public void build_project_with_name(SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext result, Project project) { "Given I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "When I call build" ._(() => result = context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx").Build()); "It should return the build project" ._(() => { project = result.Solution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(); project.Should().NotBeNull(); }); "And the project should have a name" ._(() => project.Name.Should().Be("FrodoFx")); "And the project should have a path" ._(() => project.Path.Should().Be(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "FrodoFx", "FrodoFx.csproj"))); "And the project file should exist on disk" ._(() => File.Exists(project.Path).Should().BeTrue()); "And the solution context path should be the root directory" ._(() => result.Path.Should().Be(context.RootDirectory)); "And it should create a solution file on disk" ._(() => File.Exists(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")).Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public void PatchSolutionAssemblyInfo(ISolutionContext solutionContext, string version) { var sourceControlInformation = GetSourceControlInformation(solutionContext); foreach (var project in solutionContext.Solution.Projects.Where(p => !p.TestProject && p.AssemblyInfo != null)) { var ver = new Version(version); project.AssemblyInfo.Version = ver; project.AssemblyInfo.FileVersion = ver; if (sourceControlInformation == null) { project.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion = ver.ToString(); } else { project.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion = string.Format("{0} / {1}", ver, sourceControlInformation.LastCommitMessage); } _assemblyInfoWriter.Patch(project.AssemblyInfo); } }
public void Api_can_tell_which_projects_in_a_solution_are_test_projects(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "When I get the solution context using the api" ._(() => { var craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); }); "It should determine that the ServiceStack project is not a test project" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack").TestProject.Should().BeFalse()); "It should determine that the ServiceStack.UnitTests is a test project" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack.UnitTests").TestProject.Should().BeTrue()); "It should have only the ServiceStack project in the code projects collection" ._(() => { solutionContext.Solution.CodeProjects.Count().Should().Be(1); solutionContext.Solution.CodeProjects.First().Name.Should().Be("ServiceStack"); }).Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
public IEnumerable <RunResult> NugetPack(ISolutionContext solutionContext, string buildOutputPath, string nugetOutputPath, string version) { var nugetProjects = GetNugetProjects(solutionContext).ToArray(); var nugetExePath = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build", "NuGet.exe"); if (!File.Exists(nugetExePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find file {0}.", nugetExePath), nugetExePath); } foreach (var item in nugetProjects) { var result = _nuGet.Pack( nugetExePath, item.NugetSpec.Path, nugetOutputPath, new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("version_number", version), new Tuple <string, string>("build_output", _fileManager.GetFullPath(buildOutputPath)) }); if (!_nuGet.ValidateResult(result)) { Debugger.Launch(); throw new NuGetException(string.Format("Error executing nuget pack for project {0}.{1}{2}", item.Name, Environment.NewLine, result)); } yield return(result); } }
public void Api_can_tell_which_projects_have_nuget_specifications(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "When I get the solution context using the api" ._(() => { var craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); }); "It should determine that the ServiceStack project has a nuGet specification" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack").NugetSpec.Should().NotBeNull()); "It should determine the path of the nuGet specification file" ._(() => File.Exists(solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack").NugetSpec.Path).Should().BeTrue()); "It should determine that the ServiceStack.UnitTests project does not have nuGet specification" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack.UnitTests").NugetSpec.Should().BeNull()); }
public SolutionFactory(ISolutionFileReader solutionFileReader, ICSharpProjectFactory cSharpProjectFactory, ISolutionContext solutionContext, IVisualStudioWriter visualStudioWriter) { _solutionFileReader = solutionFileReader; _cSharpProjectFactory = cSharpProjectFactory; _solutionContext = solutionContext; _visualStudioWriter = visualStudioWriter; }
protected string ProjectCfg(string projectName, IPM pm) { ISolutionContext context = env.GetSolutionContext(projectName); if (pm.It(LevelType.Property, "IsBuildable")) { if (pm.IsRight(LevelType.RightOperandStd)) { context.IsBuildable = Value.ToBoolean(pm.FirstLevel.Data); return(Value.Empty); } if (pm.IsRight(LevelType.RightOperandEmpty)) { return(Value.From(context.IsBuildable)); } } if (pm.It(LevelType.Property, "IsDeployable")) { if (pm.IsRight(LevelType.RightOperandStd)) { context.IsDeployable = Value.ToBoolean(pm.FirstLevel.Data); return(Value.Empty); } if (pm.IsRight(LevelType.RightOperandEmpty)) { return(Value.From(context.IsDeployable)); } } throw new IncorrectNodeException(pm); }
