예제 #1
        public NewItemViewModel(
            INavigationService navigationService,
            ISafeMessagingCenter messagingCenter)
            Item = new Item
                Text        = "Item name",
                Description = "This is an item description."

            SaveCommand = new SafeCommand(SaveAsync);
            async Task SaveAsync()
                messagingCenter.Send(this, "AddItem", Item);
                await navigationService.PopAsync();

            CancelCommand = new SafeCommand(CancelAsync);
            async void CancelAsync() =>
            await navigationService.PopAsync();
예제 #2
        //ZM: Built-in dependency injection will resolve these services
        public ItemsViewModel(
            INavigationService navigationService,
            IDataStore <Item> dataStore,
            ISafeMessagingCenter messagingCenter)
            Title = "Browse";

            //ZM: Note how we can avoid async-void-lamdas (async () => ) by
            // using SafeMessagingCenter and SafeCommand
            // Unhandled exceptions are also caught and handled in app.cs
            messagingCenter.Subscribe <NewItemViewModel, Item>(this, "AddItem", SaveNewItemAsync);
            async Task SaveNewItemAsync(NewItemViewModel vm, Item item)
                await dataStore.AddItemAsync(item);

            //ZM: Because we're extending ViewModelBase, the IsBusy property
            // will be set to true while LoadItemsCommand is running.
            // Alot of code is saved avoiding writing a t-c-f block with
            // IsBusy condition
            LoadItemsCommand = new SafeCommand(
                , viewModel: this); //NB to use OneWay Binding in RefreshView
            async Task LoadItemsAsync()
            => Items.ReplaceRange(await dataStore.GetItemsAsync(true));

            //ZM: An example of page navigation
            AddItemCommand = new SafeCommand(AddItemAsync);
            async Task AddItemAsync() =>
            await navigationService.PushAsync <NewItemViewModel>();

            //ZM: Passing the data Item to the navigated ViewModel is easy
            OnItemSelectedCommand = new SafeCommand <Item>(OnItemSelectedAsync);
            async Task OnItemSelectedAsync(Item item) =>
            await navigationService.PushAsync <ItemDetailViewModel, Item>(item);
 public ComponentWithMessagingDependency(ISafeMessagingCenter messagingCenter)
     _messagingCenter = messagingCenter;
     _messagingCenter.Subscribe <ComponentWithMessagingDependency>(this, "test", dependency => Console.WriteLine("test"));