private void GetTimesheetData() { if ((_tabControlService.TabItemSelected as TimesheetViewModel) != null) { var timeSheetData = _timesheetService.GetTimesheetData(EmailAddress, StartDate, EndDate); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <TimesheetUpdatedEvent>().Publish(timeSheetData); if (timeSheetData.Count() > 0) { _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StatusUpdatedEvent>().Publish(string.Format("Timesheet information for {0} updated. Total Records: {1}", EmailAddress, timeSheetData.Count())); } else { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification { Title = "Timesheet data empty", Content = "Response from service doesn't have data to show." }); } } else if ((_tabControlService.TabItemSelected as DailySummaryViewModel) != null) { var dailySummary = _timesheetService.GetDailySummary(EmailAddress, StartDate, EndDate); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <DailySummaryUpdatedEvent>().Publish(dailySummary); if (dailySummary.Count() > 0) { _eventAggregator.GetEvent <StatusUpdatedEvent>().Publish(string.Format("Daily Summary information for {0} updated. Total Records: {1}", EmailAddress, dailySummary.Count())); } else { NotificationRequest.Raise(new Notification { Title = "Daily Summary data empty", Content = "Response from service doesn't have data to show." }); } } }