public void Api_returns_null_when_source_control_is_not_being_used(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, ISourceControlInformation sourceControlInformation, ICraneApi craneApi) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have the solution context using the api" ._(() => { craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); }); "When I get the source information using the api" ._(() => sourceControlInformation = craneApi.GetSourceControlInformation(solutionContext)); "It should return null as the source control information" ._(() => sourceControlInformation.Should().BeNull()) .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
public void patch_solution_assembly_info(ICraneApi craneApi, SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext solutionContext, Project project, AssemblyInfo updatedInfo, string updatedRawInfo) { "Given I have a crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneApi>()); "And I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "And I have a solution with two projects" ._(() => context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "Sally"; item.Description = "Next generation web server"; item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 1); item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 2); item.InformationalVersion = "RELEASE"; }) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "BobFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "Bob"; item.Description = "Old school"; item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 1); item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 2); item.InformationalVersion = "RELEASE"; }).Build()); "And I have got the solution context" ._(() => solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(context.RootDirectory)); "When I path the solution assembly info for all projects" ._(() => craneApi.PatchSolutionAssemblyInfo(solutionContext, "")); "Then file version should be set to in all assembly info files" ._(() => { solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(context.RootDirectory); solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.FileVersion.ToString() == "") .Should() .BeTrue(); }); "Then version should be set to in all assembly info files" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.Version.ToString() == "") .Should() .BeTrue()); "Then file informational version should be set to" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.ToString() == "") .Should() .BeTrue() ).Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public SolutionBuilder(ISolutionContext solutionContext, ISolutionFactory solutionFactory, IFileFactory fileFactory) { _solutionContext = solutionContext; _solutionFactory = solutionFactory; _fileFactory = fileFactory; _projects = new List <Project>(); _plainFiles = new List <PlainFile>(); _solution = new Solution(); }
public void can_publish_build_to_nuget(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, string projectDir, ICraneApi craneApi, NuGetServerContext nuGetServer) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a nuGet server running" ._(() => { nuGetServer = new NuGetServerContext(craneTestContext); nuGetServer.PackageCount.Should().BeGreaterThan(-1); }); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have build the project" ._(() => { result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); result.Should().BeBuiltSuccessfulyWithAllTestsPassing().And.BeErrorFree();; }); "And I have the solution context using the api" ._(() => { projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"); craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir); }); "And I have packaged the nuget spec" ._(() => { var buildOutputPath = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output"); craneApi.NugetPack(solutionContext, buildOutputPath, Path.Combine(buildOutputPath, "nuGet"), "").First().Should().BeErrorFree(); }); "When I publish to nuGet using the api" ._( () => craneApi.NugetPublish(solutionContext, Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output", "nuGet"), "", nuGetServer.Source.ToString(), nuGetServer.ApiKey).First().Should().BeErrorFree()); "It should push the package to the nuGet server" ._(() => nuGetServer.PackageExists("ServiceStack", "").Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => { nuGetServer.TearDown(); craneTestContext.TearDown(); }); }
public void ResolveFrom(IReferencingProject referencingProject, ISolutionContext solution) { foreach (var projectId in _referencedProjectsIds) { try { solution.ResolveReferenceFrom(referencingProject, projectId); } catch (ReferencedProjectNotFoundInSolutionException e) { _support.Report(e); } } }
