public override ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, string Name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            //declare the requested entry
            ICloudFileSystemEntry fsEntry = null;

            // lets have a look if we are on the root node
            if (parent == null)
                // just create the root entry
                fsEntry = GenericStorageProviderFactory.CreateDirectoryEntry(session, Name, parent);
                // ok we have a parent, let's retrieve the resource 
                // from his child list
                fsEntry = parent.GetChild(Name, false);

            // now that we create the entry just update the chuld
            if (fsEntry != null && fsEntry is ICloudDirectoryEntry)
                RefreshResource(session, fsEntry as ICloudDirectoryEntry);

            // go ahead
            return fsEntry;
        public override bool DeleteResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry entry)
            // get the creds
            ICredentials creds = ((GenericNetworkCredentials) session.SessionToken).GetCredential(null, null);

            // generate the loca path
            String uriPath = GetResourceUrl(session, entry, null);

            // removed the file
            if (entry is ICloudDirectoryEntry)
                // we need an empty directory
                foreach (ICloudFileSystemEntry child in (ICloudDirectoryEntry) entry)
                    DeleteResource(session, child);

                // remove the directory
                return _ftpService.FtpDeleteEmptyDirectory(uriPath, creds);
                // remove the file
                return _ftpService.FtpDeleteFile(uriPath, creds);
        public void RefreshDirectoryContent(IStorageProviderSession session, BaseDirectoryEntry entry)
            if (entry == null)

            var url = String.Format(GoogleDocsConstants.GoogleDocsContentsUrlFormat, entry.Id.ReplaceFirst("_", "%3a"));
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "max-results", "1000" } };
                while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                    var request = CreateWebRequest(session, url, "GET", parameters);
                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    var rs = response.GetResponseStream();

                    var feedXml = new StreamReader(rs).ReadToEnd();
                    var childs = GoogleDocsXmlParser.ParseEntriesXml(session, feedXml);

                    url = GoogleDocsXmlParser.ParseNext(feedXml);
            catch (WebException)

        public void RefreshDirectoryContent(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudDirectoryEntry directory)
            String uri = String.Format(SkyDriveConstants.FilesAccessUrlFormat, directory.Id);
            uri = SignUri(session, uri);

            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
            WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

            using (var rs = response.GetResponseStream())
                if (rs == null) 
                    throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotRetrieveDirectoryList);
                String json = new StreamReader(rs).ReadToEnd();
                var childs = SkyDriveJsonParser.ParseListOfEntries(session, json)
                    .Select(x => x as BaseFileEntry).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
                if (childs.Length == 0 || !(directory is BaseDirectoryEntry)) 
                    throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotRetrieveDirectoryList);
                var directoryBase = directory as BaseDirectoryEntry;

        public bool RemoveResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry resource, RemoveMode mode)
            String url;
            Dictionary<String, String> parameters = null;

            if (mode == RemoveMode.FromParentCollection)
                var pId = (resource.Parent != null ? resource.Parent.Id : GoogleDocsConstants.RootFolderId).ReplaceFirst("_", "%3a");
                url = String.Format("{0}/{1}/contents/{2}", GoogleDocsConstants.GoogleDocsFeedUrl, pId, resource.Id.ReplaceFirst("_", "%3a"));
                url = String.Format(GoogleDocsConstants.GoogleDocsResourceUrlFormat, resource.Id.ReplaceFirst("_", "%3a"));
                parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {{"delete", "true"}};

            var request = CreateWebRequest(session, url, "DELETE", parameters);
            request.Headers.Add("If-Match", "*");

                var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    return true;
            catch (WebException)

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method closes the established session to a service provider
        /// </summary>
        public void Close()
            // close the session

            // remove reference
            _Session = null;
        public override void RefreshResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry resource)
            // nothing to do for files
            if (!(resource is ICloudDirectoryEntry))

            // Refresh schild
            RefreshChildsOfDirectory(session, resource as ICloudDirectoryEntry);
        public DropBoxAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(IStorageProviderSession session)
            // request the json object via oauth            
            int code;
            var res = DropBoxRequestParser.RequestResourceByUrl(GetUrlString(DropBoxGetAccountInfo, session.ServiceConfiguration), this, session, out code);

