예제 #1
        public TunnelEdgeListener(Node node, ITunnelOverlap ito, IForwarderSelectorFactory iasf)
            _ito          = ito;
            _iasf         = iasf;
            _oco          = new OverlapConnectionOverlord(node);
            _node         = node;
            _running      = 0;
            _started      = 0;
            _id_to_tunnel = new Dictionary <int, TunnelEdge>();
            _sync         = new object();

            TransportAddress ta        = new TunnelTransportAddress(node.Address, new List <Address>());
            ArrayList        local_tas = new ArrayList(1);

            _local_tas = local_tas;

            _node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Tunneling).Subscribe(this, null);
            _node.ConnectionTable.ConnectionEvent    += ConnectionHandler;
            _node.ConnectionTable.DisconnectionEvent += DisconnectionHandler;

            ConnectionList cons = _node.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);

            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connections, cons);
            _node.Rpc.AddHandler("tunnel", this);
            _oco_trim_timer = Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoEvery(OcoTrim, _oco_trim_timeout, 0);
예제 #2
        protected void AddBrokenNode(ref NodeMapping nm, Address addr, int broken_port, bool nctunnel)
            nm.Node = new StructuredNode(addr as AHAddress, BrunetNamespace);

            TAAuthorizer auth = new IDTAAuthorizer(broken_port);

            nm.Node.AddEdgeListener(new SimulationEdgeListener(nm.ID, 0, auth, true));

            ITunnelOverlap ito = null;

            if (NCEnable)
                nm.NCService = new NCService(nm.Node, new Point());
// Until we figure out what's going on with VivaldiTargetSelector its not quite useful for these purposes
//        (nm.Node as StructuredNode).Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(nm.Node, ncservice);
            if (nctunnel && NCEnable)
                ito = new NCTunnelOverlap(nm.NCService);
                ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();

            nm.Node.AddEdgeListener(new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(nm.Node, ito));
            nm.Node.RemoteTAs = GetRemoteTAs();
    public TunnelEdgeListener(Node node, ITunnelOverlap ito, IForwarderSelectorFactory iasf)
      _ito = ito;
      _iasf = iasf;
      _oco = new OverlapConnectionOverlord(node);
      _node = node;
      _running = 0;
      _started = 0;
      _id_to_tunnel = new Dictionary<int, TunnelEdge>();
      _sync = new object();

      TransportAddress ta = new TunnelTransportAddress(node.Address, new List<Address>());
      ArrayList local_tas = new ArrayList(1);
      _local_tas = local_tas;

      _node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Tunneling).Subscribe(this, null);
      _node.ConnectionTable.ConnectionEvent += ConnectionHandler;
      _node.ConnectionTable.DisconnectionEvent += DisconnectionHandler;

      ConnectionList cons = _node.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
      Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connections, cons);
      _node.Rpc.AddHandler("tunnel", this);
      _oco_trim_timer = Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoEvery(OcoTrim, _oco_trim_timeout, 0);
예제 #4
 public TunnelEdgeListener(Node node, ITunnelOverlap ito) :
   this(node, ito, new SimpleForwarderSelectorFactory())
예제 #5
        protected virtual StructuredNode PrepareNode(int id, AHAddress address)
            if (TakenIDs.Contains(id))
                throw new Exception("ID already taken");

            StructuredNode node = new StructuredNode(address, BrunetNamespace);

            NodeMapping nm = new NodeMapping();

            TakenIDs[id] = nm.ID = id;
            nm.Node      = node;
            Nodes.Add((Address)address, nm);

            EdgeListener el = CreateEdgeListener(nm.ID);

            if (_secure_edges || _secure_senders)
                byte[] blob = _se_key.ExportCspBlob(true);
                RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_copy = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL",
                                                           "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_copy,
                Certificate cert = cm.Sign(_ca_cert, _se_key);

                CertificateHandler ch = new CertificateHandler();

                ProtocolSecurityOverlord so = new ProtocolSecurityOverlord(node, rsa_copy, node.Rrm, ch);
                so.Subscribe(node, null);
                node.GetTypeSource(SecurityOverlord.Security).Subscribe(so, null);
                nm.BSO = so;
                node.HeartBeatEvent += so.Heartbeat;

            if (_secure_edges)
                node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName;
                el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, nm.BSO);


            node.RemoteTAs = GetRemoteTAs();

