public DialogResult CreateContentFromFile(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content, string[] files, object context) { bool youtubeEnabled = MarketizationOptions.IsFeatureEnabled(MarketizationOptions.Feature.YouTubeVideo); if (!youtubeEnabled) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } Trace.Assert(files.Length == 1, "Cannot insert more then 1 video at once through drag and drop."); IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; List <MediaTab> videoSources = new List <MediaTab>(); videoSources.Add(new WebVideoSource()); VideoPublishSource videoPublishSource = new VideoPublishSource(Options.GetString("Video.lastPermission", String.Empty)); videoPublishSource.SelectedPath = files[0]; videoSources.Add(videoPublishSource); VideoServiceVideoSource source = new VideoServiceVideoSource(); source.RegisterServices(new IVideoService[] { new YouTubeVideoService() }); videoSources.Add(source); return(CreateContentForm(dialogOwner, content, videoSources, 1)); }
public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { var settings = new Settings(content.Properties); // Always want to embed stylesheet for editor markup. return(settings.Format.FormatCode(settings.SourceCode, embedStylesheet: true, alternate: settings.HighlightAlternateLines, lineNumbers: settings.ShowLineNumbers)); }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { using (var contentForm = new ContentForm(newContent.Properties, Options)) { return contentForm.ShowDialog(dialogOwner); } }
public override void CreateContentFromUrl(string url, ref string title, ISmartContent content) { try { // download the video Video video = VideoProviderManager.FindVideo(url); if (video == null) { throw new ContentCreationException( Res.Get(StringId.Plugin_Video_Cannot_Parse_Url), Res.Get(StringId.Plugin_Video_Cannot_Parse_Url_Message)); } VideoSmartContent vsc = new VideoSmartContent(content); vsc.Initialize(video, null); } catch (ContentCreationException) { throw; } catch (VideoPluginException ex) { throw new ContentCreationException(ex.Title, ex.Description); } catch (Exception ex) { VideoPluginUnexpectedException exception = new VideoPluginUnexpectedException(ex); throw new ContentCreationException(exception.Title, exception.Description); } }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content) { using (new WaitCursor()) { if (!MapForm.ValidateLiveLocalConnection(true)) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } using (MapForm mapForm = new MapForm(true, _pluginOptions, ((ICommandManagerHost)dialogOwner).CommandManager)) { mapForm.LoadMap(-0.3515603f, 0.3515625f, null, "r", 1, null); if (mapForm.ShowDialog(dialogOwner) == DialogResult.OK) { MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); settings.MapId = "map-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); settings.UpdateSettings(mapForm.Latitude, mapForm.Longitude, mapForm.Reserved, mapForm.ZoomLevel, mapForm.MapStyle, mapForm.Pushpins, mapForm.BirdseyeScene); _pluginOptions.DefaultDialogSize = mapForm.Size; return(DialogResult.OK); } else { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } } } }
public override void OnResizeStart(ISmartContent content, ResizeOptions options) { //force the resize operation to scale based on the size of the map image. MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); options.ResizeableElementId = settings.MapId; }
private string GenerateLink(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position) { position = Position.Footer; string culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; if (culture.Contains("-")) culture = culture.Replace("-", "_"); var stringWriter = new StringWriter(); stringWriter.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_uid = '{0}';", _settings.FlattrId); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_tle = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Title); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_dsc = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Contents); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_cat = 'text';"); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_lng = '{0}';", culture); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_tag = '';"); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_url = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink); stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_hide = 'false';"); if (_settings.CompactMode) stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_btn = 'compact';"); stringWriter.WriteLine("</script>"); stringWriter.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>"); return stringWriter.ToString(); }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content) { using (new WaitCursor()) { if (!MapForm.ValidateLiveLocalConnection(true)) return DialogResult.Cancel; using (MapForm mapForm = new MapForm(true, _pluginOptions, ((ICommandManagerHost)dialogOwner).CommandManager)) { mapForm.LoadMap(-0.3515603f, 0.3515625f, null, "r", 1, null); if (mapForm.ShowDialog(dialogOwner) == DialogResult.OK) { MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); settings.MapId = "map-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); settings.UpdateSettings(mapForm.Latitude, mapForm.Longitude, mapForm.Reserved, mapForm.ZoomLevel, mapForm.MapStyle, mapForm.Pushpins, mapForm.BirdseyeScene); _pluginOptions.DefaultDialogSize = mapForm.Size; return DialogResult.OK; } else { return DialogResult.Cancel; } } } }