            // parse the jason stuff            
            return new DropBoxAccountInfo(res);
예제 #9
        public BaseFileEntry(String Name, long Length, DateTime Modified, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
            this.Name = Name;
            this.Length = Length;
            this.Modified = Modified;
            _service = new CachedServiceWrapper(service); //NOTE: Caching
            _session = session;

            IsDeleted = false;
        public void RefreshResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry resource)
            var cached = FsCache.Get(GetSessionKey(session), GetCacheKey(session, null, resource), null) as ICloudDirectoryEntry;

            if (cached == null || cached.HasChildrens == nChildState.HasNotEvaluated)
                _service.RefreshResource(session, resource);
                FsCache.Add(GetSessionKey(session), GetCacheKey(session, null, resource), resource);
        public static String PerformRequest(IStorageProviderSession session, String uri, String method, String data, bool signUri, int countAttempts)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
                method = "GET";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data) && method == "GET")
                return null;

            if (signUri)
                uri = SignUri(session, uri);

            int attemptsToComplete = countAttempts;
            while (attemptsToComplete > 0)
                WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
                request.Method = method;
                request.Timeout = 5000;

                if (!signUri)
                    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + GetValidToken(session).AccessToken);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                    byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
                    request.ContentType = "application/json";
                    request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
                    using (var rs = request.GetRequestStream())
                        rs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                    WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                    using (var rs = response.GetResponseStream())
                        if (rs != null)
                            return new StreamReader(rs).ReadToEnd();
                    return null;
                catch (WebException exception)

                    if (exception.Response != null && ((HttpWebResponse)exception.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        return null;
            return null;
        public override ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, String nameOrID, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            /* In this method name could be either requested resource name or it's ID.
             * In first case just refresh the parent and then search child with an appropriate.
             * In second case it does not matter if parent is null or not a parent because we use only resource ID. */

            if (SkyDriveHelpers.IsResourceID(nameOrID) || nameOrID.Equals("/") && parent == null)
                //If request by ID or root folder requested
                String uri =
                        ? String.Format("{0}/{1}", SkyDriveConstants.BaseAccessUrl, nameOrID)
                        : SkyDriveConstants.RootAccessUrl;
                uri = SignUri(session, uri);

                WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

                using (var rs = response.GetResponseStream())
                    if (rs != null)
                        String json = new StreamReader(rs).ReadToEnd();
                        ICloudFileSystemEntry entry = SkyDriveJsonParser.ParseSingleEntry(session, json);
                        return entry;
                String uri =
                    parent != null
                        ? String.Format(SkyDriveConstants.FilesAccessUrlFormat, parent.Id)
                        : SkyDriveConstants.RootAccessUrl + "/files";
                uri = SignUri(session, uri);

                WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

                using (var rs = response.GetResponseStream())
                    if (rs != null)
                        String json = new StreamReader(rs).ReadToEnd();
                        var entry = SkyDriveJsonParser.ParseListOfEntries(session, json).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(nameOrID));
                        if (entry != null && parent != null && parent is BaseDirectoryEntry)
                            (parent as BaseDirectoryEntry).AddChild(entry as BaseFileEntry);
                        return entry;
            return null;
        public static BaseFileEntry UpdateObjectFromJsonString(String jsonMessage, BaseFileEntry objectToUpdate, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
            // verify if we have a directory or a file
            var jc = new JsonHelper();
            if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonMessage))
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidFileOrDirectoryName);

            var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");

            // create the entry
            BaseFileEntry dbentry;
            Boolean bEntryOk;

            if (isDir)
                if (objectToUpdate == null)
                    dbentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    dbentry = objectToUpdate as BaseDirectoryEntry;

                bEntryOk = BuildDirectyEntry(dbentry as BaseDirectoryEntry, jc, service, session);
                if (objectToUpdate == null)
                    dbentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    dbentry = objectToUpdate;

                bEntryOk = BuildFileEntry(dbentry, jc);

            // parse the childs and fill the entry as self
            if (!bEntryOk)
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotContactStorageService);

