예제 #1
        public async Task When_projections_are_cursors_then_catchup_does_not_replay_previously_seen_events()
            var projectionStore  = new InMemoryProjectionStore <BalanceProjection>();
            var eventsAggregated = new List <IDomainEvent>();
            var catchup          = StreamCatchup.All(streamSource.StreamPerAggregate(), batchSize: 100);

            catchup.Subscribe(new BalanceProjector()
                              .Trace((p, es) => eventsAggregated.AddRange(es)), projectionStore);

            await catchup.RunUntilCaughtUp();

            var streamId = streamIds.First();

            store.WriteEvents(streamId, 100m);

            var cursor = await catchup.RunUntilCaughtUp();


            var balanceProjection = await projectionStore.Get(streamId);

        public async Task A_stream_can_be_derived_from_an_index_projection_in_order_to_perform_a_reduce_operation()
            store.WriteEvents(i => new AccountOpened
                AccountType = i % 2 == 0
                    ? BankAccountType.Checking
                    : BankAccountType.Savings
            }, howMany: 100);

            var eventsByAggregate = streamSource.StreamPerAggregate()
                                    .Map(ss => ss.Select(s => s.Trace()));

            var indexCatchup = StreamCatchup.All(eventsByAggregate, batchSize: 1);
            var index        = new Projection <ConcurrentBag <AccountOpened>, string>
                Value = new ConcurrentBag <AccountOpened>()

            // subscribe a catchup to the updates stream to build up an index
                Aggregator.Create <Projection <ConcurrentBag <AccountOpened> >, IDomainEvent>(async(p, events) =>
                foreach (var e in events.OfType <AccountOpened>()
                         .Where(e => e.AccountType == BankAccountType.Savings))

                async(streamId, aggregate) => await aggregate(index));

            // create a catchup over the index
            var savingsAccounts = Stream.Create <IDomainEvent, string>(
                "Savings accounts",
                async q => index.Value.SkipWhile(v => q.Cursor.HasReached(v.CheckpointToken))
                .Take(q.BatchSize ?? 1000));
            var savingsAccountsCatchup = StreamCatchup.Create(savingsAccounts);

            var numberOfSavingsAccounts = new Projection <int, int>();

            savingsAccountsCatchup.Subscribe <Projection <int, int>, IDomainEvent, string>(
                manageProjection: async(streamId, aggregate) =>
                numberOfSavingsAccounts = await aggregate(numberOfSavingsAccounts);
                aggregate: async(c, es) =>
                c.Value += es.Count;

            using (indexCatchup.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)))
                using (savingsAccountsCatchup.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)))
                    await Wait.Until(() => numberOfSavingsAccounts.Value >= 50);
예제 #3
        public async Task Add(string channel, string key, IDelayedMessage[] messages)
            // If cache grows larger than 150% of max cache size, pause all processing until flush finished
            while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tooLarge, 1, 1) == 1)
                await Task.Delay(50).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Anything without a key bypasses memory cache
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                var translatedEvents = messages.Select(x => (IFullEvent) new FullEvent
                    Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                        EntityType = "DELAY",
                        StreamType = $"{_endpoint}.{StreamTypes.Delayed}",
                        Bucket     = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN",
                        StreamId   = channel,
                        Timestamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Headers    = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            ["Expired"]   = "true",
                            ["FlushTime"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s"),
                            ["Instance"]  = Defaults.Instance.ToString(),
                            ["Machine"]   = Environment.MachineName,
                    Event = x,
                    var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(DelayedCache),
                                                Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN", channel, new Id[] { });
                    await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, translatedEvents, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                catch (Exception e)
                                 () => $"Failed to write to channel [{channel}].  Exception: {e.GetType().Name}: {e.Message}");

            addToMemCache(channel, key, messages);
예제 #4
        public async Task WriteSnapshots <T>(string bucket, Id streamId, Id[] parents, long version, IState snapshot, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : IEntity
            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), StreamTypes.Snapshot, bucket, streamId, parents);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Writing snapshot to stream [{streamName}]");

            // We don't need snapshots to store the previous snapshot
            // ideally this field would be [JsonIgnore] but we have no dependency on json.net
            snapshot.Snapshot = null;

            var e = new FullEvent
                Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                    EntityType    = typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    StreamType    = StreamTypes.Snapshot,
                    Bucket        = bucket,
                    StreamId      = streamId,
                    Parents       = parents,
                    Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Version       = version + 1,
                    Headers       = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    CommitHeaders = commitHeaders
                Event = snapshot,

            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, new[] { e }, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #5
        public async Task WriteSnapshots <T>(IState snapshot, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : IEntity
            var streamName = _streamGen(_registrar.GetVersionedName(typeof(T)), StreamTypes.Snapshot, snapshot.Bucket, snapshot.Id, snapshot.Parents);

            Logger.DebugEvent("Write", "[{Stream:l}]", streamName);

            // We don't need snapshots to store the previous snapshot
            // ideally this field would be [JsonIgnore] but we have no dependency on json.net
            snapshot.Snapshot = null;

            var e = new FullEvent
                Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                    EntityType    = _registrar.GetVersionedName(typeof(T)),
                    StreamType    = StreamTypes.Snapshot,
                    Bucket        = snapshot.Bucket,
                    StreamId      = snapshot.Id,
                    Parents       = snapshot.Parents,
                    Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Version       = snapshot.Version + 1,
                    Headers       = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    CommitHeaders = commitHeaders
                Event = snapshot,

            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, new[] { e }, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #6
        public async Task Write <T>(T poco, string bucket, string stream, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders)
            var streamName = $"{_streamGen(typeof(T), bucket + ".POCO", stream)}";

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Writing poco to stream id [{streamName}]");

            var descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                EntityType = typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                Timestamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Version    = -1,
                Headers    = commitHeaders

            var @event = new WritableEvent
                Descriptor = descriptor,
                Event      = poco,
                EventId    = Guid.NewGuid()

            if (await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, new[] { @event }, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false) == 1)
                await _store.WriteMetadata(streamName, maxCount : 5).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_shouldCache)
                _cache.Cache(streamName, poco);
예제 #7
        public async Task Resolve <TEntity, TState>(TEntity entity, IFullEvent[] uncommitted, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity <TState> where TState : IState, new()
            var state = entity.State;

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Resolving {uncommitted.Count()} uncommitted events to stream [{entity.Id}] type [{typeof(TEntity).FullName}] bucket [{entity.Bucket}]");

            var latestEvents =
                await _eventstore.GetEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, entity.Version).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Stream is {latestEvents.Count()} events behind store");

            for (var i = 0; i < latestEvents.Length; i++)
                state.Apply(latestEvents[i].Event as IEvent);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => "Merging conflicted events");
                foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                    if (u.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.Domain)
                        entity.Conflict(u.Event as IEvent);
                    else if (u.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.OOB)
                        // Todo: small hack
                        string id         = "";
                        bool   transient  = true;
                        int    daysToLive = -1;

                        id = u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobHeaderKey];

                        if (u.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobTransientKey))
                            bool.TryParse(u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobTransientKey], out transient);
                        if (u.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey))
                            int.TryParse(u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey], out daysToLive);

                        entity.Raise(u.Event as IEvent, id, transient, daysToLive);
            catch (NoRouteException e)
                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Failed to resolve conflict: {e.Message}");
                throw new ConflictResolutionFailedException("Failed to resolve conflict", e);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => "Successfully merged conflicted events");

            await _eventstore.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, entity.Uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #8
        public async Task Publish <T>(string bucket, string streamId, IEnumerable <IWritableEvent> events, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var streamName     = _streamGen(typeof(T), bucket + ".OOB", streamId);
            var writableEvents = events as IWritableEvent[] ?? events.ToArray();

            if (await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, writableEvents, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false) == 1)
                await _store.WriteMetadata(streamName, maxCount : 200000).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #9
        public async Task When_one_projection_fails_its_cursor_is_not_advanced_while_other_projections_cursors_are_advanced()
            var projections = new InMemoryProjectionStore <BalanceProjection>();

            // first catch up all the projections
            var stream              = streamSource.StreamPerAggregate().Trace();
            var catchup             = StreamCatchup.All(stream);
            var initialSubscription = catchup.Subscribe(new BalanceProjector(), projections);
            await catchup.RunUntilCaughtUp();


            // write some additional events
            var streamIdsWithoutErrors = streamIds.Take(5).ToList();
            var streamIdsWithErrors    = streamIds.Skip(5).Take(5).ToList();

            foreach (var streamId in streamIdsWithoutErrors.Concat(streamIdsWithErrors))
                store.WriteEvents(streamId, howMany: 10);