public void can_create_a_nuget_package( CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, string projectDir, ICraneApi craneApi, string buildOutputFolder, string nugetOutputFolder, IEnumerable <RunResult> runResults) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have build the project" ._(() => { result = new BuildScriptRunner().Run(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); result.Should().BeBuiltSuccessfulyWithAllTestsPassing().And.BeErrorFree();; }); "And I have the solution context using the api" ._(() => { projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"); craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir); buildOutputFolder = Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build-output"); }); "When I create nuGet packages using the api" ._( () => { nugetOutputFolder = Path.Combine(buildOutputFolder, "nuGet"); runResults = craneApi.NugetPack(solutionContext, buildOutputFolder, nugetOutputFolder, ""); runResults.ForEach(item => _log.Debug(result)); }); "It should create nuGet packages for all the projects in the built solution" ._(() => File.Exists(Path.Combine(nugetOutputFolder, "ServiceStack.")).Should().BeTrue("could not find nuget file {0}, it should have been created.", Path.Combine(nugetOutputFolder, "ServiceStack."))) .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
DependencyAnalyzer( IActivityMonitor m, IReadOnlyCollection <ISolution> solutions, ISolutionContext solutionCtx, ProjectItem.Cache projects, List <PackageReference> externalRefs, bool traceGraphDetails) { _solutions = solutions; _solutionContext = solutionCtx; _version = _solutionContext?.Version ?? 0; _projects = projects; _externalRefs = externalRefs; _defaultDependencyContext = CreateDependencyContext(m, traceGraphDetails); }
public void build_project_with_assembly_info(SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext result, Project project, AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo) { "Given I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "When I call build with a solution, a project and an assembly info" ._(() => result = context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "FrodoFx"; item.Description = "Middle earth web server"; item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 1, 2049); item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 1); item.InformationalVersion = "release"; }) .Build()); "It should return the build project with an assembly info" ._(() => { project = result.Solution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(); project.Should().NotBeNull("the project should not be null"); assemblyInfo = project.AssemblyInfo; assemblyInfo.Should().NotBeNull("the assembly info should not be null"); }); "And the assembly info title should be set" ._(() => assemblyInfo.Title.Should().Be("FrodoFx")); "And the assembly info version should be set" ._(() => assemblyInfo.Version.Should().Be(new Version(0, 0, 1))); "And the assembly info file version should be set" ._(() => assemblyInfo.FileVersion.Should().Be(new Version(0, 0, 1, 2049))); "And the assembly informational attribute should be set" ._(() => assemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.Should().Be("release")); "And the assembly info file should exist on disk" ._(() => File.Exists(assemblyInfo.Path).Should().BeTrue(string.Format("assembly info with path: {0} did not exist on disk", assemblyInfo.Path))); "And it should create a solution file on disk" ._(() => File.Exists(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")).Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public void Api_can_read_the_latest_git_commit_from_a_solution_in_git(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, string projectDir, Git git, ISourceControlInformation sourceControlInformation, ICraneApi craneApi) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I initialize that as a git repository" ._(() => { projectDir = Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"); git = ServiceLocator.Resolve <Git>(); git.Run("init", projectDir).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("config [email protected]", projectDir).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); }); "And I have a previous commit" ._(() => { git.Run("add -A", projectDir).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("config [email protected]", projectDir).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("commit -m \"First commit of ServiceStack\"", projectDir).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); }); "And I have the solution context using the api" ._(() => { craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(projectDir); }); "When I get the source information using the api" ._(() => sourceControlInformation = craneApi.GetSourceControlInformation(solutionContext)); "It should set the provider name to git" ._(() => sourceControlInformation.ProviderName.Should().Be("git")); "It should return the latest commit message as 'First commit of ServiceStack'" ._(() => sourceControlInformation.LastCommitMessage.Should().Contain("First commit of ServiceStack")) .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
