예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: paillave/Etl.Net
 private static void DefineProcess1(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .CrossApplyFolderFiles("get files", "*.txt")
     .CrossApply("parse file", BloombergValuesProvider.Create(i => new
         CountryFullName     = i.ToColumn("COUNTRY_FULL_NAME"),
         IndustrySector      = i.ToColumn("INDUSTRY_SECTOR"),
         IndustrySectorNum   = i.ToColumn("INDUSTRY_SECTOR_NUM"),
         EqyShOut            = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("EQY_SH_OUT", "."),
         EqyShOutActual      = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("EQY_SH_OUT_ACTUAL", "."),
         EqyFloat            = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("EQY_FLOAT", "."),
         CrncyAdjMktCap      = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("CRNCY_ADJ_MKT_CAP", "."),
         HisVolOnPx1         = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("HIS_VOL_ON_PX:1", "."),
         HisVolOnPx2         = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("HIS_VOL_ON_PX:2", "."),
         MhisCloseOnPx3      = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("MHIS_CLOSE_ON_PX:3", "."),
         MhisCloseOnPx4      = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("MHIS_CLOSE_ON_PX:4", "."),
         CountryIso          = i.ToColumn("COUNTRY_ISO"),
         DvdExDt             = i.ToOptionalDateColumn("DVD_EX_DT", "MM/dd/yyyy"),
         DvdFreq             = i.ToColumn("DVD_FREQ"),
         EqyDvdRightExDtCurr = i.ToColumn("EQY_DVD_RIGHT_EX_DT_CURR"),
         SecurityTyp         = i.ToColumn("SECURITY_TYP"),
         PeRatio             = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("PE_RATIO", "."),
         EqyDvdYld12m        = i.ToNumberColumn <double?>("EQY_DVD_YLD_12M", "."),
     .Do("write to console", i =>
예제 #2
 private static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .ResolveAndSelect("get some values", o => o
                       .Resolve <SomeExternalValue>()
                       .Select((context, injected) => $"{context}-{injected.AStringValue}:{injected.AnIntValue}"));
예제 #3
 private static void DefineProcess20(ISingleStream <Stream> contextStream)
     // System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer
     // Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer
     .Select("Create file value", i => FileValue.Create(i, i is FileStream fileStream ? fileStream.Name : "fileName.csv", "from stream"))
     .CrossApply <IFileValue, Person>("parse file", (fileValue, dependencyResolver, cancellationToken, push) =>
         var parsedFile = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(new StreamReader(fileValue.GetContent()).ReadToEnd());
         var jPeople    = parsedFile["people"] as JArray;
         foreach (var jPerson in jPeople)
             if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
             push(new Person
                 FirstName = (string)jPerson["TheFirstName"],
                 LastName  = (string)jPerson["TheLastName"],
                 Email     = (string)jPerson["TheEmail"],
     .Do("write to console", i => Console.WriteLine(i.Email));
예제 #4
 private static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .CrossApplyFolderFiles("list all required files", "*.zip", true)
     .CrossApplyZipFiles("extract files from zip", "*.csv")
     .CrossApplyTextFile("parse file", FlatFileDefinition.Create(i => new Person
         Email       = i.ToColumn("email"),
         FirstName   = i.ToColumn("first name"),
         LastName    = i.ToColumn("last name"),
         DateOfBirth = i.ToDateColumn("date of birth", "yyyy-MM-dd"),
         Reputation  = i.ToNumberColumn <int?>("reputation", ".")
     .Distinct("exclude duplicates based on the Email", i => i.Email)
     .SqlServerSave("upsert using Email as key and ignore the Id", o => o
                    .SeekOn(p => p.Email)
                    .DoNotSave(p => p.Id))
     .Select("define row to report", i => new { i.Email, i.Id })
     .ToTextFileValue("write summary to file", "report.csv", FlatFileDefinition.Create(i => new
         Email = i.ToColumn("Email"),
         Id    = i.ToNumberColumn <int>("new or existing Id", ".")
     .WriteToFile("save log file", i => i.Name);
예제 #5
        public static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <MyConfig> rootStream)
            var outputFileResourceS     = rootStream.Select("open output file", i => (Stream)File.OpenWrite(i.DestinationFilePath));
            var outputCategoryResourceS = rootStream.Select("open output category file", i => (Stream)File.OpenWrite(i.CategoryDestinationFilePath));

