public void RegisterSoundPlayer(ISpectrumPlayer soundPlayer) { this.soundPlayer = soundPlayer; this.soundPlayer.PropertyChanged += soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; this.UpdateBarLayout(); Running = true; }
public void RegisterSoundPlayer(ISpectrumPlayer soundPlayer) { this.soundPlayer = soundPlayer; this.soundPlayer.PropertyChanged += soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; this.UpdateBarLayout(); this.animationTimer.Start(); }
public void RegisterSoundPlayer(ISpectrumPlayer soundPlayer) { if (soundPlayer != null) { this.soundPlayer = soundPlayer; this.soundPlayer.PropertyChanged += soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; _visualTimer.Start(); } }
public void UnregisterSoundPlayer() { this.animationTimer.Stop(); if (soundPlayer != null) { this.soundPlayer.PropertyChanged -= soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; this.soundPlayer = null; } }
public void UnregisterSoundPlayer() { if (soundPlayer != null) { this.soundPlayer.PropertyChanged -= soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; this.soundPlayer = null; } this.Running = false; }
private void UpdateSpectrum() { ISpectrumPlayer player = ActiveSpectrumPlayer; if (!_refreshValues || player == null || _spectrumCanvas == null) { return; } if (player.State != PlayerState.Active || !player.GetFFTData(_channelData)) { return; } UpdateSpectrumShapes(player); }
/// <summary> /// Register a sound player from which the spectrum analyzer /// can get the necessary playback data. /// </summary> /// <param name="soundPlayer">A sound player that provides spectrum data through the ISpectrumPlayer interface methods.</param> public void RegisterSoundPlayer(ISpectrumPlayer soundPlayer) { _soundPlayer = soundPlayer; soundPlayer.PropertyChanged += soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; UpdateBarLayout(); _animationTimer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Register a sound player from which the spectrum analyzer /// can get the necessary playback data. /// </summary> /// <param name="soundPlayer">A sound player that provides spectrum data through the ISpectrumPlayer interface methods.</param> public void RegisterSoundPlayer(ISpectrumPlayer soundPlayer) { this.soundPlayer = soundPlayer; soundPlayer.PropertyChanged += soundPlayer_PropertyChanged; spectrumCanvas = GetTemplateChild("PART_SpectrumCanvas") as Canvas; UpdateBarLayout(); animationTimer.Start(); }
private void UpdateSpectrumShapes(ISpectrumPlayer player) { double fftBucketHeight = 0f; double barHeight = 0f; double lastPeakHeight = 0f; double height = _spectrumCanvas.ActualHeight; int barIndex = 0; double peakDotHeight = Math.Max(_barWidth / 2.0f, 1); double barHeightScale = (height - peakDotHeight); int minIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_minimumFrequencyIndex, _channelData.Length)); int maxIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_maximumFrequencyIndex, _channelData.Length)); for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) { // If we're paused, keep drawing, but set the current height to 0 so the peaks fall. if (player == null || player.State != PlayerState.Active) barHeight = 0f; else // Draw the maximum value for the bar's band { switch (BarHeightScaling) { case BarHeightScalingStyles.Decibel: double dbValue = 20 * Math.Log10(_channelData[i]); fftBucketHeight = ((dbValue - MIN_DB_VALUE) / DB_SCALE) * barHeightScale; break; case BarHeightScalingStyles.Linear: fftBucketHeight = (_channelData[i] * SCALE_FACTOR_LINEAR) * barHeightScale; break; case BarHeightScalingStyles.Sqrt: fftBucketHeight = (((Math.Sqrt(_channelData[i])) * SCALE_FACTOR_SQR) * barHeightScale); break; } if (barHeight < fftBucketHeight) barHeight = fftBucketHeight; if (barHeight < 0f) barHeight = 0f; } // If this is the last FFT bucket in the bar's group, draw the bar. int currentIndexMax = IsFrequencyScaleLinear ? _barIndexMax[barIndex] : _barLogScaleIndexMax[barIndex]; if (i != currentIndexMax) continue; // Peaks can't surpass the height of the control. if (barHeight > height) barHeight = height; if (AveragePeaks && barIndex > 0) barHeight = (lastPeakHeight + barHeight) / 2; double peakYPos = barHeight; if (_channelPeakData[barIndex] < peakYPos) _channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float) peakYPos; else _channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float) (peakYPos + (PeakFallDelay * _channelPeakData[barIndex])) / (PeakFallDelay + 1); Control bar = _barShapes[barIndex]; bar.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = bar.ActualWidth / 2, CenterY = bar.ActualHeight, ScaleY = barHeight / height }; Control peak = _peakShapes[barIndex]; peak.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform { Y = -_channelPeakData[barIndex] }; lastPeakHeight = barHeight; barHeight = 0f; barIndex++; } }
