예제 #1
 public frmGR(BookInfo[] bookList, ISecondarySource source)
     _bookList       = bookList;
     lblID.Text      = $"{source.Name} ID:";
     linkID.Location = new Point(lblID.Location.X + lblID.Width - 4, linkID.Location.Y);
예제 #2
        public async Task <XRay> CreateXRayAsync(
            string dataLocation,
            string db,
            string guid,
            string asin,
            string tld,
            bool includeTopics,
            ISecondarySource dataSource,
            IProgressBar progress,
            CancellationToken token = default)
            var xray = new XRay(dataLocation, db, guid, asin, dataSource)
                Terms = (await dataSource.GetTermsAsync(dataLocation, asin, tld, includeTopics, progress, token)).ToList()

            if (dataSource.SupportsNotableClips)
                _logger.Log("Downloading notable clips...");
                xray.NotableClips = (await dataSource.GetNotableClipsAsync(dataLocation, null, progress, token))?.ToList();
            if (xray.Terms.Count == 0)
                _logger.Log("Warning: No terms found on " + dataSource.Name + ".");

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads terms from the <paramref name="dataSource"/> and saves them to <paramref name="outFile"/>
        /// </summary>
        public async Task DownloadAndSaveAsync(ISecondarySource dataSource, string dataUrl, string outFile, string asin, string tld, bool includeTopics, IProgressBar progress, CancellationToken token = default)
            var terms = (await dataSource.GetTermsAsync(dataUrl, asin, tld, includeTopics, progress, token)).ToArray();

            if (terms.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception($"No terms were found on {dataSource.Name}");
            XmlUtil.SerializeToFile(terms, outFile);
예제 #4
 public XRay(string shelfari, ISecondarySource dataSource, ILogger logger, ChaptersService chaptersService)
     if (!shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") && !shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("https://"))
         shelfari = "https://" + shelfari;
     DataUrl          = shelfari;
     DataSource       = dataSource;
     _logger          = logger;
     _chaptersService = chaptersService;
예제 #5
 // TODO fix this constructor crap
 public XRay(string xml, string db, string guid, string asin, ISecondarySource dataSource, bool xmlUgh)
     if (xml == "" || db == "" || guid == "" || asin == "")
         throw new ArgumentException("Error initializing X-Ray, one of the required parameters was blank.");
     DatabaseName = db;
     Guid         = guid;
     Asin         = asin;
     DataSource   = dataSource;
     SkipShelfari = true;
예제 #6
        public async Task <BookInfo[]> SearchSecondarySourceAsync(ISecondarySource dataSource, IMetadata metadata, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var results = (await dataSource.SearchBookAsync(metadata, cancellationToken)).ToArray();

            if (results.Length == 1)

                   .OrderByDescending(book => book.Editions)
                   .ThenByDescending(book => book.Reviews)
예제 #7
        private void SetDatasourceLabels()
            // todo: use enum directly for setting - consider passing enum vs datasource
            var datasource = (SecondaryDataSourceFactory.Enum)Enum.Parse(typeof(SecondaryDataSourceFactory.Enum), _settings.dataSource);

            _dataSource = _diContainer.GetInstance <SecondaryDataSourceFactory>().Get(datasource);
            btnSearchGoodreads.Enabled = _dataSource.SearchEnabled;
            lblGoodreads.Left          = _dataSource.UrlLabelPosition;
            rdoGoodreads.Text          = _dataSource.Name;
            lblGoodreads.Text          = $"{_dataSource.Name} URL:";
            _tooltip.SetToolTip(btnDownloadTerms, $"Save {_dataSource.Name} info to an XML file.");
            _tooltip.SetToolTip(btnSearchGoodreads, _dataSource.SearchEnabled
                ? $"Try to search for this book on {_dataSource.Name}."
                : $"Search is disabled when {_dataSource.Name} is selected as a data source.");
예제 #8
 // TODO fix this constructor crap
 public XRay(string xml, string db, string guid, string asin, ISecondarySource dataSource, ILogger logger, ChaptersService chaptersService, bool xmlUgh, int locOffset = 0, string aliaspath = "")
     if (xml == "" || db == "" || guid == "" || asin == "")
         throw new ArgumentException("Error initializing X-Ray, one of the required parameters was blank.");
     xmlFile          = xml;
     databaseName     = db;
     Guid             = guid;
     Asin             = asin;
     this.locOffset   = locOffset;
     _aliasPath       = aliaspath;
     DataSource       = dataSource;
     _logger          = logger;
     _chaptersService = chaptersService;
     SkipShelfari     = true;
예제 #9
        public async Task <XRay> CreateXRayAsync(
            string dataLocation,
            string db,
            string guid,
            string asin,
            string tld,
            bool includeTopics,
            ISecondarySource dataSource,
            IProgressBar progress,
            CancellationToken token = default)
            if (dataLocation == "" && !(dataSource is SecondarySourceRoentgen) || guid == "" || asin == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Error initializing X-Ray, one of the required parameters was blank.");

