public void SaleService_Add_ShouldBeOk() { _product.Object.Availability = 1; _sale = ObjectMother.GetSale(_product.Object); Action Act = () => _service.Add(_sale); Act.Should().NotThrow(); _repository.Verify(r => r.Add(_sale)); }
public void SaleIntegration_Add_ShouldBeOk() { _product.Id = 1; _product.Availability = 1; _sale = ObjectMother.GetSaleSql(_product); _expectedSale = _service.Add(_sale); _expectedSale.Should().NotBeNull(); _expectedSale.Id.Should().Be(_sale.Id); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddSale(SaleRequest sale) { DataResponse response = new DataResponse(); try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { response.Message = string.Join("", ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)); return(BadRequest(response)); } var client = await _clientService.GetById(sale.IdClient); if (client == null) { response.Message = "The id client is not found."; return(NotFound(response)); } await _saleService.Add(sale); response.Success = 1; response.Message = "The sale has been added."; return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; return(StatusCode(500, response)); } }
private void CalculateBanknoteChange( IList <SaleBanknote> banknotesChange, IEnumerable <Banknote> banknotes, decimal givenValue, decimal totalSelling, out string details) { details = string.Empty; var changeValue = givenValue - totalSelling; if (changeValue > 0) { var sale = new Sale() { Total = totalSelling, Descount = 0 }; _saleService.Add(sale); CalculateNotes(banknotesChange, banknotes, changeValue, out int totalRest, out string detailsNotes); CalculateCents(banknotesChange, banknotes, changeValue, totalRest, out string detailsCents); details = detailsNotes + detailsCents; if (banknotesChange.Any()) { sale.Banknotes = banknotesChange; _saleService.Update(sale); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult <SaleViewModel> > Post([FromBody] SaleViewModel saleViewModel) { var sale = _mapper.Map <Sale>(saleViewModel); await _saleService.Add(sale); saleViewModel.Id = sale.Id; saleViewModel.DateRegister = sale.DateRegister; return(CustomResponse(saleViewModel)); }
public IActionResult Create(CreateSaleViewModel createVM) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var saleDTO = _mapper.Map <SaleBindingModel, SaleDTO>(createVM.Sale); _saleService.Add(saleDTO); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Items))); } createVM.ProductTitles = new SelectList(_productService.GetTitles(), "Id", "Title"); return(View(createVM)); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateSale createSale) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _saleService.Add(createSale); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } else { return(View(createSale)); } }
public IActionResult add(SaleRequestDTO model) { BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse(); try { _sale.Add(model); response.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Message = ex.Message; } return(Ok(response)); }
public ActionResult Create(SaleViewModel sale) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ErrorNotification("Kayıt Eklenemedi!"); return(RedirectToAction("Create")); } _saleService.Add(new Sale { //TODO:Alanlar buraya yazılacak //Örn:BrandName = brand.BrandName, }); SuccessNotification("Kayıt Eklendi."); return(RedirectToAction("SaleIndex")); }
public IActionResult Add(SaleRequest req) { var resp = new ProductsResponse(); try { _salesService.Add(req); resp.Success = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { resp.Message = ex.Message; return(BadRequest(resp)); } return(Ok(resp)); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateSaleViewModel createSale) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Sale sale = _saleService.Add(createSale); if (sale == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("msg", "Database problems"); return(View(createSale)); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } else { return(View(createSale)); } }
