예제 #1
        // this method is called everytime the mouse moves and show the user the snapping points of the selected feature
        public override void OnMouseMove(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            // TODO:  Add btnTool_SplitLine.OnMouseMove implementation
            if (m_Position != null)
                clsGlobals.arcEditor.InvertAgent(m_Position, 0);

            m_Position = clsGlobals.arcEditor.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            //Get the snap environment from the editor
            ISnapEnvironment se = clsGlobals.arcEditor as ISnapEnvironment;

            Boolean snapped = se.SnapPoint(m_Position);

            clsGlobals.arcEditor.InvertAgent(m_Position, 0);
예제 #2
        private ISnappingResult method_0(IPoint ipoint_1)
            IActiveView focusMap   = this._appContext.MapControl.Map as IActiveView;
            IPoint      pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();

            pointClass.PutCoords(ipoint_1.X, ipoint_1.Y);
            IEngineSnapEnvironment engineSnapEnvironment = ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.EngineSnapEnvironment;
            ISnappingResult        snappingResult        = null;

            if (engineSnapEnvironment is ISnapEnvironment)
                ISnapEnvironment snapEnvironment = engineSnapEnvironment as ISnapEnvironment;
                if ((snapEnvironment == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                    ? false
                    : snapEnvironment.SnapPoint(pointClass, ipoint_1)))
                    SnappingResult snappingResult1 = new SnappingResult()
                        X = ipoint_1.X,
                        Y = ipoint_1.Y
                    snappingResult = snappingResult1;
            else if ((engineSnapEnvironment == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                ? false
                : engineSnapEnvironment.SnapPoint(ipoint_1)))
                SnappingResult snappingResult2 = new SnappingResult()
                    X = ipoint_1.X,
                    Y = ipoint_1.Y
                snappingResult = snappingResult2;
예제 #3
        public static void Snap2Point(IPoint ipoint_0, IPoint ipoint_1, esriSimpleMarkerStyle esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0,
                                      IActiveView iactiveView_0, IEngineSnapEnvironment iengineSnapEnvironment_0)
            IHitTest mPPointColn;
            double   num;
            int      num1;
            int      num2;
            bool     flag;
            double   mapUnits;
            IPoint   pointClass;

            if (!Editor.UseOldSnap)
                ISnappingResult snappingResult = SketchToolAssist.m_psnaper.Snap(ipoint_0);
                if (snappingResult == null)
                    if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP == null)
                        SketchToolAssist.m_pAP = new AnchorPoint()
                            Symbol = SketchShareEx.m_pSym as ISymbol
                    SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(SketchShareEx.m_pAnchorPoint, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                    SketchShareEx.m_pAnchorPoint = snappingResult.Location;
                    if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                        SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(snappingResult.Location, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                        SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(snappingResult.Location, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                SketchShareEx.m_pSym.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0;
                if (iengineSnapEnvironment_0 is ISnapEnvironment)
                    ISnapEnvironment iengineSnapEnvironment0 = iengineSnapEnvironment_0 as ISnapEnvironment;
                    if ((iengineSnapEnvironment0 == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                        ? true
                        : !iengineSnapEnvironment0.SnapPoint(SketchShareEx.LastPoint, ipoint_0)))
                        if (ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.IsSnapSketch)
                            mPPointColn = SketchToolAssist.m_pPointColn as IHitTest;
                            if (mPPointColn != null)
                                num      = 0;
                                num1     = 0;
                                num2     = 0;
                                flag     = false;
                                mapUnits = CommonHelper.ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(iactiveView_0,
                                if (mapUnits == 0)
                                    mapUnits = 3;
                                pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                                if (
                                    !mPPointColn.HitTest(ipoint_0, mapUnits,
                                                         esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex, pointClass, ref num, ref num1,
                                                         ref num2, ref flag))
                                    SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = false;
                                    if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                                        SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                                        SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                                ipoint_0.PutCoords(pointClass.X, pointClass.Y);
                                SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = true;
                                if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                                    SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                                    SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                        SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = true;
                        if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                            SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                            SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                else if ((iengineSnapEnvironment_0 == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                    ? true
                    : !iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapPoint(ipoint_0)))
                    if (ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.IsSnapSketch)
                        mPPointColn = SketchToolAssist.m_pPointColn as IHitTest;
                        if (mPPointColn != null)
                            num      = 0;
                            num1     = 0;
                            num2     = 0;
                            flag     = false;
                            mapUnits = iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapTolerance;
                            if (iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapToleranceUnits ==
                                mapUnits = CommonHelper.ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(iactiveView_0,
                            if (mapUnits == 0)
                                mapUnits = 3;
                            pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                            if (
                                !mPPointColn.HitTest(ipoint_0, mapUnits, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex,
                                                     pointClass, ref num, ref num1, ref num2, ref flag))
                                SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = false;
                                if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                                    SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                                    SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                            ipoint_0.PutCoords(pointClass.X, pointClass.Y);
                            SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = true;
                            if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                                SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                                SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
                    SketchShareEx.m_bSnapSuccessful = true;
                    if (SketchToolAssist.m_pAP != null)
                        SketchToolAssist.m_pAP.MoveTo(ipoint_0, iactiveView_0.ScreenDisplay);
                        SketchToolAssist.AddNewAnchorPt(ipoint_0, esriSimpleMarkerStyle_0, iactiveView_0);
예제 #4
        // this code runs when user presses the mouse button down on the map
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
                //get the current document
                IMxDocument arcMxDoc = clsGlobals.arcApplication.Document as IMxDocument;

