public static Dictionary <string, NoLeakAttribute> GetLeakAttributes(this ITestScenario scenario, bool isCleanup)
            var scenarioType = scenario.GetType();

            // If it's targeting the class, check on cleanup iteration, otherwise, check the run method.
            var member = isCleanup ? scenarioType : (MemberInfo)scenarioType.GetMethod("Run");

            var attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes <NoLeakAttribute> (true).ToDictionary(x => x.TypeName, x => x);

            // TODO: Ensure that we don't leak, so add GtkWidgetResult results, as they can cause retention of UI widgets.
            attributes.Add(autoTest, new NoLeakAttribute(autoTest));

        public static Dictionary <string, NoLeakAttribute> GetLeakAttributes(this ITestScenario scenario, bool isCleanup)
            var scenarioType = scenario.GetType();

            // If it's targeting the class, check on cleanup iteration, otherwise, check the run method.
            var member = isCleanup ? scenarioType : (MemberInfo)scenarioType.GetMethod(nameof(ITestScenario.Run));

            var attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes <NoLeakAttribute> (true).ToDictionary(x => x.TypeName, x => x);

            // Ensure that we don't leak, so add AutoTest results, as they can cause retention of UI widgets.
            foreach (var type in resultTypes)
                attributes.Add(type.FullName, new NoLeakAttribute(type));

        public static HashSet <string> GetTrackedTypes(this ITestScenario scenario)
            var result       = new HashSet <string> ();
            var scenarioType = scenario.GetType();

            foreach (var attr in scenarioType.GetCustomAttributes <NoLeakAttribute> (true))

            foreach (var attr in scenarioType.GetMethod("Run").GetCustomAttributes <NoLeakAttribute> (true))

