private static string InstanceJson(ISetupInstance2 setupInstance2) { // Visual Studio component directory: // StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); json.Append("{"); string path = JsonString(setupInstance2.GetInstallationPath()); json.Append(String.Format("\"path\":{0},", path)); string version = JsonString(setupInstance2.GetInstallationVersion()); json.Append(String.Format("\"version\":{0},", version)); List <string> packages = new List <string>(); foreach (ISetupPackageReference package in setupInstance2.GetPackages()) { string id = JsonString(package.GetId()); packages.Add(id); } json.Append(String.Format("\"packages\":[{0}]", string.Join(",", packages.ToArray()))); json.Append("}"); return(json.ToString()); }
public VisualStudioInstance(ISetupInstance2 FromInstance) { this.IsLaunchable = FromInstance.IsLaunchable(); this.IsComplete = FromInstance.IsComplete(); this.Name = FromInstance.GetInstallationName(); this.Path = FromInstance.GetInstallationPath(); this.Version = FromInstance.GetInstallationVersion(); this.DisplayName = FromInstance.GetDisplayName(); this.Description = FromInstance.GetDescription(); this.ResolvePath = FromInstance.ResolvePath(); this.EnginePath = FromInstance.GetEnginePath(); this.InstanceId = FromInstance.GetInstanceId(); this.ProductPath = FromInstance.GetProductPath(); try { var time = FromInstance.GetInstallDate(); ulong high = (ulong)time.dwHighDateTime; uint low = (uint)time.dwLowDateTime; long fileTime = (long)((high << 32) + low); this.InstallDate = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime); } catch { this.InstallDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } // FromInstance.GetState(); // FromInstance.GetPackages(); // FromInstance.GetProduct(); // FromInstance.GetProperties(); // FromInstance.GetErrors(); }
public Task <bool> IsInstalledAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var versionString = _visualStudioInstance.GetInstallationVersion(); if (Version.TryParse(versionString, out var version) && version >= MinimumVsVersion) { return(Task.FromResult(true)); } return(Task.FromResult(false)); }
private static VisualStudioInstance FillInInstanceData(ISetupInstance2 instance, int lcid, Boolean includePackages) { VisualStudioInstance result = new VisualStudioInstance() { InstanceId = instance.GetInstanceId(), InstalledVersionNumber = instance.GetInstallationVersion(), Description = instance.GetDescription(lcid), DisplayName = instance.GetDisplayName(lcid) }; // Hides the non-CLS clompliant uint. var tempState = instance.GetState(); if (tempState == InstanceState.Complete) { result.Status = InstanceStatus.Complete; } else { result.Status = (InstanceStatus)tempState; } result.InstallationPath = instance.GetInstallationPath(); ISetupPackageReference prod = instance.GetProduct(); if (prod != null) { result.ProductName = prod.GetId(); } if ((result.Status & InstanceStatus.Local) == InstanceStatus.Local) { result.InstallationPath = instance.GetInstallationPath(); } if (includePackages) { ProcessPackages(instance, result); } return(result); }
public VisualStudioInstance(ISetupInstance2 FromInstance) { this.Packages = new List <VisualStudioPackage>(); this.Name = FromInstance.GetInstallationName(); this.Path = FromInstance.GetInstallationPath(); this.InstallationVersion = FromInstance.GetInstallationVersion(); this.DisplayName = FromInstance.GetDisplayName(); this.ResolvePath = FromInstance.ResolvePath(); this.InstanceId = FromInstance.GetInstanceId(); this.ProductPath = FromInstance.GetProductPath(); this.State = FromInstance.GetState(); var packages = FromInstance.GetPackages(); foreach (var item in packages) { this.Packages.Add(new VisualStudioPackage(item)); } }
