internal override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteUrl(string url, string method, string childHeaders, bool sendHeaders, bool addUserIndo, IntPtr token, string name, string authType, byte[] entity, AsyncCallback cb, object state)
     if (((base._ecb == IntPtr.Zero) || (this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl != null)) || (sendHeaders && this.HeadersSent()))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Cannot_execute_url_in_this_context"));
     if (((entity != null) && (entity.Length > 0)) && (UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbGetExecUrlEntityInfo(entity.Length, entity, out this._entity) != 1))
         throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Failed_to_execute_url"));
     HttpAsyncResult result = new HttpAsyncResult(cb, state);
     this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl = result;
     this._executeUrlCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(this.OnExecuteUrlCompletion);
     this._rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
     if (UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbExecuteUrlUnicode(base._ecb, url, method, childHeaders, sendHeaders, addUserIndo, token, name, authType, this._entity, this._executeUrlCompletionCallback) != 1)
         if (this._entity != IntPtr.Zero)
         this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl = null;
         throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Failed_to_execute_url"));
     if (sendHeaders)
         this._headersSentFromExecuteUrl = true;
     return result;
예제 #2
        internal override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteUrl(string url, string method, string childHeaders, bool sendHeaders, bool addUserIndo, IntPtr token, string name, string authType, byte[] entity, AsyncCallback cb, object state)
            if (((base._ecb == IntPtr.Zero) || (this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl != null)) || (sendHeaders && this.HeadersSent()))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Cannot_execute_url_in_this_context"));
            if (((entity != null) && (entity.Length > 0)) && (UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbGetExecUrlEntityInfo(entity.Length, entity, out this._entity) != 1))
                throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Failed_to_execute_url"));
            HttpAsyncResult result = new HttpAsyncResult(cb, state);

            this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl      = result;
            this._executeUrlCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(this.OnExecuteUrlCompletion);
            this._rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            if (UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbExecuteUrlUnicode(base._ecb, url, method, childHeaders, sendHeaders, addUserIndo, token, name, authType, this._entity, this._executeUrlCompletionCallback) != 1)
                if (this._entity != IntPtr.Zero)
                this._asyncResultOfExecuteUrl = null;
                throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Failed_to_execute_url"));
            if (sendHeaders)
                this._headersSentFromExecuteUrl = true;
 internal /*public*/ static extern int EcbFlushCore(IntPtr pECB,
                                                    byte[]    status,
                                                    byte[]    header,
                                                    int keepConnected,
                                                    int totalBodySize,
                                                    int numBodyFragments,
                                                    IntPtr[]  bodyFragments,
                                                    int[]     bodyFragmentLengths,
                                                    int doneWithSession,
                                                    int finalStatus,
                                                    int kernelCache,
                                                    int async,
                                                    ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback asyncCompletionCallback);
예제 #4
 internal static extern int EcbExecuteUrlUnicode(IntPtr pECB,
                                         string url,
                                         string method,
                                         string childHeaders,
                                         bool   sendHeaders,
                                         bool   addUserIndo,
                                         IntPtr token,
                                         string name,
                                         string authType,
                                         IntPtr pEntity,
                                         ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback asyncCompletionCallback);
예제 #5
 internal static extern int EcbFlushCore(IntPtr    pECB,
                                       byte[]    status,
                                       byte[]    header,
                                       int       keepConnected,
                                       int       totalBodySize,
                                       int       numBodyFragments,
                                       IntPtr[]  bodyFragments,
                                       int[]     bodyFragmentLengths,
                                       int       doneWithSession,
                                       int       finalStatus,
                                       int       kernelCache,
                                       int       async,
                                       ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback asyncCompletionCallback);
    internal override IAsyncResult BeginExecuteUrl(
                                        String url, String method, String childHeaders,
                                        bool sendHeaders,
                                        bool addUserIndo, IntPtr token, String name, String authType,
                                        byte[] entity,
                                        AsyncCallback cb, Object state) {

        if (_ecb == IntPtr.Zero ||              // after done with session
            _asyncResultOfExecuteUrl != null || // another ExecuteUrl in progress
            (sendHeaders && HeadersSent()))     // asked to send headers, but already sent them
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_execute_url_in_this_context));

        if (entity != null && entity.Length > 0) {
            int ret = UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbGetExecUrlEntityInfo(entity.Length, entity, out _entity);
            if (ret != 1) {
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Failed_to_execute_url));