private void InitializeSolutionContext(DTE dte) { try { _solutionContext = ServiceLocator.Kernel.Get <ISolutionContext>(); if (null == dte.Solution) { _log.Error("Failed to load Solution object from DTE"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dte.Solution.FileName)) { _log.Warn("dte.Solution.FileName is null or empty"); } else { _solutionContext.SolutionFileName = new FilePath(dte.Solution.FileName); _log.InfoFormat("Set Solution Context to [{0}]", dte.Solution.FileName); } _visualStudioEventProxy.OnSolutionOpening += (o, e) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dte.Solution.FileName)) { _log.Warn("dte.Solution.FileName is null or empty"); } else { _solutionContext.SolutionFileName = new FilePath(dte.Solution.FileName); _log.InfoFormat("Set Solution Context to [{0}]", dte.Solution.FileName); } }; } catch (Exception e) { _log.Fatal("Exception initializing Solution Context", e); throw; } }
public ISourceControlInformation ReadSourceControlInformation(ISolutionContext solutionContext) { try { var git = new Git(); var result = git.Run("log --oneline -1", solutionContext.Path); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { return(null); } var message = result.StandardOutput; return(new GitSourceControlInformation(message)); } catch { return(null); } }
public void Api_can_read_a_solution_by_path_direct_to_sln_file(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "When I get the solution context using the api" ._(() => { var craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack", "src", "ServiceStack.sln")); }); "It should have the correct path to the solution" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Path.Should() .Be(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack", "src", "ServiceStack.sln"))); "It should set the solution context path to the root folder" ._(() => solutionContext.Path.Should().Be(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack"))); "It should have 2 projects" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.Count().Should().Be(2)); "It should have one project called ServiceStack" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.Count(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack").Should().Be(1)); "It should have one project called ServiceStack.UnitTests" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.Count(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack.UnitTests").Should().Be(1)) .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
public IEnumerable <RunResult> NugetPublish(ISolutionContext solutionContext, string nugetOutputPath, string version, string source, string apiKey) { var nugetProjects = GetNugetProjects(solutionContext).ToArray(); var results = new List <RunResult>(nugetProjects.Length); nugetProjects.ForEach( item => { var result = _nuGet.Publish( Path.Combine(solutionContext.Path, "build", "NuGet.exe"), Path.Combine(nugetOutputPath, string.Format("{0}.{1}.nupkg", item.Name, version)), source, apiKey); results.Add(result); if (!_nuGet.ValidateResult(result)) { throw new NuGetException(string.Format("Error executing nuget push for project {0}.{1}{2}", item.Name, Environment.NewLine, result)); } }); return(results); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="m"></param> /// <param name="solutions"></param> /// <param name="traceGraphDetails"></param> /// <param name="solutionCtx">May be null, used to construct the <see cref="DependencyAnalyzer"/></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static DependencyAnalyzer Create(IActivityMonitor m, IReadOnlyCollection <ISolution> solutions, bool traceGraphDetails, ISolutionContext solutionCtx) { var packages = new Dictionary <Artifact, LocalPackageItem>(); var projectItems = new ProjectItem.Cache(); var externalRefs = new List <PackageReference>(); // Note: Project to project references are translated into Requirements directly // in the ProjectItem constructor. // After having built the ProjectItem, we handle here the Packages (and PackageReferences between // projects). using (m.OpenDebug("Creating all the ProjectItem for all projects in all solutions.")) { foreach (var s in solutions) { using (m.OpenDebug($"Solution {s.Name}.")) { foreach (var project in s.Projects) { projectItems.Create(project); } } } } using (m.OpenDebug("Creating Package for all installable Artifacts in all solutions.")) { foreach (var s in solutions) { using (m.OpenDebug($"Solution {s.Name}.")) { foreach (var project in s.Projects) { foreach (var package in project.GeneratedArtifacts.Where(a => a.Artifact.Type.IsInstallable)) { if (packages.TryGetValue(package.Artifact, out var alreadyPublished)) { m.Error($"'{package.Project.Solution+"->"+package}' is already published by {alreadyPublished.Project.Solution+"->"+alreadyPublished.Project}."); return(null); } packages.Add(package.Artifact, new LocalPackageItem(package.Artifact, project)); m.Debug($"Package '{package}' created."); } } } } } // 3 - Create the requirements between each project and Packages that are bound to a // Published project (the LocalPackageItem previuosly created). // When PackageReferences references external Packages, we add it to the ExternalRefs. foreach (var project in projectItems.AllProjectItems) { // Consider package references (Project to Project references are handled by ProjectItem constructors). foreach (var dep in project.Project.PackageReferences) { if (packages.TryGetValue(dep.Target.Artifact, out LocalPackageItem target)) { if (target.Project.Solution != project.Project.Solution) { project.AddRequires(target); } else { // A project is referencing a Package that is generated by // its own Solution. This can happen (even if it is strange): for instance to test packages // from the solution itself (the more correct way to do this is to use another // Repository/Solution to test the packages since here you always test the "previous" // package version). // // We transform the package reference into a project reference so that this edge // case does not create cycles. project.AddRequires(projectItems[target.Project]); } } else { // Dependency to an external Package. externalRefs.Add(dep); } } } return(new DependencyAnalyzer( m, solutions, solutionCtx, projectItems, externalRefs, traceGraphDetails)); }