private void UpdateSpectrumShapes(ISpectrumPlayer player) { double fftBucketHeight = 0f; double barHeight = 0f; double lastPeakHeight = 0f; double height = _spectrumCanvas.ActualHeight; int barIndex = 0; double peakDotHeight = Math.Max(_barWidth / 2.0f, 1); double barHeightScale = (height - peakDotHeight); int minIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_minimumFrequencyIndex, _channelData.Length)); int maxIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(_maximumFrequencyIndex, _channelData.Length)); for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) { // If we're paused, keep drawing, but set the current height to 0 so the peaks fall. if (player == null || player.State != PlayerState.Active) { barHeight = 0f; } else // Draw the maximum value for the bar's band { switch (BarHeightScaling) { case BarHeightScalingStyles.Decibel: double dbValue = 20 * Math.Log10(_channelData[i]); fftBucketHeight = ((dbValue - MIN_DB_VALUE) / DB_SCALE) * barHeightScale; break; case BarHeightScalingStyles.Linear: fftBucketHeight = (_channelData[i] * SCALE_FACTOR_LINEAR) * barHeightScale; break; case BarHeightScalingStyles.Sqrt: fftBucketHeight = (((Math.Sqrt(_channelData[i])) * SCALE_FACTOR_SQR) * barHeightScale); break; } if (barHeight < fftBucketHeight) { barHeight = fftBucketHeight; } if (barHeight < 0f) { barHeight = 0f; } } // If this is the last FFT bucket in the bar's group, draw the bar. int currentIndexMax = IsFrequencyScaleLinear ? _barIndexMax[barIndex] : _barLogScaleIndexMax[barIndex]; if (i != currentIndexMax) { continue; } // Peaks can't surpass the height of the control. if (barHeight > height) { barHeight = height; } if (AveragePeaks && barIndex > 0) { barHeight = (lastPeakHeight + barHeight) / 2; } double peakYPos = barHeight; if (_channelPeakData[barIndex] < peakYPos) { _channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float)peakYPos; } else { _channelPeakData[barIndex] = (float)(peakYPos + (PeakFallDelay * _channelPeakData[barIndex])) / (PeakFallDelay + 1); } Control bar = _barShapes[barIndex]; bar.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform { CenterX = bar.ActualWidth / 2, CenterY = bar.ActualHeight, ScaleY = barHeight / height }; Control peak = _peakShapes[barIndex]; peak.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform { Y = -_channelPeakData[barIndex] }; lastPeakHeight = barHeight; barHeight = 0f; barIndex++; } }
private void InitializeBars() { ISpectrumPlayer player = ActiveSpectrumPlayer; if (player == null) { _barWidth = 1; _maximumFrequencyIndex = -1; _minimumFrequencyIndex = 0; return; } if (!_refreshShapes || _spectrumCanvas == null) { return; } int maxIndex; int minIndex; bool res = player.GetFFTFrequencyIndex(MaximumFrequency, out maxIndex); res |= player.GetFFTFrequencyIndex(MinimumFrequency, out minIndex); if (!res) { return; } _maximumFrequencyIndex = Math.Min(maxIndex + 1, FREQUENCY_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); _minimumFrequencyIndex = Math.Min(minIndex, FREQUENCY_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); _barWidth = Math.Max(((_spectrumCanvas.ActualWidth - (BarSpacing * (BarCount + 1))) / BarCount), 1); int actualBarCount = _barWidth >= 1.0d ? BarCount : Math.Max((int)((_spectrumCanvas.ActualWidth - BarSpacing) / (_barWidth + BarSpacing)), 1); _channelPeakData = new float[actualBarCount]; int indexCount = _maximumFrequencyIndex - _minimumFrequencyIndex; int linearIndexBucketSize = (int)Math.Round(indexCount / (double)actualBarCount, 0); List <int> maxIndexList = new List <int>(); List <int> maxLogScaleIndexList = new List <int>(); double maxLog = Math.Log(actualBarCount, actualBarCount); for (int i = 1; i < actualBarCount; i++) { maxIndexList.Add(_minimumFrequencyIndex + (i * linearIndexBucketSize)); int logIndex = (int)((maxLog - Math.Log((actualBarCount + 1) - i, (actualBarCount + 1))) * indexCount) + _minimumFrequencyIndex; maxLogScaleIndexList.Add(logIndex); } maxIndexList.Add(_maximumFrequencyIndex); maxLogScaleIndexList.Add(_maximumFrequencyIndex); _barIndexMax = maxIndexList.ToArray(); _barLogScaleIndexMax = maxLogScaleIndexList.ToArray(); FrameworkElementCollection canvasChildren = _spectrumCanvas.Children; canvasChildren.StartUpdate(); try { canvasChildren.Clear(); double height = _spectrumCanvas.ActualHeight; double peakDotHeight = Math.Max(_barWidth / 2.0f, 1); for (int i = 0; i < actualBarCount; i++) { // Deep copy the styles to each bar Style barStyleCopy = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(BarStyle); Style peakStyleCopy = MpfCopyManager.DeepCopyCutLVPs(PeakStyle); double xCoord = BarSpacing + (_barWidth * i) + (BarSpacing * i) + 1; Control barControl = new Control { Width = _barWidth, Height = height, Style = barStyleCopy }; Canvas.SetLeft(barControl, xCoord); Canvas.SetBottom(barControl, height); _barShapes.Add(barControl); canvasChildren.Add(barControl); Control peakControl = new Control { Width = _barWidth, Height = peakDotHeight, Style = peakStyleCopy }; Canvas.SetLeft(peakControl, xCoord); Canvas.SetBottom(peakControl, height); _peakShapes.Add(peakControl); canvasChildren.Add(peakControl); } } finally { canvasChildren.EndUpdate(); } ActualBarWidth = _barWidth; _refreshShapes = false; }