public void CreateContentFromEmbed(string embed, ISmartContent content) { try { // download the video Video video = VideoProviderManager.FindVideo(embed); VideoSmartContent vsc = new VideoSmartContent(content); vsc.Initialize(video, null); if (video == null) { throw new ContentCreationException( "Unable to Parse Video Embed", "Unknown provider or incomplete embed."); } } catch (ContentCreationException) { throw; } catch (VideoPluginException ex) { throw new ContentCreationException(ex.Title, ex.Description); } catch (Exception ex) { VideoPluginUnexpectedException exception = new VideoPluginUnexpectedException(ex); throw new ContentCreationException(exception.Title, exception.Description); } }
public DialogResult CreateContentFromTabbedDialog(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content, int selectedTab) { bool youtubeEnabled = MarketizationOptions.IsFeatureEnabled(MarketizationOptions.Feature.YouTubeVideo); if (!youtubeEnabled) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; List <MediaTab> videoSources = new List <MediaTab>(); videoSources.Add(new WebVideoSource()); VideoPublishSource videoPublishSource = new VideoPublishSource(Options.GetString("Video.lastPermission", String.Empty)); //videoPublishSource.SelectedPath = files[0]; videoSources.Add(videoPublishSource); VideoServiceVideoSource source = new VideoServiceVideoSource(); source.RegisterServices(new IVideoService[] { new YouTubeVideoService() }); videoSources.Add(source); return(CreateContentForm(dialogOwner, content, videoSources, selectedTab)); }
public override void OnResizeComplete(ISmartContent content, Size newSize) { // access content object VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content); // update html size VideoContent.HtmlSize = newSize; }
public override void OnResizeStart(ISmartContent content, ResizeOptions options) { // access content object VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content); // make sure we keep to the current aspect ratio options.AspectRatio = VideoContent.HtmlSize.Width / (double)VideoContent.HtmlSize.Height; }
public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content); string html = VideoContent.GenerateEditorHtml(publishingContext); ((IInternalContent)content).RefreshCallback = VideoContent.GetRefreshCallback(); return(html); }
public InlineEditField(IHTMLElement element, ISmartContent smartContent, IHtmlEditorComponentContext editorContext, IHTMLElement smartContentElement, IUndoRedoExecutingChecker undoRedoCheck) { Debug.Assert(element != null, "Making an edit field with a null element."); _element = element; _smartContent = smartContent; _smartContentElement = smartContentElement; _editorContext = editorContext; _undoRedoCheck = undoRedoCheck; }
public static void InsertEditorHtmlIntoElement(IContentSourceSidebarContext contentSourceContext, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, IHTMLElement element) { string content = source.GenerateEditorHtml(sContent, contentSourceContext); // If the plugin returned null has the HTML it would like to insert, remove the element from the editor if (content == null) HTMLElementHelper.RemoveElement(element); else InsertContentIntoElement(content, sContent, contentSourceContext, element); }
public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish, out Position position) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink)) { Debug.Fail("No permalink!"); position = Position.Footer; return(string.Empty); } return(GenerateLink(publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink, publishingContext.PostInfo.Title, out position)); }
public override string GeneratePreviewHtml(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position) { string url = publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = DotNetShoutoutCounterGenerator.BaseUrl; } return(GenerateLink(url, publishingContext.PostInfo.Title, out position)); }
private void MakeSmartContentEditable() { String newContentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _smartContent = _contentSourceContext.CloneSmartContent(_smartContentId, newContentId); _smartContentId = newContentId; Debug.Assert(_smartContent != null); _properties.SmartContentRaw = _smartContent; _supportingFiles.SmartContentRaw = _smartContent; _layout.SmartContentRaw = _smartContent; }