            dataLocation = dataSource.SanitizeDataLocation(dataLocation);

            var terms = (await dataSource.GetTermsAsync(dataLocation, asin, tld, includeTopics, progress, token)).ToList();

            var xray = new XRay
                DatabaseName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(db) ? null : db,
                Guid         = Functions.ConvertGuid(guid),
                Asin         = asin,
                DataUrl      = dataLocation,
                Terms        = terms

            if (dataSource.SupportsNotableClips)
                _logger.Log("Downloading notable clips...");
                xray.NotableClips = (await dataSource.GetNotableClipsAsync(dataLocation, null, progress, token))?.ToList();

            if (xray.Terms.Count == 0)
                _logger.Log($"Warning: No terms found on {dataSource.Name}.");

예제 #10
        public async Task <BookInfo[]> SearchSecondarySourceAsync(ISecondarySource dataSource, Parameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var books = new BookInfo[0];

            // If ASIN is available, use it to search first before falling back to author/title
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Asin))
                books = (await dataSource.SearchBookByAsinAsync(parameters.Asin, cancellationToken)).ToArray();

            if (books.Length <= 0)
                books = (await dataSource.SearchBookAsync(parameters.Author, parameters.Title, cancellationToken)).ToArray();

            return(books.OrderByDescending(book => book.Reviews)
                   .ThenByDescending(book => book.Editions)
예제 #11
        public XRay(string shelfari, string db, string guid, string asin, ISecondarySource dataSource)
            if ((shelfari == "" && !(dataSource is SecondarySourceRoentgen)) || db == "" || guid == "" || asin == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Error initializing X-Ray, one of the required parameters was blank.");

            if (!shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") && !shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("https://"))
                shelfari = "https://" + shelfari;
            DataUrl      = shelfari;
            DatabaseName = db;
            if (guid != null)
                Guid = guid;
            Asin       = asin;
            DataSource = dataSource;
예제 #12
        public void ExportAndDisplayTerms(XRay xray, ISecondarySource dataSource, bool overwriteAliases, bool splitAliases)
            //Export available terms to a file to make it easier to create aliases or import the modified aliases if they exist
            //Could potentially just attempt to automate the creation of aliases, but in some cases it is very subjective...
            //For example, Shelfari shows the character "Artemis Fowl II", but in the book he is either referred to as "Artemis Fowl", "Artemis", or even "Arty"
            //Other characters have one name on Shelfari but can have completely different names within the book
            var aliasesDownloaded = false;
            // TODO: Review this download process
            //if ((!File.Exists(AliasPath) || Properties.Settings.Default.overwriteAliases) && Properties.Settings.Default.downloadAliases)
            //    aliasesDownloaded = await AttemptAliasDownload();
            var aliasPath = _directoryService.GetAliasPath(xray.Asin);

            if (!aliasesDownloaded && (!File.Exists(aliasPath) || overwriteAliases))
                // overwrite path in case it waas changed within the service
                aliasPath = _aliasesRepository.SaveCharactersToFile(xray.Terms, xray.Asin, splitAliases);
                if (aliasPath != null)
                    _logger.Log($"Characters exported to {aliasPath} for adding aliases.");

            var termsFound = $"{xray.Terms.Count} {(xray.Terms.Count > 1 ? "terms" : "term")} found";

            _logger.Log($"{termsFound} on {dataSource.Name}:");
            var str    = new StringBuilder(xray.Terms.Count * 32); // Assume that most names will be less than 32 chars
            var termId = 1;

            foreach (var t in xray.Terms)
                str.Append(t.TermName).Append(", ");
                // todo don't set the IDs here...
                t.Id = termId++;

