public dynamic Insert(StockAdjustment model) { try { if (!AuthenticationModel.IsAllowed("Create", Core.Constants.Constant.MenuName.StockAdjustment, Core.Constants.Constant.MenuGroupName.Master)) { Dictionary <string, string> Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Errors.Add("Generic", "You are Not Allowed to Add record"); return(Json(new { Errors }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } model = _stockAdjustmentService.CreateObject(model, _warehouseService); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error("Insert Failed", ex); Dictionary <string, string> Errors = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Errors.Add("Generic", "Error " + ex); return(Json(new { Errors }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { model.Errors })); }
public dynamic Insert(StockAdjustment model) { try { model = _stockAdjustmentService.CreateObject(model, _warehouseService); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error("Insert Failed", ex); model.Errors.Add("Generic", "Error : " + ex); } return(Json(new { model.Errors })); }
void before_each() { var db = new OffsetPrintingSuppliesEntities(); using (db) { db.DeleteAllTables(); itemService = new ItemService(new ItemRepository(), new ItemValidator()); contactService = new ContactService(new ContactRepository(), new ContactValidator()); poService = new PurchaseOrderService(new PurchaseOrderRepository(), new PurchaseOrderValidator()); poDetailService = new PurchaseOrderDetailService(new PurchaseOrderDetailRepository(), new PurchaseOrderDetailValidator()); _stockMutationService = new StockMutationService(new StockMutationRepository(), new StockMutationValidator()); _itemTypeService = new ItemTypeService(new ItemTypeRepository(), new ItemTypeValidator()); _uomService = new UoMService(new UoMRepository(), new UoMValidator()); _warehouseItemService = new WarehouseItemService(new WarehouseItemRepository(), new WarehouseItemValidator()); _warehouseService = new WarehouseService(new WarehouseRepository(), new WarehouseValidator()); _barringService = new BarringService(new BarringRepository(), new BarringValidator()); _itemService = new ItemService(new ItemRepository(), new ItemValidator()); _stockAdjustmentService = new StockAdjustmentService(new StockAdjustmentRepository(), new StockAdjustmentValidator()); _stockAdjustmentDetailService = new StockAdjustmentDetailService(new StockAdjustmentDetailRepository(), new StockAdjustmentDetailValidator()); _accountService = new AccountService(new AccountRepository(), new AccountValidator()); _closingService = new ClosingService(new ClosingRepository(), new ClosingValidator()); _generalLedgerJournalService = new GeneralLedgerJournalService(new GeneralLedgerJournalRepository(), new GeneralLedgerJournalValidator()); _priceMutationService = new PriceMutationService(new PriceMutationRepository(), new PriceMutationValidator()); _contactGroupService = new ContactGroupService(new ContactGroupRepository(), new ContactGroupValidator()); if (!_accountService.GetLegacyObjects().Any()) { Asset = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Asset", Code = Constant.AccountCode.Asset, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Asset, Level = 1, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Asset, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); CashBank = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "CashBank", Code = Constant.AccountCode.CashBank, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.CashBank, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Asset, ParentId = Asset.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); AccountReceivable = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Account Receivable", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.AccountReceivable, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.AccountReceivable, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Asset, ParentId = Asset.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); GBCHReceivable = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "GBCH Receivable", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.GBCHReceivable, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.GBCHReceivable, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Asset, ParentId = Asset.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Inventory = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Inventory", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.Inventory, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Inventory, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Asset, ParentId = Asset.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Expense = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Expense", Code = Constant.AccountCode.Expense, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Expense, Level = 1, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); CashBankAdjustmentExpense = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "CashBank Adjustment Expense", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.CashBankAdjustmentExpense, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.CashBankAdjustmentExpense, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, ParentId = Expense.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); COGS = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Cost Of Goods Sold", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.COGS, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.COGS, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, ParentId = Expense.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Discount = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Discount", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.Discount, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Discount, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, ParentId = Expense.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); SalesAllowance = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Sales Allowance", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.SalesAllowance, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.SalesAllowance, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, ParentId = Expense.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); StockAdjustmentExpense = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Stock Adjustment Expense", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.StockAdjustmentExpense, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.StockAdjustmentExpense, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Expense, ParentId = Expense.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Liability = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Liability", Code = Constant.AccountCode.Liability, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Liability, Level = 1, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Liability, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); AccountPayable = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Account Payable", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.AccountPayable, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.AccountPayable, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Liability, ParentId = Liability.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); GBCHPayable = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "GBCH Payable", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.GBCHPayable, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.GBCHPayable, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Liability, ParentId = Liability.