public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { if (!content.Properties.Contains("html")) { content.Properties["html"] = GenerateHtml( content.Properties["code"], content.Properties["language"], content.Properties["style"]); } return(content.Properties["html"]); }
private string GenerateHtml(ISmartContent content, bool editor, string blogId) { MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); settings.PublishTargetId = blogId; Uri imageUri = content.Files.GetUri(settings.ImageFileId); if (imageUri == null) { //try to regenerate the image using the default size for blog Size mapSize = _pluginOptions.GetDefaultMapSize(blogId); UpdateMapImage(content, settings, mapSize); settings.Size = mapSize; imageUri = content.Files.GetUri(settings.ImageFileId); } string imgAltText = Res.Get(StringId.MapImageAltText); if (settings.Caption != String.Empty) { imgAltText = settings.Caption; } string imageHtml = settings.Caption; if (imageUri != null) { Size mapSize = settings.Size; string sizeAttrs = mapSize != Size.Empty ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\"", mapSize.Width, mapSize.Height) : ""; imageHtml = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<img src=\"{0}\"{1} alt=\"{2}\">", HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(imageUri.ToString()), sizeAttrs, HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(imgAltText)); } else { if (imageHtml.Equals(String.Empty)) { imageHtml = Res.Get(StringId.ViewMap); } } string clickToViewAttr = editor ? "" : String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " alt=\"{0}\" title=\"{0}\"", clickToViewText); string mapHtml = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<a href=\"{0}\" id=\"{2}\"{3}>{1}</a>", HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(settings.LiveMapUrl), imageHtml, settings.MapId, clickToViewAttr); if (imageUri != null && settings.Caption != String.Empty) { //append the caption HTML mapHtml += String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _pluginOptions.CaptionHtmlFormat, HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(settings.Caption), settings.MapId); } return(mapHtml); }
/// <summary> /// Resize started /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> public override void OnResizeStart(ISmartContent content, ResizeOptions options) { // Check if we have editor mode element ID if (content.Properties.Contains(_elementIdProperty)) { string elementId = content.Properties.GetString(_elementIdProperty, null); if (elementId != null) { options.ResizeableElementId = elementId; } } }
public override void OnResizeComplete(ISmartContent content, Size newSize) { //don't allow the size to be smaller than the min size (fixes bug 398580) newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, MIN_MAP_SIZE.Width); newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, MIN_MAP_SIZE.Height); MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); UpdateMapImage(content, settings, newSize); settings.Size = newSize; if (settings.PublishTargetId != null) _pluginOptions.SetDefaultMapSize(settings.PublishTargetId, newSize); }
/// <summary> /// Clones active smart content contained in the provided HTML, and disables unknown smart content. /// </summary> public static string PrepareSmartContentHtmlForEditorInsertion(string html, IContentSourceSidebarContext sourceContext) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); ContentSourceManager.SmartContentPredicate predicate = new ContentSourceManager.SmartContentPredicate(); SimpleHtmlParser p = new SimpleHtmlParser(html); for (Element el; null != (el = p.Next());) { if (predicate.IsMatch(el)) { BeginTag bt = el as BeginTag; Attr idAttr = bt.GetAttribute("id"); String contentSourceId, contentItemId; ContentSourceManager.ParseContainingElementId(idAttr.Value, out contentSourceId, out contentItemId); ISmartContent smartContent = sourceContext.FindSmartContent(contentItemId); if (smartContent != null) { String newId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sourceContext.CloneSmartContent(contentItemId, newId); if (RefreshableContentManager.ContentSourcesWithRefreshableContent.Contains(contentSourceId)) { IExtensionData extensionData = sourceContext.FindExtentsionData(newId); Debug.Assert(extensionData != null); // Since we just made a new id for the smart content just about to be inserted // we want to give it a chance to get a callback because its callback might have happened while // it was on the clipboard(in the event of cut). This means the refreshable content manager doesnt know // to watch out for this smart content on paste, it only knows to look out for who created it. Thus // we just force the callback, and if it didnt need it, nothing will happen. if (extensionData.RefreshCallBack == null) { extensionData.RefreshCallBack = DateTime.UtcNow; } } idAttr.Value = ContentSourceManager.MakeContainingElementId(contentSourceId, newId); } else { ContentSourceManager.RemoveSmartContentAttributes(bt); } } output.Append(el.ToString()); } return(output.ToString()); }