private void WireUpVisualStudioEvents(IVisualStudioEventProxy visualStudioEventProxy, ICodeGeneratorDependencyManager codeGeneratorDependencyManager, ISolutionContext solutionContext) { visualStudioEventProxy.OnSolutionClosing += (sender, args) => { _log.Info("Solution closing. Firing OnClearCache"); OnClearCache(this, new EventArgs()); }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectAdded += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectAdded - Evict [{0}]", solutionContext.SolutionFileName); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(solutionContext.SolutionFileName)); }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectRemoved += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectRemoved - Evict [{0}]", args.ProjectFullPath); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.ProjectFullPath)); _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectRemoved - Evict [{0}]", solutionContext.SolutionFileName); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(solutionContext.SolutionFileName)); }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectReferenceAdded += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectReferenceAdded - Evict [{0}]", args.ProjectFullPath); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.ProjectFullPath)); //TODO - Evict Project Items - Compilation needs to be updated? }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectReferenceRemoved += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectReferenceRemoved - Evict [{0}]", args.ProjectFullPath); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.ProjectFullPath)); //TODO - Evict Project Items - Compilation needs to be updated? }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectItemSaved += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectItemSaved - Evict [{0}]", args.ClassFullPath); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.ClassFullPath)); codeGeneratorDependencyManager .GetFilesThatDependOn(args.ClassFullPath) .Map(f => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectItemSaved - Evict Dependency [{0}]", f.FileName); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(f.FileName) { FileOnDiskHasChanged = false }); }); }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectItemRemoved += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectItemRemoved - Evict [{0}]", args.ClassFullPath); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.ClassFullPath)); }; visualStudioEventProxy.OnProjectItemRenamed += (sender, args) => { _log.InfoFormat("OnProjectItemRemoved - Evict [{0}]", args.OldClassFileName); OnEvictFromCache(this, new EvictFromCacheEventArgs(args.OldClassFileName)); }; }
public void Get_context_with_root_folder_path_returns_all_projects(ICraneApi craneApi, SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext result, Project project) { "Given I have a crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneApi>()); "And I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "And I have a solution with two projects" ._(() => context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx.UnitTests") .Build()); "When I get the solution context via the api" ._(() => { result = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(context.RootDirectory); }); "And it should return a model representation of the solution on disk" ._(() => result.Solution.Should().NotBeNull()); "And it should have the correct solution name" ._(() => result.Solution.Name.Should().Be("Sally")); "And it should have the correct solution path" ._(() => result.Solution.Path.Should().Be(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln"))); "And it should reference its parent context" ._(() => result.Solution.SolutionContext.Should().NotBeNull()); "And it should have two projects" ._(() => result.Solution.Projects.Count().Should().Be(2)); "And the projects should have the correct name" ._(() => { result.Solution.Projects.Any(item => item.Name.Equals("FrodoFx")).Should().BeTrue(); result.Solution.Projects.Any(item => item.Name.Equals("FrodoFx.UnitTests")).Should().BeTrue(); }); "And the projects should have the correct path" ._(() => { result.Solution.Projects.Any(item => item.Path.Equals(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "FrodoFx", "FrodoFx.csproj"))).Should().BeTrue(); result.Solution.Projects.Any(item => item.Path.Equals(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "FrodoFx.UnitTests", "FrodoFx.UnitTests.csproj"))).Should().BeTrue(); }); "And the projects should reference their solution" ._(() => result.Solution.Projects.All(item => item.Solution != null).Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public void ResolveReferencesFrom(ISolutionContext solution) { _referencedProjects.ResolveFrom(this, solution); }
