예제 #1
 public static MoneynessProvider DivAdjusted(double spot,
                                             DividendQuote[] dividends,
                                             DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                             ITimeMeasure time)
     return(new DivAdjustedMoneyness(spot, new AffineDivCurveUtils(dividends, discountCurve, time)));
예제 #2
 public VolatilityMatrix(ITimeMeasure time, DateTime[] pillars, double[] strikes, double[,] vols)
     Pillars = pillars;
     Strikes = strikes;
     Vols    = vols;
     Time    = time;
 public Hw1ModelZcRepresentation(Hw1Model hw1Model)
     : base(hw1Model.Currency)
     time          = hw1Model.Time;
     meanReversion = hw1Model.MeanReversion;
     driftTerm     = hw1Model.DriftTerm();
예제 #4
 public Hw1Model(ITimeMeasure time, Currency currency, double meanReversion, RrFunction sigma)
     Sigma         = sigma;
     MeanReversion = meanReversion;
     Currency      = currency;
     Time          = time;
예제 #5
        internal ISection GetOrCreateSection(string[] chain, params object[] args)
            if (chain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(chain));
            if (chain.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("empty collection", nameof(chain));

            for (int i = 0; i < chain.Length; i++)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chain[i]))
                    throw new ArgumentException("at least one of chain items is null or whitespace", nameof(chain));

            var queue = _pool.GetOrAdd(chain, k => new ConcurrentQueue <Section>());

            if (!queue.TryDequeue(out Section section))
                ITimeMeasure timeMeasure = _factory.CreateTimeMeasure() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"factory returns null {nameof(IReportWriter)}");
                section = new Section(this, timeMeasure, _traceWriter, chain, queue);


예제 #6
        /// <summary>The initialize.</summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="logManager">The log manager.</param>
        /// <param name="cacheManager">The cache manager.</param>
        /// <param name="preprocessingManager">The preprocessing manager.</param>
        /// <param name="runStartTime">The run start time.</param>
        /// <param name="timeMeasure">The time measure.</param>
        private void Initialize(
            WebGreaseConfiguration configuration,
            LogManager logManager,
            ICacheManager cacheManager,
            PreprocessingManager preprocessingManager,
            DateTimeOffset runStartTime,
            ITimeMeasure timeMeasure)
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration");

            if (configuration.Global.TreatWarningsAsErrors != null)
                logManager.TreatWarningsAsErrors = configuration.Global.TreatWarningsAsErrors == true;

            // Note: Configuration needs to be set before the other ones.
            this.Configuration = configuration;

            this.Measure = timeMeasure;

            this.Log = logManager;

            this.Cache = cacheManager;

            this.Preprocessing = preprocessingManager;

            this.SessionStartTime = runStartTime;

        public AffineDivCurveUtils(DividendQuote[] dividends,
                                   DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                   ITimeMeasure time)
            Contract.Requires(EnumerableUtils.IsSorted(dividends.Select(div => div.Date)));

            if (dividends.Length > 0)
                double[] divDates         = dividends.Map(div => time[div.Date]);
                double[] spotYieldGrowths = dividends.Scan(1.0, (prev, div) => prev * (1.0 - div.Yield));
                var      spotYieldGrowth  = new StepFunction(divDates, spotYieldGrowths, 1.0);
                assetGrowth = t => spotYieldGrowth.Eval(t) / discountCurve.Zc(t);

                double[] discountedCashs = dividends.Map(div => div.Cash / assetGrowth(time[div.Date]));
                double[] cashBpvs        = discountedCashs.Scan(0.0, (prev, c) => prev + c);
                cashDivBpv      = new StepFunction(divDates, cashBpvs, 0.0);
                cashBpvIntegral = cashDivBpv.Integral(0.0);

                double[] squareTimeWeightedCashs = discountedCashs.ZipWith(divDates, (c, t) => c * t * t);
                squareTimeWeightedCash = new StepFunction(divDates, squareTimeWeightedCashs, 0.0);
                assetGrowth     = t => 1.0 / discountCurve.Zc(t);
                cashDivBpv      = new StepFunction(new[] { 0.0 }, new[] { 0.0 }, double.NaN);
                cashBpvIntegral = RrFunctions.Zero;

