예제 #1
 public ContextManager(IContextBuilder contextBuilder, IRepositoryManager repositoryManager,
     ITagger tagger, IBagOfWords bagOfWords)
     this.contextBuilder = contextBuilder;
     this.repositoryManager = repositoryManager;
     this.tagger = tagger;
     this.bagOfWords = bagOfWords;
예제 #2
 public void SetUp()
     _factory = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Loose);
     _mode = _factory.Create<ISubstituteConfirmMode>();
     _textBuffer = EditorUtil.CreateBuffer("cat", "dog", "bird", "tree");
     _taggerRaw = new SubstituteConfirmTagger(_textBuffer, _mode.Object);
     _tagger = _taggerRaw;
예제 #3
 public void Create(params string[] lines)
     _textView = EditorUtil.CreateView(lines);
     _buffer = EditorUtil.FactoryService.Vim.CreateBuffer(_textView);
     _search = _buffer.IncrementalSearch;
     _taggerRaw = new IncrementalSearchTagger(_buffer);
     _tagger = _taggerRaw;
예제 #4
        internal bool IsInterested(ITextView textView, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            if (!_isResharperInstalled)
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            return TryGetResharperTagger(textView.TextBuffer, out tagger);
예제 #5
        public RenameTrackingTestState(
            string markup,
            string languageName,
            bool onBeforeGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue = true,
            bool onAfterGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue = true)
            this.Workspace = CreateTestWorkspace(markup, languageName, TestExportProvider.CreateExportProviderWithCSharpAndVisualBasic());

            _hostDocument = Workspace.Documents.First();
            _view = _hostDocument.GetTextView();
            _view.Caret.MoveTo(new SnapshotPoint(_view.TextSnapshot, _hostDocument.CursorPosition.Value));
            _editorOperations = Workspace.GetService<IEditorOperationsFactoryService>().GetEditorOperations(_view);
            _historyRegistry = Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport<ITextUndoHistoryRegistry>().Value;
            _mockRefactorNotifyService = new MockRefactorNotifyService
                OnBeforeSymbolRenamedReturnValue = onBeforeGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue,
                OnAfterSymbolRenamedReturnValue = onAfterGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue

            var optionService = this.Workspace.Services.GetService<IOptionService>();

            // Mock the action taken by the workspace INotificationService
            var notificationService = Workspace.Services.GetService<INotificationService>() as INotificationServiceCallback;
            var callback = new Action<string, string, NotificationSeverity>((message, title, severity) => _notificationMessage = message);
            notificationService.NotificationCallback = callback;

            var tracker = new RenameTrackingTaggerProvider(
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExports<IAsynchronousOperationListener, FeatureMetadata>());

            _tagger = tracker.CreateTagger<RenameTrackingTag>(_hostDocument.GetTextBuffer());

            if (languageName == LanguageNames.CSharp)
                _codeFixProvider = new CSharpRenameTrackingCodeFixProvider(
            else if (languageName == LanguageNames.VisualBasic)
                _codeFixProvider = new VisualBasicRenameTrackingCodeFixProvider(
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid langauge name: " + languageName, "languageName");
예제 #6
        public RenameTrackingTestState(
            TestWorkspace workspace,
            string languageName,
            bool onBeforeGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue = true,
            bool onAfterGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue  = true)
            this.Workspace = workspace;

            _hostDocument = Workspace.Documents.First();
            _view         = _hostDocument.GetTextView();
            _view.Caret.MoveTo(new SnapshotPoint(_view.TextSnapshot, _hostDocument.CursorPosition.Value));
            _editorOperations          = Workspace.GetService <IEditorOperationsFactoryService>().GetEditorOperations(_view);
            _historyRegistry           = Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <ITextUndoHistoryRegistry>().Value;
            _mockRefactorNotifyService = new MockRefactorNotifyService
                OnBeforeSymbolRenamedReturnValue = onBeforeGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue,
                OnAfterSymbolRenamedReturnValue  = onAfterGlobalSymbolRenamedReturnValue

            // Mock the action taken by the workspace INotificationService
            var notificationService = Workspace.Services.GetService <INotificationService>() as INotificationServiceCallback;
            var callback            = new Action <string, string, NotificationSeverity>((message, title, severity) => _notificationMessage = message);

            notificationService.NotificationCallback = callback;

            var tracker = new RenameTrackingTaggerProvider(
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IThreadingContext>(),
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <Host.IWaitIndicator>().Value,
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <IInlineRenameService>().Value,
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <IDiagnosticAnalyzerService>().Value,
                Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IAsynchronousOperationListenerProvider>());

            _tagger = tracker.CreateTagger <RenameTrackingTag>(_hostDocument.GetTextBuffer());

            if (languageName == LanguageNames.CSharp)
                _codeFixProvider = new CSharpRenameTrackingCodeFixProvider(
                    Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <Host.IWaitIndicator>().Value,
            else if (languageName == LanguageNames.VisualBasic)
                _codeFixProvider = new VisualBasicRenameTrackingCodeFixProvider(
                    Workspace.ExportProvider.GetExport <Host.IWaitIndicator>().Value,
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid language name: " + languageName, nameof(languageName));
예제 #7
 public void Create(params string[] lines)
     _textView       = EditorUtil.CreateView(lines);
     _buffer         = EditorUtil.FactoryService.Vim.CreateBuffer(_textView);
     _globalSettings = _buffer.Settings.GlobalSettings;
     _globalSettings.IncrementalSearch = true;
     _globalSettings.WrapScan          = true;
     _search    = _buffer.IncrementalSearch;
     _taggerRaw = new IncrementalSearchTagger(_buffer);
     _tagger    = _taggerRaw;
예제 #8
        public void NoopTagger()
            ITagger noopTagger = NoopTags.NoopTagger;

            Assert.Same(NoopTags.NoopTagContext, noopTagger.Empty);
            Assert.Same(NoopTags.NoopTagContext, noopTagger.CurrentTagContext);
            Assert.Same(NoopTags.NoopTagContextBuilder, noopTagger.EmptyBuilder);
            Assert.Same(NoopTags.NoopTagContextBuilder, noopTagger.ToBuilder(TAG_CONTEXT));
            Assert.Same(NoopTags.NoopTagContextBuilder, noopTagger.CurrentBuilder);
            Assert.Same(NoopScope.Instance, noopTagger.WithTagContext(TAG_CONTEXT));
예제 #9
 internal NameParser(
     ITagger tagger,
     IModelLoader modelLoader,
     IFormatter <Name> formatter,
     IIndividualChecker individualChecker)
     Tagger            = tagger;
     HMM               = modelLoader.LoadHMM();
     Formatter         = formatter;
     IndividualChecker = individualChecker;
예제 #10
 public void Create(params string[] lines)
     _textView = EditorUtil.CreateTextView(lines);
     _buffer = EditorUtil.FactoryService.Vim.CreateBuffer(_textView);
     _globalSettings = _buffer.LocalSettings.GlobalSettings;
     _globalSettings.IncrementalSearch = true;
     _globalSettings.WrapScan = true;
     _search = _buffer.IncrementalSearch;
     _taggerRaw = new IncrementalSearchTagger(_buffer);
     _tagger = _taggerRaw;
예제 #11
        public static Dictionary <string, object[]> Tag(string tagName, Sentence sentence)
            if (!IsTagRegistered(sentence.Locale, tagName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No tagger is registered for tag-name: " + tagName);

            ITagger tagger = s_taggers[sentence.Locale][tagName.ToLower()];

예제 #12
        public ViewManagerTest()
            clock = TestClock.Create();

            statsComponent = new StatsComponent(new SimpleEventQueue(), clock);
            tagsComponent  = new TagsComponent();

            tagger        = tagsComponent.Tagger;
            viewManager   = statsComponent.ViewManager;
            statsRecorder = statsComponent.StatsRecorder;
예제 #13
        private void Create(params string[] lines)
            _textBuffer = CreateTextBuffer(lines);

            // Setup a sychronization context we can control
            _synchronizationContext = new TestableSynchronizationContext();

            _asyncTaggerSource    = new TestableAsyncTaggerSource(_textBuffer);
            _asyncTagger          = new AsyncTagger <string, TextMarkerTag>(_asyncTaggerSource);
            _asyncTaggerInterface = _asyncTagger;
예제 #14
        public ITagger GetTagger(string name)
            List <Type> types = new List <Type>();

            types.AddRange(Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("CherubNLP"))
                           .GetTypes().Where(x => !x.IsAbstract && !x.FullName.StartsWith("<>f__AnonymousType")).ToList());

            Type type     = types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name);
            var  instance = (ITagger)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            return(_tagger = instance);
예제 #15
        internal IClassificationTypeRegistryService ClassificationRegistry = null; // Set via MEF

        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            //create a single tagger for each buffer.
            if (!factory.IsXSharpDocument(buffer))
            ITagger <T> outliner = buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty <ITagger <T> >(
                () => new XSharpOutliningTagger(buffer, aggregator, ClassificationRegistry) as ITagger <T>);

예제 #16
        internal void AddTaggers(ITextBuffer textBuffer, IList <ITagger <T> > newTaggers)
            var bufferTaggerFactories = this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GuardedOperations.FindEligibleFactories(this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GetBufferTaggersForType(textBuffer.ContentType, typeof(T)),

            foreach (var factory in bufferTaggerFactories)
                ITaggerProvider provider = null;
                ITagger <T>     tagger   = null;

                    provider = factory.Value;
                    tagger   = provider.CreateTagger <T>(textBuffer);
                catch (Exception e)
                    object errorSource = (provider != null) ? (object)provider : factory;
                    this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GuardedOperations.HandleException(errorSource, e);

                this.RegisterTagger(tagger, newTaggers);

            if (this.textView != null)
                var viewTaggerFactories = this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GuardedOperations.FindEligibleFactories(this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GetViewTaggersForType(textBuffer.ContentType, typeof(T)).Where(f =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (f.Metadata.TextViewRoles == null) || this.textView.Roles.ContainsAny(f.Metadata.TextViewRoles)),

                foreach (var factory in viewTaggerFactories)
                    IViewTaggerProvider provider = null;
                    ITagger <T>         tagger   = null;

                        provider = factory.Value;
                        tagger   = provider.CreateTagger <T>(this.textView, textBuffer);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        object errorSource = (provider != null) ? (object)provider : factory;
                        this.TagAggregatorFactoryService.GuardedOperations.HandleException(errorSource, e);

                    this.RegisterTagger(tagger, newTaggers);
예제 #17
 public void Dispose()
     if (this._tagger != null)
         this._tagger.TagsChanged -= new EventHandler <SnapshotSpanEventArgs>(this.OnTagsChanged);
         if (this._tagger is IDisposable)
             (this._tagger as IDisposable).Dispose();
         this._tagger = null;
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a tagger that does error checking on the view/buffer combination.
        /// </summary>
        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            ITagger <T> tagger = null;

            // Only attempt to spell check on the view's edit buffer (and multiple views could have that buffer open simultaneously so
            // only create one instance of the spell checker.
            if ((buffer == textView.TextBuffer) && (typeof(T) == typeof(IErrorTag)))
                ErrorHighLightChecker errorChecker = buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(typeof(ErrorHighLightChecker), () => new ErrorHighLightChecker(this, textView, buffer));
                tagger = new ErrorHighLightTagger(errorChecker) as ITagger <T>;
예제 #19
 public JadeTokenizer(JadeClassifierProvider provider)
     this.CComments            = false;
     this.MultilineCppComments = true;
     if (provider != null && provider.JsTaggerProvider != null)
         this._jsBuffer = provider.BufferFactoryService.CreateTextBuffer(provider.JsContentType);
         this._jsTagger = provider.JsTaggerProvider.CreateTagger <ClassificationTag>(this._jsBuffer);
     if (provider != null && provider.CssClassifierProvider != null)
         this._cssBuffer     = provider.BufferFactoryService.CreateTextBuffer(provider.CssContentType);
         this._cssClassifier = provider.CssClassifierProvider.GetClassifier(this._cssBuffer);
예제 #20
        async Task InitializeAsync(ITextBuffer buffer, ITagger <IClassificationTag> tagger, IRoslynDocumentationProviderFactory docFactory)
            var refs = new MetadataReference[] {
                CreateMetadataReference(typeof(int).Assembly, docFactory),

            await InitializeAsync(buffer, csharpCode, refs, LanguageNames.CSharp, tagger, new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, allowUnsafe : true), new CSharpParseOptions());
            await InitializeAsync(buffer, visualBasicCode, refs, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, tagger, new VisualBasicCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary), new VisualBasicParseOptions());

            // The tagger is async, give it a few secs before disposing it
            await Task.Delay(2000);

            (tagger as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
        public ITagger <TTagType> CreateTagger(ITextBuffer buffer)
            if (taggerAdapters.Count == 0)
                Singleton = createTagger(buffer);
                Debug.WriteLine($"SLVS SingletonDisposableTaggerManager ({this.GetHashCode()}): Created new singleton tagger: {Singleton.GetType().Name}");

            var tagger = new FlyweightTaggerWrapper(Singleton, RemoveTagger);

            Debug.WriteLine($"SLVS SingletonDisposableTaggerManager ({this.GetHashCode()}): Created new flyweight tagger. New count: {taggerAdapters.Count}. Singleton: {Singleton.GetType().Name}, hash code: {Singleton.GetHashCode()}");

        private void RemoveTagger(ITagger <TTagType> tagger)