            // subscribe a flaky projector
            catchup.Subscribe(new BalanceProjector()
                              .Pipeline(async(projection, batch, next) =>
                var aggregateId = batch.Select(i => i.AggregateId).First();
                if (streamIdsWithErrors.Contains(aggregateId))
                    throw new Exception("oops");

                await next(projection, batch);
                              e => e.Continue());

            await catchup.RunSingleBatch();

            var projectionsWithoutErrors = streamIdsWithoutErrors.Select(
                id => projections.Get(id).Result);
            var projectionsWithErrors = streamIdsWithErrors.Select(
                id => projections.Get(id).Result);

            foreach (var projection in projectionsWithoutErrors)

            foreach (var projection in projectionsWithErrors)
        public void SetUp()
            // populate the event store
            store = TestEventStore.Create();

            streamId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();


            stream = NEventStoreStream.ByAggregate(store, streamId).DomainEvents();
예제 #11
        public void SetUp()
            // populate the event store
            store = TestEventStore.Create();

            streamId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();


            stream = NEventStoreStream.ByAggregate(store, streamId).DomainEvents();
예제 #12
        public async Task Resolve <TEntity, TState>(TEntity entity, IFullEvent[] uncommitted, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity <TState> where TState : IState, new()
            var state = entity.State;

            Logger.DebugEvent("Resolver", "Resolving {Events} conflicting events to stream [{Stream:l}] type [{EntityType:l}] bucket [{Bucket:l}]", uncommitted.Count(), entity.Id, typeof(TEntity).FullName, entity.Bucket);

            var latestEvents =
                await _eventstore.GetEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, entity.Version).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Logger.DebugEvent("Behind", "Stream is {Count} events behind store", latestEvents.Count());

            for (var i = 0; i < latestEvents.Length; i++)
                state.Apply(latestEvents[i].Event as IEvent);

                foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                    if (u.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.Domain)
                        entity.Conflict(u.Event as IEvent);
                    else if (u.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.OOB)
                        // Todo: small hack
                        string id         = "";
                        bool   transient  = true;
                        int    daysToLive = -1;

                        id = u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobHeaderKey];

                        if (u.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobTransientKey))
                            bool.TryParse(u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobTransientKey], out transient);
                        if (u.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey))
                            int.TryParse(u.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey], out daysToLive);

                        entity.Raise(u.Event as IEvent, id, transient, daysToLive);
            catch (NoRouteException e)
                Logger.WarnEvent("ResolveFailure", e, "Failed to resolve conflict: {ExceptionType} - {ExceptionMessage}", e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
                throw new ConflictResolutionFailedException("Failed to resolve conflict", e);

            await _eventstore.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, entity.Uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #13
 public static void WriteEvents(
     this IStoreEvents store,
     Func <int, string> streamId,
     decimal amount  = 1,
     int howMany     = 1,
     string bucketId = null)
     for (var i = 0; i < howMany; i++)
         store.WriteEvents(streamId(i), amount, bucketId: bucketId);
예제 #14
        public async Task WriteEvents <T>(string bucket, string streamId, int expectedVersion, IEnumerable <IWritableEvent> events, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), bucket, streamId);

            if (await CheckFrozen <T>(bucket, streamId).ConfigureAwait(false))
                throw new FrozenException();

            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, events, commitHeaders, expectedVersion : expectedVersion).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #15
        public async Task WriteStream <T>(IEventStream stream, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), StreamTypes.Domain, stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId);

            if (await CheckFrozen <T>(stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId).ConfigureAwait(false))
                throw new FrozenException();

            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, stream.Uncommitted, commitHeaders, expectedVersion : stream.CommitVersion).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #16
        public async Task Resolve <TEntity, TState>(TEntity entity, IFullEvent[] uncommitted, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity <TState> where TState : IState, new()
            var state = entity.State;

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Resolving {uncommitted.Count()} uncommitted events to stream [{entity.Id}] type [{typeof(TEntity).FullName}] bucket [{entity.Bucket}]");

            foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                state.Apply(u.Event as IEvent);

            await _store.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #17
        public async Task End(Exception ex = null)
            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Saving {_inFlight.Count()} {(ex == null ? "ACKs" : "NACKs")}");
            await Task.WhenAll(_inFlight.ToList().Select(x => ex == null ? Ack(x.Key) : NAck(x.Key)));

            if (ex == null)
                Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Saving {_uncommitted.Count()} delayed streams");
                await Task.WhenAll(
                    _uncommitted.GroupBy(x => x.Item1)
                    .Select(x => _store.WriteEvents(x.Key, x.Select(y => y.Item2), null)));
예제 #18
        public async Task Resolve <TEntity, TState>(TEntity entity, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity <TState> where TState : class, IState, new()
            var state = entity.State;

