예제 #1
        private void BtnInvokeClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // intercepting the result
                new T42Contact
                    Name = new T42Name {
                        FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Smith"
                new T42Contact
                    Name = new T42Name {
                        FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe"
            }, new ServiceOptions(
                                     (so, invocation, cmr, ex) =>
                Log($"{nameof(_service.ShowClients)} completed with {cmr} : {ex}");
                if (cmr == null || cmr.Status != MethodInvocationStatus.Succeeded || ex != null)
                    Log("Cannot show client due to " +
                        (cmr?.ToString() ?? "appropriate target method not found"));

            // async contract result
            _service.GetState(state => { Log("State is " + state); });

            int x = 5;

            // async handle the internal method result
            _service.CheckAsyncClientMethodResult(ref x,
                                                  cmr => Log(
                                                      $"{nameof(IServiceContract.CheckAsyncClientMethodResult)} completed with {cmr?.Status}"));

            // let's intercept the result and also add one additional value - to not break the contract (alter the interface)
                                    new ServiceOptions(
                                        builder =>
                                        // we can tweak
                                        //we can check the current invocation arguments via .MethodInvocationContext.Arguments
                                        //add one additional value
                                        .SetContext(cb =>
                                                                _invokeCount % 2 == 0 ? "break" : Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))
                                        // let's set the logging level for that call

                                        // intercept the result
                                        (operation, invocation, cmr, ex) => Log("Intercepted result: " + cmr.ToString())));

            // let's consume some composite types, enums, arrays etc.
            CompositeType result = _service.SetCurrentInstrument(new[] { "RIC=VOD.L" }, "RIC", "VOD.L", "LN", "BaiKai",
                                                                 out SCIResultCode sciResultCode, out DateTime dt, out CompositeType outResponse);

            // try the custom rectangle serializer
            var offsetRect = _service.Offset(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50), 20, 20);

            // JS friendly - unwrapped object
            var compositeUnwrapped = _service.GetUnwrapped("a,b,c,d,e", 15);

            // remote property
            var oldBounds = _service.Bounds;

            Log($"Old bounds : {oldBounds}");
            _service.Bounds = new Rectangle(100, 100, 500, 500);
            var newBounds = _service.Bounds;

            Log($"New bounds : {newBounds}");

            // multiple async results
            _service.CalculateSumAndMulAsync(2, 5, (i, i1) =>
                Log($"i = {i}; i1  = {i1}");

            // composite async output
            _service.ComplexAsyncOutput(511, response =>
                Log("Complex async response " + response.Message);