            Debug.WriteLine($"SLVS SingletonDisposableTaggerManager ({this.GetHashCode()}): Flyweight tagger removed. Remaining count: {taggerAdapters.Count}. Singleton: {Singleton.GetType().Name}, hash code: {Singleton.GetHashCode()}");
            if (taggerAdapters.Count == 0)
                if (Singleton is IDisposable disposable)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SLVS SingletonDisposableTaggerManager ({this.GetHashCode()}): Disposed singleton tagger: {Singleton.GetType().Name}");
                Singleton = null;
예제 #23
        public MediaImporter(ILogger logger, IMediaFactory mediaFactory, IEntityRepository repository, ITagger tagger)
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");
            if (mediaFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaFactory");
            if (repository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
            if (tagger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tagger");

            this.logger = logger;
            this.mediaFactory = mediaFactory;
            this.repository = repository;
            this.tagger = tagger;
예제 #24
        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            ITagger <T> tagger = null;

            // Only attempt to spell check on the view's edit buffer (and multiple views could have that buffer open simultaneously so
            // only create one instance of the spell checker.
            if ((buffer == textView.TextBuffer) && (typeof(T) == typeof(IErrorTag)))
                var filePath = GetFileNameFor(buffer);
                if (filePath != null)
                    tagger = new MessageTagger(filePath, this, buffer) as ITagger <T>;

예제 #25
        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            ITagger <T> result = null;

                //AntlrLanguagePackage package = AntlrLanguagePackage.Instance;
                VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += UpdateTheme;
                result = buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(() => new AntlrClassifier(buffer)) as ITagger <T>;
                AntlrClassifier classifier = result as AntlrClassifier;
                classifier.Initialize(ClassificationTypeRegistry, ClassificationFormatMapService);
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a tagger that does lint checking on the view/buffer combination.
        /// </summary>
        public ITagger <T> CreateTagger <T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
            ITagger <T> tagger = null;

            // Only attempt to lint check on the view's edit buffer (and multiple views could have that buffer open simultaneously so
            // only create one instance of the lint checker.
            if ((buffer == textView.TextBuffer) && (typeof(T) == typeof(IErrorTag)))
                var lintChecker = buffer.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(typeof(LintChecker), () => new LintChecker(this, textView, buffer));

                // This is a thin wrapper around the LintChecker that can be disposed of without shutting down the LintChecker
                // (unless it was the last tagger on the lint checker).
                tagger = new LintTagger(lintChecker) as ITagger <T>;

 private void Create(params string[] lines)
     lines                           = lines.Length > 0 ? lines : DefaultText;
     _textBuffer                     = EditorUtil.CreateBuffer(lines);
     _globalSettings                 = new GlobalSettings();
     _globalSettings.IgnoreCase      = true;
     _globalSettings.HighlightSearch = true;
     _vimData                        = new VimData();
     _searchService                  = VimUtil.CreateSearchService();
     _taggerRaw                      = new HighlightIncrementalSearchTagger(
         VimUtil.CreateTextStructureNavigator(_textBuffer, WordKind.NormalWord),
     _tagger = _taggerRaw;
예제 #28
        public TextViewCaretListener(ITextView textView, ITagger <T> tagger)
            this.tagger                          = tagger;
            this.textView                        = textView;
            this.textView.Closed                += this.TextView_Closed;
            this.textView.LayoutChanged         += this.TextView_LayoutChanged;
            this.textView.Caret.PositionChanged += this.Caret_PositionChanged;
            this.textView.GotAggregateFocus     += this.TextView_GotAggregateFocus;
            this.textView.LostAggregateFocus    += this.TextView_LostAggregateFocus;

            // Send an update of the initial caret position for this text view.
            // This allows the SARIF explorer to properly receive the caret
            // entered notifications for a newly created text view.
            // This allows the SARIF explorer to proper set selection to items
            // on initial load.
            _ = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.RunAsync(() => this.UpdateInitialCaretPositionAsync());
예제 #29
        private void RegisterTagger(ITagger <T> tagger, IList <ITagger <T> > newTaggers)
            if (tagger != null)
                if (!this.uniqueTaggers.TryGetValue(tagger, out var count))
                    count = new BoxedInt();
                    this.uniqueTaggers.Add(tagger, count);

                    // We only want to subscribe once to the tags changed event
                    // (even if we get multiple instances of the same tagger).
                    tagger.TagsChanged += SourceTaggerTagsChanged;

