예제 #1
        public FileSystemErrorStatus LoadLeafSubGridSegment(IStorageProxy storageProxy,
                                                            SubGridCellAddress cellAddress,
                                                            bool loadLatestData,
                                                            bool loadAllPasses,
                                                            IServerLeafSubGrid subGrid,
                                                            ISubGridCellPassesDataSegment segment)
            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress}:{Segment.SegmentInfo.StartTime}-{Segment.SegmentInfo.EndTime} beginning, loadLatestData = {loadLatestData}, loadAllPasses = {loadAllPasses}");

            var needToLoadLatestData = loadLatestData && !segment.HasLatestData;
            var needToLoadAllPasses  = loadAllPasses && !segment.HasAllPasses;

            if (!needToLoadLatestData && !needToLoadAllPasses)
                //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as neither latest nor all passes required");
                return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

            // Lock the segment briefly while its contents is being loaded
            lock (segment)
                if (!(needToLoadLatestData ^ segment.HasLatestData) && !(needToLoadAllPasses ^ segment.HasAllPasses))
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} leaving quietly as a previous thread has performed the load");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // The load operation was performed on another thread. Leave quietly

                // Ensure the appropriate storage is allocated
                if (needToLoadLatestData)

                if (needToLoadAllPasses)

                if (!segment.SegmentInfo.ExistsInPersistentStore)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} exiting as segment does not exist in persistent store");
                    return(FileSystemErrorStatus.OK); // Nothing more to do here

                // Locate the segment file and load the data from it
                var fullFileName = GetLeafSubGridSegmentFullFileName(cellAddress, segment.SegmentInfo);

                // Load the cells into it from its file
                var fsError = subGrid.LoadSegmentFromStorage(storageProxy, fullFileName, segment, needToLoadLatestData, needToLoadAllPasses);

                if (fsError != FileSystemErrorStatus.OK)
                    //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} failed, performing allocation cleanup activities");

                    // Something bad happened. Remove the segment from the list. Return failure to the caller.
                    if (loadAllPasses)

                    if (loadLatestData)


            //Log.LogInformation($"Segment load on {cellAddress} succeeded, AllPasses?={Segment.HasAllPasses}, Segment.PassesData?Null={Segment.PassesData==null} ");