            Logger.DebugEvent("Resolver", "Resolving {Events} conflicting events to stream [{Stream:l}] type [{EntityType:l}] bucket [{Bucket:l}]", entity.Uncommitted.Count(), entity.Id, typeof(TEntity).FullName, entity.Bucket);

            var domainEvents = entity.Uncommitted.Where(x => x.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.Domain).ToArray();
            var oobEvents    = entity.Uncommitted.Where(x => x.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.OOB).ToArray();

            await _store.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.GetParentIds(), domainEvents, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await _oobStore.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.GetParentIds(), oobEvents, commitId, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #19
        public async Task Resolve <TEntity, TState>(TEntity entity, IFullEvent[] uncommitted, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity <TState> where TState : IState, new()
            var state = entity.State;

            Logger.DebugEvent("Resolver", "Resolving {Events} conflicting events to stream [{Stream:l}] type [{EntityType:l}] bucket [{Bucket:l}]", uncommitted.Count(), entity.Id, typeof(TEntity).FullName, entity.Bucket);

            foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                state.Apply(u.Event as IEvent);

            await _store.WriteEvents <TEntity>(entity.Bucket, entity.Id, entity.Parents, uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #20
        public async Task WriteEvents <TEntity>(string bucket, Id streamId, Id[] parents, IFullEvent[] events, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity
            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, $"Writing {events.Length} oob events stream [{streamId}] bucket [{bucket}]");
            await events.WhenAllAsync(async @event =>
                var message = new FullMessage
                    Message = @event.Event,
                    Headers = @event.Descriptor.Headers

                var parentsStr = parents?.Any() ?? false ? parents.Aggregate <Id, string>("", (cur, next) => $"{cur},{next}") : "";

                var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.EventId"]    = @event.EventId.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.EntityType"] = @event.Descriptor.EntityType,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Timestamp"]  = @event.Descriptor.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Version"]    = @event.Descriptor.Version.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Bucket"]     = bucket,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.StreamId"]   = streamId,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Parents"]    = parentsStr

                string id = "";

                id = @event.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobHeaderKey];

                if (@event.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobTransientKey) && bool.TryParse(@event.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobTransientKey], out var transient) && !transient)
                    var stream  = _generator(typeof(TEntity), StreamTypes.OOB, $"{id}.{bucket}", streamId, parents);
                    var version = await _store.WriteEvents(stream, new[] { @event }, headers).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (@event.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey) && int.TryParse(@event.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey], out var daysToLive) && daysToLive != -1)
                        var key = $"{bucket}.{id}.{streamId}.{parentsStr}";
                        // Uses the dictionary to keep track of daysToLive data its already saved.
                        // If an entity saves the same stream with a new daysToLive the stream metadata needs to be rewritten
                        if (!DaysToLiveKnowns.ContainsKey(key) || DaysToLiveKnowns[key] != daysToLive)
                            DaysToLiveKnowns[key] = daysToLive;
                            await _store.WriteMetadata(stream, maxAge: TimeSpan.FromDays(daysToLive)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await _dispatcher.Publish(message, headers).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public void SetUp()
            // populate the event store
            store = TestEventStore.Create();

            streamIds = Enumerable.Range(1, 100)
                                  .Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())

            foreach (var streamId in streamIds)
                store.WriteEvents(streamId, 1m);

            streamSource = new NEventStoreStreamSource(store);
예제 #22
        public void SetUp()
            // populate the event store
            store = TestEventStore.Create();

            streamIds = Enumerable.Range(1, 100)
                        .Select(_ => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())

            foreach (var streamId in streamIds)

            streamSource = new NEventStoreStreamSource(store);
예제 #23
        public async Task Resolve <T>(T entity, IEnumerable <IWritableEvent> uncommitted, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var stream = entity.Stream;

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Resolving {uncommitted.Count()} uncommitted events to stream [{stream.StreamId}] type [{typeof(T).FullName}] bucket [{stream.Bucket}]");

            foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                entity.Apply(u.Event as IEvent, metadata: new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "ConflictResolution", ConcurrencyConflict.Ignore.ToString() }

            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), StreamTypes.Domain, stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId);
            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);

예제 #24
        public async Task A_partitioned_stream_can_be_mapped_at_query_time()
            for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                    streamId: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    howMany: 10,
                    bucketId: i.ToString());

            var partitionedStream = Stream.Partitioned <EventMessage, int, string>(async(q, p) =>
                var bucketId          = ((IStreamQueryValuePartition <string>)p).Value;
                var streamsToSnapshot = store.Advanced.GetStreamsToSnapshot(bucketId, 0);
                var streamId          = streamsToSnapshot.Select(s => s.StreamId).Single();
                var stream            = NEventStoreStream.ByAggregate(store, streamId, bucketId);
                var batch             = await stream.CreateQuery(q.Cursor, q.BatchSize).NextBatch();

            var domainEvents = partitionedStream.Map(es => es.Select(e => e.Body).OfType <IDomainEvent>());

            // catch up
            var catchup = domainEvents.DistributeAmong(Enumerable.Range(1, 10)
                                                       .Select(i => Partition.ByValue(i.ToString())),
                                                       batchSize: 2);

            var receivedEvents = new ConcurrentBag <IDomainEvent>();

            catchup.Subscribe(async b =>
                foreach (var e in b)

            await catchup.RunUntilCaughtUp().Timeout();

예제 #25
        public async Task Write <T>(Tuple <long, T> poco, string bucket, Id streamId, IEnumerable <Id> parents, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders)
            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), StreamTypes.Poco, bucket, streamId, parents);

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Writing poco to stream id [{streamName}]");

            var descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                EntityType = typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                StreamType = StreamTypes.Poco,
                Bucket     = bucket,
                StreamId   = streamId,
                Parents    = parents,
                Timestamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                // When reading version will be the stream position
                Version       = 0,
                Headers       = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                CommitHeaders = commitHeaders

            var @event = new WritableEvent
                Descriptor = descriptor,
                Event      = poco.Item2,
                EventId    = Guid.NewGuid()

            if (await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, new IFullEvent[] { @event }, commitHeaders, expectedVersion: poco.Item1).ConfigureAwait(false) == 1)
                await _store.WriteMetadata(streamName, maxCount : 5).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_shouldCache)
                _cache.Cache(streamName, poco);
예제 #26
        public async Task <Guid> Resolve <T>(T entity, IEnumerable <IWritableEvent> uncommitted, Guid commitId, Guid startingEventId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var stream = entity.Stream;

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Info, () => $"Resolving {uncommitted.Count()} uncommitted events to stream [{stream.StreamId}] bucket [{stream.Bucket}]");

            foreach (var u in uncommitted)
                if (!u.EventId.HasValue)
                    u.EventId       = startingEventId;
                    startingEventId = startingEventId.Increment();
                entity.Apply(u.Event as IEvent);

            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId);
            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, uncommitted, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);


예제 #27
        public async Task WriteSnapshots <T>(string bucket, string streamId, IEnumerable <ISnapshot> snapshots, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var streamName = $"{_streamGen(typeof(T), bucket + ".SNAP", streamId)}";

            Logger.Write(LogLevel.Debug, () => $"Writing {snapshots.Count()} snapshots to stream [{streamName}]");

            var translatedEvents = snapshots.Select(e =>
                var descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                    EntityType = typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    Timestamp  = e.Timestamp,
                    Version    = e.Version,
                    Headers    = commitHeaders

                return(new WritableEvent
                    Descriptor = descriptor,
                    Event = e.Payload,
                    EventId = Guid.NewGuid()

            if (await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, translatedEvents, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false) == 1)
                await _store.WriteMetadata(streamName, maxCount : 10).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_shouldCache)
                _cache.Cache(streamName, snapshots.Last());
        public async Task Catchup_can_traverse_all_events()
            var projectionStore = new InMemoryProjectionStore <BalanceProjection>();

            store.WriteEvents(streamId, 999);
            var catchup = StreamCatchup.Create(stream);

            catchup.Subscribe(new BalanceProjector(), projectionStore);
            await catchup.RunSingleBatch();

            projectionStore.Sum(b => b.Balance)
예제 #29
        public async Task WriteStream <T>(Guid commitId, IEventStream stream, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where T : class, IEventSource
            var streamName = _streamGen(typeof(T), StreamTypes.Domain, stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId, stream.Parents);

                         () =>
                         $"Writing {stream.Uncommitted.Count()} events to stream {stream.StreamId} bucket {stream.Bucket} with commit id {commitId}");

            if (await CheckFrozen <T>(stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId, stream.Parents).ConfigureAwait(false))
                throw new FrozenException();


            var events = stream.Uncommitted.Select(writable =>
                IMutating mutated = new Mutating(writable.Event, writable.Descriptor.Headers);
                foreach (var mutate in _mutators)
                                 () => $"Mutating outgoing event {writable.Event.GetType()} with mutator {mutate.GetType().FullName}");
                    mutated = mutate.MutateOutgoing(mutated);

                // Todo: have some bool that is set true if they modified headers
                if (_mutators.Any())
                    foreach (var header in mutated.Headers)
                        writable.Descriptor.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value;
                return((IFullEvent) new WritableEvent
                    Descriptor = writable.Descriptor,
                    Event = mutated.Message,
                    EventId = UnitOfWork.NextEventId(commitId)

            var oobs = stream.Oobs.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x);

            foreach (var oob in stream.PendingOobs)
                oobs[oob.Id] = oob;

            var domainEvents = events.Where(x => x.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.Domain);
            var oobEvents    = events.Where(x => x.Descriptor.StreamType == StreamTypes.OOB);

            if (domainEvents.Any())

                             () => $"Event stream [{stream.StreamId}] in bucket [{stream.Bucket}] committing {domainEvents.Count()} events");
                await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, domainEvents, commitHeaders, expectedVersion : stream.CommitVersion)
            if (stream.PendingOobs.Any())
                await _store.WriteMetadata(streamName, custom : new Dictionary <string, string>
                    [OobMetadataKey] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oobs.Values)

            if (stream.PendingSnapshot != null)
                             () => $"Event stream [{stream.StreamId}] in bucket [{stream.Bucket}] committing snapshot");
                await _snapstore.WriteSnapshots <T>(stream.Bucket, stream.StreamId, stream.Parents, stream.StreamVersion, stream.PendingSnapshot, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (oobEvents.Any())
                             () => $"Event stream [{stream.StreamId}] in bucket [{stream.Bucket}] publishing {oobEvents.Count()} out of band events");

                foreach (var group in oobEvents.GroupBy(x => x.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobHeaderKey]))
                    // OOB events of the same stream name don't need to all be written to the same stream
                    // if we parallelize the events into 10 known streams we can take advantage of internal
                    // ES optimizations and ES sharding
                    var vary      = _random.Next(10) + 1;
                    var oobstream = $"{streamName}-{group.Key}.{vary}";

                    var definition = oobs[group.Key];
                    if (definition.Transient ?? false)
                        await _publisher.Publish <T>(oobstream, group, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    else if (definition.DaysToLive.HasValue)
                        var version = await _store.WriteEvents(oobstream, group, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // if new stream, write metadata
                        if (version == (group.Count() - 1))
                            await _store.WriteMetadata(oobstream, maxAge : TimeSpan.FromDays(definition.DaysToLive.Value)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        await _store.WriteEvents(oobstream, group, commitHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #30
        private async Task Flush()
            var memCacheTotalSize = _memCache.Values.Sum(x => x.Count);

            _metrics.Update("Delayed Cache Size", Unit.Message, memCacheTotalSize);

            Logger.DebugEvent("Flush", "Cache Size: {CacheSize} Total Channels: {TotalChannels}", memCacheTotalSize, _memCache.Keys.Count);
            var totalFlushed = 0;

            // A list of channels who have expired or have more than 1/5 the max total cache size
            var expiredSpecificChannels =
                _memCache.Where(x => TimeSpan.FromTicks(_time.Now.Ticks - x.Value.Pulled) > _expiration)
                .Select(x => x.Key).Take(Math.Max(1, _memCache.Keys.Count / 5))

            await expiredSpecificChannels.StartEachAsync(3, async expired =>
                var messages = pullFromMemCache(expired.Channel, expired.Key, max: _flushSize);

                if (!messages.Any())

                Logger.InfoEvent("ExpiredFlush", "{Flush} messages channel [{Channel:l}] key [{Key:l}]", messages.Length, expired.Channel, expired.Key);

                var translatedEvents = messages.Select(x => (IFullEvent) new FullEvent
                    Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                        EntityType = "DELAY",
                        StreamType = $"{_endpoint}.{StreamTypes.Delayed}",
                        Bucket     = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN",
                        StreamId   = $"{expired.Channel}.{expired.Key}",
                        Timestamp  = _time.Now,
                        Headers    = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            ["Expired"]   = "true",
                            ["FlushTime"] = _time.Now.ToString("s"),
                    Event = x,
                    // Todo: might be a good idea to have a lock here so while writing to eventstore no new events can pile up

