public void Add(Message m) { MessagesC mess = new MessagesC(); mess.MessageBody = m.MessageBody; mess.MessageId = m.MessageId; mess.UserId = m.UserId; _context.MessagesCs.Add(mess); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(Model.User u) { User newser = new User(); newser.Username = u.Username; newser.Name = u.Name; newser.Password = u.Password; newser.Email = u.Email; newser.Affilliation = u.Affiliation; newser.WebPage = u.Website; newser.canBePCMember = u.isSpecial; _context.Users.Add(newser); _context.SaveChanges(); }
/*Function which add a new payment for a conference. * IN:Participant,paidSum from form * Out:New Payment with current date,nrTickets,success of transaction * Condition:Participant is normal user */ public void addPayment(Participant participant, int nrTickets, Model.Conference conference) { if (nrTickets == 0) { throw new Exception("No tickets selected"); } else if (participant.IsNormalUser) { int conferenceId = participant.ConferenceId; RepoConference repo = new RepoConference(_context); double priceTicketForConference = conference.AdmissionPrice; double paidSum = 0; if (priceTicketForConference != 0) { paidSum = nrTickets * priceTicketForConference; } else { throw new Exception("You can participate for free.Enjoy!"); } DateTime PaymentDate = DateTime.Now; bool SuccessfulTransaction = true; Model.Payment payment = new Model.Payment(10, paidSum, nrTickets, PaymentDate, SuccessfulTransaction, participant); Payment payment1 = new Payment(); payment1.PaymentId = payment.Id; payment1.PaymentDate = payment.PaymentDate; payment1.NrOfTickets = payment.NrOfTickets; payment1.PaidSum = payment.PaidSum; payment1.SuccessfulTransaction = payment.SuccessfulTransaction; _context.Payments.Add(payment1); _context.SaveChanges(); ConferenceParticipant confP = new ConferenceParticipant(); //daca a facut plata devine un participant la conferinta. if (_context.ConferenceParticipants.Find(payment.Buyer.User.IdUser, conference.Id, payment1.PaymentId) == null) { confP.UserId = participant.User.IdUser; confP.ConferenceId = conference.Id; confP.PaymentId = payment1.PaymentId; _context.ConferenceParticipants.Add(confP); _context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void Add(Model.Paper p) { Paper paper = new Paper(); paper.Name = p.Title; paper.Resume = p.Resume; paper.Domain = p.Domain; paper.Subdomain = p.Subdomain; paper.Filepath = p.Filepath; paper.EvaluationResult = Enum.GetName(p.Status.GetType(), p.Status); paper.IsEmailSent = false; paper.ConferenceId = p.ConferenceId; paper.UserId = p.Uploader.IdUser; //paper.TopicId get topic by name and conf foreach (Topic topic in _context.Topics) { if (topic.TopicName == p.Topic && topic.ConferenceId == p.ConferenceId) { paper.TopicId = topic.TopicId; break; } } _context.Papers.Add(paper); _context.SaveChanges(); foreach (Author author in p.AdditionalAuthors) { if (_context.AdditionalAuthors.Find(author.IdAuthor) == null) { AdditionalAuthor aa = new AdditionalAuthor(); aa.Affiliation = author.Affiliation; aa.Name = author.Name; aa.PaperId = paper.PaperId; _context.AdditionalAuthors.Add(aa); } } _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(Participant p) { if (p.IsNormalUser == true) { ConferenceParticipant participant = new ConferenceParticipant(); participant.UserId = p.User.IdUser; participant.ConferenceId = p.ConferenceId; participant.PaymentId = 1; _context.ConferenceParticipants.Add(participant); _context.SaveChanges(); } else { PCMember pcm = new PCMember(); pcm.UserId = p.User.IdUser; pcm.ConferenceId = p.ConferenceId; pcm.isChair = p.IsChair; pcm.isCoChair = p.IsCochair; _context.PCMembers.Add(pcm); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Add(int confId, string roomName, int capacity, string street, string city, string postalCode, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate) { AvailableRoom ar = new AvailableRoom(); ar.ConferenceId = confId; ar.RoomName = roomName; ar.Capacity = capacity; ar.BeginDate = beginDate; ar.EndDate = endDate; int aId = -1; foreach (Address a in _context.Addresses) { if (a.City == city && a.Street == street && a.PostalCode == postalCode) { aId = a.AddressId; break; } } if (aId == -1) { Address a = new Address(); a.City = city; a.Street = street; a.PostalCode = postalCode; _context.Addresses.Add(a); _context.SaveChanges(); aId = a.AddressId; } ar.AddressId = aId; _context.AvailableRooms.Add(ar); _context.SaveChanges(); }
/*Function which adds a new conference. * In:Conference details * Out: returneaza id-u conferintei * new conference in the list * Conditions which are checked in repository: * DeadlineAbstract < DeadlineComplet < DeadlineParticipation < DeadlineBidding < DeadlineEvaluation < BeginDate < EndDate * AdmissionPrice>0 * Id-unique */ public int addConference(Model.Conference c) { if (c.AdmissionPrice < 1) { throw new Exception("Conference admission price must be >=1!"); } if ((DateTime.Compare(c.DeadlineAbstract, c.DeadlineComplet) < 0) && (DateTime.Compare(c.DeadlineComplet, c.DeadlineParticipation) < 0) && (DateTime.Compare(c.DeadlineParticipation, c.DeadlineBidding) < 0)) { if ((DateTime.Compare(c.DeadlineBidding, c.DeadlineEvaluation) < 0) && (DateTime.Compare(c.DeadlineEvaluation, c.BeginDate) < 0) && (DateTime.Compare(c.BeginDate, c.EndDate) < 0)) { foreach (Model.Conference conf in getConferences()) { if (conf.Id == c.Id) { throw new Exception("Conference already exist!"); } } Conference conference = new Conference(); conference.ConferenceId = c.Id; conference.Name = c.Name; conference.Edition = c.Edition; conference.DeadlineAbstractPaper = c.DeadlineAbstract; conference.DeadlineBiddingPaper = c.DeadlineBidding; conference.DeadlineCompletePaper = c.DeadlineComplet; conference.DeadlineEvaluation = c.DeadlineEvaluation; conference.DeadlineParticipation = c.DeadlineParticipation; conference.EndDate = c.EndDate; conference.BeginDate = c.BeginDate; conference.City = c.City; conference.Country = c.Country; conference.Website = c.Website; conference.Price = c.AdmissionPrice; if (Find(conference.ConferenceId) == false) { _context.Conferences.Add(conference); _context.SaveChanges(); foreach (string topic in c.Topics) { addTopic(topic, conference.ConferenceId); } return(conference.ConferenceId); } else { throw new Exception("Conference already exists!"); } //TO DO->ADD PC MEMBERS.Astept functia } else { throw new Exception("Dates must be in chronological order!"); } } else { throw new Exception("Dates must be in chronological order!"); } }