예제 #30
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void CreateListener(ITextView textView, ITagger <T> tagger)
            using (this.existingListenersLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock())
                if (this.existingListeners.ContainsKey(textView))

                using (this.existingListenersLock.EnterWriteLock())
                    var newTagger = new TextViewCaretListener <T>(textView, tagger);
                    this.existingListeners.Add(textView, newTagger);

                    newTagger.CaretEnteredTag += this.Tagger_CaretEnteredTag;
                    newTagger.CaretLeftTag    += this.Tagger_CaretLeftTag;
                    textView.Closed           += this.TextView_Closed;
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is to try to account for ReSharper versions that are not released at
        /// this time.  Instead of looking for the version specific names we just look at the
        /// jet brains assembly that have the correct tagger name
        /// One problem here is that the tagger implementations are shared between a couple
        /// of JetBrains products including dotCover.  Hence we need to keep in mind both the
        /// assembly and tagger name here
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetGeneralTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger <ITag> tagger)
            foreach (var provider in GetTaggerProvidersSafe())
                var providerType = provider.GetType();
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName &&
                    providerType.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("JetBrains", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger <ITag>(textBuffer);
                    if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                        tagger = taggerResult.Value;

            tagger = null;
예제 #32
        public GlslCompletionSource(ITextBuffer buffer, IEnumerable <Completion> staticCompletions,
                                    ImageSource identifier, ITagger <GlslTokenTag> tagger)
            currentBuffer          = buffer;
            this.staticCompletions = staticCompletions;
            imgIdentifier          = identifier;

            queryIdentifiers = (snapshotSpan) =>
                var tokens = tagger.GetTags(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(snapshotSpan));
                //only those tokens that are identifiers and do not overlap the input position because we do not want to add char that started session to completions
                var filtered = from token in tokens
                               where token.Tag.Type == GlslTokenTypes.Identifier &&
                               !token.Span.Contains(snapshotSpan.End - 1)
                               let text = token.Span.GetText()
                                          orderby text
                                          select text;
예제 #33
        private static void RegisterTagger(string locale, string tagName, ITagger tagger)
            if (IsTagRegistered(locale, tagName))
                throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} and {1} taggers for locale \"{2}\" share common tag name {3}",
                                                  s_taggers[locale][tagName].GetType().Name, locale,

            locale  = locale.ToLower();
            tagName = tagName.ToLower();

            if (!s_taggers.ContainsKey(locale))
                s_taggers.Add(locale, new Dictionary <string, ITagger>());

            s_taggers[locale].Add(tagName, tagger);
예제 #34
        static void Main(string[] args)
            logger = Log4NetLogger.GetDefaultLogger(typeof(Program));

                logger.Info("Ebla Started");

                Console.WriteLine("Ebla version");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter \"{0}\" for instructions", commandHelp);

                artistCache = new EntityCache<IArtist>();
                workCache = new EntityCache<IWork>();
                artistStore = new SQLiteArtistDatabase();
                workStore = new SQLiteWorkDatabase(artistCache, workCache);
                repository = new EntityRepository(logger, artistCache, artistStore, workCache, workStore);

                tagger = new Tagger();

                mediaFactory = new MediaFactory(logger);
                mediaImporter = new MediaImporter(logger, mediaFactory, repository, tagger);

                var exit = false;
                while (!exit)
                    exit = Execute(Console.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Program.Main", ex);

예제 #35
        static void Main(string[] args)
            logger = Log4NetLogger.GetDefaultLogger(typeof(Program));

                logger.Info("Ebla Started");

                Console.WriteLine("Ebla version");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter \"{0}\" for instructions", commandHelp);

                artistCache = new EntityCache <IArtist>();
                workCache   = new EntityCache <IWork>();
                artistStore = new SQLiteArtistDatabase();
                workStore   = new SQLiteWorkDatabase(artistCache, workCache);
                repository  = new EntityRepository(logger, artistCache, artistStore, workCache, workStore);

                tagger = new Tagger();

                mediaFactory  = new MediaFactory(logger);
                mediaImporter = new MediaImporter(logger, mediaFactory, repository, tagger);

                var exit = false;
                while (!exit)
                    exit = Execute(Console.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Program.Main", ex);

예제 #36
        protected ITagger <T> GetTagger <T>(ITextBuffer buffer, Func <string, ITagger <ITag> > getter) where T : ITag
            var           t = typeof(T).Name;
            ITextDocument textDocument;

            buffer.Properties.TryGetProperty(typeof(ITextDocument), out textDocument);
            var docName = textDocument.FilePath;