/*public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ref string newContent) { var insertForm = new InsertCodeInsertForm(); using (insertForm) { var result = insertForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { newContent = insertForm.Code; } return result; } }*/ public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { var settings = new Settings(newContent.Properties); using (var insertForm = new InsertCodeInsertForm()) { var result = insertForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { settings.UpdateFromForm(insertForm); } return result; } }
/*public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ref string newContent) * { * var insertForm = new InsertCodeInsertForm(); * * using (insertForm) * { * var result = insertForm.ShowDialog(); * * if (result == DialogResult.OK) * { * newContent = insertForm.Code; * } * * return result; * } * }*/ public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { var settings = new Settings(newContent.Properties); using (var insertForm = new InsertCodeInsertForm()) { var result = insertForm.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { settings.UpdateFromForm(insertForm); } return(result); } }
private string GenerateHtml(ISmartContent content, bool editor, string blogId) { MapSettings settings = new MapSettings(content.Properties); settings.PublishTargetId = blogId; Uri imageUri = content.Files.GetUri(settings.ImageFileId); if (imageUri == null) { //try to regenerate the image using the default size for blog Size mapSize = _pluginOptions.GetDefaultMapSize(blogId); UpdateMapImage(content, settings, mapSize); settings.Size = mapSize; imageUri = content.Files.GetUri(settings.ImageFileId); } string imgAltText = Res.Get(StringId.MapImageAltText); if (settings.Caption != String.Empty) imgAltText = settings.Caption; string imageHtml = settings.Caption; if (imageUri != null) { Size mapSize = settings.Size; string sizeAttrs = mapSize != Size.Empty ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\"", mapSize.Width, mapSize.Height) : ""; imageHtml = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<img src=\"{0}\"{1} alt=\"{2}\">", HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(imageUri.ToString()), sizeAttrs, HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(imgAltText)); } else { if (imageHtml.Equals(String.Empty)) { imageHtml = Res.Get(StringId.ViewMap); } } string clickToViewAttr = editor ? "" : String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " alt=\"{0}\" title=\"{0}\"", clickToViewText); string mapHtml = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<a href=\"{0}\" id=\"{2}\"{3}>{1}</a>", HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(settings.LiveMapUrl), imageHtml, settings.MapId, clickToViewAttr); if (imageUri != null && settings.Caption != String.Empty) { //append the caption HTML mapHtml += String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _pluginOptions.CaptionHtmlFormat, HtmlServices.HtmlEncode(settings.Caption), settings.MapId); } return mapHtml; }
public EditableSmartContent(IContentSourceSidebarContext context, SmartContentSource contentSource, IHTMLElement smartContentElement) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); _contentSourceContext = context; _contentSource = contentSource; _smartContentElement = smartContentElement; ContentSourceManager.ParseContainingElementId(, out _contentSourceId, out _smartContentId); _smartContent = _contentSourceContext.FindSmartContent(_smartContentId); _extensionData = _contentSourceContext.FindExtentsionData(_smartContentId); _properties = new EditableRootProperties(); _layout = new EditableLayoutStyle(); _supportingFiles = new EditableSupportingFiles(); MakeSmartContentEditable(); }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { var form = new CodeInsertForm(); var result = form.ShowDialog(dialogOwner); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { if (form.Code.Trim().Length == 0) { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } newContent.Properties["code"] = form.Code; } return(result); }
internal static void UpdateMapImage(ISmartContent content, MapSettings settings, Size newSize) { if (settings.MapImageInvalidated) { settings.MapImageInvalidated = false; float latitude = settings.Latitude; float longitude = settings.Longitude; string reserved = settings.Reserved; int zoomLevel = settings.ZoomLevel; string style = settings.MapStyle; string sceneId = settings.BirdseyeSceneId; VEBirdseyeScene scene = sceneId != null ? new VEBirdseyeScene(sceneId, settings.BirdseyeOrientation) : null; string previewUrl = MapUrlHelper.CreateMapUrl(LocalMapPreviewUrl, latitude, longitude, reserved, style, zoomLevel, settings.Pushpins, scene); #pragma warning disable 612,618 HtmlScreenCapture screenCapture = new HtmlScreenCapture(new Uri(previewUrl, true), newSize.Width); #pragma warning restore 612,618 screenCapture.HtmlDocumentAvailable += new OpenLiveWriter.Api.HtmlDocumentAvailableHandler(screenCapture_HtmlDocumentAvailable); screenCapture.MaximumHeight = newSize.Height; Bitmap bitmap = screenCapture.CaptureHtml(45000); if (bitmap != null) { try { if (content.Files.Contains(settings.ImageFileId)) { content.Files.Remove(settings.ImageFileId); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Fail(e.ToString()); } //add the new map image (note that we use a new name to a bug in IE7 that prevents the editor //from refreshing the image displayed in the browser (bug 287563) string newGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string newImageFileId = "map-" + newGuid.Substring(newGuid.LastIndexOf("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1) + ".jpg"; settings.ImageFileId = newImageFileId; content.Files.AddImage(settings.ImageFileId, bitmap, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Map image could not be regenerated."); } } }
public static bool ExecuteSmartContentRetreival( IWin32Window dialogOwner, ContentSourceInfo contentSourceInfo, string url, ref string title, ISmartContent newContent) { try { if (contentSourceInfo.UrlContentSourceRequiresProgress) { // create the progress dialog and the async operation UrlContentRetreivalWithProgressDialog progressDialog = new UrlContentRetreivalWithProgressDialog(contentSourceInfo); progressDialog.CreateControl(); SmartUrlContentRetreivalAsyncOperation asyncOperation = new SmartUrlContentRetreivalAsyncOperation(progressDialog, contentSourceInfo.Instance as SmartContentSource, url, title, newContent); // execute and retreive results if (ExecuteWithProgress(dialogOwner, progressDialog, asyncOperation, contentSourceInfo)) { title = asyncOperation.Title; return true; } else { return false; } } else { try { (contentSourceInfo.Instance as SmartContentSource).CreateContentFromUrl(url, ref title, newContent); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ContentSourceManager.DisplayContentRetreivalError(dialogOwner, ex, contentSourceInfo); return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Fail("Unexpected exception executing network operation for content source: " + ex.ToString()); return false; } }
public override System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult CreateContent(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { using (var form = new frmEdit()) { if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { form.Editor.ContentText = Clipboard.GetText(); } DialogResult res = form.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { newContent.Properties.SetString("code", form.Editor.ContentText); newContent.Properties.SetString("class", form.Editor.CssClass); } return res; } }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; if (blogContext != null) _currentBlogId = blogContext.CurrentAccountId; TagContext context = new TagContext(newContent, Options, _currentBlogId); using (TagForm form = new TagForm(context)) { DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(dialogOwner); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { context.Tags = form.Tags; context.CurrentProvider = form.TagProvider; context.AddTagsToHistory(form.Tags); } return result; } }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content) { IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; List <MediaTab> videoSources = new List <MediaTab>(); videoSources.Add(new WebVideoSource()); bool youtubeEnabled = MarketizationOptions.IsFeatureEnabled(MarketizationOptions.Feature.YouTubeVideo); if (youtubeEnabled) { videoSources.Add(new VideoPublishSource(Options.GetString("Video.lastPermission", String.Empty))); VideoServiceVideoSource source = new VideoServiceVideoSource(); source.RegisterServices(new IVideoService[] { new YouTubeVideoService() }); videoSources.Add(source); } return(CreateContentForm(dialogOwner, content, videoSources, 0)); }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content) { IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; List<MediaTab> videoSources = new List<MediaTab>(); videoSources.Add(new WebVideoSource()); bool youtubeEnabled = MarketizationOptions.IsFeatureEnabled(MarketizationOptions.Feature.YouTubeVideo); if (youtubeEnabled) { videoSources.Add(new VideoPublishSource(Options.GetString("Video.lastPermission", String.Empty))); VideoServiceVideoSource source = new VideoServiceVideoSource(); source.RegisterServices(new IVideoService[] { new YouTubeVideoService() }); videoSources.Add(source); } return CreateContentForm(dialogOwner, content, videoSources, 0); }
public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; if (blogContext != null) { _currentBlogId = blogContext.CurrentAccountId; } TagContext context = new TagContext(newContent, Options, _currentBlogId); using (TagForm form = new TagForm(context)) { DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(dialogOwner); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { context.Tags = form.Tags; context.CurrentProvider = form.TagProvider; context.AddTagsToHistory(form.Tags); } return(result); } }