            var parsedLineS = rootStream
                              .CrossApplyFolderFiles("get folder files", i => i.InputFolderPath, i => i.InputFilesSearchPattern, (f, r) => f.Name)
                              .CrossApplyTextFile("parse input file", new InputFileRowMapper(), (i, p) => { p.FileName = i; return(p); });

            var parsedTypeLineS = rootStream
                                  .Select("get input file type path", i => i.TypeFilePath)
                                  .CrossApplyTextFile("parse type input file", new TypeFileRowMapper());

            var joinedLineS = parsedLineS
                              .Lookup("join types to file", parsedTypeLineS, i => i.TypeId, i => i.Id, (l, r) => new { l.Id, r.Name, l.FileName, r.Category });

            var categoryStatistics = joinedLineS
                                     .Pivot("create statistic for categories", i => i.Category, i => new { Count = AggregationOperators.Count(), Total = AggregationOperators.Sum(i.Id) })
                                     .Select("create output category data", i => new OutputCategoryRow {
                Category = i.Key, AmountOfEntries = i.Aggregation.Count, TotalAmount = i.Aggregation.Total
                                     .ThroughTextFile("write category statistics to file", outputCategoryResourceS, new OutputCategoryRowMapper());

            joinedLineS.Select("create output data", i => new OutputFileRow {
                Id = i.Id, Name = i.Name, FileName = i.FileName
            .ThroughTextFile("write to output file", outputFileResourceS, new OutputFileRowMapper())
            .ThroughAction("write to console", i => Console.WriteLine($"{i.FileName}:{i.Id}-{i.Name}"));
예제 #6
 public static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <object> rootStream)
     .CrossApplyEnumerable("create some values", (input) => Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new MyInputType {
         Id = i, Value = (i % 3 == 0) ? i : (int?)null
     .Select("set null value to the previous not null value", new MySelectProcessor());
예제 #7
 public static ISingleStream <Correlated <T> > FixNull <T>(this ISingleStream <Correlated <T> > stream, string name, Func <Fixer <T>, Fixer <T> > fixer)
     return(new FixCorrelatedSingleStreamNode <T>(name, new FixCorrelatedSingleArgs <T>
         Fixer = fixer(new Fixer <T>()),
         Stream = stream
예제 #8
 public static ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > DoCorrelatedAndResolve <TIn>(this ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > stream, string name, Func <DoWithResolutionProcessorBuilder <Correlated <TIn>, TIn>, IDoProcessor <Correlated <TIn> > > o)
     return(new DoStreamNode <Correlated <TIn>, ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > >(name, new DoArgs <Correlated <TIn>, ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > >
         Processor = o(new DoWithResolutionProcessorBuilder <Correlated <TIn>, TIn>(i => i.Row)),
         Stream = stream
예제 #9
 public static ISingleStream <TIn> Do <TIn>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, Action <TIn> processRow)
     return(new DoStreamNode <TIn, ISingleStream <TIn> >(name, new DoArgs <TIn, ISingleStream <TIn> >
         Processor = new SimpleDoProcessor <TIn, TIn>(i => i, processRow),
         Stream = stream
예제 #10
 public static ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > DoCorrelated <TIn>(this ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > stream, string name, Action <TIn> processRow)
     return(new DoStreamNode <Correlated <TIn>, ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > >(name, new DoArgs <Correlated <TIn>, ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > >
         Processor = new SimpleDoProcessor <Correlated <TIn>, TIn>(i => i.Row, processRow),
         Stream = stream
예제 #11
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, Func <TIn, TOut> resultSelector, bool excludeNull = false)
     return(new SelectSingleStreamNode <TIn, TOut>(name, new SelectSingleArgs <TIn, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = new SimpleSelectProcessor <TIn, TOut>(resultSelector),
         ExcludeNull = excludeNull
예제 #12
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn, TOut, TCtx>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, TCtx initialContext, Func <TIn, int, TCtx, Action <TCtx>, TOut> resultSelector, bool excludeNull = false)
     return(new SelectSingleWithIndexStreamNode <TIn, TOut>(name, new SelectSingleWithIndexArgs <TIn, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = new ContextSelectWithIndexProcessor <TIn, TOut, TCtx>(resultSelector, initialContext),
         ExcludeNull = excludeNull
예제 #13
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, ISelectWithIndexProcessor <TIn, TOut> processor, bool excludeNull = false)
     return(new SelectSingleWithIndexStreamNode <TIn, TOut>(name, new SelectSingleWithIndexArgs <TIn, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = processor,
         ExcludeNull = excludeNull
예제 #14
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> ResolveAndSelect <TIn, TService, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, Func <Resolver <TIn>, Selector <TIn, TService, TOut> > selection, bool withNoDispose = false) where TService : class
     return(new ResolveAndSelectSingleStreamNode <TIn, TService, TOut>(name, new ResolveAndSelectSingleArgs <TIn, TService, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Selection = selection,
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #15
 public static ISingleStream <Correlated <TOut> > Select <TIn, TOut>(this ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > stream, string name, ISelectProcessor <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> > processor, bool withNoDispose = false)
