예제 #1
        public void Setup()
            _startUpLog      = SetupMock <IStartupLog>();
            _errorLog        = SetupMock <IErrorLog>();
            _pagePoolFactory = SetupMock <IPagePoolFactory>();
            _pagePool        = _pagePoolFactory.Create(_pageSize);

            _dataFileInfo = new FileInfo("C:\\temp\\test.mdf");
            _dataFile     = new DataFile(_dataFileInfo, _pageSize, _startUpLog);
            _logFileInfo  = new FileInfo("C:\\temp\\test.ldf");
            _logFile      = new LogFile(_logFileInfo, true, _startUpLog);
            _fileSet      = new FileSet(
                new[] { _dataFile },
                new[] { _logFile },

            var databaseFactory = SetupMock <IDatabaseFactory>();

            _database = databaseFactory.Open(null);

            var pageCache = new PageCache(_fileSet, _database, _pagePoolFactory, _startUpLog, _errorLog);

            _pageStore = new PageStore(pageCache, _startUpLog);

            _accessorFactory = new AccessorFactory();
            _accessor        = _accessorFactory.SmallSequentialAccessor(_pageStore);
 /// <summary>
 /// After calling Append you can call this method to write the record data. This is convenient
 /// if the record data is already in a single byte array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">The transaction context for updating the pages</param>
 /// <param name="location">The location to write to as returned from the Append method</param>
 /// <param name="recordPieces">The chunks of data to write into the spece reserved for the record.
 /// The lengths of these chuncks must add up to the record length in the location parameter</param>
 public static void Write(
     this ISequentialRecordAccessor accessor,
     ITransaction transaction,
     PageLocation location,
     IEnumerable <byte[]> recordPieces)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// After calling Append you can call this method to write the record data. This is convenient
        /// if the record data is already in a single byte array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transaction">The transaction context for updating the pages</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location to write to as returned from the Append method</param>
        /// <param name="record">The array of bytes to write. This must be the same size as the
        /// length property of the location parameter</param>
        public static void Write(
            this ISequentialRecordAccessor accessor,
            ITransaction transaction,
            PageLocation location,
            byte[] record)
            if (location.Length != (uint)record.LongLength)
                throw new FileLayerException("Incorrect record length writing to sequential accessor");

            var pageSize       = location.PageStore.PageSize;
            var bytesRemaining = (ulong)record.LongLength;
            var recordOffset   = 0UL;
            var updates        = new List <PageUpdate>();
            var sequence       = 1U;
            var pageIndex      = -1;

            while (bytesRemaining > 0)
                if (pageIndex >= 0)
                    var bytesToCopy = bytesRemaining < pageSize
                        ? bytesRemaining
                        : pageSize;

                    var buffer = new byte[bytesToCopy];
                    Array.Copy(record, (long)recordOffset, buffer, 0, (long)bytesToCopy);

                        new PageUpdate
                        SequenceNumber = sequence++,
                        PageNumber     = location.ContunuationPages[pageIndex],
                        Offset         = 0U,
                        Data           = buffer

                    bytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
                    recordOffset   += bytesToCopy;
                else if (location.Offset + bytesRemaining > pageSize)
                    var bytesToCopy = pageSize - location.Offset;

                    var buffer = new byte[bytesToCopy];
                    Array.Copy(record, 0, buffer, 0, buffer.LongLength);

                        new PageUpdate
                        SequenceNumber = sequence++,
                        PageNumber     = location.PageNumber,
                        Offset         = location.Offset,
                        Data           = buffer

                    bytesRemaining -= bytesToCopy;
                    recordOffset    = bytesToCopy;
                        new PageUpdate
                        SequenceNumber = sequence++,
                        PageNumber     = location.PageNumber,
                        Offset         = location.Offset,
                        Data           = record

                    bytesRemaining = 0;


            location.PageStore.Update(transaction, updates);
예제 #4
 public SequentialRecordEnumerator(ISequentialRecordAccessor accessor, ulong firstPageNumber, ITransaction transaction)
     _accessor        = accessor;
     _firstPageNumber = firstPageNumber;
     _transaction     = transaction;