                //get the focus map (the active data frame)
                IMap arcMapp = arcMxDoc.FocusMap;

                // get active view (can be data frame in either page layout or data view)
                IActiveView arcActiveView = arcMapp as IActiveView;

                // make sure the user has selected a layer in the toc
                if (arcMxDoc.SelectedLayer == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select the roads layer in ArcMap's TOC.", "Select Layer in TOC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (!(arcMxDoc.SelectedLayer is IFeatureLayer))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a polygon or line layer in the TOC.", "Must be Polygon or Line Layer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                //cast the selected layer as a feature layer
                IGeoFeatureLayer pGFlayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)arcMxDoc.SelectedLayer;

                //check if the feaure layer is a polygon or line layer
                if (pGFlayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon & pGFlayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a polygon or line layer.", "Must be Polygon or Line Layer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                // set classic snapping to true
                //IEditProperties4 arcEditProperties4 = clsGlobals.arcEditor as IEditProperties4;
                //arcEditProperties4.ClassicSnapping = true;

                // set some variables for capturing where the user's click location
                ISnapEnvironment arcSnapEnvironment = clsGlobals.arcEditor as ISnapEnvironment;
                //Boolean snapped = arcSnapEnvironment.SnapPoint()

                IPoint arcSplitPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                arcSplitPoint = m_Position; // m_Position is set in the MouseMove event

                // the section of code below that is commented out was used before i converted over to gettting the snapping environment from the mouse movement event
                // don't need it anymore, could be useful if i don't get the snapping point from the mouse movement event
                //////IScreenDisplay arcScreenDisplay = arcActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                //////IDisplayTransformation arcDisplayTransformation = arcScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;

                //////// snap to existing snap environment


                //////// get the x and y from the user's mouse click - these are variables that are passed in via the OnMouseDown click event
                //////arcSplitPoint = arcDisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

                // see if the there's anyintersecting segments with a coordinate address to use values in the new number assignments
                IContentsView   arcContentsView = arcMxDoc.CurrentContentsView;
                IFeatureLayer   arcFeatLayer    = (IFeatureLayer)arcContentsView.SelectedItem;
                IFeatureClass   arcFeatClass    = arcFeatLayer.FeatureClass;
                List <IFeature> listFeatures    = new List <IFeature>();
                listFeatures = checkForIntersectingSegments(arcSplitPoint, 1, arcFeatClass);

                // get the objectid of the selected feature - so we can exclude it from the intesecting search below
                string strSelectedOID = arcSelectedFeature.get_Value(arcSelectedFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString();
                isNumeric_StName  = false;
                isNumeric_ACSName = false;

                // if see there are any features intersecting (there is always 1 - it's the selected feature to split, so we need to check if it's more than 1)
                if (listFeatures.Count > 1)
                    bool blnUseCoordinateAddress;

                    // loop through the intesecting features to see if any have coordinate address to use
                    for (int i = 0; i < listFeatures.Count; i++)
                        // ignore the ifeature that's the selected one - we don't need to check for coordinate values for the selected
                        if (strSelectedOID != listFeatures[i].OID.ToString())
                            // check if street name is acs/coordinate (numberic)
                            isNumeric_StName = int.TryParse(listFeatures[i].get_Value(listFeatures[i].Fields.FindField("STREETNAME")).ToString(), out intStreetName);