            ITagger <ITag> tagger = null;

            if (Dic[t].ContainsKey(docName))
                tagger = Dic[t][docName];
                tagger          = getter(docName);
                Dic[t][docName] = tagger;

            return(tagger as ITagger <T>);
예제 #37
        private void RegisterTagger(ITagger <T> tagger, IList <ITagger <T> > newTaggers)
            if (tagger != null)

                int taggerIndex = this.uniqueTaggers.FindIndex((tuple) => object.ReferenceEquals(tuple.Item1, tagger));

                // Only subscribe to the event if we've never seen this tagger before
                if (taggerIndex == -1)
                    tagger.TagsChanged += SourceTaggerTagsChanged;

                    uniqueTaggers.Add(Tuple.Create(tagger, 1));
                    // Increase the reference count for the existing tagger
                    uniqueTaggers[taggerIndex] = Tuple.Create(tagger, uniqueTaggers[taggerIndex].Item2 + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// The various JetBrains products reuse at a code base level certain constructs
        /// such as ITagger<T> implementations.  For example both R# and dotTrace and
        /// dotCover use the VsDocumentMarkerTaggerProvider.  If multiple products are
        /// installed then MEF composition will return them in a non-deterministic
        /// order.  They all have the same fully qualified name.  The only way to
        /// distinguish them is to look at the assembly name containing the type
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetSpecificTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out bool sawName, out ITagger <ITag> tagger)
            sawName = false;
            tagger  = null;

            foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                var provider     = pair.Value;
                var providerType = provider.GetType();

                // First step is to check the name of the tagger.  The ReSharper taggers we care
                // about all have the same name
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                    // Next we need to make sure this is actually a ReSharper tagger.  Both dotCover
                    // and ReSharper use the same tagger name.  The only way to differentiate them is
                    // to look at the assembly version
                    var version = ResharperVersionUtility.DetectFromAssembly(providerType.Assembly);
                    if (version != ReSharperVersion.Unknown)
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger <ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                        sawName = true;

예제 #39
        internal bool IsInterested(ITextView textView, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            if (!_reSharperUtil.IsInstalled)
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            if (!_versionInfo.HasValue)
                // There is a possible race in MEF construction which would allow this method to be 
                // called before we had the list of ITaggerProvider instances to query.  In that case
                // defer to the next check.
                if (TaggerProviders == null)
                    tagger = null;
                    return false;

                _versionInfo = DetectVersionInfo();

            return IsInterested(textView.TextBuffer, out tagger);
예제 #40
 public ES6Classifier(IClassificationTypeRegistryService registry, ITextBuffer buffer)
     _keyword = registry.GetClassificationType(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Keyword);
     _identifier = registry.GetClassificationType(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Identifier);
     _tagger = buffer.Properties.GetProperty<ITagger<ClassificationTag>>(_jsTaggerType);
예제 #41
 public void SetUp()
     tagger = new PosTagger.Tagger(new MorfeuszConverter());
예제 #42
 bool IExternalEditAdapter.IsInterested(ITextView textView, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
     tagger = null;
     return true;
예제 #43
 bool IExternalEditAdapter.IsInterested(ITextView textView, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
     return IsInterested(textView, out tagger);
예제 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the R# tagger for the ITextBuffer if it exists
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetResharperTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)

            // This is available as a post construction MEF import so it's very possible
            // that this is null if it's not initialized
            if (TaggerProviders == null)
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            // R# exposes it's ITaggerProvider instances for the "text" content type.  As much as
            // I would like to query to make sure they always support the content type we don't
            // have access to the metadata and have to hard code "text" here
            if (!textBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType("text"))
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            // The various JetBrains products reuse at a code base level certain constructs
            // such as ITagger<T> implementations.  For example both R# and dotTrace and
            // dotCover use the VsDocumentMarkerTaggerProvider.  If multiple products are
            // installed then MEF composition will return them in a non-deterministic
            // order.  They all have the same fully qualified name.  The only way to
            // distinguish them is to look at the assembly name containing the type
            bool sawName = false;
            foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                var provider = pair.Value;
                var providerType = provider.GetType();
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                    if (providerType.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith(ResharperAssembylName))
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                            return true;
                        sawName = true;