public ActionResult Create(MobileShopSaleViewModel salevm) { try { var id = _saleService.Add(Mapper.Map <Sale>(salevm)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salevm.ActionType) && salevm.ActionType == "Invoice") { return(Redirect("/MobileShopSale/ReportSaleMasterDetail/" + id)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salevm.ActionType) && salevm.ActionType == "Label") { return(Redirect("/MobileShopSale/ReportLevelPrint/" + id)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salevm.ActionType) && salevm.ActionType == "Print") { return(Redirect("/MobileShopSale/ReportInvoicePrint/" + id)); } return(Redirect("/MobileShopSale/")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(JavaScript($"ShowResult('{ex.Message}','failure')")); } }
private Sale RecordSale(string InvoiceNo, string AmountPaid, string subTotalAmt, DateTime?SaleDate, decimal totalAmount, decimal balance) { Sale sales = new Sale(); sales.CustomerID = txtCustomer.Tag.ToString(); sales.Amount = totalAmount; sales.SubTotal = decimal.Parse(subTotalAmt); sales.InvoiceDate = SaleDate.Value; sales.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceNo; sales.StoreID = DEFAULT_LOCALSTOREID; //arbituary value, to bo replaced sales.Tax = Math.Round(_saletax, 2); sales.PaymentModeID = int.Parse(cmbPaymentMode.SelectedValue.ToString()); //sales.Discount = txtSaleDiscount.Text == "" ? 0 : txtSaleDiscount.Text.ToDecimal(); sales.AmountPaid = decimal.Parse(AmountPaid); sales.Balance = balance; sales.DateClosed = decimal.Parse(AmountPaid) >= decimal.Parse(subTotalAmt) ? SaleDate : null; //sales.SaleTypeID = (int)SaleStatus.Invoice; //sales.SaleTypeID = int.Parse(TypeOfSale.Order.ToString()); sales.SaleStatusID = _sale.GetSaleStatus(totalAmount, AmountPaid.ToDecimal()); sales.EmployeeID = txtSalesPerson.Tag == null ? DEFAULT_SALESPERSONID : txtSalesPerson.Tag.ToString(); sales.Discount = txtSaleDiscount.Text == "" ? 0 : decimal.Parse(txtSaleDiscount.Text); sales.VoidSale = false; sales.LocationID = cmbLocation.SelectedValue.ToInt(); try { sales = _sale.Add(sales); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred", "ucSale", "btnRecord"); } return(sales); }
public IActionResult Add([FromBody] SaleDTO saleDTO) { _saleService.Add(saleDTO); return(Ok(saleDTO)); }
private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnRecord.Text == "OK") { ((frmControlHost)this.Parent).Close(); return; } if (gridViewItemLayout.Rows.Count == 0) { Helper.ShowMessage("Sale must contain at least one product", "Sale Invalid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } try { Product product; SaleDetail salesDetails; Sale sales = new Sale(); string InvoiceNo = txtInvoiceNo.Text; string AmountPaid = txtAmountPaid.Text; string subTotalAmt = txtSubTotal.Text; DateTime?SaleDate = dtpSaleDate.Value; decimal tax = txtSalTax.Text.ToDecimal(); int locationID = cmbLocation.SelectedValue.ToInt(); decimal saletax = _sale.CalculateTax(subTotalAmt.ToDecimal(), tax); decimal totalAmount = txtTotalAmt.Text.ToDecimal(); sales.CustomerID = txtCustomer.Tag.ToString(); sales.Amount = totalAmount; sales.CustBalance = totalAmount; sales.SubTotal = decimal.Parse(subTotalAmt); sales.InvoiceDate = SaleDate.Value; sales.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceNo; sales.StoreID = DEFAULT_LOCALSTOREID; //arbituary value, to bo replaced sales.Tax = Math.Round(saletax, 2); sales.PaymentModeID = int.Parse(cmbPaymentMode.SelectedValue.ToString()); sales.AmountPaid = 0; sales.Balance = 0; sales.DateClosed = null; sales.SaleStatusID = (int)Status;//_sale.GetSaleStatus(totalAmount, AmountPaid.ToDecimal()); sales.EmployeeID = txtSalesPerson.Tag == null ? DEFAULT_SALESPERSONID : txtSalesPerson.Tag.ToString(); sales.Discount = txtSaleDiscount.Text == "" ? 