private string TranslateToDutch(string text) { if (text is null) { return(text); } var artist = _songChooser.GetKnownArtistFromSentence(text); if (artist != null && text.Contains(artist)) { text = text.Replace(artist, "{a}"); } var title = _songChooser.GetKnownSongTitleFromSentence(text); if (title != null && text.Contains(title)) { text = text.Replace(title, "{t}"); } /*Console.WriteLine("Text after artist/title replacement: " + text);*/ var anyReplacements = false; foreach (var(englishPartOfSentence, dutchPartOfSentence) in _englishToDutch) { /*Console.WriteLine("\"" + text + "\" bevat \"" + englishPartOfSentence + "\": " + text.Contains(englishPartOfSentence));*/ if (text.Contains(englishPartOfSentence)) { text = text.Replace(englishPartOfSentence, dutchPartOfSentence); anyReplacements = true; /*Console.WriteLine("Text after sentence replacement: " + text);*/ } } if (!anyReplacements) { text = text.ToLower(); foreach ((string dutchWord, string englishWord) in _dutchToEnglish) { if (text.Contains(englishWord) && englishWord.Length > 0) { text = text.Replace(englishWord, dutchWord); } } } text = text.Replace("{a}", artist); text = text.Replace("{t}", title); return(text); }
private async Task <DialogTurnResult> ActStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var userInput = stepContext.Context.Activity.Text; SongRequest songRequest; if (!_luisCommandRecognizer.IsConfigured) { songRequest = new SongRequest() { Artist = _songChooser.GetKnownArtistFromSentence(userInput), Title = _songChooser.GetKnownSongTitleFromSentence(userInput) }; // LUIS is not configured, we just run the RequestSongDialog path with an empty SongDetailsInstance. return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(RequestSongDialog), songRequest, cancellationToken)); } if (_luisQuestionRecognizer.IsConfigured) { var luisQuestionResult = await _luisQuestionRecognizer.RecognizeAsync <UserQuestion>(stepContext.Context, cancellationToken); var(intent, score) = luisQuestionResult.TopIntent(); if (!(intent is UserQuestion.Intent.None)) { var feedbackScoreThreshold = 0.8; Answer answer = new Answer() { Text = "", Speak = "" }; switch (intent) { case UserQuestion.Intent.CurrentSongInformationRequest: var question = new Question() { Text = userInput, Intent = intent }; answer = new Answer(question); // Which song /*switch (luisQuestionResult.SongDescription) * { * case "current song": * break; * case "next song": * case "last song": * default: * break; * }*/ // Which information requested var song = _musicPlayer.GetPlayerStatus().GetCurrentSong(); (answer.Text, answer.Speak) = GenerateResponseToInformationRequest(luisQuestionResult.SongInformation, song); break; case UserQuestion.Intent.NegativeFeedback: // check certainty percentage to avoid false positives if (score > feedbackScoreThreshold) { (answer.Text, answer.Speak) = ("I don't like it either.", "I don't like it either."); } break; case UserQuestion.Intent.PositiveFeedback: // check certainty percentage to avoid false positives if (score > feedbackScoreThreshold) { (answer.Text, answer.Speak) = ("It's nice indeed.", "It's nice indeed."); } break; default: break; } return(await stepContext.NextAsync(answer, cancellationToken)); } } // Call LUIS and gather any potential song details. (Note the TurnContext has the response to the prompt.) var luisCommandResult = await _luisCommandRecognizer.RecognizeAsync <UserCommand>(stepContext.Context, cancellationToken); songRequest = new SongRequest() { Intent = luisCommandResult.TopIntent().intent }; var inputHint = InputHints.IgnoringInput; string messageText = ""; string spokenMessageText = ""; Song songToBePlayed = null; var intentScoreThreshold = 0.5; switch (luisCommandResult.TopIntent().intent) { case UserCommand.Intent.PlayByTitleArtist: // Initialize SongRequest with any entities we may have found in the response. songRequest.Title = luisCommandResult.SongTitle; songRequest.Artist = luisCommandResult.SongArtist; songToBePlayed = SelectSongToBePlayedByTitleArtist(songRequest, userInput); if (songToBePlayed is null) { // Reset song request if both known, but not a pair if (!