            // It's unclear if the Dev10 portion changes in R# builds for Dev11 or not.  Once
            // a R# 7.0 build is available we can verify this to be the case or not.  Until then
            // assume the name does change and bind to the short name here.  Will at least
            // work for customers with only R# installed on VS11
            if (sawName)
                foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                    var provider = pair.Value;
                    var providerType = provider.GetType();
                    if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                            return true;

            tagger = null;
            return false;
예제 #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates all of the classifications in reverse starting at start to the beginning of the file.
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerator<ITagSpan<ClassificationTag>> EnumerateClassificationsInReverse(ITagger<ClassificationTag> classifier, SnapshotPoint start) {
            if (classifier == null) {
                yield break;

            var curLine = start.GetContainingLine();
            var spanEnd = start;

            for (; ; ) {
                var classifications = classifier.GetTags(
                    new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(new SnapshotSpan(curLine.Start, spanEnd))
                foreach (var classification in classifications.Reverse()) {
                    yield return classification;

                yield return null;

                if (curLine.LineNumber == 0) {

                curLine = start.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(curLine.LineNumber - 1);
                spanEnd = curLine.End;
        /// <summary>
        /// The various JetBrains products reuse at a code base level certain constructs
        /// such as ITagger<T> implementations.  For example both R# and dotTrace and 
        /// dotCover use the VsDocumentMarkerTaggerProvider.  If multiple products are
        /// installed then MEF composition will return them in a non-deterministic 
        /// order.  They all have the same fully qualified name.  The only way to 
        /// distinguish them is to look at the assembly name containing the type
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetSpecificTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out bool sawName, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            sawName = false;
            tagger = null;

            foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                var provider = pair.Value;
                var providerType = provider.GetType();
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                    if (_reSharperVersion.Value != ReSharperVersion.Unknown)
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                            return true;
                        sawName = true;

            return false;
예제 #47
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is to try to account for ReSharper versions that are not released at
        /// this time.  Instead of looking for the version specific names we just look at the
        /// jet brains assembly that have the correct tagger name
        /// One problem here is that the tagger implementations are shared between a couple
        /// of JetBrains products including dotCover.  Hence we need to keep in mind both the
        /// assembly and tagger name here
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetGeneralTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            foreach (var provider in GetTaggerProvidersSafe())
                var providerType = provider.GetType();
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName &&
                    providerType.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("JetBrains", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                    if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                        tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                        return true;

            tagger = null;
            return false;
        public void Init(
            bool forSearch = true,
            string lastSearch = null,
            params string[] lines)
            lines = lines.Length > 0 ? lines : DefaultText;
            _textBuffer = EditorUtil.CreateBuffer(lines);
            _settings = new Mock<IVimGlobalSettings>();
            _search = new Mock<ISearchService>();
            _nav = new Mock<ITextStructureNavigator>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            _taggerRaw = new HighlightIncrementalSearchTagger(
            _tagger = _taggerRaw;

            if (forSearch)
                _settings.SetupGet(x => x.IgnoreCase).Returns(true);
                _settings.SetupGet(x => x.HighlightSearch).Returns(true);

            if (lastSearch != null)
                _search.SetupGet(x => x.LastSearch).Returns(new SearchData(SearchText.NewPattern(lastSearch), SearchKind.Forward, SearchOptions.None));
예제 #49
 public SmartIndent(ITextView textView, IEditorOptions editorOptions, ITagger<ClassificationTag> classifier) {
     _textView = textView;
     _editorOptions = editorOptions;
     _classifier = classifier;
     _textView.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(SmartIndent), this);
예제 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the R# tagger for the ITextBuffer if it exists
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetResharperTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)

            // This is available as a post construction MEF import so it's very possible
            // that this is null if it's not initialized
            if (TaggerProviders == null)
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            // R# exposes it's ITaggerProvider instances for the "text" content type.  As much as
            // I would like to query to make sure they always support the content type we don't
            // have access to the metadata and have to hard code "text" here
            if (!textBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType("text"))
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                var provider = pair.Value;
                var name = provider.GetType().Name;
                if (name == ResharperTaggerName)
                    var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                    if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                        tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                        return true;

            tagger = null;
            return false;
예제 #51
        /// <summary>
        /// The various JetBrains products reuse at a code base level certain constructs
        /// such as ITagger<T> implementations.  For example both R# and dotTrace and 
        /// dotCover use the VsDocumentMarkerTaggerProvider.  If multiple products are
        /// installed then MEF composition will return them in a non-deterministic 
        /// order.  They all have the same fully qualified name.  The only way to 
        /// distinguish them is to look at the assembly name containing the type
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetSpecificTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out bool sawName, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            sawName = false;
            tagger = null;

            foreach (var provider in GetTaggerProvidersSafe())
                var providerType = provider.GetType();