                            isNumeric_ACSName = int.TryParse(listFeatures[i].get_Value(listFeatures[i].Fields.FindField("ACSNAME")).ToString(), out intACSName);

                            // if the value is numeric then capture the number and proceed
                            if (isNumeric_StName == true)
                                break; // breaks from "for loop"
                            if (isNumeric_ACSName == true)
                                break; // breaks from "for loop"

                // call the split centerline method
                doCenterlineSplit(arcSelectedFeature, arcSplitPoint);

                // expand the envelope
                IEnvelope arcEnvelope = arcSelectedFeature.Extent;
                arcEnvelope.Expand(1.2, 1.2, true);
                // if the parent arc is horizontal or vertical, refresh the full screen
                if (arcEnvelope.Width < arcMxDoc.ActivatedView.Extent.Width / 100)
                    arcEnvelope = arcMxDoc.ActivatedView.Extent;
                if (arcEnvelope.Height < arcMxDoc.ActivatedView.Extent.Height / 100)
                    arcEnvelope = arcMxDoc.ActivatedView.Extent;
                //arcActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography & esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, arcEnvelope);

                // deativate the tool
                clsGlobals.arcApplication.CurrentTool = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "UTRANS Editor tool error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
예제 #5
        private static ISnappingResult OldSnap(IPoint ipoint_0, IActiveView pActiveView,
                                               IEngineSnapEnvironment iengineSnapEnvironment_0)
            IHitTest        mPPointColn;
            double          num;
            int             num1;
            int             num2;
            bool            flag;
            double          mapUnits;
            IPoint          pointClass;
            ISnappingResult snappingResult = null;

            if (iengineSnapEnvironment_0 is ISnapEnvironment)
                ISnapEnvironment iengineSnapEnvironment0 = iengineSnapEnvironment_0 as ISnapEnvironment;
                if (
                    !(iengineSnapEnvironment0 == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                        ? true
                        : !iengineSnapEnvironment0.SnapPoint(SketchToolAssist.LastPoint, ipoint_0)))
                    SnappingResult snappingResult1 = new SnappingResult()
                        X = ipoint_0.X,
                        Y = ipoint_0.Y
                    snappingResult = snappingResult1;
                else if (ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.IsSnapSketch)
                    mPPointColn = SketchToolAssist.m_pPointColn as IHitTest;
                    if (mPPointColn != null)
                        num      = 0;
                        num1     = 0;
                        num2     = 0;
                        flag     = false;
                        mapUnits = CommonHelper.ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(pActiveView,
                        if (mapUnits == 0)
                            mapUnits = 3;
                        pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                        if (mPPointColn.HitTest(ipoint_0, mapUnits, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex,
                                                pointClass, ref num, ref num1, ref num2, ref flag))
                            SnappingResult snappingResult2 = new SnappingResult()
                                X = pointClass.X,
                                Y = pointClass.Y
                            snappingResult = snappingResult2;
            else if (
                !(iengineSnapEnvironment_0 == null || !ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.UseSnap
                    ? true
                    : !iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapPoint(ipoint_0)))
                SnappingResult snappingResult3 = new SnappingResult()
                    X = ipoint_0.X,
                    Y = ipoint_0.Y
                snappingResult = snappingResult3;
            else if (ApplicationRef.AppContext.Config.IsSnapSketch)
                mPPointColn = SketchToolAssist.m_pPointColn as IHitTest;
                if (mPPointColn != null)
                    num      = 0;
                    num1     = 0;
                    num2     = 0;
                    flag     = false;
                    mapUnits = iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapTolerance;
                    if (iengineSnapEnvironment_0.SnapToleranceUnits ==
                        mapUnits = CommonHelper.ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(pActiveView,
                    if (mapUnits == 0)
                        mapUnits = 3;
                    pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                    if (mPPointColn.HitTest(ipoint_0, mapUnits, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex,
                                            pointClass, ref num, ref num1, ref num2, ref flag))
                        SnappingResult snappingResult4 = new SnappingResult()
                            X = pointClass.X,
                            Y = pointClass.Y
                        snappingResult = snappingResult4;