     return(new SelectSingleStreamNode <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> >(name, new SelectSingleArgs <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> >
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = processor,
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #16
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn, TOut, TCtx>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, TCtx initialContext, Func <TIn, TCtx, Action <TCtx>, TOut> resultSelector, bool withNoDispose = false)
     return(new SelectSingleStreamNode <TIn, TOut>(name, new SelectSingleArgs <TIn, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = new ContextSelectProcessor <TIn, TOut, TCtx>(resultSelector, initialContext),
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #17
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn> stream, string name, Func <TIn, TOut> resultSelector, bool withNoDispose = false)
     return(new SelectSingleStreamNode <TIn, TOut>(name, new SelectSingleArgs <TIn, TOut>
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = new SimpleSelectProcessor <TIn, TOut>(resultSelector),
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #18
 private static void DefineProcess9(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .CrossApplySqlServerQuery("get people", o => o.FromQuery("select * from dbo.Person as p").WithMapping(i => new
         Name     = i.ToColumn("FirstName"),
         Birthday = i.ToDateColumn("DateOfBirth")
예제 #19
 private static void DefineProcess71(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     // var tmp = 0;
     // contextStream
     //      .Select("zzer", i => 1 / tmp);
     .CrossApply("create values from enumeration", ctx => Enumerable
                 .Range(1, 100)
                 .Select(i => new { Id = i, OutputId = i % 10, label = $"Label{i}" }));
예제 #20
 public static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <object> rootStream)
     .CrossApplyEnumerable("create some values", (input) => Enumerable.Range(0, 10))
     .Aggregate("aggregate values for average computation",
                i => new { sum = 0, nb = 0 },
                i => i % 3,
                (previousAggr, value) => new { sum = previousAggr.sum + value, nb = previousAggr.nb + 1 })
     .Select("compute average", i => new { i.Key, Avg = i.Aggregation.sum / i.Aggregation.nb });
예제 #21
 public static void Import(ISingleStream <string[]> contextStream)
     var portfolioFileStream = contextStream.CrossApply("Get Files", new FtpFileValueProvider("SRC", "Solar exports", "files from ftp", new FtpAdapterConnectionParameters {
         Server   = "localhost",
         Login    = "******",
         Password = "******"
     }, new FtpAdapterProviderParameters {
                               .Do("print files to console", i => Console.WriteLine(i.Name));
예제 #22
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn1> stream, string name, ISingleStream <TIn2> streamToApply, Func <TIn1, TIn2, TOut> resultSelector, bool excludeNull = false)
     return(new ApplySingleStreamNode <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(name, new ApplySingleArgs <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>
         MainStream = stream,
         StreamToApply = streamToApply,
         Selector = resultSelector,
         ExcludeNull = excludeNull
예제 #23
 private static void DefineProcess11(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .CrossApply("build criteria", i => new[] {
         new { Reputation = 345, NewReputation = 346 },
         new { Reputation = 45, NewReputation = 201 }
     .ToSqlCommand("update reputation", "update p set Reputation = @NewReputation from dbo.Person as p where p.Reputation = @Reputation")
     .ToSqlCommand("update reputation like before", "update p set Reputation = @Reputation from dbo.Person as p where p.Reputation = @NewReputation");
예제 #24
 private static void DefineProcess10(ISingleStream <string> contextStream)
     .Select("build criteria", i => new { Reputation = 345 })
     .CrossApplySqlServerQuery("get people", o => o.FromQuery("select * from dbo.Person as p where p.Reputation = @Reputation").WithMapping(i => new
         Name     = i.ToColumn("FirstName"),
         Birthday = i.ToDateColumn("DateOfBirth")
예제 #25
 public static ISingleStream <TOut> Select <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(this ISingleStream <TIn1> stream, string name, ISingleStream <TIn2> streamToApply, Func <TIn1, TIn2, TOut> resultSelector, bool withNoDispose = false)
     return(new ApplySingleStreamNode <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(name, new ApplySingleArgs <TIn1, TIn2, TOut>
         MainStream = stream,
         StreamToApply = streamToApply,
         Selector = resultSelector,
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #26
 public static ISingleStream <Correlated <TOut> > Select <TIn, TOut>(this ISingleStream <Correlated <TIn> > stream, string name, Func <TIn, TOut> resultSelector, bool withNoDispose = false)
     return(new SelectSingleStreamNode <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> >(name, new SelectSingleArgs <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> >
         Stream = stream,
         Processor = new SimpleSelectProcessor <Correlated <TIn>, Correlated <TOut> >(i => new Correlated <TOut> {
             Row = resultSelector(i.Row), CorrelationKeys = i.CorrelationKeys
         WithNoDispose = withNoDispose
예제 #27
        public static void DefineSimpleProcess(ISingleStream <MySimpleConfig> rootStream)
            var parsedLineS = rootStream
                              .CrossApplyTextFile("parse input file", new InputFileRowMapper(), i => i.InputFilesPath);