                squareTimeWeightedCash = new StepFunction(new[] { 0.0 }, new[] { 0.0 }, double.NaN);
예제 #8
 public AssetForwardCurve(double spot, DividendQuote[] dividends, DiscountCurve assetFinancingCurve,
                          ITimeMeasure time)
     Contract.Requires(EnumerableUtils.IsSorted(dividends.Select(div => div.Date)));
     this.time     = time;
     Spot          = spot;
     divCurveUtils = new AffineDivCurveUtils(dividends, assetFinancingCurve, time);
예제 #9
 private VolatilitySurface(ITimeMeasure time, MoneynessProvider moneyness,
                           VarianceInterpoler varianceInterpoler, LocalVariance localVariance)
     Time = time;
     VarianceInterpoler = varianceInterpoler;
     Moneyness          = moneyness;
     LocalVariance      = localVariance;
예제 #10
        private static VolatilityMatrix AssetVolMatrix(object[,] bag, ITimeMeasure time, string assetName)
            var volId         = String.Format("Vol.{0}", assetName);
            var eqtyVolMatrix = bag.ProcessEqtyVolMatrix(volId);
            var pillars       = eqtyVolMatrix.RowLabels.Map(d => d.ToDate(time.RefDate));

            return(new VolatilityMatrix(time, pillars, eqtyVolMatrix.ColLabels, eqtyVolMatrix.Values));
        public static BlackScholesWithDividendOption Build(double spot,
                                                           DividendQuote[] dividends,
                                                           DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                                           ITimeMeasure time)
            var divUtils = new AffineDivCurveUtils(dividends, discountCurve, time);

            return(new BlackScholesWithDividendOption(spot, divUtils));
예제 #12
        public override IModel Build(Bergomi2FModelDescription b2F, Market market)
            ITimeMeasure time = ModelFactoryUtils.DefaultTime(market.RefDate);

            var assetMkt       = market.AssetMarketFromName(b2F.Asset);
            var localDividends = b2F.WithDivs
                ? assetMkt.Dividends.Map(div => div.DivModel())
                : new DiscreteLocalDividend[0];

            return(new Bergomi2FModel(assetMkt.Asset, localDividends, time, BuildXi(b2F.Sigma, time),
                                      b2F.K1, b2F.K2, b2F.Theta, b2F.Nu, b2F.RhoXY, b2F.RhoSX, b2F.RhoSY));
예제 #13
        /// <summary>Initialized method to be called once in each application session by the caller planning to use the preprocessors.
        /// This will try to load the plugins from the plugin folder, and try to initialize each of them.
        /// Will report progess to the log information action.</summary>
        /// <param name="pluginPath">The plugin path</param>
        /// <param name="logManager">The log Manager.</param>
        /// <param name="timeMeasure">The time Measure.</param>
        private void Initialize(string pluginPath, LogManager logManager, ITimeMeasure timeMeasure)
            timeMeasure.Start(false, SectionIdParts.Preprocessing, SectionIdParts.Initialize);

            // If no plugin path was provided, we use the assembly path.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginPath))
                var assemblyFilInfo = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().FullName);
                pluginPath = assemblyFilInfo.DirectoryName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginPath))
                if (!Directory.Exists(pluginPath))
                        new DirectoryNotFoundException(pluginPath),

                // And now use MEF to load all possible plugins.
                using (var addInCatalog = new AggregateCatalog())
                    addInCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(pluginPath));

                    using (var addInContainer = new CompositionContainer(addInCatalog))
                        // Fill the imports of this object
                        catch (CompositionException compositionException)
                            logManager.Error(compositionException, ResourceStrings.PreprocessingLoadingError);

                        foreach (var registeredPreprocessingEngine in this.registeredPreprocessingEngines)

            timeMeasure.End(false, SectionIdParts.Preprocessing, SectionIdParts.Initialize);
예제 #14
 public Bergomi2FModel(AssetId asset, DiscreteLocalDividend[] dividends, ITimeMeasure time, RrFunction xi,
                       double k1, double k2, double theta, double nu, double rhoXy, double rhoSx, double rhoSy)
     : base(asset, dividends, time)
     Xi    = xi;
     K1    = k1;
     K2    = k2;
     Theta = theta;
     Nu    = nu;
     RhoXY = rhoXy;
     RhoSX = rhoSx;
     RhoSY = rhoSy;
예제 #15
        public Section(
            Profiler profiler,
            ITimeMeasure timeMeasure,
            ITraceWriter traceWriter,
            string[] chain,
            ConcurrentQueue <Section> queue)
            _profiler = profiler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(profiler));

            _timeMeasure = timeMeasure ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(timeMeasure));
            _traceWriter = traceWriter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(traceWriter));

            _chain = chain ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(chain));