private DialogResult CreateContentForm(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent content, List <MediaTab> videoSources, int selectedTab) { using (new WaitCursor()) { IBlogContext blogContext = dialogOwner as IBlogContext; VideoSmartContent videoSmartContent = new VideoSmartContent(content); using (MediaInsertForm videoBrowserForm = new MediaInsertForm(videoSources, blogContext.CurrentAccountId, selectedTab, videoSmartContent, Res.Get(StringId.Plugin_Videos_Select_Video_Form), true)) { if (videoBrowserForm.ShowDialog(dialogOwner) == DialogResult.OK) { string VIDEO_LAST_PERMISSION = "Video.lastPermission"; Options.SetString(VIDEO_LAST_PERMISSION, videoSmartContent.Permission); videoBrowserForm.SaveContent(videoSmartContent); return(DialogResult.OK); } else { return(DialogResult.Cancel); } } } }
public static void InsertContentIntoElement(string content, ISmartContent sContent, IContentSourceSidebarContext contentSourceContext, IHTMLElement element) { MshtmlMarkupServices MarkupServices = new MshtmlMarkupServices((IMarkupServicesRaw)element.document); //Note: undo/redo disabled for smart content since undo causes the HTML to get out of sync //with the inserter's settings state, so undo changes will be blown away the next time the //the inserter's HTML is regenerated. Also note that making this insertion without wrapping it //in an undo clears the undo/redo stack, which is what we want for beta. //string undoId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); MarkupRange htmlRange = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(element, false); htmlRange.Start.PushCling(true); htmlRange.End.PushCling(true); MarkupServices.Remove(htmlRange.Start, htmlRange.End); htmlRange.Start.PopCling(); htmlRange.End.PopCling(); = ToPaddingString(sContent.Layout); if (sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.None || sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Right || sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Left) { = "inline"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = sContent.Layout.Alignment.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Center) { = Alignment.None.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); = "block"; = "auto"; = "auto"; } // Clear out any width on the overall smart content block, if the element is centered, we will add the width back in later // after we calcuate it from the childern, the current width value is stale. = ""; //Note: we use MarkupServices to insert the content so that IE doesn't try to fix up URLs. //Element.insertAdjacentHTML() is a no-no because it rewrites relaive URLs to include //the fullpath from the local filesytem. //MarkupServices.ParseString() doesn't attempt to fix up URLs, so its safe to use. //We will now stage the new content into a MarkupContainer, and then move it into //the working document. MarkupPointer sc1 = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(); MarkupPointer sc2 = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupPointer(); //Create a temporary document from the html and set the start/end pointers to the //start and end of the document. MarkupServices.ParseString(content, sc1, sc2); IHTMLDocument2 doc = sc1.GetDocument(); MarkupRange stagingRange = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(sc1, sc2); stagingRange.MoveToElement(doc.body, false); //IE7 hack: fixes bug 305512. Note that this will destroy the inner content of the element, //so make sure it is called before the refreshed content is inserted. BeforeInsertInvalidateHackForIE7(element); //move the content from the staging area into the actual insertion point. MarkupServices.Move(stagingRange.Start, stagingRange.End, htmlRange.End); if (sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Center) { MarkupContext mc = htmlRange.End.Right(false); MarkupRange range = MarkupServices.CreateMarkupRange(mc.Element, false); IHTMLElement[] childern = range.GetTopLevelElements(MarkupRange.FilterNone); int maxWidth = 0; foreach (IHTMLElement child in childern) { maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, child.offsetWidth); } if (maxWidth != 0) { = maxWidth; } } // Let the context provider know the smart content was edited. string contentSourceId, contentId; ContentSourceManager.ParseContainingElementId(, out contentSourceId, out contentId); contentSourceContext.OnSmartContentEdited(contentId); }
public static void InsertEditorHtmlIntoElement(IContentSourceSidebarContext contentSourceContext, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, IHTMLElement element) { string content = source.GenerateEditorHtml(sContent, contentSourceContext); // If the plugin returned null has the HTML it would like to insert, remove the element from the editor if (content == null) { HTMLElementHelper.RemoveElement(element); } else { InsertContentIntoElement(content, sContent, contentSourceContext, element); } }