private string GetVS2019Path() { try { SetupConfiguration setupConfiguration = new SetupConfiguration(); ISetupInstance[] iSetupInstance = new ISetupInstance[1]; IEnumSetupInstances iEnumSetupInstances = setupConfiguration.EnumAllInstances(); while (true) { { int test; iEnumSetupInstances.Next(1, iSetupInstance, out test); if (test == 0) { break; } } ISetupInstance2 iSetupInstance2 = (ISetupInstance2)iSetupInstance[0]; if ((iSetupInstance2.GetState() & InstanceState.Local) == InstanceState.Local) { string InstallationVersion = iSetupInstance2.GetInstallationVersion(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InstallationVersion)) { string vs = InstallationVersion.Remove(InstallationVersion.IndexOf('.')); if (vs == "16") { return(iSetupInstance2.GetInstallationPath()); } } } } } catch { } throw new Exception("Visual Studio 2019 неустановлена."); return(null); }
private static List <ISetupInstance> GetVisualStudioInstances() { List <ISetupInstance> vsInstances = new(); try { SetupConfiguration setupConfiguration = new(); ISetupConfiguration2 setupConfiguration2 = setupConfiguration; IEnumSetupInstances setupInstances = setupConfiguration2.EnumInstances(); ISetupInstance[] instances = new ISetupInstance[1]; int fetched = 0; do { setupInstances.Next(1, instances, out fetched); if (fetched > 0) { ISetupInstance2 instance = (ISetupInstance2)instances[0]; // .NET Workloads only shipped in 17.0 and later and we should only look at IDE based SKUs // such as community, professional, and enterprise. if (Version.TryParse(instance.GetInstallationVersion(), out Version version) && version.Major >= 17 && s_visualStudioProducts.Contains(instance.GetProduct().GetId())) { vsInstances.Add(instances[0]); } } }while (fetched > 0); } catch (COMException e) when(e.ErrorCode == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { // Query API not registered, good indication there are no VS installations of 15.0 or later. // Other exceptions are passed through since that likely points to a real error. } return(vsInstances); }
private static IEnumerable <IVisualStudioInfo> DetectNewVisualStudios() { SetupConfiguration configuration; try { configuration = new SetupConfiguration(); } catch (COMException ex) { // class not registered, no VS2017+ installations if ((uint)ex.HResult == 0x80040154) { yield break; } throw; } IEnumSetupInstances e = configuration.EnumAllInstances(); int fetched; ISetupInstance[] instances = new ISetupInstance[1]; do { e.Next(1, instances, out fetched); if (fetched <= 0) { continue; } ISetupInstance2 instance2 = (ISetupInstance2)instances[0]; string filename = Path.Combine(instance2.GetInstallationPath(), @"Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"); if (File.Exists(filename)) { yield return(new VisualStudio2017Info(Version.Parse(instance2.GetInstallationVersion()), instance2.GetDisplayName(), filename)); } }while (fetched > 0); }
private static VSInstance ParseInstance(ISetupInstance2 setupInstance2) { VSInstance inst = new VSInstance(); string[] prodParts = setupInstance2.GetProduct().GetId().Split('.'); Array.Reverse(prodParts); inst["Product"] = prodParts[0]; inst["ID"] = setupInstance2.GetInstanceId(); inst["Name"] = setupInstance2.GetDisplayName(0x1000); inst["Description"] = setupInstance2.GetDescription(0x1000); inst["InstallationName"] = setupInstance2.GetInstallationName(); inst["Version"] = setupInstance2.GetInstallationVersion(); inst["State"] = Enum.GetName(typeof(InstanceState), setupInstance2.GetState()); inst["InstallationPath"] = setupInstance2.GetInstallationPath(); inst["IsComplete"] = setupInstance2.IsComplete(); inst["IsLaunchable"] = setupInstance2.IsLaunchable(); inst["Common7ToolsPath"] = inst["InstallationPath"] + @"\Common7\Tools\"; inst["CmdPath"] = inst["Common7ToolsPath"] + "VsDevCmd.bat"; inst["VCAuxiliaryBuildPath"] = inst["InstallationPath"] + @"\VC\Auxiliary\Build\"; inst["VCVarsAllPath"] = inst["VCAuxiliaryBuildPath"] + "vcvarsall.bat"; inst["Win8SDK"] = ""; inst["SDK10Full"] = ""; inst["VisualCppTools"] = ""; Regex trimmer = new Regex(@"\.