private IBody2[] CreateFillets(ISldWorks app, List <object> dispatches, double radius, bool isPreview, out IReadOnlyList <IFace2> filletFaces)
            if (dispatches == null)
                throw new UserErrorException("Select entities to add fillets to");

            if (radius <= 0)
                throw new UserErrorException("Specify radius more than zero");

            var bodies       = new List <IBody2>();
            var createdFaces = new List <IFace2>();

            var entGroups = dispatches.GroupBy(d => GetBody(d));

            var trackCookie = -1;

            if (isPreview)
                trackCookie = app.RegisterTrackingDefinition(TRACKING_DEFINITION_NAME);

            foreach (var entGroup in entGroups)
                var edges = new List <IEdge>();

                var body = entGroup.Key;

                foreach (var ent in entGroup)
                    object[] entEdges = null;

                    if (ent is IBody2)
                        entEdges = (ent as IBody2).GetEdges() as object[];
                    else if (ent is IFace2)
                        entEdges = (ent as IFace2).GetEdges() as object[];
                    else if (ent is IEdge)
                        entEdges = new object[] { ent as IEdge };
                    else if (ent is IVertex)
                        entEdges = (ent as IVertex).GetEdges() as object[];

                    if (entEdges != null)
                        edges.AddRange(entEdges.Cast <IEdge>().Except(edges));

                if (isPreview)
                    CreateBodyForPreview(trackCookie, ref edges, ref body);

                if (body.GetType() != (int)swBodyType_e.swSolidBody)
                    throw new UserErrorException("Fillet can only be added to solid bodies");

                var faces = body.AddConstantFillets(radius, edges.ToArray()) as object[];

                if (faces != null && faces.Any())
                    createdFaces.AddRange(faces.Cast <IFace2>());
                    throw new UserErrorException("Failed to create fillet for specified entities due to geometrical conditions");


            filletFaces = createdFaces;