                    // Stream name to contain the channel, specific key, and the instance id
                    // it doesn't matter whats in the streamname, the category projection will queue it for execution anyway
                    // and a lot of writers to a single stream makes eventstore slow
                    var streamName = _streamGen(_registrar.GetVersionedName(typeof(DelayedCache)),
                                                $"{_endpoint}.{StreamTypes.Delayed}", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN",
                                                $"{expired.Channel}.{expired.Key}", new Id[] { });
                    await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, translatedEvents, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref totalFlushed, messages.Length);
                    Interlocked.Add(ref memCacheTotalSize, -messages.Length);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.WarnEvent("FlushFailure", e, "Channel [{Channel:l}] key [{Key:l}]: {ExceptionType} - {ExceptionMessage}", expired.Channel, expired.Key, e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
                    // Failed to write to ES - put object back in memcache
                    addToMemCache(expired.Channel, expired.Key, messages);

                if (memCacheTotalSize > (_maxSize * 1.5))
                    Logger.WarnEvent("TooLarge", "Pausing message processing");
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tooLarge, 1, 0);

                var limit = 10;
                while (memCacheTotalSize > _maxSize && limit > 0)
                    // Flush the largest channels
                    var toFlush = _memCache.Where(x => x.Value.Count > _flushSize || (x.Value.Count > (_maxSize / 5))).Select(x => x.Key).Take(Math.Max(1, _memCache.Keys.Count / 5)).ToArray();
                    // If no large channels, take some of the oldest
                    if (!toFlush.Any())
                        toFlush = _memCache.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Pulled).Select(x => x.Key).Take(Math.Max(1, _memCache.Keys.Count / 5)).ToArray();

                    await toFlush.StartEachAsync(3, async expired =>
                        var messages = pullFromMemCache(expired.Channel, expired.Key, max: _flushSize);

                        Logger.InfoEvent("LargeFlush", "{Flush} messages channel [{Channel:l}] key [{Key:l}]", messages.Length, expired.Channel, expired.Key);

                        var translatedEvents = messages.Select(x => (IFullEvent) new FullEvent
                            Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                                EntityType = "DELAY",
                                StreamType = $"{_endpoint}.{StreamTypes.Delayed}",
                                Bucket     = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN",
                                StreamId   = $"{expired.Channel}.{expired.Key}",
                                Timestamp  = _time.Now,
                                Headers    = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                    ["Expired"]   = "false",
                                    ["FlushTime"] = _time.Now.ToString("s"),
                            Event = x,
                            // Todo: might be a good idea to have a lock here so while writing to eventstore no new events can pile up

                            var streamName = _streamGen(_registrar.GetVersionedName(typeof(DelayedCache)),
                                                        Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.FullName ?? "UNKNOWN",
                                                        $"{expired.Channel}.{expired.Key}", new Id[] { });

                            await _store.WriteEvents(streamName, translatedEvents, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalFlushed, messages.Length);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref memCacheTotalSize, -messages.Length);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.WarnEvent("FlushFailure", e, "Channel [{Channel:l}] key [{Key:l}]: {ExceptionType} - {ExceptionMessage}", expired.Channel, expired.Key, e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
                            // Failed to write to ES - put object back in memcache
                            addToMemCache(expired.Channel, expired.Key, messages);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.ErrorEvent("FlushException", e, "{ExceptionType} - {ExceptionMessage}", e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tooLarge, 0, 1);

            Logger.DebugEvent("Flushed", "{Flushed} total", totalFlushed);
예제 #31
        public async Task Commit(Guid commitId, IDictionary <String, String> commitHeaders)
            Logger.DebugFormat("Event stream {0} commiting events", this.StreamId);

            await this._children.Values.ForEachAsync(2, async (child) =>
                Logger.DebugFormat("Event stream {0} commiting changes to child stream {1}", this.StreamId, child.StreamId);
                await child.Commit(commitId, commitHeaders);

            if (this._uncommitted.Count == 0)

            if (commitHeaders == null)
                commitHeaders = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            commitHeaders[CommitHeader] = commitId.ToString();

            var oldCommits = Events.Select(x =>
                String temp;
                if (!x.Descriptor.Headers.TryGetValue(CommitHeader, out temp))

            if (oldCommits.Any(x => x == commitId))
                throw new DuplicateCommitException($"Probable duplicate message handled - discarding commit id {commitId}");