            var parsedTypeLineS = rootStream
                                  .CrossApplyTextFile("parse type input file", new TypeFileRowMapper(), i => i.TypeFilePath);

            var joinedLineS = parsedLineS
                              .Lookup("join types to file", parsedTypeLineS, i => i.TypeId, i => i.Id, (l, r) => new { l.Id, r.Name, l.FileName, r.Category });
예제 #28
 public static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <object> rootStream)
     .CrossApplyEnumerable("create some values", (input) => Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new { Id = i, Value = (i % 3 == 0) ? i : (int?)null }))
     .Select("set null value to the previous not null value", 0, (i, ctx, setCtx) =>
         var v = i.Value ?? ctx;
         return(new { i.Id, Value = v });
예제 #29
 private static void DefineProcess7(ISingleStream <string> stream)
     .CrossApply("produce a list of dummy values for ", _ => Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(idx => new { Index = idx, Name = $"Index {idx}", CategoryId = idx % 3 }))
     .GroupBy("process per group", i => i.CategoryId)
     .Select("create file", rows => FileValueWriter
             .WriteLine($"here is the list of indexes in the category {rows.FirstValue.CategoryId}")
             .Write(String.Join(", ", rows.Aggregation.Select(row => row.Name).ToList())))
     .WriteToFile("write to folder", i => i.Name);
예제 #30
        public static void DefineProcess(ISingleStream <ImportFilesConfig> config)
            .CrossApplyFolderFiles("get all Nav files", i => i.InputFilesRootFolderPath, "*NAVPUBLTEXTRACT*.csv", true)
            .CrossApplyTextFile("parse nav file", new RbcNavFileDefinition())
            .ThroughAction("write nav to output", i => Console.WriteLine(i.IsinCode));

            .CrossApplyFolderFiles("get all position files", i => i.InputFilesRootFolderPath, "*PORTFVALEXTRACT*.csv", true)
            .CrossApplyTextFile("parse position file", new RbcPositionFileDefinition(), i => i.Name)
            .ThroughAction("write position to output", i => Console.WriteLine(i.FundName));