/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockReorger"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockReorger(Tracer tracer, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection) : base(tracer) { this.connection = syncConnection; this.operations = syncOperations; this.tracer = tracer; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockReorger"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockReorger(ILogger <BlockReorger> logger, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection) : base(logger) { connection = syncConnection; operations = syncOperations; log = logger; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockSyncer"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockSyncer(NakoApplication application, NakoConfiguration config, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, Tracer tracer) : base(application, config, tracer) { this.tracer = tracer; this.syncConnection = syncConnection; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; this.config = config; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PoolFinder"/> class. /// </summary> public PoolFinder(IOptions <NakoConfiguration> configuration, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, ILogger <PoolFinder> logger) : base(configuration, logger) { this.log = logger; this.syncConnection = syncConnection; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; this.config = configuration.Value; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockFinder"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockFinder(IOptions <IndexerSettings> configuration, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, ILogger <BlockFinder> logger) : base(configuration, logger) { log = logger; this.syncConnection = syncConnection; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; config = configuration.Value; watch = Stopwatch.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MempoolPuller"/> class. /// </summary> public MempoolPuller( IOptions <IndexerSettings> configuration, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, ILogger <MempoolPuller> logger, IStorageOperations storageOperations) : base(configuration, logger) { log = logger; this.storageOperations = storageOperations; this.syncConnection = syncConnection; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; config = configuration.Value; watch = Stopwatch.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockStore"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockStore( IOptions <IndexerSettings> configuration, ILogger <BlockStore> logger, IStorageOperations storageOperations, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, IUtxoCache utxoCache) : base(configuration, logger) { this.storageOperations = storageOperations; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; this.syncConnection = syncConnection; this.utxoCache = utxoCache; log = logger; watch = Stopwatch.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BlockStartup"/> class. /// </summary> public BlockStartup( ILogger <BlockStartup> logger, ISyncOperations syncOperations, SyncConnection syncConnection, IStorageOperations storageOperations, ICryptoClientFactory clientFactory, IStorage data) : base(logger) { connection = syncConnection; this.storageOperations = storageOperations; this.clientFactory = clientFactory; this.data = data; this.syncOperations = syncOperations; log = logger; mongoData = (MongoData)data; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public StatsSyncer( IOptions <IndexerSettings> configuration, ISyncOperations syncOperations, IStorageOperations storageOperations, IStorage storage, SyncConnection syncConnection, StatsHandler statsHandler, ILogger <StatsSyncer> logger) : base(configuration, logger) { log = logger; data = (MongoData)storage; this.statsHandler = statsHandler; this.storageOperations = storageOperations; // Only run the StatsSyncer every 5 minute. Delay = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); watch = Stopwatch.Start(); }