            _queue = queue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queue));
예제 #16
        public AssetMarket(AssetId asset, DateTime refDate, ITimeMeasure time,
                           double spot,
                           DiscountCurve riskFreeDiscount,
                           DiscountCurve repoCurve,
                           DividendQuote[] dividends,
                           VolatilityMatrix volMatrix)
            Time             = time;
            Spot             = spot;
            RiskFreeDiscount = riskFreeDiscount;
            RepoCurve        = repoCurve;
            Dividends        = dividends;
            VolMatrix        = volMatrix;
            RefDate          = refDate;
            Asset            = asset;

            if (refDate != repoCurve.RefDate || refDate != time.RefDate)
                throw new Exception("AssetMarket : incompatible ref date !");
예제 #17
        private static RrFunction BuildXi(MapRawDatas <DateOrDuration, double> sigma, ITimeMeasure time)
            var matVars = EnumerableUtils.For(0, sigma.Pillars.Length, i =>
                var mat      = time[sigma.Pillars[i].ToDate(time.RefDate)];
                var variance = sigma.Values[i] * sigma.Values[i] * mat;
                return(new { Mat = mat, Variance = variance });
            }).OrderBy(t => t.Mat).ToArray();

            if (!DoubleUtils.EqualZero(matVars.First().Mat))
                matVars = matVars.Concat(new[] { new { Mat = 0.0, Variance = 0.0 } })
                          .OrderBy(t => t.Mat).ToArray();

            var varianceFunc = RrFunctions.LinearInterpolation(matVars.Map(t => t.Mat),
                                                               matVars.Map(t => t.Variance),
                                                               0.0, double.NaN);

예제 #18
 protected EquityModel(AssetId asset, DiscreteLocalDividend[] dividends, ITimeMeasure time)
     Asset     = asset;
     Dividends = dividends;
     Time      = time;
예제 #19
 public BlackScholesModel(ITimeMeasure time, AssetId asset, RrFunction sigma, DiscreteLocalDividend[] dividends)
     : base(asset, dividends, time)
     Sigma = sigma;
예제 #20
        public static RrFunction ToStepFunction(this MapRawDatas <DateOrDuration, double> rawDatasFunc, ITimeMeasure time)
            var abscissae = rawDatasFunc.Pillars.Map(d => time[d.ToDate(time.RefDate)]);

            return(new StepFunction(abscissae, rawDatasFunc.Values, rawDatasFunc.Values.First()));
예제 #21
        public static DiscountCurve LinearRateInterpol(FinancingId financing, DateTime[] pillars, double[] zcs, ITimeMeasure time)
            if (pillars.Length != zcs.Length)
                throw new Exception("LinearRateDiscountProvider : Incompatible size");
            var dates = time[pillars];

            var zcRates = new double[pillars.Length];

            if (DoubleUtils.EqualZero(dates[0]))
                if (!DoubleUtils.MachineEquality(1.0, zcs[0]))
                    throw new Exception("LinearRateInterpol : Discount for refDate must equal to 1.0 ");
                zcRates[0] = 0.0;
                zcRates[0] = -Math.Log(zcs[0]) / dates[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < zcs.Length; i++)
                zcRates[i] = -Math.Log(zcs[i]) / dates[i];

            return new DiscountCurveFromRate(financing, time, RrFunctions.LinearInterpolation(dates, zcRates));
예제 #22
 public DiscountCurveFromRate(FinancingId financing, ITimeMeasure time, RrFunction zcRate)
     : base(time.RefDate, financing)
     this.time = time;
     this.zcRate = zcRate;
 public LocalVolatilityModel(ITimeMeasure time, AssetId asset, VolatilitySurface volSurface, MoneynessProvider moneyness, DiscreteLocalDividend[] dividends)
     : base(asset, dividends, time)
     VolSurface = volSurface;
     Moneyness  = moneyness;
예제 #24
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PreprocessingManager"/> class.
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PreprocessingManager"/>.
        /// Can only be called from within the class by the Singleton construction.</summary>
        /// <param name="webGreaseConfiguration">The web Grease Configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="logManager">The log Manager.</param>
        /// <param name="timeMeasure">The time Measure.</param>
        internal PreprocessingManager(WebGreaseConfiguration webGreaseConfiguration, LogManager logManager, ITimeMeasure timeMeasure)
            if (webGreaseConfiguration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("webGreaseConfiguration");

            if (logManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logManager");

            if (timeMeasure == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("timeMeasure");

            this.Initialize(webGreaseConfiguration.PreprocessingPluginPath, logManager, timeMeasure);