            // set the is deleted flag
                // try to read the is_deleted property
                dbentry.IsDeleted = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_deleted");
            catch (Exception)
                // the is_deleted proprty is missing (so it's not a deleted file or folder)
                dbentry.IsDeleted = false;

            // return the child
            return dbentry;
        public override ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, string Name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            // build path
            String path;

            if (Name.Equals("/"))
                path = session.ServiceConfiguration.ServiceLocator.LocalPath;
            else if (parent == null)
                path = Path.Combine(path = session.ServiceConfiguration.ServiceLocator.LocalPath, Name);
                path = new Uri(GetResourceUrl(session, parent, Name)).LocalPath;

            // check if file exists
            if (File.Exists(path))
                // create the fileinfo
                FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(path);

                BaseFileEntry bf = new BaseFileEntry(fInfo.Name, fInfo.Length, fInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc, this, session) {Parent = parent};

                // add to parent
                if (parent != null)
                    (parent as BaseDirectoryEntry).AddChild(bf);

                // go ahead
                return bf;
                // check if directory exists
            else if (Directory.Exists(path))
                // build directory info
                DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);

                // build bas dir
                BaseDirectoryEntry dir = CreateEntryByFileSystemInfo(dInfo, session, parent) as BaseDirectoryEntry;
                if (Name.Equals("/"))
                    dir.Name = "/";

                // add to parent
                if (parent != null)
                    (parent as BaseDirectoryEntry).AddChild(dir);

                // refresh the childs
                RefreshChildsOfDirectory(session, dir);

                // go ahead
                return dir;
                return null;
        private static ICloudFileSystemEntry ParseSingleEntry(IStorageProviderSession session, String json, JsonHelper parser)
            if (json == null)
                return null;

            if (parser == null)
                parser = CreateParser(json);

            if (ContainsError(json, false, parser))
                return null;

            BaseFileEntry entry;

            var type = parser.GetProperty("type");

            if (!IsFolderType(type) && !IsFileType(type))
                return null;

            var id = parser.GetProperty("id");
            var name = parser.GetProperty("name");
            var parentID = parser.GetProperty("parent_id");
            var uploadLocation = parser.GetProperty("upload_location");
            var updatedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(parser.GetProperty("updated_time")).ToUniversalTime();

            if (IsFolderType(type))
                int count = parser.GetPropertyInt("count");
                entry = new BaseDirectoryEntry(name, count, updatedTime, session.Service, session) {Id = id};
                var size = Convert.ToInt64(parser.GetProperty("size"));
                entry = new BaseFileEntry(name, size, updatedTime, session.Service, session) {Id = id};
            entry[SkyDriveConstants.UploadLocationKey] = uploadLocation;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentID))
                entry.ParentID = SkyDriveConstants.RootIDRegex.IsMatch(parentID) ? "/" : parentID;   
                entry.Name = "/";
                entry.Id = "/";

            entry[SkyDriveConstants.InnerIDKey] = id;
            entry[SkyDriveConstants.TimestampKey] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <param name="Name"></param>
        /// <param name="modifiedDate"></param>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICloudDirectoryEntry CreateDirectoryEntry(IStorageProviderSession session, string Name, DateTime modifiedDate, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            // build up query url
            var newObj = new BaseDirectoryEntry(Name, 0, modifiedDate, session.Service, session);

            // case the parent if possible
            if (parent != null)
                var objparent = parent as BaseDirectoryEntry;

            return newObj;
 private static OAuth20Token GetValidToken(IStorageProviderSession session)
     var token = session.SessionToken as OAuth20Token;
     if (token == null) throw new ArgumentException("Can not retrieve valid oAuth 2.0 token from given session", "session");
     if (token.IsExpired)
         token = (OAuth20Token)SkyDriveAuthorizationHelper.RefreshToken(token);
         var sdSession = session as SkyDriveStorageProviderSession;
         if (sdSession != null)
             sdSession.SessionToken = token;
     return token;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method opens a session for the implemented storage provider based on an existing
        /// security token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICloudStorageAccessToken Open(ICloudStorageConfiguration configuration, ICloudStorageAccessToken token)
            // Verify the compatibility of the credentials
            if (!_Service.VerifyAccessTokenType(token))
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidCredentialsOrConfiguration);

            // create a new session
            _Session = _Service.CreateSession(token, configuration);

            // check the session
            if (_Session == null)
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidCredentialsOrConfiguration);

            // return the accesstoken token
            return _Session.SessionToken;
        public static String RequestResourceByUrl(String url, Dictionary<String, String> parameters, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
            // cast the dropbox session
            var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // instance the oAuthServer
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            var urlhash = new KeyValuePair<string, string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("/metadata/"))
                //Add the hash attr if any
                urlhash = SessionHashStorage.Get(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, () => new KeyValuePair<string, string>());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value))
                //Add params
                if (parameters == null)
                    parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                parameters.Add("hash", urlhash.Key);

            // build the webrequest to protected resource
            var request = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken) dropBoxSession.SessionToken, parameters);

            // get the error code
            WebException ex;

            // perform a simple webrequest 
            using (Stream s = svc.PerformWebRequest(request, null, out netErrorCode, out ex, 
                (code) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && code == 304)/*to check code without downloading*/)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && netErrorCode == 304)
                    return urlhash.Value;
                if (s == null)
                    return "";

                // read the memory stream and convert to string
                var response = new StreamReader(s).ReadToEnd();
                return response;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method request information about a resource
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <param name="Name"></param>        
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, string Name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            // build url
            String uriString = GetResourceUrl(session, parent, null);
            uriString = PathHelper.Combine(uriString, Name);

            // get the data
            List<BaseFileEntry> childs = null;
            BaseFileEntry requestResource = RequestResourceFromWebDavShare(session, uriString, out childs);

            // check errors
            if (requestResource == null)
                return null;

            // rename the root
            if (Name.Equals("/"))
                requestResource.Name = "/";

            // init parent child relation
            if (parent != null)
                BaseDirectoryEntry parentDir = parent as BaseDirectoryEntry;

            // check if we have to add childs
            if (!(requestResource is BaseDirectoryEntry))
                return requestResource;
                BaseDirectoryEntry requestedDir = requestResource as BaseDirectoryEntry;

                // add the childs
                foreach (BaseFileEntry child in childs)

            // go ahead
            return requestResource;
        public static String RequestResourceByUrl(String url, Dictionary <String, String> parameters, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
            // cast the dropbox session
            var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // instance the oAuthServer
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            var urlhash = new KeyValuePair <string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("/metadata/"))
                //Add the hash attr if any
                urlhash = SessionHashStorage.Get(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, () => new KeyValuePair <string, string>());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value))
                //Add params
                if (parameters == null)
                    parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                parameters.Add("hash", urlhash.Key);

            // build the webrequest to protected resource
            var request = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken)dropBoxSession.SessionToken, parameters);

            // get the error code
            WebException ex;

            // perform a simple webrequest
            using (Stream s = svc.PerformWebRequest(request, null, out netErrorCode, out ex,
                                                    (code) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && code == 304) /*to check code without downloading*/)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && netErrorCode == 304)
                if (s == null)

                // read the memory stream and convert to string
                var response = new StreamReader(s).ReadToEnd();
        private BaseFileEntry RequestResourceFromWebDavShare(IStorageProviderSession session, String resourceUrl, out List<BaseFileEntry> childs)
            // get the credebtials
            ICredentials creds = session.SessionToken as ICredentials;

            // build the dav service
            DavService svc = new DavService();

            // the result
            WebDavRequestResult RequestResult;

                // create the web request
                WebRequest request = svc.CreateWebRequestPROPFIND(resourceUrl, creds.GetCredential(null, null));

                // get the response
                using (HttpWebResponse response = svc.GetWebResponse(request) as HttpWebResponse)
                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved)
                        // get the new uri
                        String newUri = response.Headers["Location"];

                        // close the response

                        // redo it
                        return RequestResourceFromWebDavShare(session, newUri, out childs);
                        // get the response stream
                        using (Stream data = svc.GetResponseStream(response))
                            if (data == null)
                                childs = null;
                                return null;

                            // build the file entries
                            RequestResult = WebDavRequestParser.CreateObjectsFromNetworkStream(data, resourceUrl, this, session, WebDavNameBaseFilterCallback);