public CacheEventHelper(IVisualStudioEventProxy visualStudioEventProxy, ICodeGeneratorDependencyManager codeGeneratorDependencyManager, ISolutionContext solutionContext) { AddEmptyEventHandlers(); WireUpVisualStudioEvents(visualStudioEventProxy, codeGeneratorDependencyManager, solutionContext); }
private static IEnumerable <Project> GetNugetProjects(ISolutionContext solutionContext) { return(solutionContext.Solution.Projects .Where(p => p.NugetSpec != null)); }
public void patch_solution_assembly_info_when_project_in_git(ICraneApi craneApi, SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext solutionContext, Project project, AssemblyInfo updatedInfo, string updatedRawInfo, Git git) { "Given I have a crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneApi>()); "And I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "And I have a solution with two projects" ._(() => context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "Sally"; item.Description = "Next generation web server"; item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 1); item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 2); item.InformationalVersion = "RELEASE"; }) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "BobFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "Bob"; item.Description = "Old school"; item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 1); item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 2); item.InformationalVersion = "RELEASE"; }).Build()); "And I have got the solution context" ._(() => solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(context.RootDirectory)); "And I initialize that as a git repository" ._(() => { git = ServiceLocator.Resolve <Git>(); git.Run("init", context.RootDirectory).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("config [email protected]", context.RootDirectory).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); }); "And I have a previous commit" ._(() => { git.Run("add -A", context.RootDirectory).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("config [email protected]", context.RootDirectory).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); git.Run("commit -m \"My brand new project\"", context.RootDirectory).ErrorOutput.Should().BeEmpty(); }); "When I path the solution assembly info for all projects" ._(() => craneApi.PatchSolutionAssemblyInfo(solutionContext, "")); "Then file version should be set to in all assembly info files" ._(() => { solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(context.RootDirectory); solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.FileVersion.ToString() == "") .Should() .BeTrue(); }); "Then version should be set to in all assembly info files" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.Version.ToString() == "") .Should() .BeTrue()); "Then file informational version should start with" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.ToString().StartsWith("")) .Should() .BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); "Then file informational version should end with the commit message 'My brand new project'" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.All(p => p.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.ToString().EndsWith("My brand new project")) .Should() .BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public ISourceControlInformation GetSourceControlInformation(ISolutionContext solutionContext) { return(_sourceControlInformationReader.ReadSourceControlInformation(solutionContext)); }
public void patch_assembly_info(ICraneApi craneApi, SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext solutionContext, Project project, AssemblyInfo updatedInfo, string updatedRawInfo) { "Given I have a crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneApi>()); "And I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "And I have a solution with a project and an assembly info file" ._(() => solutionContext = context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithFile <AssemblyInfo>(item => { item.Title = "Sally"; item.Description = "Next generation web server"; item.Version = new Version(0, 0, 0, 1); item.FileVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0, 2); item.InformationalVersion = "RELEASE"; }).Build()); "And I have an updated assembly info with different version, file number and informational attribute" ._(() => { updatedInfo = solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First().AssemblyInfo; updatedInfo.Version = new Version(0, 1, 0, 0); updatedInfo.FileVersion = new Version(0, 1, 20); updatedInfo.InformationalVersion = "DEBUG"; }); "When I patch the assemble info" ._(() => { craneApi.PatchAssemblyInfo(updatedInfo); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(solutionContext.Path); // reload to get updated model project = solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(); updatedRawInfo = File.ReadAllText(project.AssemblyInfo.Path); }); "Then it should update the assembly file version" ._(() => { updatedRawInfo.