0 : decimal.Parse(txtSaleDiscount.Text); sales.VoidSale = false; sales.LocationID = cmbLocation.SelectedValue.ToInt(); try { sales = _sale.Add(sales); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred", "ucQuote", "btnRecord"); Helper.ShowMessage("An error occured " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in gridViewItemLayout.Rows) { if (dr.Cells[0].Value == null) { return; } salesDetails = new SaleDetail(); product = new Product(); salesDetails.SaleID = sales.SaleID; salesDetails.Quantity = int.Parse(dr.Cells["ColQty"].Value.ToString()); salesDetails.ProductID = dr.Cells["ColItmNumber"].Value.ToString(); salesDetails.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(dr.Cells["ColPrice"].Value.ToString()); salesDetails.Discount = decimal.Parse(dr.Cells["ColDiscount"].Value.ToString()); salesDetails.Tax = decimal.Parse(dr.Cells["ColTax"].Value.ToString()); salesDetails.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceNo; salesDetails.LineTotal = decimal.Parse(dr.Cells["ColTotal"].Value.ToString()); try { _saleDetail.Add(salesDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { _sale.RollBackSaleTransaction(InvoiceNo); _logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred", "ucQuote", "btnRecord"); Helper.ShowMessage("Transaction was not completed, An error occured", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } txtInvoiceNo.Tag = false; txtSubTotal.Tag = null; txtTotalAmt.Tag = null; Helper.ClearForm(this); gridViewItemLayout.Rows.Clear(); lblStatus.Text = "Quote recorded successfully"; GetInvoiceNo(); } catch (Exception ex) { Helper.ShowMessage("An error occured sale has been cancelled \n" + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public ActionResult Create(SaleViewModel sale) { var getUserId = Convert.ToInt32(GeneralHelpers.GetUserId()); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ErrorNotification("Satış Eklenemedi!"); return(RedirectToAction("Create")); } //satış yapılınca stok miktarından otomatik olarak düşer onay ya da onaylanmama durumuna göre stoklar güncellenir //Eğer satılacak ürün stokta varsa ve kalan stok miktarı satılandan büyükse hata döner işlemi yapmaz var product = _productQueryableRepository.Table.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductId == sale.ProductId); var userMail = _userQueryableRepository.Table.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == getUserId); if (product == null || product.RemainingStockAmount < sale.AmountOfSales) { ErrorNotification($"Satış Gerçekleşemedi Sattığınız Ürün Miktarı Satabileceğinizden Fazla Gözüküyor! <br /> Satabileceğiniz Ürün Stoğu Miktarı:<strong> {product.RemainingStockAmount.ToString()}</strong>"); return(RedirectToAction("Create")); } _saleService.Add(new Sale { UserId = getUserId, InvoiceImage = sale.InvoiceImage, InvoiceDate = sale.InvoiceDate, AddDate = DateTime.Now, AmountOfSales = sale.AmountOfSales, InvoiceImageExt = ".png", InvoiceNo = sale.InvoiceNo, ProductId = sale.ProductId, CustomerId = sale.CustomerId, InvoiceTotal = sale.InvoiceTotal }); _productService.Update(new Product { ProductName = product.ProductName, CriticalStockAmount = product.CriticalStockAmount, Point = product.Point, PointToMoney = product.PointToMoney, ProductCode = product.ProductCode, ProductShortCode = product.ProductShortCode, StockAmount = product.StockAmount, UnitTypeId = product.UnitTypeId, RemainingStockAmount = product.RemainingStockAmount - sale.AmountOfSales, ProductId = sale.ProductId }); var mailEnable = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailEnable"]; if (mailEnable == "true") { var mail = MailHelper.SendMail( $"{userMail.FirstName + " " + userMail.LastName} Tarafından {sale.InvoiceNo} Fatura Numarasıyla Yeni Bir Satış Gerçekleştirildi.<br/> Lütfen üzerinde takip ediniz.", $"*****@*****.**", "Yeni Bir Satış Yapıldı!", true); if (mail) { SuccessNotification("Mail Gönderildi"); } else { ErrorNotification("Mail Gönderilemedi!"); } } SuccessNotification("Kayıt Eklendi. Yönetici Onayından Sonra Puan Kazanacaksınız!"); return(RedirectToAction("SaleIndex")); }