public Store(Styling stylingFn, Taging tagingFn, IStatusInformation statusInfo) { _stylingFn = stylingFn; _tagingFn = tagingFn; _runs = new List <Run>(); _statusInfo = statusInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Setup helpers and namespaces /// </summary> /// <param name="documentXmlStream"></param> /// <param name="dotnetFn"></param> public Engine(Stream documentXmlStream, Numbering numberingFn, Imaging imagingFn, IStatusInformation statusInfo) { _statusInfo = statusInfo; _doc = new XmlDocument(); _doc.Load(documentXmlStream); _texingFn = new TeXing(); _stylingFn = new Styling(); var tagingFn = new Taging(); _tex = new Store(_stylingFn, tagingFn, statusInfo); _nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(_doc.NameTable); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("w", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("wp", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("a", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("pic", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("r", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("m", ""); _nsmgr.AddNamespace("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); _numberingFn = numberingFn; _imagingFn = imagingFn; InitMathTables(); CacheResolvedStyles(); CacheBookmarks(); }
public string ResolveImage(string imageId, IStatusInformation statusInfo) { PackageRelationship rs = _docRelPart.GetRelationship(imageId); string imageUrl = rs.TargetUri.OriginalString; string orginalImagePath = Path.Combine(_latexDirectory, imageUrl); string newImagePath = Path.Combine(_latexDirectory, imageUrl); ZipPackagePart imagePackagePart = (ZipPackagePart)rs.Package.GetPart(new Uri("/word/" + imageUrl, UriKind.Relative)); using (Stream contentStream = imagePackagePart.GetStream()) { byte[] content = new byte[contentStream.Length]; contentStream.Read(content, 0, (int)contentStream.Length); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(orginalImagePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter bwImage = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { bwImage.Write(content, 0, (int)contentStream.Length); } } } ConvertImageToEPS(orginalImagePath, newImagePath, statusInfo); return(Path.ChangeExtension(imageUrl, "eps"));; }
private static void ConvertImageToEPS(string orginalImagePath, string newImagePath, IStatusInformation statusInfo) { string epsImagePath = Path.ChangeExtension(newImagePath, "eps"); string imageMagickPath = Config.Instance.Infra.ImageMagickPath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageMagickPath)) { statusInfo.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to read configuration setting of ImageMagick's path"); return; } try { Process proc = Process.Start(imageMagickPath, string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\"", orginalImagePath, epsImagePath)); proc.WaitForExit(60 * 1000); // wait one minute } catch { statusInfo.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to start ImageMagicK"); } }
public bool Process(string inputDocxPath, string outputTexPath, IStatusInformation statusInfo) { string documentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputTexPath); if (documentPath == null) { documentPath = Path.GetPathRoot(outputTexPath); } EnsureMediaPath(documentPath); statusInfo.WriteCR("Opening document..."); Package pkg = null; try { pkg = Package.Open(inputDocxPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } catch (Exception ex) { // this happens mostly when the user leaves the Word file open statusInfo.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(false); } ZipPackagePart documentPart = (ZipPackagePart)pkg.GetPart(new Uri("/word/document.xml", UriKind.Relative)); //numbering part may not exist for simple documents ZipPackagePart numberingPart = null; if (pkg.PartExists(new Uri("/word/numbering.xml", UriKind.Relative))) { numberingPart = (ZipPackagePart)pkg.GetPart(new Uri("/word/numbering.xml", UriKind.Relative)); } Numbering numbering = new Numbering(numberingPart); Imaging imaging = new Imaging(documentPart, inputDocxPath, outputTexPath); using (Stream documentXmlStream = documentPart.GetStream()) { Engine engine = new Engine(documentXmlStream, numbering, imaging, statusInfo); statusInfo.WriteLine("Document opened. "); string outputString = engine.Process(); string latexSource = ReplaceSomeCharacters(outputString); Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default; var enc = docx2tex.Library.Data.InputEnc.Instance.CurrentEncoding; if (enc != null) { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(enc.DotNetEncoding); } byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(latexSource); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputTexPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { using (BinaryWriter outputTexStream = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { outputTexStream.Write(data); } } } pkg.Close(); return(true); }