                            // close the stream

                        // close the response

                // get the request fileentry and fill the childs
                if (RequestResult.Self == null)
                    childs = null;
                    return null;

                // set the childs
                childs = RequestResult.Childs;

                // go ahead
                return RequestResult.Self;
            catch (WebException)
                childs = null;
                return null;
        public override bool RenameResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry, string newName)
            var path = DropBoxResourceIDHelpers.GetResourcePath(fsentry).ReplaceLast(fsentry.Name, newName);

            return(MoveOrRenameItem(session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession, fsentry as BaseFileEntry, path));
 private string GetCacheKey(IStorageProviderSession session, string nameOrId, ICloudFileSystemEntry parent)
     return(GetResourceUrl(session, parent, nameOrId));
 public ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, string name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
     return(FsCache.Get(GetSessionKey(session), GetCacheKey(session, name, parent), () => _service.RequestResource(session, name, parent)));
        private static IEnumerable <ICloudFileSystemEntry> RequestContentByUrl(IStorageProviderSession session, String url)
            String json = SkyDriveRequestHelper.PerformRequest(session, url);

            return(SkyDriveJsonParser.ParseListOfEntries(session, json) ?? new List <ICloudFileSystemEntry>());
        private static ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResourseByUrl(IStorageProviderSession session, String url)
            String json = SkyDriveRequestHelper.PerformRequest(session, url);

            return(SkyDriveJsonParser.ParseSingleEntry(session, json));
 private String WebDavNameBaseFilterCallback(String targetUrl, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, String NameBase)
     // call our virtual method
     return(OnNameBase(targetUrl, service, session, NameBase));
 protected virtual String OnNameBase(String targetUrl, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, String NameBase)
 public override void CommitStreamOperation(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, nTransferDirection Direction, Stream NotDisposedStream)
        private BaseFileEntry RequestResourceFromWebDavShare(IStorageProviderSession session, String resourceUrl, out List <BaseFileEntry> childs)
            // get the credebtials
            ICredentials creds = session.SessionToken as ICredentials;

            // build the dav service
            DavService svc = new DavService();

            // the result
            WebDavRequestResult RequestResult;

                // create the web request
                WebRequest request = svc.CreateWebRequestPROPFIND(resourceUrl, creds.GetCredential(null, null));

                // get the response
                using (HttpWebResponse response = svc.GetWebResponse(request) as HttpWebResponse)
                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved)
                        // get the new uri
                        String newUri = response.Headers["Location"];

                        // close the response

                        // redo it
                        return(RequestResourceFromWebDavShare(session, newUri, out childs));
                        // get the response stream
                        using (Stream data = svc.GetResponseStream(response))
                            if (data == null)
                                childs = null;

                            // build the file entries
                            RequestResult = WebDavRequestParser.CreateObjectsFromNetworkStream(data, resourceUrl, this, session, WebDavNameBaseFilterCallback);

                            // close the stream

                        // close the response

                // get the request fileentry and fill the childs
                if (RequestResult.Self == null)
                    childs = null;

                // set the childs
                childs = RequestResult.Childs;

                // go ahead
            catch (WebException)
                childs = null;
 public Stream CreateUploadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, long uploadSize)
     return(_service.CreateUploadStream(session, fileSystemEntry, uploadSize));
 public IResumableUploadSession CreateUploadSession(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, long bytesToTransfer)
     return(_service.CreateUploadSession(session, fileSystemEntry, bytesToTransfer));
 public void AbortUploadSession(IStorageProviderSession session, IResumableUploadSession uploadSession)
     _service.AbortUploadSession(session, uploadSession);
 public static BaseFileEntry CreateObjectsFromJsonString(String jsonMessage, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
     return(UpdateObjectFromJsonString(jsonMessage, null, service, session));
 public bool CopyResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry, ICloudDirectoryEntry newParent)
     FsCache.Reset(GetSessionKey(session), string.Empty);
     return(_service.CopyResource(session, fsentry, newParent));
        public static BaseFileEntry UpdateObjectFromJsonString(String jsonMessage, BaseFileEntry objectToUpdate, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
            // verify if we have a directory or a file
            var jc = new JsonHelper();

            if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonMessage))
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidFileOrDirectoryName);

            var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");