                // First step is to check the name of the tagger.  The ReSharper taggers we care
                // about all have the same name
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                    // Next we need to make sure this is actually a ReSharper tagger.  Both dotCover 
                    // and ReSharper use the same tagger name.  The only way to differentiate them is
                    // to look at the assembly version
                    var version = ResharperVersionUtility.DetectFromAssembly(providerType.Assembly);
                    if (version != ReSharperVersion.Unknown)
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                            return true;
                        sawName = true;

            return false;
예제 #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the R# tagger for the ITextBuffer if it exists
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsInterested(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)

            // R# exposes it's ITaggerProvider instances for the "text" content type.  As much as
            // I would like to query to make sure they always support the content type we don't
            // have access to the metadata and have to hard code "text" here
            if (!textBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType("text"))
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            var versionInfo = _versionInfo.Value;
            if (!versionInfo.UseTagBasedDetection)
                // Version 10 and above doesn't use tag detection, it just looks for the key.  No need
                // for a specific ITagger here.
                tagger = null;
                return true;

            tagger = versionInfo.TaggerProvider != null
                ? versionInfo.TaggerProvider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer).GetValueOrDefault()
                : null;
            return tagger != null;
예제 #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the R# tagger for the ITextBuffer if it exists
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetResharperTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)

            // This is available as a post construction MEF import so it's very possible
            // that this is null if it's not initialized
            if (TaggerProviders == null)
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            // R# exposes it's ITaggerProvider instances for the "text" content type.  As much as
            // I would like to query to make sure they always support the content type we don't
            // have access to the metadata and have to hard code "text" here
            if (!textBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType("text"))
                tagger = null;
                return false;

            bool sawName;
            if (TryGetSpecificTagger(textBuffer, out sawName, out tagger))
                return true;

            if (sawName && TryGetGeneralTagger(textBuffer, out tagger))
                return true;

            tagger = null;
            return false;
 private void Create(params string[] lines)
     _textBuffer = EditorUtil.CreateTextBuffer(lines);
     _globalSettings = new GlobalSettings();
     _globalSettings.IgnoreCase = true;
     _globalSettings.HighlightSearch = true;
     _vimData = new VimData();
     _searchService = VimUtil.CreateSearchService();
     _taggerRaw = new HighlightIncrementalSearchTagger(
         VimUtil.CreateTextStructureNavigator(_textBuffer, WordKind.NormalWord),
     _tagger = _taggerRaw;
예제 #55
        private void TestInitialise(string gherkinFileLocation)
            var registry = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IClassificationTypeRegistryService>();
            registry.Stub(service => service.GetClassificationType(null))
                .WhenCalled(invocation =>
                    invocation.ReturnValue = new MockClassificationType
                        Classification = (string)invocation.Arguments.First()

            buffer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITextBuffer>();
            buffer.Stub(textBuffer => textBuffer.Properties).Return(new PropertyCollection());

            featureFileContent = new StreamReader(gherkinFileLocation).ReadToEnd();
            buffer.Stub(b => b.CurrentSnapshot).Return(new MockTextSnapshot(featureFileContent));

            //var gherkinFileEditorParser = new GherkinFileEditorParser();
            //_buffer.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(GherkinFileEditorParser), gherkinFileEditorParser);

            playTagger = new PlayTagger(new TokenParser(buffer));

        /// <summary>
        /// The various JetBrains products reuse at a code base level certain constructs
        /// such as ITagger<T> implementations.  For example both R# and dotTrace and 
        /// dotCover use the VsDocumentMarkerTaggerProvider.  If multiple products are
        /// installed then MEF composition will return them in a non-deterministic 
        /// order.  They all have the same fully qualified name.  The only way to 
        /// distinguish them is to look at the assembly name containing the type
        /// </summary>
        private bool TryGetSpecificTagger(ITextBuffer textBuffer, out bool sawName, out ITagger<ITag> tagger)
            sawName = false;
            tagger = null;

            foreach (var pair in TaggerProviders)
                var provider = pair.Value;
                var providerType = provider.GetType();
                if (providerType.Name == ResharperTaggerProviderName)
                    var fullName = providerType.Assembly.FullName;
                    if (fullName.StartsWith(ResharperAssemblyName2010) ||
                        var taggerResult = provider.SafeCreateTagger<ITag>(textBuffer);
                        if (taggerResult.IsSuccess)
                            tagger = taggerResult.Value;
                            return true;
                        sawName = true;

            return false;