w.GetValue(Parser.GetIdentifierFromName(Expression));
                if (v == null || v is bool && (bool)v == false)
                    return(normal ? false : true);
                return(normal ? true : false);
예제 #4
 public static object EvaluateExpression(string Expression, Dictionary <string, object> Parameters, IUIParser Parser)
     if (Regex.IsMatch(Expression, @"[a-zA-Z0-9_\?]*->[\-a-zA-Z0-9_@:\.]*\|[\-a-zA-Z0-9_@:\.]*"))
         int    leftidx = Expression.IndexOf('-');
         int    mididx  = Expression.IndexOf('|');
         string left    = Expression.Substring(0, leftidx);
         string mid     = Expression.Substring(leftidx + 2, mididx - leftidx - 2);
         string right   = Expression.Substring(mididx + 1, Expression.Length - mididx - 1);
         if (EvaluateBooleanExpression(left, Parameters, Parser))
             return(EvaluateExpression(mid, Parameters, Parser));
             return(EvaluateExpression(right, Parameters, Parser));
     else if (Regex.IsMatch(Expression, @"switch\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*, [a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)"))
         int    pid       = Expression.IndexOf('(');
         int    cid       = Expression.IndexOf(',');
         string arg1      = Expression.Substring(pid + 1, cid - pid - 1);
         string arg2      = Expression.Substring(cid + 2, Expression.Length - cid - 3);
         int    group_id  = -1;
         int    switch_id = -1;
         if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + arg1))
             group_id = (int)Parameters[":" + arg1];
         if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + arg2))
             switch_id = (int)Parameters[":" + arg2];
         if (group_id != -1 && switch_id != -1)
             return(Editor.ProjectSettings.Switches[group_id - 1].Switches[switch_id - 1].Name);
     else if (Regex.IsMatch(Expression, @"variable\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*, [a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)"))
         int    pid         = Expression.IndexOf('(');
         int    cid         = Expression.IndexOf(',');
         string arg1        = Expression.Substring(pid + 1, cid - pid - 1);
         string arg2        = Expression.Substring(cid + 2, Expression.Length - cid - 3);
         int    group_id    = -1;
         int    variable_id = -1;
         if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + arg1))
             group_id = (int)Parameters[":" + arg1];
         if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + arg2))
             variable_id = (int)Parameters[":" + arg2];
         if (group_id != -1 && variable_id != -1)
             return(Editor.ProjectSettings.Variables[group_id - 1].Variables[variable_id - 1].Name);
         string type       = null;
         string settings   = null;
         string identifier = null;
         if (Expression.Contains('@'))
             settings   = Expression.Substring(Expression.IndexOf('@') + 1);
             Expression = Expression.Substring(0, Expression.IndexOf('@'));
         if (Expression.Contains('?'))
             type       = Expression.Substring(Expression.IndexOf('?') + 1);
             Expression = Expression.Substring(0, Expression.IndexOf('?'));
         if (Expression.Contains('.'))
             identifier = Expression.Substring(Expression.IndexOf('.') + 1);
             Expression = Expression.Substring(0, Expression.IndexOf('.'));
         if (Parameters.ContainsKey(":" + Expression))
             object param = Parameters[":" + Expression];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                 if (!(param is Dictionary <string, object>))
                     throw new Exception($"Failed to apply identifier '{identifier}' to parameter of type '{param.GetType().Name}'.");
                 param = ((Dictionary <string, object>)param)[":" + identifier];
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings))
                 if (param is int)
                     if (IsNumeric(settings))
                         return(Digits((int)param, Convert.ToInt32(settings)));
                 else if (param is bool)
                     if (settings == "ON")
                         return((bool)param ? "ON" : "OFF");
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                 bool result = false;
                 if (type == "int")
                     result = param is int || param is long;
                 else if (type == "string")
                     result = param is string;
                 else if (type == "hash")
                     result = param is Dictionary <string, object> || param is Dictionary <object, object>;
                 else if (type == "array")
                     result = param is List <object>;
                     throw new Exception($"Invalid type: '{type}'");
                 return(result ? "true" : "false");
             if (param == null)
         else if (Parser != null)
             Widget w = Parser.GetWidgetFromName(Expression);
             if (w == null)
예제 #5
 protected virtual void Configure()
     parser = new UIParser(commandsInfoByID);