            // create the entry
            BaseFileEntry dbentry;
            Boolean       bEntryOk;

            if (isDir)
                if (objectToUpdate == null)
                    dbentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    dbentry = objectToUpdate as BaseDirectoryEntry;

                bEntryOk = BuildDirectyEntry(dbentry as BaseDirectoryEntry, jc, service, session);
                if (objectToUpdate == null)
                    dbentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    dbentry = objectToUpdate;

                bEntryOk = BuildFileEntry(dbentry, jc);

            // parse the childs and fill the entry as self
            if (!bEntryOk)
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotContactStorageService);

            // set the is deleted flag
                // try to read the is_deleted property
                dbentry.IsDeleted = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_deleted");
            catch (Exception)
                // the is_deleted proprty is missing (so it's not a deleted file or folder)
                dbentry.IsDeleted = false;

            // return the child
 public static void UpdateResourceByXml(IStorageProviderSession session, out ICloudFileSystemEntry resource, String xml)
     var parsed = GoogleDocsXmlParser.ParseEntriesXml(session, xml).Single();
     resource = parsed;
 public override void CommitStreamOperation(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry entry, nTransferDirection direction, Stream stream)
        private static Boolean BuildDirectyEntry(BaseDirectoryEntry dirEntry, JsonHelper jh, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
            // build the file entry part 
            if (!BuildFileEntry(dirEntry, jh))
                return false;

            // now take the content 
            var content = jh.GetListProperty("contents");

            if (content.Count == 0)
                return true;

            // remove all childs

            // add the childs
            foreach (var jsonContent in content)
                // parse the item
                var jc = new JsonHelper();
                if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonContent))

                // check if we have a directory
                var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");

                BaseFileEntry fentry;

                if (isDir)
                    fentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    fentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);

                // build the file attributes
                BuildFileEntry(fentry, jc);

                // establish parent child realtionship

            // set the length
            dirEntry.Length = dirEntry.Count;

            // go ahead
            return true;
 public ICloudFileSystemEntry CreateResource(IStorageProviderSession session, string name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
     return(_service.CreateResource(session, name, parent));
 protected virtual String OnNameBase(String targetUrl, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, String NameBase)
     return NameBase;
 private static string GetSessionKey(IStorageProviderSession session)
     return(session.GetType().Name + " " + session.SessionToken);
 public void UploadChunk(IStorageProviderSession session, IResumableUploadSession uploadSession, Stream stream, long chunkLength)
     _service.UploadChunk(session, uploadSession, stream, chunkLength);
        private bool CopyResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry, String newTargetUrl)
            var config = session.ServiceConfiguration as WebDavConfiguration;
            var creds = session.SessionToken as ICredentials;

            var uriString = PathHelper.Combine(config.ServiceLocator.ToString(), GenericHelper.GetResourcePath(fsentry));

            var uri = new Uri(uriString);
            var uriTarget = new Uri(newTargetUrl);

            var errorCode = new DavService().PerformCopyWebRequest(uri.ToString(), uriTarget.ToString(), creds.GetCredential(null, null));

            return errorCode == HttpStatusCode.Created || errorCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent;
예제 #46
 public BaseDirectoryEntry(String Name, long Length, DateTime Modified, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
     : base(Name, Length, Modified, service, session)
 private String WebDavNameBaseFilterCallback(String targetUrl, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, String NameBase)
     // call our virtual method
     return OnNameBase(targetUrl, service, session, NameBase);
예제 #48
        public static void UpdateResourceByXml(IStorageProviderSession session, out ICloudFileSystemEntry resource, String xml)
            var parsed = GoogleDocsXmlParser.ParseEntriesXml(session, xml).Single();

            resource = parsed;
 public bool DeleteResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry entry)
     FsCache.Reset(GetSessionKey(session), string.Empty);
     return(_service.DeleteResource(session, entry));
 public CloudStorageLimits GetLimits(IStorageProviderSession session)
        public override ICloudFileSystemEntry RequestResource(IStorageProviderSession session, String name, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            /* In this method name could be either requested resource name or it's ID.
             * In first case just refresh the parent and then search child with an appropriate.
             * In second case it does not matter if parent is null or not a parent because we use only resource ID. */

