/// <include file='doc\StyleBuilderForm.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="StyleBuilderForm.OnSelChangePageSelector"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        protected virtual void OnSelChangePageSelector(object source, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            TreeNode tnodeSel  = pageSelector.SelectedNode;
            int      treeIndex = tnodeSel.Index;
            int      pageIndex;

            // map the tree index of the page (its position in the selector) to its
            // index in the page array
            for (pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.Length; pageIndex++)
                if (pages[pageIndex].GetUIIndex() == treeIndex)

            Debug.Assert((pageIndex >= 0) && (pageIndex < pages.Length),
                         "could not find page corresponding to node in page selector");

            if (pageIndex == activePageIndex)

            StyleBuilderPageSite siteNew = pages[pageIndex];
            IStyleBuilderPage    pageNew = siteNew.GetPage();

            // make sure the new page's window is created
            IntPtr h = pageNew.GetPageControl().Handle;

            // load the style into the page

            // deactivate the current page if there is one
            if (activePageIndex != -1)
                StyleBuilderPageSite siteActive = pages[activePageIndex];
                if (siteActive.GetPage().DeactivatePage(false, true) == false)
                    // the page cannot be deactivated
                    pageSelector.SelectedNode = pageSelector.Nodes[siteActive.GetUIIndex()];
                activePageIndex = -1;

            // initialize the preview
            fSupportsPreview = pageNew.SupportsPreview();
            mshtmlControl.Visible = fSupportsPreview;

            // initialize the state of the Help button
            helpButton.Enabled = pageNew.SupportsHelp();

            // activate the new page
            activePageIndex = pageIndex;
        /// <include file='doc\StyleBuilderForm.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="StyleBuilderForm.OnHelpRequested"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        protected override void OnHelpRequested(HelpEventArgs e)
            if (activePageIndex != -1)
                StyleBuilderPageSite siteActive = pages[activePageIndex];
                IStyleBuilderPage    pageActive = siteActive.GetPage();

                if (pageActive.SupportsHelp())