(songRequest.Title is null || songRequest.Artist is null)) { if (songRequest.Title.Length > songRequest.Artist.Length) { songRequest.Artist = null; } else { songRequest.Title = null; } } // Run the RequestSongDialog giving it whatever details we have from the LUIS call, it will fill out the remainder. return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(RequestSongDialog), songRequest, cancellationToken)); } break; case UserCommand.Intent.PlayByArtist: // Initialize SongRequest with any entities we may have found in the response. songRequest.Artist = luisCommandResult.SongArtist; if (songRequest.Artist is null) { songRequest.Artist = _songChooser.GetKnownArtistFromSentence(userInput); } var(bestMatchArtist, similarityRatioArtist) = _songChooser.GetClosestKnownArtist(luisCommandResult.SongArtist, _songChooser.ThresholdSimilarityRatio); Console.WriteLine(songRequest.Artist + " => " + bestMatchArtist); if (bestMatchArtist is null) { songRequest.Artist = _songChooser.ExpandSentenceToKnownArtist(userInput); if (songRequest.Artist is null) { // Run the RequestSongDialog giving it whatever details we have from the LUIS call, it will fill out the remainder. return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(RequestSongDialog), songRequest, cancellationToken)); } bestMatchArtist = songRequest.Artist; } songRequest.Artist = bestMatchArtist; songToBePlayed = _songChooser.ChooseRandomSongByArtist(songRequest.Artist); messageText = "Random song by artist."; break; case UserCommand.Intent.PlayByTitle: // Initialize SongRequest with any entities we may have found in the response. songRequest.Title = luisCommandResult.SongTitle; if (songRequest.Title is null) { songRequest.Title = _songChooser.GetKnownSongTitleFromSentence(userInput); } var(bestMatchTitle, similarityRatioTitle) = _songChooser.GetClosestKnownSongTitle(luisCommandResult.SongTitle, _songChooser.ThresholdSimilarityRatio); if (bestMatchTitle is null) { songRequest.Title = _songChooser.ExpandSentenceToKnownSongTitle(userInput); if (songRequest.Title is null) { // Run the RequestSongDialog giving it whatever details we have from the LUIS call, it will fill out the remainder. return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(RequestSongDialog), songRequest, cancellationToken)); } bestMatchTitle = songRequest.Title; } songRequest.Title = bestMatchTitle; songToBePlayed = _songChooser.GetSongByClosestTitle(songRequest.Title); break; case UserCommand.Intent.PlayByGenre: // Initialize SongRequest with any entities we may have found in the response. songRequest.Genre = luisCommandResult.SongGenre; var(bestMatchGenre, similarityRatioGenre) = _songChooser.GetClosestKnownGenre(luisCommandResult.SongGenre, _songChooser.ThresholdSimilarityRatio); if (bestMatchGenre is null) { // Run the RequestSongByGenreDialog giving it whatever details we have from the LUIS call, it will fill out the remainder. return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(RequestSongByGenreDialog), songRequest, cancellationToken)); } songToBePlayed = _songChooser.ChooseRandomSongByGenre(bestMatchGenre); messageText = "Random song by genre."; break; case UserCommand.Intent.PlayRandom: if (luisCommandResult.TopIntent().score > intentScoreThreshold) { songToBePlayed = _songChooser.ChooseRandomSong(); messageText = "Random song."; } break; case UserCommand.Intent.PreviousSong: if (luisCommandResult.TopIntent().score > intentScoreThreshold) { _musicPlayer.PlayPrevious(); messageText = "Previous song."; } break; case UserCommand.Intent.NextSong: if (luisCommandResult.TopIntent().score > intentScoreThreshold) { _musicPlayer.PlayNext(); messageText = "Next song."; } break; case UserCommand.Intent.StartPlaying: _musicPlayer.Resume(); messageText = "Music resumed."; break; case UserCommand.Intent.StopPlaying: _musicPlayer.Pause(); messageText = "Music paused."; break; case UserCommand.Intent.VolumeDown: if (luisCommandResult.TopIntent().score > intentScoreThreshold) { _musicPlayer.VolumeDown(); messageText = "Volume decreased by 10%."; } break; case UserCommand.Intent.VolumeUp: _musicPlayer.VolumeUp(20); messageText = "Volume increased by 20%."; break; default: // Catch all for unhandled intents messageText = $"Sorry, I didn't get that. Please try asking in a different way (intent was {luisCommandResult.TopIntent().intent})"; (_, spokenMessageText) = SentenceGenerator.CommandNotUnderstood(); inputHint = InputHints.ExpectingInput; break; } var message = MessageFactory.Text(messageText, spokenMessageText, inputHint); await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(message, cancellationToken); return(await stepContext.NextAsync(songToBePlayed, cancellationToken)); }