예제 #13
 //Requires an already-built AuthorProfile and the BaseEndActions.txt file
 // TODO Move non-DI params from constructor to function
 public EndActions(
     AuthorProfileGenerator.Response authorProfile,
     BookInfo book,
     long erl,
     ISecondarySource dataSource,
     Settings settings,
     Func <string, string, string> asinPrompt,
     ILogger logger,
     IHttpClient httpClient,
     IAmazonClient amazonClient,
     IAmazonInfoParser amazonInfoParser)
     _authorProfile    = authorProfile;
     curBook           = book;
     _erl              = erl;
     _dataSource       = dataSource;
     _settings         = settings;
     _asinPrompt       = asinPrompt;
     _logger           = logger;
     _httpClient       = httpClient;
     _amazonClient     = amazonClient;
     _amazonInfoParser = amazonInfoParser;
예제 #14
        public XRay(string shelfari, string db, string guid, string asin, ISecondarySource dataSource, ILogger logger, ChaptersService chaptersService, int locOffset = 0, string aliaspath = "")
            if (shelfari == "" || db == "" || guid == "" || asin == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Error initializing X-Ray, one of the required parameters was blank.");

            if (!shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("http://") && !shelfari.ToLower().StartsWith("https://"))
                shelfari = "https://" + shelfari;
            DataUrl      = shelfari;
            databaseName = db;
            if (guid != null)
                Guid = guid;
            Asin             = asin;
            this.locOffset   = locOffset;
            _aliasPath       = aliaspath;
            DataSource       = dataSource;
            _logger          = logger;
            _chaptersService = chaptersService;
        public async Task <Response> GenerateNewFormatData(
            BookInfo curBook,
            Settings settings,
            ISecondarySource dataSource,
            AuthorProfileGenerator.Response authorProfile,
            Func <string, string, string> asinPrompt,
            IMetadata metadata,
            IProgressBar progress,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // Generate old stuff first, ignore response since curBook and custAlsoBought are shared
            // todo make them not shared
            var oldResponse = await GenerateOld(curBook, settings, cancellationToken);

            if (oldResponse == null)

                await dataSource.GetExtrasAsync(curBook, progress, cancellationToken);

                curBook.Series = await dataSource.GetSeriesInfoAsync(curBook.DataUrl, cancellationToken);

                if (curBook.Series == null || curBook.Series.Total == 0)
                    _logger.Log("The book was not found to be part of a series.");
                else if (curBook.Series.Next == null && curBook.Series.Position != curBook.Series.Total.ToString())// && !curBook.Series.Position?.Contains(".") == true)
                    _logger.Log("An error occurred finding the next book in series. The book may not be part of a series, or it is the latest release.");
                    await ExpandSeriesMetadata(authorProfile, curBook.Series, settings, asinPrompt, cancellationToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.Contains("(404)"))
                    _logger.Log("An error occurred finding next book in series: Goodreads URL not found.\r\n" +
                                "If reading from a file, you can switch the source to Goodreads to specify a URL, then switch back to File.");
                    _logger.Log("An error occurred finding next book in series: " + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);

            // TODO: Refactor next/previous series stuff
            if (curBook.Series?.Next == null)
                    var seriesResult = await _roentgenClient.DownloadNextInSeriesAsync(curBook.Asin, cancellationToken);

                    switch (seriesResult?.Error?.ErrorCode)
                    case "ERR004":
                        _logger.Log("According to Amazon, this book is not part of a series.");

                    case "ERR000":
                        if (curBook.Series == null)
                            curBook.Series = new SeriesInfo();
                        curBook.Series.Next =
                            new BookInfo(seriesResult.NextBook.Title.TitleName,
                        var response = await _amazonInfoParser.GetAndParseAmazonDocument(curBook.Series.Next.AmazonUrl, cancellationToken);

                    // Ignore

            if (curBook.Series != null)
                _logger.Log($"\nSeries URL: {curBook.Series.Url}");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curBook.Series.Name))
                    _logger.Log($"This is book {curBook.Series.Position} of {curBook.Series.Total} in the {curBook.Series.Name} series");
                if (curBook.Series.Previous != null)
                    _logger.Log($"Preceded by: {curBook.Series.Previous.Title}");
                if (curBook.Series.Next != null)
                    _logger.Log($"Followed by: {curBook.Series.Next.Title}\n");

                if (!await dataSource.GetPageCountAsync(curBook, cancellationToken))
                    var metadataCount = metadata.GetPageCount();
                    if (metadataCount.HasValue)
                        curBook.PagesInBook = metadataCount.Value;
                    else if (settings.EstimatePageCount)
                        _logger.Log("No page count found on Goodreads or in metadata. Attempting to estimate page count...");
                        _logger.Log(Functions.GetPageCount(curBook.RawmlPath, curBook));
                        _logger.Log("No page count found on Goodreads or in metadata");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Log("An error occurred while searching for or estimating the page count: " + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);

            return(new Response
                Book = curBook,
                CustomerAlsoBought = oldResponse.CustomerAlsoBought