public void TestSort() { ResourceQuery b = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); b.Where(nco.birthDate).LessThan(new DateTime(1990, 1, 1)).SortAscending(); ResourceQuery a = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); a.Where(nco.gender); a.Where(nie.relatedTo, b); IResourceQueryResult result = Model.ExecuteQuery(b); List <Resource> resources = result.GetResources().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(18, resources.Count); DateTime?l = null; foreach (Resource r in resources) { DateTime t = (DateTime)r.GetValue(nco.birthDate); if (l.HasValue) { Assert.IsTrue(t > l); } l = t; } a = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); a.Where(nco.gender); a.Where(nie.relatedTo, b); result = Model.ExecuteQuery(b, true); resources = result.GetResources().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(18, resources.Count); l = null; foreach (Resource r in resources) { DateTime t = (DateTime)r.GetValue(nco.birthDate); if (l.HasValue) { Assert.IsTrue(t > l); } l = t; } }
public void TestClone() { ResourceQuery b = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); b.Where(nco.birthDate).LessThan(new DateTime(1990, 1, 1)).SortAscending(); ResourceQuery a = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); a.Where(nco.gender); a.Where(nie.relatedTo, b); ResourceQuery c = b.Clone(); string q = SparqlSerializer.Serialize(Model, c); IResourceQueryResult result = Model.ExecuteQuery(c); int i = 0; foreach (Resource r in result.GetResources()) { i++; } Assert.AreEqual(18, i); }
private string GetOntologyTitle(IModel model) { try { ResourceQuery query = new ResourceQuery(); query.Where(rdf.type, owl.Ontology); IResourceQueryResult result = model.ExecuteQuery(query); if (result.Count() == 0) { return(""); } IResource ontology = result.GetResources().First(); return(ontology.ListValues(dces.Title).OfType <string>().FirstOrDefault()); } catch { string msg = "Could not retrieve title of ontology <{0}>"; Logger.LogWarning(string.Format(msg, model.Uri.ToString())); return(""); } }
public void ConnectTest() { Assert.NotNull(Model); Assert.NotNull(Model2); IModel model = Model; ResourceQuery contact = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); contact.Where(nco.birthDate).LessThan(new DateTime(1990, 1, 1)); ResourceQuery group = new ResourceQuery(nco.ContactGroup); group.Where(nco.contactGroupName, "Family"); contact.Where(nco.belongsToGroup, group); IResourceQueryResult result = model.ExecuteQuery(contact); foreach (Resource r in result.GetResources()) { Console.WriteLine(r.Uri); } Contact c = model.CreateResource <Contact>(); // create new resource with GUID c.Birthday = new DateTime(1980, 6, 14); c.Fullname = "John Doe"; c.Commit(); }
public void TestWhere() { ResourceQuery b = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); var filter = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1); b.Where(nco.birthDate).LessThan(filter); ResourceQuery a = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); a.Where(nco.gender); a.Where(nie.relatedTo, b); IResourceQueryResult result = Model.ExecuteQuery(b); List <Resource> resources = result.GetResources().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(18, resources.Count); foreach (Resource r in resources) { DateTime t = (DateTime)r.GetValue(nco.birthDate); Assert.IsTrue(t < filter); } resources = result.GetResources(0, 10).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(10, resources.Count); a = new ResourceQuery(nco.PersonContact); a.Where(nie.relatedTo, _resource); result = Model.ExecuteQuery(a); resources = result.GetResources().ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, resources.Count); }
public IEnumerable <T> GetItems(int offset, int limit) { return(_queryResult.GetResources <T>(offset, limit)); }