public async Task <List <E> > ListenAsync <E>(object listenId, Func <IQueryable <E>, IQueryable <E> > filter, TimeSpan maxWait, CancellationToken token) where E : EntityBase
            logger.LogTrace($"ListenNewAsync called for maxWait {maxWait}");

            using (CancellationTokenSource linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token))
                //We MUST start listening FIRST so we DON'T miss anything AT ALL (we could miss valuable signals that occur while reading initially)
                var listener = signaler.ListenAsync(listenId, q => filter(q.Where(e => e is E).Cast <E>()), maxWait, linkedCts.Token);

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //Putting this down here to minimize startup time before listen (not that this little variable really matters)
                var      baseE = await query.GetQueryableAsync <E>();

                var results = await LockAsync(() => query.GetListAsync(filter(baseE.Select(x => (E)x))));

                if (results.Count > 0)

                        //Yes, we are so confident that we don't even worry about waiting properly
                        await listener;
                    catch (OperationCanceledException) {} //This is expected

                    return((await listener).Cast <E>().ToList());