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute(\"0.1.20\")]"); project.AssemblyInfo.FileVersion.Should().Be(new Version(0, 1, 20)); }); "Then it should update the informational version attribute" ._(() => { updatedRawInfo.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute(\"DEBUG\")]"); project.AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.Should().Be("DEBUG"); }); "Then it should update the assembly version" ._(() => { updatedRawInfo.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute(\"\")]"); project.AssemblyInfo.Version.Should().Be(new Version(0, 1, 0, 0)); }); "Then it not update the assembly title as it was not changed" ._(() => { updatedRawInfo.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute(\"Sally\")]"); project.AssemblyInfo.Title.Should().Be("Sally"); }) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }
public void patch_solution_assembly_should_only_patch_non_test_projects(CraneRunner craneRunner, RunResult result, CraneTestContext craneTestContext, ISolutionContext solutionContext, ICraneApi craneApi, AssemblyInfo originalAssemblyInfo) { "Given I have my own private copy of the crane console" ._(() => craneTestContext = ServiceLocator.Resolve <CraneTestContext>()); "And I have a run context" ._(() => craneRunner = new CraneRunner()); "And I have an instance of the crane api" ._(() => craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>()); "And I have run crane init ServiceStack" ._(() => result = craneRunner.Command(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "crane init ServiceStack")); "And I have got the solution context using the api" ._(() => { craneApi = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ICraneApi>(); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); originalAssemblyInfo = solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack.UnitTests").AssemblyInfo; }); "And I have created one a solution with one code project called ServiceStack" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack").TestProject.Should().BeFalse()); "And I have created one a solution with one test project called ServiceStack.UnitTests" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.Name == "ServiceStack.UnitTests").TestProject.Should().BeTrue()); "When I path the solution assembly info for all projects" ._(() => { craneApi.PatchSolutionAssemblyInfo(solutionContext, ""); solutionContext = craneApi.GetSolutionContext(Path.Combine(craneTestContext.BuildOutputDirectory, "ServiceStack")); }); "It should patch the code project's assemblyinfo version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => !p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.Version.ToString().Should().Be("")); "It should patch the code project's assemblyinfo file version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => !p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.FileVersion.ToString().Should().Be("")); "It should patch the code project's assemblyinfo file informational version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => !p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.Should().Be("")); "It should not patch the test project's assemblyinfo version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.Version.Should().Be(originalAssemblyInfo.Version)); "It should not patch the test project's assemblyinfo file version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.FileVersion.Should().Be(originalAssemblyInfo.FileVersion)); "It should not patch the test project's file informational version" ._(() => solutionContext.Solution.Projects.First(p => p.TestProject) .AssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion.Should().Be(originalAssemblyInfo.InformationalVersion)) .Teardown(() => craneTestContext.TearDown()); }
public void map_fubu_solution_to_crane_solution(IFubuSolutionMapper solutionMapper, SolutionBuilderContext context, ISolutionContext solutionContext, Solution result) { "Given I have a solution mapper" ._(() => solutionMapper = ServiceLocator.Resolve <IFubuSolutionMapper>()); "And I have a solution builder context" ._(() => context = ServiceLocator.Resolve <SolutionBuilderContext>()); "And I have a solution with two projects" ._(() => solutionContext = context.CreateBuilder() .WithSolution(item => item.Path = Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln")) .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx") .WithProject(item => item.Name = "FrodoFx.UnitTests") .Build()); "When I map the fubu solution" ._(() => result = solutionMapper.Map(FubuCsProjFile.Solution.LoadFrom(solutionContext.Solution.Path))); "It should return a solution" ._(() => result.Should().NotBeNull()); "It should map the solutions name" ._(() => result.Name.Should().Be("Sally")); "It should map the solutions path" ._(() => result.Path.Should().Be(Path.Combine(context.RootDirectory, "Sally.sln"))); "It should map the solutions projects" ._(() => result.Projects.Count().Should().Be(2)); "It should map the solutions projects that reference their parent solution" ._(() => result.Projects.All(item => item.Solution.Equals(result)).Should().BeTrue()) .Teardown(() => context.TearDown()); }