public StartPreservationCommandValidator(
            IProjectValidator projectValidator,
            ITagValidator tagValidator)
            CascadeMode = CascadeMode.Stop;

            RuleFor(command => command.TagIds)
            .Must(ids => ids != null && ids.Any())
            .WithMessage("At least 1 tag must be given!")
            .WithMessage("Tags must be unique!")
            .WithMessage("Tags must be in same project!")
            .WithMessage("Project is closed!");

            When(command => command.TagIds.Any() && BeUniqueTags(command.TagIds), () =>
                RuleForEach(command => command.TagIds)
                .MustAsync((_, tagId, __, token) => BeAnExistingTagAsync(tagId, token))
                .WithMessage((_, id) => $"Tag doesn't exist! Tag={id}")
                .MustAsync((_, tagId, __, token) => NotBeAVoidedTagAsync(tagId, token))
                .WithMessage((_, id) => $"Tag is voided! Tag={id}")
                .MustAsync((_, tagId, __, token) => IsReadyToBeStartedAsync(tagId, token))
                .WithMessage((_, id) => $"Preservation on tag can not be started! Tag={id}")
                .MustAsync((_, tagId, __, token) => HaveAtLeastOneNonVoidedRequirementAsync(tagId, token))
                .WithMessage((_, id) => $"Tag do not have any non voided requirement! Tag={id}");

            bool BeUniqueTags(IEnumerable <int> tagIds)
                var ids = tagIds.ToList();

                return(ids.Distinct().Count() == ids.Count);

            async Task <bool> BeInSameProjectAsync(IEnumerable <int> tagIds, CancellationToken token)
            => await projectValidator.AllTagsInSameProjectAsync(tagIds, token);

            async Task <bool> NotBeAClosedProjectForTagAsync(IEnumerable <int> tagIds, CancellationToken token)
            => !await projectValidator.IsClosedForTagAsync(tagIds.First(), token);

            async Task <bool> BeAnExistingTagAsync(int tagId, CancellationToken token)
            => await tagValidator.ExistsAsync(tagId, token);

            async Task <bool> NotBeAVoidedTagAsync(int tagId, CancellationToken token)
            => !await tagValidator.IsVoidedAsync(tagId, token);

            async Task <bool> IsReadyToBeStartedAsync(int tagId, CancellationToken token)
            => await tagValidator.IsReadyToBeStartedAsync(tagId, token);

            async Task <bool> HaveAtLeastOneNonVoidedRequirementAsync(int tagId, CancellationToken token)
            => await tagValidator.HasANonVoidedRequirementAsync(tagId, token);