public IActionResult Edit(int id) { var list = new List <SelectListItem>(); for (var i = 1; i <= _stagesServices.Count(a => a.Active == true); i++) { list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = i.ToString(), Value = i.ToString() }); } ViewBag.list = list; ViewData["stages"] = _stagesServices.GetAll(a => a.Active == true); return(View(_pipelineServices.Find(id))); }
public IActionResult Setup() { if (_pipelineService.Count() <= 0) { var businessEntity = _currentUser.GetCurrentBusinessEntityId(); var userSetting = _currentUser.Id(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessEntity)) { var pipeline = new Pipeline("Pipeline") { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, UserSettingId = userSetting }; List <Stage> stage = new List <Stage>(); List <TaskGroup> taskGroup = new List <TaskGroup>(); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 1, Name = "Lead Id" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 2, Name = "Contato Feito" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 3, Name = "Lead Qualificado" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 4, Name = "Demo Agendada" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 5, Name = "Negociações Feitas" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 6, Name = "Fechamento" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Ligação" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Reunião" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Email" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Almoço" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Tarefa" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntityId = businessEntity, Name = "Apresentação" }); _pipelineService.Add(pipeline); stage.ForEach(a => _stageService.Add(a)); taskGroup.ForEach(a => _taskGroupService.Add(a)); } } return(View()); }
public JsonResult Move(int id, int PipelineId, int StageId, bool Moveforward) { if (HasTaskRequired(id)) { return(Json(new { nok = "Existem tarefas a serem finalizadas antes de movimentar este negócio" })); } var data = _dealServices.Find(id); data.PipelineId = PipelineId; data.StageId = StageId; var stages = _stageServices.GetAll(p => p.PipelineId == PipelineId && p.Active == true); var currentOrder = _stageServices.Find(StageId).OrderStage; if (Moveforward) { try { var nextOrder = stages.Where(a => a.OrderStage > currentOrder).Min(p => p.OrderStage); var nextStage = stages.Where(a => a.OrderStage == nextOrder).FirstOrDefault(); data.StageId = nextStage.StageId; } catch (Exception) { ; } } else { try { var previousOrder = stages.Where(a => a.OrderStage < currentOrder).Max(p => p.OrderStage); var previousStage = stages.Where(a => a.OrderStage == previousOrder).FirstOrDefault(); data.StageId = previousStage.StageId; } catch (Exception) { ; } } try { _dealServices.Update(data); AddNewStage(data.DealId, data.StageId); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { nok = e.InnerException.Message })); } var _data = new UpdateDealViewModel() { Deal = data, Qty = _dealServices.Count(a => a.PipelineId == data.PipelineId && a.StageId == data.StageId), StageId = data.StageId, SubTotal = _dealServices.Query(a => a.PipelineId == data.PipelineId && a.StageId == data.StageId).Select(p => p.UnitPrice).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum().Value.ToString("c") }; return(Json(_data)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, byte[] AvatarImage = null, string returnUrl = null) { ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email }; var roleAdmin = new IdentityRole("Admin"); var roleuser = new IdentityRole("User"); // User claim for write task data user.Claims.Add(new IdentityUserClaim <string> { ClaimType = "Task", ClaimValue = "Write" }); var roleExists = _rolesManager.RoleExistsAsync(roleAdmin.Name).Result; if (!roleExists) { var resulRoles = await _rolesManager.CreateAsync(roleAdmin); if (resulRoles.Succeeded) { roleExists = _rolesManager.RoleExistsAsync(roleuser.Name).Result; resulRoles = await _rolesManager.CreateAsync(roleuser); } } var roleid = await _rolesManager.FindByNameAsync(roleAdmin.Name); user.Roles.Add(new IdentityUserRole <string> { RoleId = roleid.Id, UserId = user.Id }); var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { var businessEntity = new BusinessEntity(model.Name, model.Email, true); var userSetting = new UserSetting("", model.Name, "", "", businessEntity, user) { AvatarImage = AvatarImage, UserSettingId = user.Id }; var userBusinessEntity = new UserBusinessEntity(businessEntity, userSetting); _userBusinessEntityService.Add(userBusinessEntity); //_userSettingService.Add(userSetting); if (_pipelineService.Count() <= 0) { var pipeline = new Pipeline("Pipeline") { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, UserSettingId = user.Id }; List <Stage> stage = new List <Stage>(); List <TaskGroup> taskGroup = new List <TaskGroup>(); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 1, Name = "Cliente potencial" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 2, Name = "Contatado" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 3, Name = "Demo Agendada" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 4, Name = "Proposta Feita" }); stage.Add(new Stage() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Pipeline = pipeline, OrderStage = 5, Name = "Negociações começadas" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Ligação" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Reunião" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Email" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Almoço" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Tarefa" }); taskGroup.Add(new TaskGroup() { BusinessEntity = businessEntity, Name = "Apresentação" }); _pipelineService.Add(pipeline); stage.ForEach(a => _stageService.Add(a)); taskGroup.ForEach(a => _taskGroupService.Add(a)); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.Action(nameof(ConfirmEmail), "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Confirm your account", $"<p>Por favor, confirme seu email clicando neste link : <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>" + "</p>"); //await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false); _logger.LogInformation(3, "User created a new account with password."); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); //return RedirectToAction("Setup","Home", new { user = user }); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }