/* * Name: UserRepository * Description: Constructor to allow ease of mocking * Arguments: Implementations of the context,security, and repositories. */ public UserRepository(ISocialContext sc, IWebSecurity webSecurity , IPostRepository postrepo, IGroupRepository grouprepo) { db = sc; WebSecurity = webSecurity; pr = postrepo; gr = grouprepo; }
public MockUserRepository(ISocialContext sc, IWebSecurity webSecurity , IPostRepository postrepo, IGroupRepository grouprepo) { db = sc; WebSecurity = webSecurity; pr = postrepo; gr = grouprepo; }
/* * Name: MapController * Description: Constructer that allows the UserRepository, and SocialContext to be injected. */ public MapController(ISocialContext sc, IUserRepository userrepo) { db = sc; ur = userrepo; }
public PostRepository(ISocialContext sc) { db = sc; }
public GroupRepository(ISocialContext sc) { db = sc; }
/* * Name: PostingController * Description: Constructer that allows the context, UserRepository, and GroupRepository to be injected. */ public PostingController(ISocialContext sc,IUserRepository userrepo, IGroupRepository grouprepo) { db = sc; ur = userrepo; gr = grouprepo; }
public AdminController(ISocialContext sc, IWebSecurity webSecurity) { WebSecurity = webSecurity; db = sc; }
/* * Name: PostingController * Description: Constructer that allows the context, UserRepository, and GroupRepository to be injected. */ public PostingController(ISocialContext sc, IUserRepository userrepo, IGroupRepository grouprepo) { db = sc; ur = userrepo; gr = grouprepo; }