예제 #1
        //returns whether to go left or right in the BST, given a certain point and certain target normal
        //informally this predicate aims to find the point whose adjacent edges e1, e2 have normals n1, n2 such that
        //n1 <= normal <= n2
        protected int NormalBSTPredicate(TPoint2D point, double normal)
            TPoint2D leftNeighbor, rightNeighbor;

            Points.TryGetPredecessor(point, out leftNeighbor);
            Points.TryGetSuccessor(point, out rightNeighbor);

            //when at the start, pick left normal to point straight left
            var leftNormal = leftNeighbor != null?Normal(leftNeighbor, point, IsUpper) : ConvertToHullAngle(Math.PI);

            //when at the end, pick right normal to point straight right
            var rightNormal = rightNeighbor != null?Normal(point, rightNeighbor, IsUpper) : ConvertToHullAngle(0.0);

            var leftSign  = Math.Sign(IsUpper ? normal - rightNormal : rightNormal - normal);
            var rightSign = Math.Sign(IsUpper ? normal - leftNormal : leftNormal - normal);

            //point was found
            if (leftSign == -rightSign || leftSign == 0 || rightSign == 0)

            //go left
            if (leftSign == rightSign && leftSign == 1)

            //go right
            if (leftSign == rightSign && leftSign == -1)

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Illegal case detected");