\d+$"); List <string> packs = new List <String>(); foreach (ISetupPackageReference package in setupInstance2.GetPackages()) { string id = package.GetId(); string ver = package.GetVersion(); string detail = "{\"id\": \"" + id + "\", \"version\":\"" + ver + "\"}"; packs.Add(" " + detail); if (id.Contains("Component.MSBuild")) { inst["MSBuild"] = detail; inst["MSBuildVerFull"] = ver; } else if (id.Contains("Microsoft.VisualCpp.Tools.Core")) { inst["VCTools"] = detail; inst["VisualCppToolsFullVersion"] = ver; string majorMinor = trimmer.Replace(trimmer.Replace(ver, ""), ""); inst["VisualCppToolsVersionMinor"] = majorMinor; inst["VCToolsVersionCode"] = "vc" + majorMinor.Replace(".", ""); } else if (id.Contains("Microsoft.Windows.81SDK")) { if (inst["Win8SDK"].ToString().CompareTo(ver) > 0) { continue; } inst["Win8SDK"] = ver; } else if (id.Contains("Win10SDK_10")) { if (inst["SDK10Full"].ToString().CompareTo(ver) > 0) { continue; } inst["SDK10Full"] = ver; } } packs.Sort(); inst["Packages"] = packs.ToArray(); string[] sdk10Parts = inst["SDK10Full"].ToString().Split('.'); sdk10Parts[sdk10Parts.Length - 1] = "0"; inst["SDK10"] = String.Join(".", sdk10Parts); inst["SDK"] = inst["SDK10"].ToString() != "0" ? inst["SDK10"] : inst["Win8SDK"]; if (inst.ContainsKey("MSBuildVerFull")) { string ver = trimmer.Replace(trimmer.Replace((string)inst["MSBuildVerFull"], ""), ""); inst["MSBuildVer"] = ver; inst["MSBuildToolsPath"] = inst["InstallationPath"] + @"\MSBuild\" + ver + @"\Bin\"; inst["MSBuildPath"] = inst["MSBuildToolsPath"] + "MSBuild.exe"; } if (inst.ContainsKey("VCTools")) { string ver = trimmer.Replace((string)inst["VisualCppToolsFullVersion"], ""); inst["VisualCppToolsX64"] = inst["InstallationPath"] + @"\VC\Tools\MSVC\" + ver + @"\bin\HostX64\x64\"; inst["VisualCppToolsX64CL"] = inst["VisualCppToolsX64"] + "cl.exe"; inst["VisualCppToolsX86"] = inst["InstallationPath"] + @"\VC\Tools\MSVC\" + ver + @"\bin\HostX86\x86\"; inst["VisualCppToolsX86CL"] = inst["VisualCppToolsX86"] + "cl.exe"; inst["VisualCppTools"] = Is64() ? inst["VisualCppToolsX64"] : inst["VisualCppToolsX86"]; inst["VisualCppToolsCL"] = Is64() ? inst["VisualCppToolsX64CL"] : inst["VisualCppToolsX86CL"]; } inst["IsVcCompatible"] = inst.JSONBool("SDK") && inst.JSONBool("MSBuild") && inst.JSONBool("VisualCppTools"); return(inst); }
private static string GetPathOfFirstInstalledVisualStudioInstance() { Tuple <Version, string> highestVersion = null; try { IEnumSetupInstances setupInstances = new SetupConfiguration().EnumAllInstances(); ISetupInstance[] instances = new ISetupInstance[1]; for (setupInstances.Next(1, instances, out int fetched); fetched > 0; setupInstances.Next(1, instances, out fetched)) { ISetupInstance2 instance = (ISetupInstance2)instances.First(); if (instance.GetState() == InstanceState.Complete) { string installationPath = instance.GetInstallationPath(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installationPath) && Version.TryParse(instance.GetInstallationVersion(), out Version version)) { if (highestVersion == null || version > highestVersion.Item1) { highestVersion = new Tuple <Version, string>(version, installationPath); } } } } if (highestVersion != null) { return(Path.Combine(highestVersion.Item2, "MSBuild", GetMSBuildVersionDirectory($"{highestVersion.Item1.Major}.0"), "Bin")); } } catch { // Ignored } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Instance"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="instance">The <see cref="ISetupInstance2"/> to adapt.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="instance"/> is null.