            ITunnelOverlap ito = null;

            if (NCEnable)
                nm.NCService = new NCService(node, new Point());
// My evaluations show that when this is enabled the system sucks
//        (node as StructuredNode).Sco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice);
                ito = new NCTunnelOverlap(nm.NCService);
                ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();

            if (_broken != 0)
                el = new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(node, ito);
            // Enables Dht data store
            new TableServer(node);
예제 #6
 public TunnelEdgeListener(Node node, ITunnelOverlap ito) :
     this(node, ito, new SimpleForwarderSelectorFactory())
예제 #7
파일: BasicNode.cs 프로젝트: pcbing/brunet
        /// <summary>Creates an ApplicationNode and prepares it for connection to
        /// the overlay.  For historical reasons it is linked to _node, _dht,
        /// _rpc_dht, and _bso.</summary>
        public virtual ApplicationNode CreateNode(NodeConfig node_config)
            // Get a Node ID for the new Node
            AHAddress address = null;

            try {
                address = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(node_config.NodeAddress);
            } catch {
                address = Utils.GenerateAHAddress();

            // Create the Node state
            StructuredNode node      = new StructuredNode(address, node_config.BrunetNamespace);
            IEnumerable    addresses = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses(node_config.DevicesToBind);

            ProtocolSecurityOverlord pso = null;

            // Enable Security if requested
            if (node_config.Security.Enabled)
                if (node_config.Security.SelfSignedCertificates)
                                                            SecurityPolicy.DefaultAuthenticator, true);

                byte[] blob = null;
                using (FileStream fs = File.Open(node_config.Security.KeyPath, FileMode.Open)) {
                    blob = new byte[fs.Length];
                    fs.Read(blob, 0, blob.Length);

                RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_private = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                CertificateHandler ch = new CertificateHandler(node_config.Security.CertificatePath);
                pso = new ProtocolSecurityOverlord(node, rsa_private, node.Rrm, ch);
                pso.Subscribe(node, null);

                node.GetTypeSource(SecurityOverlord.Security).Subscribe(pso, null);
                node.HeartBeatEvent += pso.Heartbeat;

                // A hack to enable a test for security that doesn't require each peer
                // to exchange certificates
                if (node_config.Security.TestEnable)
                    blob = rsa_private.ExportCspBlob(false);
                    RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa_pub = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
                    CertificateMaker cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL",
                                                               "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub,
                    Certificate cacert = cm.Sign(cm, rsa_private);

                    cm = new CertificateMaker("United States", "UFL",
                                              "ACIS", "David Wolinsky", "*****@*****.**", rsa_pub,
                    Certificate cert = cm.Sign(cacert, rsa_private);

            // Add Dht
            new TableServer(node);
            IDht        dht       = new Dht(node, 3, 20);
            RpcDhtProxy dht_proxy = new RpcDhtProxy(dht, node);

            // Setup Vivaldi if requested
            ITunnelOverlap ito       = null;
            NCService      ncservice = null;

            if (node_config.NCService.Enabled)
                ncservice = new NCService(node, node_config.NCService.Checkpoint);

                if (node_config.NCService.OptimizeShortcuts)
                    node.Ssco.TargetSelector = new VivaldiTargetSelector(node, ncservice);
                ito = new NCTunnelOverlap(ncservice);
                ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();

            // Create the ApplicationNode
            ApplicationNode app_node = new ApplicationNode(node, dht, dht_proxy, ncservice, pso);

            // Add Edge listeners
            EdgeListener el = null;

            foreach (NodeConfig.EdgeListener item in node_config.EdgeListeners)
                el = CreateEdgeListener(item, app_node, addresses);
                if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled)
                    el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, pso);

            // Create the tunnel and potentially wrap it in a SecureEL
            el = new Tunnel.TunnelEdgeListener(node, ito);
            if (node_config.Security.SecureEdgesEnabled)
                node.EdgeVerifyMethod = EdgeVerify.AddressInSubjectAltName;
                el = new SecureEdgeListener(el, pso);

            ArrayList RemoteTAs = null;

            if (node_config.RemoteTAs != null)
                RemoteTAs = new ArrayList();
                foreach (String ta in node_config.RemoteTAs)
                node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTAs;

            // Add XmlRpc
            if (node_config.XmlRpcManager.Enabled)
                if (_xrm == null)
                    _xrm = new XmlRpcManagerServer(node_config.XmlRpcManager.Port);
                _xrm.Add(node, GetXmlRpcUri(app_node));
                new RpcDht(dht, node);
