public JsonResult GetBankAccountInfo() { try { var param = new { OrganizationId = 0, RoutingNo = "", BankBranchId = 0, BankId = 0, }; var Master = spService.GetDataWithParameter(param, "USP_GET_BANK_ACCOUNT_LIST"); var BranchInfo = Master.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() .Select(row => new { RowSl = row.Field <string>("RowSl"), Id = row.Field <int>("Id"), BankBranchId = row.Field <int?>("BankBranchId"), OrganizationId = row.Field <int?>("OrganizationId"), BankId = row.Field <int?>("BankId"), BranchName = row.Field <string>("BranchName"), RoutingNo = row.Field <string>("RoutingNo"), BankName = row.Field <string>("BankName"), OrganizationName = row.Field <string>("OrganizationName"), BankAccountNo = row.Field <string>("BankAccountNo"), OrganizationShortName = row.Field <string>("OrganizationShortName"), }).ToList(); return(Json(BranchInfo, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public void Get_GeneralReport(int reportNo, string Qtype, string exportType) { if (Qtype == "Occupation" || Qtype == "Relation" || Qtype == "Designation" || Qtype == "Department") { var data = sPService.GetDataWithParameter( new { Qtype = Qtype }, "Rpt_Get_Occupation_Relation_Designation").Tables[0]; var reportParam = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "param_orgName", "Ucas" } }; if (Qtype == "Occupation") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data, exportType, "rpt_Occupation.rpt", "rpt_Occupation", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "Relation") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data, exportType, "rpt_Relation.rpt", "rpt_Relation", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "Designation") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data, exportType, "rpt_Designation.rpt", "rpt_Designation", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "Department") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data, exportType, "rpt_Department.rpt", "rpt_Department", reportParam); } } else { var data2 = sPService.GetDataWithParameter( new { Qtype = Qtype }, "Rpt_Get_Country_Divition_District_Thana").Tables[0]; var reportParam = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "param_orgName", "Ucas" } }; if (Qtype == "Country") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data2, exportType, "rpt_Country.rpt", "rpt_Country", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "Division") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data2, exportType, "rpt_Division.rpt", "rpt_Division", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "District") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data2, exportType, "rpt_District.rpt", "rpt_District", reportParam); } else if (Qtype == "Thana") { ReportHelper.ShowReport(data2, exportType, "rpt_Thana.rpt", "rpt_Thana", reportParam); } } }
public JsonResult GetThanaList(string DistrictId, string DivisionId) { var Thana = spService.GetDataWithParameter(new { DIVISION_ID = DivisionId, DISTRICT_ID = DistrictId }, "USP_GET_THANA_LIST").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(x => new { Id = x.Field <int>(0), ThanaName = x.Field <string>(1), DistrictName = x.Field <string>(2) }).ToList(); return(Json(Thana, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult GetAccessReportList(int userid, string projectShortName) { var roleid = aspNetUserService.GetByUserId(userid).RoleId; var report = reportAccessService.GetAll().Where(x => x.UserId == userid && x.IsActive).ToList(); var module = spService.GetDataWithParameter(new { USER_ROLE_ID = roleid, Project_Short_Name = projectShortName }, "USP_GET_ALL_Report_Module").Tables[0].AsEnumerable() .Select(x => new AspNetSecurityModule() { AspNetSecurityModuleId = x.Field <int>(0), LinkText = x.Field <string>(1) }) .ToList(); return(Json(new { Report = report, Module = module }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult GetEmployeeNotification() { try { var param = new { EmployeeId = SessionHelper.LoggedInUserId }; var NotiListData = spService.GetDataWithParameter(param, "GetEmployeeNotification"); var NotiList = NotiListData.Tables[0].AsEnumerable() .Select(row => new { employee_id = row.Field <int>("employee_id"), LoactionURL = row.Field <string>("LoactionURL"), NotiNo = row.Field <int>("NotiNo"), NotiType = row.Field <string>("NotiType"), NotiTex = row.Field <string>("NotiTex") }).ToList(); return(Json(NotiList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message })); } }
public JsonResult GenerateDatabaseBackup() { try { var location = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseBackupPath"]; var context = new CommonDbContext(); var database = context.Database.Connection.Database; //spService.GetDataBySqlCommand(@"BACKUP DATABASE " + database + " TO DISK = '" + path + "'"); spService.GetDataWithParameter(new { DATABASE_NAME = database, BACK_UP_PATH = location }, "USP_GENERATE_DATABASE_BACKUP"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Backup Successfull." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public IEnumerable <UcasSoftwareProjects> GetAllProject(int roleId, string ProjectShortName) { var param = new { RoleId = roleId, ProjectShortName = ProjectShortName }; var Projects = spService.GetDataWithParameter(param, "GetRole_wise_AllUcasProject");// spService.GetDataBySqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT M.ProjectShortName FROM AspNetRoleModule AS R INNER JOIN AspNetSecurityModule AS M ON M.AspNetSecurityModuleId = R.ModuleId WHERE R.IsActive = 1 AND R.RoleId = " + roleId + "");//.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(row => new { ProjectShortName = row.Field<string>("ProjectShortName") }).ToList(); List <UcasSoftwareProjects> ProjectList = new List <UcasSoftwareProjects>(); foreach (DataRow p in Projects.Tables[0].Rows) { ProjectList.Add(new UcasSoftwareProjects { ProjectName = p["ProjectName"].ToString(), ProjectShortName = p["ProjectShortName"].ToString(), StyleCss = p["StyleCss"].ToString(), ProjectHomePage = p["ProjectHomePage"].ToString() }); } var UserProject = ProjectList.ToList(); return(UserProject); }
public JsonResult DeleteProfession(int id) { try { var client = spService.GetDataWithParameter(new { ID = id }, "USP_CHECK_PROFESSION_USE").Tables[0].AsEnumerable(); if (!client.Any()) { var profession = professionService.GetById(id); profession.IsActive = false; professionService.Update(profession); return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Profession delete successfull." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = "Delete deny.There are client/joint client/nominee with this profession." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = ex.GetErrorMessage() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }