public void Can_Get_Users_Guid_By_UserName_Expecting_Valid_Guid()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          myGuid   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var          username = "******" + variableToken;
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, myGuid, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var foundGuid = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserProfileGuidByUserName(username);

            // We expect to get a valid user Guid...
            Assert.IsTrue(foundGuid.HasValue, "No Guid was found. ");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundGuid.Value.ToString().Length > 0, "Length of found Guid was 0. ");
            Assert.AreEqual(myGuid, foundGuid.Value,
                            "Guids do not match. Expected: [ " + myGuid + " ], but instead found: [ " + foundGuid.Value + " ]. ");
        public void Can_Get_Email_By_UserName_Expecting_Valid_Email()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            const string username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var actualEmail = _simpleMembershipService.GetEmail(username);

            // We expect to get a valid email address...
            Assert.AreEqual(actualEmail, email,
                            "Emails do not match. Expected: [ " + email + " ], but instead found: [ " + actualEmail.Trim() + " ]. ");
        public void Can_Confirm_Account_Using_Token_Recieved_While_Registering_Expecting_True()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          username = "******" + variableToken;
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            // Getting the confirmation token...
            var actualToken = _simpleMembershipService.GetConfirmationToken(username);

            // Passing the confirmation token and confirming the account...
            // We expect the user to be confirmed
            var isConfirmed = _simpleMembershipService.ConfirmAccount(actualToken);

            Assert.IsTrue(isConfirmed, "The requested users acount: [ " + username + " ] could *not* be confirmed. ");
        public void TestInitialize()
            // Not fake...
            _dataContextAsync = new SimpleMembershipDataContextAsync();

            // Is fake...
            _fakeConfigurationRepository = new FakeConfigFileConfigurationRepository();
            _fakeConfigurationRepository.FakeSettingsDictionary.Add("Log4NetSettingsFile", "Log4Net.config.xml");
            _fakeConfigurationRepository.FakeSettingsDictionary.Add("LogEverythingViaWCF", "false");
            _fakeConfigurationRepository.FakeSettingsDictionary.Add("DontLogAnythingViaWCF", "false");
            _fakeConfigurationRepository.FakeSettingsDictionary.Add("LogEverythingToFile", "true");

            var dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            var resourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dir, "Log4Net.config.xml"));

            // Is fake...
            _fakeContextService = new FakeThreadContextService
                FakeGetContextualFullFilePath  = resourceFileInfo.FullName,
                FakeUserNameForTestingPurposes = "SimpleMembershipServiceUnitTest"

            // Is fake...
            _fakewcfAppenderService = new FakeWcfAppenderService(_fakeConfigurationRepository);

            // Is fake...
            _loggingService = new Log4NetLoggingService(_fakeConfigurationRepository, _fakeContextService,
                                                        _fakewcfAppenderService, true);

            // Not fake...
            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);

            // Not fake...
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

        public void Can_Update_User_By_Updating_The_UserName_Property_Expecting_Success()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          username        = "******";
            const string email           = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs            = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd             = "password";
            const string updatedUserName = "******";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var userProfileOriginal = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserByUserName(username);
            var originalOne         = userProfileOriginal.RowVersion;

                             "Could *not* find the user account by user name: [ " + username + " ], before the update. ");

            userProfileOriginal.UserName = updatedUserName;
            var isUpdated = _simpleMembershipService.UpdateUser(userProfileOriginal);

            Assert.IsNotNull(isUpdated, "The user: [ " + userProfileOriginal.UserName + " ] was *not* updated. ");

            var userProfileAfterTheUpdate = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserByUserName(updatedUserName);

            // We expect to find that this users enitity was indeed updated...
                             "Could *not* find the user account by user name: [ " + updatedUserName + " ] after the update. ");
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedUserName, userProfileAfterTheUpdate.UserName,
                            "User Names after update do *not* match. Expected: [ " + updatedUserName + "], but instead found: [ " +
                            userProfileAfterTheUpdate.UserName.Trim() + " ]. ");
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          username = "******" + variableToken;
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var actualToken = _simpleMembershipService.GetConfirmationToken(username);

            Assert.IsNotNull(actualToken, "Confirmation token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var isConfirmed = _simpleMembershipService.ConfirmAccount(actualToken);

            Assert.IsTrue(isConfirmed, "The requested users acount: [ " + username + " ] could *not* be confirmed. ");

            // We expect the account to already be confirmed at this point...
            var passwordResetToken = _simpleMembershipService.GeneratePasswordResetToken(username, 1);

            Assert.IsTrue(passwordResetToken.Length > 1, "Password reset token was *not* generated. ");

            Thread.Sleep(65000); // Minute and a half...

            // We expect the password reset to fail due to the timeout period expiry...
            var passwordWasReset = _simpleMembershipService.ResetPassword(passwordResetToken, "newPassword");

            Assert.IsFalse(passwordWasReset, "Password should *not* have been reset - due to timeout. ");
        public void Can_Logout()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            const string username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "logout";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");


            // TODO: how to test user logging out???? need to mock HttpContext?
        public void Can_Login()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            const string username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "login";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var hasLoggedIn = _simpleMembershipService.Login(username, pwd);

                          "The user login for: [ " + username + " ] was *not* successfull. ");
        public void Can_Get_Current_User_Expecting_Current_User()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            // TODO: needs to mock the context in order to test this...
            // Context.User.Identity.Name

            // var currentUser = _simpleMembershipService.GetCurrentUser();
        public void Can_Get_Confirmation_Token_For_UserName_Expecting_Token()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            const string username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ]  was *null*. ");

            var actualToken = _simpleMembershipService.GetConfirmationToken(username);

            // The confirmation token should be generated...
            Assert.IsNotNull(actualToken, "Token for requested username: [ " + username + " ] is *null*. ");