        Debug.Trace("ExecuteUrl", "ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS6.BeginExecuteUrl: url=\"" + url + "\".");

        HttpAsyncResult ar = new HttpAsyncResult(cb, state);
        _asyncResultOfExecuteUrl = ar;

        _executeUrlCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(OnExecuteUrlCompletion);
        _rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this); // root for the duration of ExecuteUrl

        int rc;
        try {
            rc = UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbExecuteUrlUnicode(_ecb,
                                        url, method, childHeaders,
                                        addUserIndo, token, name, authType,
        finally {

        if (rc != 1) {
            if (_entity != IntPtr.Zero) {
            _asyncResultOfExecuteUrl = null;

            Debug.Trace("ExecuteUrl", "ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS6.BeginExecuteUrl: failed!");

            throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Failed_to_execute_url));

        if (sendHeaders) {
            // ExecuteUrl will send headers, worker request should not
            _headersSentFromExecuteUrl = true;

        return ar;
    // ISAPIWorkerRequestInProcForIIS6
    internal override void FlushCore(byte[]     status,
                                     byte[]     header,
                                     int        keepConnected,
                                     int        totalBodySize,
                                     int        numBodyFragments,
                                     IntPtr[]   bodyFragments,
                                     int[]      bodyFragmentLengths,
                                     int        doneWithSession,
                                     int        finalStatus,
                                     out bool   async) {
        async = false;

        if (_ecb == IntPtr.Zero)

        if (_headersSentFromExecuteUrl) {
            // don't send headers twice
            status = null;
            header = null;

        bool inAsyncFlush = false;

        // async only for large responses and only on the last flush or if inAsyncFlush is true
        // don't do async if shutting down (async IO holds up app domain shutdown)
        if (doneWithSession != 0 && !HttpRuntime.ShutdownInProgress && (_ignoreMinAsyncSize || (totalBodySize >= MIN_ASYNC_SIZE))) {
            if (_requiresAsyncFlushCallback) {
                _asyncFlushCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(OnAsyncFlushCompletion);
                _asyncFinalStatus = finalStatus;    // remember to pass to DoneWithSession on completion
                _rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this); // root for the duration of IO
                doneWithSession = 0;                // will do on completion
                async = true;
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _asyncIoCount);  // increment async io count
            else {
                // buffers are native, so we don't need to return to managed code
                _asyncFlushCompletionCallback = null;
                doneWithSession = 0;                // will do on completion
                async = true;
        else {
            inAsyncFlush = (_asyncResultBase is FlushAsyncResult);
            if (inAsyncFlush) {
                _requiresAsyncFlushCallback = true;
                _asyncFlushCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(OnAsyncFlushCompletion);
                _asyncFinalStatus = finalStatus;    // remember to pass to DoneWithSession on completion
                _rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this); // root for the duration of IO
                async = true;
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _asyncIoCount);  // increment async io count

        // finalStatus is either 0 to force for a flush, 1 to indicate HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, or 2 to indicate HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS_AND_KEEP_CONN
        Debug.Assert(0 <= finalStatus && finalStatus <= 2);
        int flags = _trySkipIisCustomErrors ? finalStatus|TRY_SKIP_IIS_CUSTOM_ERRORS : finalStatus;

        int rc = UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(
                        _cacheInKernelMode ? 1 : 0,
                        async ? 1 : 0,

        if (!_requiresAsyncFlushCallback && rc == 0 && async) {

            // unlock and reset cached response

        else if (rc != 0 && async) {
            // on async failure default to [....] path
            async = false;
            if (!inAsyncFlush) {
                // call DoneWithSession
                UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(_ecb, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 1, _asyncFinalStatus, 0, 0, null);
            if (_asyncFlushCompletionCallback != null) {
                // unroot

                // decrement async io count
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref _asyncIoCount);

            if (inAsyncFlush) {
                _asyncResultBase = null;
                // treat every error as if the client disconnected
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.ClientDisconnected), rc);
        else if (rc != 0 && !async && doneWithSession == 0 && !_serverSupportFunctionError) {
            //on non-async failure stop executing the request

            //only throw once
            _serverSupportFunctionError = true;

            string message = SR.Server_Support_Function_Error;

