private void UpdateList()
            // Retrieve tasks
            var contexts = mSessionHandler.GetTasks();

            // At the start of the session, first task in the list is always current one, so set it accordingly
            SetCurrentTask(0, mTimeTasksMapper.ListMapToSession(contexts.WholeList));
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts new session out of current tasks
        /// </summary>
        private void StartTaskSession()
            // Get tasks from Handler sorted like TaskItems
            var taskContexts = mTimeTasksMapper.MatchTaskOrder(TaskItems.Select(vm => vm as TimeTaskViewModel).ToList(), mSessionHandler.GetTasks().WholeList);

            // Pass it to the service

            // Create brand-new view model for session page
            var sessionViewModel = mViewModelProvider.GetInjectedPageViewModel <TasksSessionPageViewModel>();


            // Change to session page
            mApplicationViewModel.GoToPage(ApplicationPage.TasksSession, sessionViewModel);