            if (SkyDriveHelpers.HasResourceID(name) || name.Equals("/") && parent == null)
            //If request by ID or root folder requested
                var id  = SkyDriveHelpers.GetResourceID(name);
                var uri = id != String.Empty
                              ? String.Format("{0}/{1}", SkyDriveConstants.BaseAccessUrl, id)
                              : SkyDriveConstants.RootAccessUrl;

                if (SkyDriveHelpers.IsFolderID(id))
                    var contents = new List <ICloudFileSystemEntry>();

                    /*var completeContent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                     * ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
                     *  {
                     *      contents.AddRange(RequestContentByUrl(session, uri + "/files"));
                     *      ((AutoResetEvent) state).Set();
                     *  }, completeContent);
                     * var completeEntry = new AutoResetEvent(false);
                     * ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state =>
                     *  {
                     *      entry = RequestResourseByUrl(session, uri) as BaseDirectoryEntry;
                     *      ((AutoResetEvent) state).Set();
                     *  }, completeEntry);
                     * WaitHandle.WaitAll(new WaitHandle[] {completeContent, completeEntry});*/

                    var entry = RequestResourseByUrl(session, uri) as BaseDirectoryEntry;
                    contents.AddRange(RequestContentByUrl(session, uri + "/files"));

                    if (entry != null && contents.Any())
                        entry.AddChilds(contents.Cast <BaseFileEntry>());


                return(RequestResourseByUrl(session, uri));
                String uri;
                if (SkyDriveHelpers.HasParentID(name))
                    uri = String.Format(SkyDriveConstants.FilesAccessUrlFormat, SkyDriveHelpers.GetParentID(name));
                else if (parent != null)
                    uri = String.Format(SkyDriveConstants.FilesAccessUrlFormat, parent.GetPropertyValue(SkyDriveConstants.InnerIDKey));
                    uri = SkyDriveConstants.RootAccessUrl + "/files";

                name = Path.GetFileName(name);
                var entry = RequestContentByUrl(session, uri).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(name));
 public bool RenameResource(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry, string newName)
     FsCache.Reset(GetSessionKey(session), string.Empty);
     return(_service.RenameResource(session, fsentry, newName));
 public static String RequestResourceByUrl(String url, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
     return RequestResourceByUrl(url, null, service, session, out netErrorCode);
 public static String RequestResourceByUrl(String url, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
     return(RequestResourceByUrl(url, null, service, session, out netErrorCode));
 public static void Addhash(string url, string hash, string response, IStorageProviderSession session)
     SessionHashStorage.Add(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, new KeyValuePair<string, string>(hash, response));
        private static Boolean BuildDirectyEntry(BaseDirectoryEntry dirEntry, JsonHelper jh, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
            // build the file entry part
            if (!BuildFileEntry(dirEntry, jh))

            // now take the content
            var content = jh.GetListProperty("contents");

            if (content.Count == 0)

            // remove all childs

            // add the childs
            foreach (var jsonContent in content)
                // parse the item
                var jc = new JsonHelper();
                if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonContent))

                // check if we have a directory
                var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");

                BaseFileEntry fentry;

                if (isDir)
                    fentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
                    fentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);

                // build the file attributes
                BuildFileEntry(fentry, jc);

                // establish parent child realtionship

            // set the length
            dirEntry.Length = dirEntry.Count;

            // go ahead
 public static BaseFileEntry CreateObjectsFromJsonString(String jsonMessage, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
     return UpdateObjectFromJsonString(jsonMessage, null, service, session);
 public static void Addhash(string url, string hash, string response, IStorageProviderSession session)
     SessionHashStorage.Add(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, new KeyValuePair <string, string>(hash, response));
 public BaseFileEntryDataTransfer(ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
     _fsEntry = fileSystemEntry;
     _session = session;
     _service = service;
 public void CloseSession(IStorageProviderSession session)
     FsCache.Reset(GetSessionKey(session), string.Empty);