            //give different error if connection was closed
            if (rc == HResults.WSAECONNABORTED || rc == HResults.WSAECONNRESET) {
                message = SR.Server_Support_Function_Error_Disconnect;

            throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(message, rc.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), rc);
 internal override void FlushCore(byte[] status, byte[] header, int keepConnected, int totalBodySize, int numBodyFragments, IntPtr[] bodyFragments, int[] bodyFragmentLengths, int doneWithSession, int finalStatus, out bool async)
     async = false;
     if (base._ecb != IntPtr.Zero)
         if (this._headersSentFromExecuteUrl)
             status = null;
             header = null;
         if (((doneWithSession != 0) && !HttpRuntime.ShutdownInProgress) && (base._ignoreMinAsyncSize || (totalBodySize >= 0x800)))
             if (base._requiresAsyncFlushCallback)
                 this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(this.OnAsyncFlushCompletion);
                 this._asyncFinalStatus = finalStatus;
                 this._rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
                 doneWithSession = 0;
                 async = true;
                 Interlocked.Increment(ref _asyncIoCount);
                 this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback = null;
                 doneWithSession = 0;
                 async = true;
         int num = this._trySkipIisCustomErrors ? (finalStatus | 0x40) : finalStatus;
         int hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(base._ecb, status, header, keepConnected, totalBodySize, numBodyFragments, bodyFragments, bodyFragmentLengths, doneWithSession, num, this._cacheInKernelMode ? 1 : 0, async ? 1 : 0, this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback);
         if ((!base._requiresAsyncFlushCallback && (hr == 0)) && async)
         else if ((hr != 0) && async)
             async = false;
             UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(base._ecb, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 1, this._asyncFinalStatus, 0, 0, null);
             if (this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback != null)
                 Interlocked.Decrement(ref _asyncIoCount);
         else if (((hr != 0) && !async) && ((doneWithSession == 0) && !this._serverSupportFunctionError))
             this._serverSupportFunctionError = true;
             string name = "Server_Support_Function_Error";
             switch (hr)
                 case -2147014843:
                 case -2147014842:
                     name = "Server_Support_Function_Error_Disconnect";
             throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString(name, new object[] { hr.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }), hr);
예제 #9
 internal override void FlushCore(byte[] status, byte[] header, int keepConnected, int totalBodySize, int numBodyFragments, IntPtr[] bodyFragments, int[] bodyFragmentLengths, int doneWithSession, int finalStatus, out bool async)
     async = false;
     if (base._ecb != IntPtr.Zero)
         if (this._headersSentFromExecuteUrl)
             status = null;
             header = null;
         if (((doneWithSession != 0) && !HttpRuntime.ShutdownInProgress) && (base._ignoreMinAsyncSize || (totalBodySize >= 0x800)))
             if (base._requiresAsyncFlushCallback)
                 this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback = new ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback(this.OnAsyncFlushCompletion);
                 this._asyncFinalStatus             = finalStatus;
                 this._rootedThis = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
                 doneWithSession  = 0;
                 async            = true;
                 Interlocked.Increment(ref _asyncIoCount);
                 this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback = null;
                 doneWithSession = 0;
                 async           = true;
         int num = this._trySkipIisCustomErrors ? (finalStatus | 0x40) : finalStatus;
         int hr  = UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(base._ecb, status, header, keepConnected, totalBodySize, numBodyFragments, bodyFragments, bodyFragmentLengths, doneWithSession, num, this._cacheInKernelMode ? 1 : 0, async ? 1 : 0, this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback);
         if ((!base._requiresAsyncFlushCallback && (hr == 0)) && async)
         else if ((hr != 0) && async)
             async = false;
             UnsafeNativeMethods.EcbFlushCore(base._ecb, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 1, this._asyncFinalStatus, 0, 0, null);
             if (this._asyncFlushCompletionCallback != null)
                 Interlocked.Decrement(ref _asyncIoCount);
         else if (((hr != 0) && !async) && ((doneWithSession == 0) && !this._serverSupportFunctionError))
             this._serverSupportFunctionError = true;
             string name = "Server_Support_Function_Error";
             switch (hr)
             case -2147014843:
             case -2147014842:
                 name = "Server_Support_Function_Error_Disconnect";
             throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString(name, new object[] { hr.ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }), hr);
 internal static extern int EcbExecuteUrlUnicode(IntPtr pECB, string url, string method, string childHeaders, bool sendHeaders, bool addUserIndo, IntPtr token, string name, string authType, IntPtr pEntity, ISAPIAsyncCompletionCallback asyncCompletionCallback);