            Logger.DebugFormat("Event stream {0} committing {1} events", this.StreamId, _uncommitted.Count);
                await _store.WriteEvents(this.Bucket, this.StreamId, this._streamVersion, _uncommitted, commitHeaders);

                await _snapshots.WriteSnapshots(this.Bucket, this.StreamId, _pendingShots, commitHeaders);

            catch (WrongExpectedVersionException e)
                throw new VersionException($"Expected version {_streamVersion}", e);
            catch (CannotEstablishConnectionException e)
                throw new PersistenceException(e.Message, e);
            catch (OperationTimedOutException e)
                throw new PersistenceException(e.Message, e);
            catch (EventStoreConnectionException e)
                throw new PersistenceException(e.Message, e);
예제 #32
        public async Task WriteEvents <TEntity>(string bucket, Id streamId, Id[] parents, IFullEvent[] events, Guid commitId, IDictionary <string, string> commitHeaders) where TEntity : IEntity
            Logger.DebugEvent("Write", "{Events} stream [{Stream:l}] bucket [{Bucket:l}]", events.Length, streamId, bucket);

            var transients = new List <IFullMessage>();
            var durables   = new Dictionary <string, List <IFullEvent> >();

            foreach (var @event in events)
                var parentsStr = parents?.Any() ?? false?parents.Aggregate <Id, string>("", (cur, next) => $"{cur},{next}") : "";

                var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.{Defaults.MessageIdHeader}"]     = @event.EventId.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.{Defaults.CorrelationIdHeader}"] = commitId.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.EventId"]    = @event.EventId.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.EntityType"] = @event.Descriptor.EntityType,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Timestamp"]  = @event.Descriptor.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Version"]    = @event.Descriptor.Version.ToString(),
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Bucket"]     = bucket,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.StreamId"]   = streamId,
                    [$"{Defaults.PrefixHeader}.Parents"]    = parentsStr

                var id = "";

                id = @event.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobHeaderKey];

                if (@event.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobTransientKey) &&
                    bool.TryParse(@event.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobTransientKey], out var transient) && !transient)
                    var stream = _generator(_registrar.GetVersionedName(typeof(TEntity)), StreamTypes.OOB, $"{id}.{bucket}", streamId, parents);
                    if (!durables.ContainsKey(stream))
                        durables[stream] = new List <IFullEvent>();

                    durables[stream].Add(new FullEvent
                        EventId    = @event.EventId,
                        Event      = @event.Event,
                        Descriptor = new EventDescriptor
                            EventId       = @event.Descriptor.EventId,
                            EntityType    = @event.Descriptor.EntityType,
                            StreamType    = @event.Descriptor.StreamType,
                            Bucket        = @event.Descriptor.Bucket,
                            StreamId      = @event.Descriptor.StreamId,
                            Parents       = @event.Descriptor.Parents,
                            Compressed    = @event.Descriptor.Compressed,
                            Version       = @event.Descriptor.Version,
                            Timestamp     = @event.Descriptor.Timestamp,
                            Headers       = @event.Descriptor.Headers.Merge(headers),
                            CommitHeaders = @event.Descriptor.CommitHeaders.Merge(commitHeaders)
                    transients.Add(new FullMessage
                        Message = @event.Event,
                        Headers = @event.Descriptor.Headers.Merge(headers).Merge(commitHeaders)

            await _dispatcher.Publish(transients.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var stream in durables)
                // Commit headers were already added to descriptor
                await _store.WriteEvents(stream.Key, stream.Value.ToArray(), new Dictionary <string, string> {

                // Update stream's maxAge if oob channel has a DaysToLive parameter
                DaysToLiveKnowns.TryGetValue(stream.Key, out var daysToLiveKnown);

                var sample = stream.Value.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Headers.ContainsKey(Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey));
                if (sample == null)

                int.TryParse(sample.Descriptor.Headers[Defaults.OobDaysToLiveKey], out var daysToLive);

                if (daysToLiveKnown != daysToLive)
                    DaysToLiveKnowns.AddOrUpdate(stream.Key, daysToLive, (key, val) => daysToLive);
                    await _store.WriteMetadata(stream.Key, maxAge : TimeSpan.FromDays(daysToLive)).ConfigureAwait(false);