private async Task <bool> UploadEmployment(Person person, SSG_SearchRequest request, SSG_Person ssg_person, int?providerDynamicsID, CancellationToken concellationToken) { if (person.Employments == null) { return(true); } try { foreach (var employment in person.Employments) { EmploymentEntity e = _mapper.Map <EmploymentEntity>(employment); e.SearchRequest = request; e.InformationSource = providerDynamicsID; e.Person = ssg_person; SSG_Employment ssg_employment = await _searchRequestService.CreateEmployment(e, concellationToken); if (employment.Employer != null) { foreach (var phone in employment.Employer.Phones) { SSG_EmploymentContact p = _mapper.Map <SSG_EmploymentContact>(phone); p.Employment = ssg_employment; await _searchRequestService.CreateEmploymentContact(p, concellationToken); } } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); return(false); } }
private async Task <bool> UploadEmployment(bool inUpdateProcess = false) { if (_personSought.Employments == null) { return(true); } _logger.LogDebug($"Attempting to create employment records for PersonSought."); foreach (var employment in _personSought.Employments) { EmploymentEntity e = _mapper.Map <EmploymentEntity>(employment); e.SearchRequest = _uploadedSearchRequest; e.InformationSource = InformationSourceType.Request.Value; e.Person = _uploadedPerson; e.IsCreatedByAgency = true; if (inUpdateProcess) { e.UpdateDetails = "New Employment"; } SSG_Employment ssg_employment = await _searchRequestService.CreateEmployment(e, _cancellationToken); if (employment.Employer != null) { foreach (var phone in employment.Employer.Phones) { EmploymentContactEntity p = _mapper.Map <EmploymentContactEntity>(phone); p.Employment = ssg_employment; if (inUpdateProcess) { e.UpdateDetails = "New EmploymentContact"; } await _searchRequestService.CreateEmploymentContact(p, _cancellationToken); } } } _logger.LogInformation("Create employment records for SearchRequest successfully"); return(true); }
private async Task <bool> UploadEmployment( ) { if (_foundPerson.Employments == null) { return(true); } try { _logger.LogDebug($"Attempting to create found employment records for SearchRequest[{_searchRequest.SearchRequestId}]"); foreach (var employment in _foundPerson.Employments) { EmploymentEntity e = _mapper.Map <EmploymentEntity>(employment); e.SearchRequest = _searchRequest; e.InformationSource = _providerDynamicsID; e.Person = _returnedPerson; SSG_Employment ssg_employment = await _searchRequestService.CreateEmployment(e, _cancellationToken); //FAMS3-3742-OpenShift to stop creating Employment Contact records //if (employment.Employer != null) //{ // foreach (var phone in employment.Employer.Phones) // { // EmploymentContactEntity p = _mapper.Map<EmploymentContactEntity>(phone); // p.Employment = ssg_employment; // await _searchRequestService.CreateEmploymentContact(p, _cancellationToken); // } //} await CreateResultTransaction(ssg_employment); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); return(false); } }