public static string GenerateBlock(string className, string elementId, ISmartContent sContent, bool displayInline, string content, bool noFloat, IHTMLElement element) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { return(""); } // generate the html to insert StringBuilder htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); htmlBuilder.AppendFormat("<div class=\"{0}\"", className); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementId)) { htmlBuilder.AppendFormat(" id=\"{0}\"", elementId); } if (element != null) { // Persist the language direction of the smart content if it's explicitly set. string currentDirection = element.getAttribute("dir", 2) as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDirection)) { htmlBuilder.AppendFormat(" dir=\"{0}\"", currentDirection); } } StringBuilder styleBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.None || sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Right || sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Left) { // If the smart content is none/right/left we just use float if (!noFloat || sContent.Layout.Alignment != Alignment.None) { AppendStyle(noFloat ? "text-align" : "float", sContent.Layout.Alignment.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), styleBuilder); } } else if (element != null && sContent.Layout.Alignment == Alignment.Center) { // If the alignment is centered then it needs to make sure float is set to none AppendStyle("float", "none", styleBuilder); AppendStyle("display", "block", styleBuilder); AppendStyle("margin-left", "auto", styleBuilder); AppendStyle("margin-right", "auto", styleBuilder); AppendStyle("width", element.offsetWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), styleBuilder); } if (displayInline && sContent.Layout.Alignment != Alignment.Center) { AppendStyle("display", "inline", styleBuilder); } if (sContent.Layout.Alignment != Alignment.Center) { AppendStyle("margin", "0px", styleBuilder); } AppendStyle("padding", ToPaddingString(sContent.Layout), styleBuilder); if (styleBuilder.Length > 0) { htmlBuilder.AppendFormat(" style=\"{0}\"", styleBuilder.ToString()); } htmlBuilder.AppendFormat(">{0}</div>", content); return(htmlBuilder.ToString()); }
public static string GenerateContentBlock(string contentSourceId, string blockId, string content, ISmartContent sContent, IHTMLElement element) { string className = ContentSourceManager.EDITABLE_SMART_CONTENT; string elementId = ContentSourceManager.MakeContainingElementId(contentSourceId, blockId); bool inline = true; return(GenerateBlock(className, elementId, sContent, inline, content, false, element)); }
/// <summary> /// Notification that the sizing of an object is complete. The implementation of /// this method should update the ISmartContent object as approriate based on the /// new size. The editor will first call this method and then call the GenerateEditorHtml /// method to update the display based on the new size. /// </summary> /// <param name="content">SmartContent which is being resized.</param> /// <param name="newSize">New size of object (or of resizable element if the ResizeOptions.ResizableElementId option was specified).</param> public virtual void OnResizeComplete(ISmartContent content, Size newSize) { }
/// <summary> /// Create content based on a URL. The source of this URL can either be the page the user was /// navigated to when they pressed the "Blog This" button or a URL that is pasted or dragged /// into the editor. Plugin classes which override this method must also be declared with the /// UrlContentSourceAttribute. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">Url to create content from.</param> /// <param name="title">Default title of post (used for "Blog This" case).</param> /// <param name="newContent">SmartContent object which is populated with initial values by this method.</param> /// <exception cref="ContentCreationException">Thrown if an error occurs during the creation of content.</exception> public virtual void CreateContentFromUrl(string url, ref string title, ISmartContent newContent) { throw new NotImplementedException("SmartContentSource.CreateContentFromUrl"); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the HTML content which is published to the destination weblog. /// </summary> /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param> /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param> /// <returns>HTML to be published to the destination weblog.</returns> public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext);
public SmartContentPersistedFileList(ISmartContent smartContent, string listId) { this.smartContent = smartContent; this.listId = listId; }
/// <summary> /// Notification of realtime resizing of the object (this will only be called if the /// ResizeCapabilities include RealtimeResizing). The implementation of this method /// should update the ISmartContent object as appropriate based on the new size. /// The editor will first call this method and then call the GenerateEditorHtml /// method to update the display as the user resizes. /// </summary> /// <param name="content">SmartContent which is being resized.</param> /// <param name="newSize">New size of object (or of resizable element if the ResizeOptions.ResizableElementId option was specified).</param> public virtual void OnResizing(ISmartContent content, Size newSize) { }