</exception> internal Instance(ISetupInstance2 instance) { Validate.NotNull(instance, nameof(instance)); // The instance ID is required, but then try to set other properties to release the COM object and its resources ASAP. InstanceId = instance.GetInstanceId(); TrySet(ref installationName, nameof(InstallationName), instance.GetInstallationName); TrySet(ref installationPath, nameof(InstallationPath), instance.GetInstallationPath); TrySet(ref installationVersion, nameof(InstallationVersion), () => { Version version; var versionString = instance.GetInstallationVersion(); if (Version.TryParse(versionString, out version)) { return(version.Normalize()); } return(null); }); TrySet(ref installDate, nameof(InstallDate), () => { var ft = instance.GetInstallDate(); var l = ((long)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; return(DateTime.FromFileTime(l)); }); TrySet(ref state, nameof(State), instance.GetState); var lcid = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; TrySet(ref displayName, nameof(DisplayName), () => { return(instance.GetDisplayName(lcid)); }); TrySet(ref description, nameof(Description), () => { return(instance.GetDescription(lcid)); }); TrySet(ref productPath, nameof(ProductPath), () => { var path = instance.GetProductPath(); return(instance.ResolvePath(path)); }); TrySet(ref product, nameof(Product), () => { var reference = instance.GetProduct(); if (reference != null) { return(new PackageReference(reference)); } return(null); }); TrySet(ref packages, nameof(Packages), () => { return(new List <PackageReference>(GetPackages(instance))); }); if (packages != null && packages.Any()) { Packages = new ReadOnlyCollection <PackageReference>(packages); } TrySet(ref properties, nameof(Properties), () => { var properties = instance.GetProperties(); return(properties?.GetNames() .ToDictionary(name => name.ToPascalCase(), name => properties.GetValue(name), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }); if (properties != null) { Properties = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(properties); } else { // While accessing properties on a null object succeeds in PowerShell, accessing the indexer does not. Properties = ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> .Empty; } TrySet(ref enginePath, nameof(EnginePath), instance.GetEnginePath); TrySet(ref isComplete, nameof(IsComplete), instance.IsComplete); TrySet(ref isLaunchable, nameof(IsLaunchable), instance.IsLaunchable); // Get all properties of the instance not explicitly declared. var store = (ISetupPropertyStore)instance; AdditionalProperties = store.GetNames() .Where(name => !DeclaredProperties.Contains(name)) .ToDictionary(name => name.ToPascalCase(), name => store.GetValue(name), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }
static List <VisualStudioInstallation> GetVisualStudioInstallations() { CachedInstalls.Clear(); try { SetupConfiguration Setup = new SetupConfiguration(); IEnumSetupInstances Enumerator = Setup.EnumAllInstances(); ISetupInstance[] Instances = new ISetupInstance[1]; for (; ;) { int NumFetched; Enumerator.Next(1, Instances, out NumFetched); if (NumFetched == 0) { break; } ISetupInstance2 Instance = (ISetupInstance2)Instances[0]; if ((Instance.GetState() & InstanceState.Local) == InstanceState.Local) { string VersionString = Instance.GetInstallationVersion(); string[] Components = VersionString.Split('.'); if (Components.Length == 0) { continue; } int MajorVersion; string InstallationPath = Instance.GetInstallationPath(); string DevEnvPath = Path.Combine(InstallationPath, "Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe"); if (!int.TryParse(Components[0], out MajorVersion) || (MajorVersion != 15 && MajorVersion != 16)) { continue; } if (!File.Exists(DevEnvPath)) { continue; } VisualStudioInstallation Installation = new VisualStudioInstallation() { BaseDir = InstallationPath, DevEnvPath = DevEnvPath, MajorVersion = MajorVersion, ROTMoniker = string.Format("!VisualStudio.DTE.{0}.0", MajorVersion) }; CachedInstalls.Add(Installation); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Exception while finding Visual Studio installations {0}", Ex.Message)); } // prefer newer versions CachedInstalls.Sort((A, B) => { return(-A.MajorVersion.CompareTo(B.MajorVersion)); }); return(CachedInstalls); }