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); GoodsPendingClearance = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Goods Pending Clearance", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.GoodsPendingClearance, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.GoodsPendingClearance, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Liability, ParentId = Liability.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Equity = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Equity", Code = Constant.AccountCode.Equity, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Equity, Level = 1, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Equity, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); OwnersEquity = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Owners Equity", Code = Constant.AccountCode.OwnersEquity, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.OwnersEquity, Level = 2, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Equity, ParentId = Equity.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); EquityAdjustment = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Equity Adjustment", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.EquityAdjustment, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.EquityAdjustment, Level = 3, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Equity, ParentId = OwnersEquity.Id, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); Revenue = _accountService.CreateLegacyObject(new Account() { Name = "Revenue", IsLeaf = true, Code = Constant.AccountCode.Revenue, LegacyCode = Constant.AccountLegacyCode.Revenue, Level = 1, Group = Constant.AccountGroup.Revenue, IsLegacy = true }, _accountService); } baseGroup = _contactGroupService.CreateObject(Core.Constants.Constant.GroupType.Base, "Base Group", true); Pcs = new UoM() { Name = "Pcs" }; _uomService.CreateObject(Pcs); contact = new Contact() { Name = "President of Indonesia", Address = "Istana Negara Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat", ContactNo = "021 3863777", PIC = "Mr. President", PICContactNo = "021 3863777", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; contact = contactService.CreateObject(contact, _contactGroupService); type = _itemTypeService.CreateObject("Item", "Item"); warehouse = new Warehouse() { Name = "Sentral Solusi Data", Description = "Kali Besar Jakarta", Code = "LCL" }; warehouse = _warehouseService.CreateObject(warehouse, _warehouseItemService, itemService); item1 = new Item() { ItemTypeId = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Item").Id, Name = "Batik Tulis", Category = "Item", Sku = "bt123", UoMId = Pcs.Id }; itemService.CreateObject(item1, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService); item2 = new Item() { ItemTypeId = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Item").Id, Name = "Buku Gambar", Category = "Item", Sku = "bg123", UoMId = Pcs.Id }; itemService.CreateObject(item2, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService); StockAdjustment sa = new StockAdjustment() { AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Today, WarehouseId = warehouse.Id, Description = "item adjustment" }; _stockAdjustmentService.CreateObject(sa, _warehouseService); StockAdjustmentDetail sadItem1 = new StockAdjustmentDetail() { ItemId = item1.Id, Quantity = 1000, StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id }; _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sadItem1, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService); StockAdjustmentDetail sadItem2 = new StockAdjustmentDetail() { ItemId = item2.Id, Quantity = 1000, StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id }; _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sadItem2, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService); _stockAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(sa, DateTime.Today, _stockAdjustmentDetailService, _stockMutationService, _itemService, _barringService, _warehouseItemService, _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService); } }
public void PopulateMasterData() { localWarehouse = new Warehouse() { Name = "Sentral Solusi Data", Description = "Kali Besar Jakarta", Code = "LCL" }; localWarehouse = _warehouseService.CreateObject(localWarehouse, _warehouseItemService, _itemService); Pcs = new UoM() { Name = "Pcs" }; _uomService.CreateObject(Pcs); Boxes = new UoM() { Name = "Boxes" }; _uomService.CreateObject(Boxes); Tubs = new UoM() { Name = "Tubs" }; _uomService.CreateObject(Tubs); blanket1 = new Item() { ItemTypeId = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id, Name = "Blanket1", Category = "Blanket", Sku = "BLK1", UoMId = Pcs.Id, SellingPrice = 50000, AvgPrice = 50000 }; blanket1 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket1, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService); blanket2 = new Item() { ItemTypeId = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id, Name = "Blanket2", Category = "Blanket", Sku = "BLK2", UoMId = Pcs.Id, SellingPrice = 72000, AvgPrice = 72000 }; blanket2 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket2, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService); blanket3 = new Item() { ItemTypeId = _itemTypeService.GetObjectByName("Blanket").Id, Name = "Blanket3", Category = "Blanket", Sku = "BLK3", UoMId = Pcs.Id, SellingPrice = 100000, AvgPrice = 100000 }; blanket3 = _itemService.CreateObject(blanket3, _uomService, _itemTypeService, _warehouseItemService, _warehouseService, _priceMutationService, _contactGroupService); contact = new Contact() { Name = "President of Indonesia", Address = "Istana Negara Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat", ContactNo = "021 3863777", PIC = "Mr. President", PICContactNo = "021 3863777", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; contact = _contactService.CreateObject(contact, _contactGroupService); cashBank = new CashBank() { Name = "Rekening BRI", Description = "Untuk cashflow", IsBank = true }; _cashBankService.CreateObject(cashBank, _accountService); cashBankAdjustment = new CashBankAdjustment() { CashBankId = cashBank.Id, Amount = 1000000000, AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Today }; _cashBankAdjustmentService.CreateObject(cashBankAdjustment, _cashBankService); _cashBankAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(cashBankAdjustment, DateTime.Now, _cashMutationService, _cashBankService, _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService); StockAdjustment sa = new StockAdjustment() { AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Now, Code = "SA001", WarehouseId = localWarehouse.Id }; _stockAdjustmentService.CreateObject(sa, _warehouseService); StockAdjustmentDetail sad1 = new StockAdjustmentDetail() { StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id, ItemId = blanket1.Id, Quantity = 100000, Code = "SAD001", Price = 50000 }; _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad1, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService); StockAdjustmentDetail sad2 = new StockAdjustmentDetail() { StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id, ItemId = blanket2.Id, Quantity = 100000, Code = "SAD002", Price = 50000 }; _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad2, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService); StockAdjustmentDetail sad3 = new StockAdjustmentDetail() { StockAdjustmentId = sa.Id, ItemId = blanket3.Id, Quantity = 100000, Code = "SAD003", Price = 50000 }; _stockAdjustmentDetailService.CreateObject(sad3, _stockAdjustmentService, _itemService, _warehouseItemService); _stockAdjustmentService.ConfirmObject(sa, DateTime.Today, _stockAdjustmentDetailService, _stockMutationService, _itemService, _barringService, _warehouseItemService, _generalLedgerJournalService, _accountService, _closingService); }