internal void DoPublishWork(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content) { if (source is IPublishTimeWorker) { try { // For each piece of IPublishTimeWorker smart content we find we need to ask if it has // work to do while publishing. We pass null as the external context because that object // is only for use when providing external code a chance to interact with the publish. content = ((IPublishTimeWorker)source).DoPublishWork(_form, sContent, _blog.Id, site, null); } catch (WebException ex) { HttpRequestHelper.LogException(ex); _exception = ex; throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Content Source failed to do publish work: " + ex); _exception = ex; throw; } } }
public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { var settings = new Settings(content.Properties); return(settings.Format.FormatCode(settings.SourceCode, embedStylesheet: settings.EmbedStylesheet, alternate: settings.HighlightAlternateLines, lineNumbers: settings.ShowLineNumbers)); }
public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { _currentBlogId = publishingContext.AccountId; return FormTagLinks(content); }
public SmartUrlContentRetreivalAsyncOperation( ISynchronizeInvoke invokeTarget, SmartContentSource contentSource, string url, string title, ISmartContent newContent) : base(invokeTarget, contentSource, url, title) { _newContent = newContent; }
public override string GeneratePreviewHtml(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position) { return GenerateLink(smartContent, publishingContext, out position); }
/// <summary> /// Create content using an Insert dialog. Plugin classes which override this method must /// also be declared with the InsertableContentSourceAttribute. /// </summary> /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialogs shown.</param> /// <param name="newContent">SmartContent object which is populated with initial values by this method.</param> /// <returns>DialogResult.OK if content was successfully created, DialogResult.Cancel /// if the user cancels the Insert dialog.</returns> /// <exception cref="ContentCreationException">Thrown if an error occurs during the creation of content.</exception> public virtual DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent newContent) { throw new NotImplementedException("SmartContentSource.CreateContent"); }
public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish, out Position position) { return GenerateLink(smartContent, publishingContext, out position); }
/// <summary> /// Generate the HTML content which is used to represent the SmartContent item within /// the post editor. The default behavior for this method if it is not overridden is to /// call GeneratePublishHtml. /// </summary> /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param> /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param> /// <returns>HTML content to be inserted into the post editor.</returns> public virtual string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext) { return GeneratePublishHtml(content, publishingContext); }
internal static void PlainTextTransform(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content) { if (source is IInternalSmartContentSource) { try { content = ((IInternalSmartContentSource)source).GeneratePlainTextHtml(sContent, site); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Content Source failed to generate plain text html: " + ex); Trace.Flush(); throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// Create content using the contents of a LiveClipboad Xml document. Plugin classes which override /// this method must also be declared with the LiveClipboardContentSourceAttribute. /// </summary> /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialogs shown.</param> /// <param name="lcDocument">LiveClipboard Xml document</param> /// <param name="newContent">SmartContent object which is populated with initial values by this method.</param> /// <returns>DialogResult.OK if content was successfully created, DialogResult.Cancel /// if the user cancels the Insert dialog.</returns> /// <exception cref="ContentCreationException">Thrown if an error occurs during the creation of content.</exception> public virtual DialogResult CreateContentFromLiveClipboard(IWin32Window dialogOwner, XmlDocument lcDocument, ISmartContent newContent) { throw new NotImplementedException("SmartContentSource.CreateContentFromLiveClipboard"); }
private string FormTagLinks(ISmartContent smartContent) { TagContext context = new TagContext(smartContent, Options, _currentBlogId); return context.CurrentProvider.GenerateHtmlForTags(context.Tags); }