예제 #1
        [Test] public void ResourcesOutsideContainersTest()
            IResource person   = _storage.NewResource("Person");
            IResource category = CategoryManager.CreateCategory("Test", _categoryManager.RootCategory);
            IResource email    = _storage.NewResource("Email");
            IResource email2   = _storage.NewResource("Email");
            IResource email3   = _storage.NewResource("Email");

            email.AddLink(_propAuthor, person);
            email2.AddLink(_propAuthor, person);
            _categoryManager.AddResourceCategory(email2, category);
            _categoryManager.AddResourceCategory(email3, category);

            IResource workspace = _workspaceManager.CreateWorkspace("Test ");

            _workspaceManager.AddResourceToWorkspace(workspace, person);


            _workspaceManager.AddResourceToWorkspace(workspace, category);

            IResourceList outsideList = _workspaceManager.GetResourcesOutsideContainers(workspace);

예제 #2
        public void Drop(IResource targetResource, IDataObject data, DragDropEffects allowedEffect, int keyState)
            IResourceList resList = (IResourceList)data.GetData(typeof(IResourceList));

            if (resList != null && resList.Count > 0 && !resList.Contains(targetResource))
                _handler.ResourcesDropped(targetResource, resList);
예제 #3
        public DragDropEffects DragOver(IResource targetResource, IDataObject data, DragDropEffects allowedEffect,
                                        int keyState)
            IResourceList resList = (IResourceList)data.GetData(typeof(IResourceList));

            if (resList != null && resList.Count > 0 && !resList.Contains(targetResource))
                if (_handler.CanDropResources(targetResource, resList))
예제 #4
        public IResourceList Filter(string resType)
            int          fromId = Core.ContactManager.Props.LinkFrom;
            IntArrayList list   = new IntArrayList();

            IResourceList comments = Core.ResourceStore.FindResourcesWithProp(Props.RSSFeedResource, Props.ItemComment);
            IResourceList authors  = Core.ResourceStore.FindResourcesWithProp("Contact", Props.Weblog);

            foreach (IResource comment in comments)
                IResource contact = comment.GetLinkProp(fromId);
                if (contact != null && authors.Contains(contact))

            return(Core.ResourceStore.ListFromIds(list, false));
예제 #5
 public virtual bool FindResourceNode(IResource res)
예제 #6
 public bool AcceptNode(IResource res, int level)
     return((res.Type == "ResourceTreeRoot") || listWspCategories.Contains(res));
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// A method that words as an <see cref="AcceptResourceDelegate"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public bool Intersect(IResource res)
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a hierarchical list of resources to the combobox, simulating the tree structure with indents.
        /// Also supports folders in the tree, which are the resources of some other type but the target type.
        /// The main resources are filtered against an intersection list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resRoot">The root resource from which the tree enumeration starts. May be excluded from the tree (<paramref name="bAddRoot"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="resItemType">Resource type of the main resources. Note that the root resource may have some other type.</param>
        /// <param name="resFolderType">Type of the folder resources. They are not filtered against the intersection list. May be <c>Null</c> if no folders are expected.</param>
        /// <param name="propParent">The child-parent link type.</param>
        /// <param name="nStartIndent">Indent of the tree root (if included), or the first-level root's children (if the root is not included).
        /// Each next level is indented by 16 pixels against the parent one.
        /// The default value is <c>0</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="resIntersect">A resource list that filters out the main resources (does not affect folders and root).
        /// Only those resources that are present in the list are allowed into the tree.
        /// Children of a dropped resource are also dropped.
        /// The list is not instantiated, only its predicate is used.</param>
        /// <param name="bAddRoot">Whether to add the root resource passed as <paramref name="resRoot"/>.
        /// If the root is present (<c>True</c>), it has the <paramref name="nStartIndent"/> indent and its first-level children are indented by 16 pixels.
        /// If the root is not present (<c>False</c>), the first-level children are added with the root indent (<paramref name="nStartIndent"/>).</param>
        /// <param name="bSuppressEmptyFolders">If <c>True</c>, the empty folders (resources of folder type) are suppressed and not added
        /// into the tree. Has no effect on main resources and tree root, or when <paramref name="resFolderType"/> is <c>Null</c>.</param>
        public void AddFolderedResourceTree(IResource resRoot, string resItemType, string resFolderType, int propParent, int nStartIndent, IResourceList resIntersect, bool bAddRoot, bool bSuppressEmptyFolders)
            if ((resRoot == null) || (resItemType == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            ArrayList arItems       = new ArrayList(); // Caches items before they get added to the list; some items may get removed from here
            ArrayList arEnums       = new ArrayList(); // Enumerations stack
            HashSet   hashEverAdded = new HashSet();   // A hash-set of all the items to avoid cyclic links

            // Seed the enumeration

            // Collect the items
            for (; arEnums.Count != 0;)
                IEnumerator enumCurrent = (IEnumerator)arEnums[arEnums.Count - 1];
                // Try to pick the next item, move to the upper level if unavailable
                if (!enumCurrent.MoveNext())
                    // Pop to the upper level by removing the current enumerator from the stack
                    arEnums.RemoveAt(arEnums.Count - 1);

                    // Empty folder check: if the last-added item is the parent-level folder, drop it
                    if ((bSuppressEmptyFolders) && (arItems.Count > 0))
                        TempListItem tli = ((TempListItem)arItems[arItems.Count - 1]);
                        if ((tli.Resource.Type == resFolderType) && (tli.Indent == arEnums.Count - 1))
                            arItems.RemoveAt(arItems.Count - 1);
                    continue;             // Go on dealing with the upper-level enumerator

                // Add the current item
                IResource resCurrent = (IResource)enumCurrent.Current;
                if (hashEverAdded.Contains(resCurrent))
                    continue;             // Skip the already-visited items (avoid cyclic links)
                if (!(
                        ((resCurrent == resRoot) ||
                         (resCurrent.Type == resFolderType) ||
                         ((resCurrent.Type == resItemType) && ((resIntersect == null) || (resIntersect.Contains(resCurrent)))))
                    continue;             // Allow only root, folder type and item type; for item type, check the intersect list (if specified)
                // Add the item (root will be suppressed later)
                arItems.Add(new TempListItem(resCurrent, arEnums.Count - 1));

                // Recurse to the item's children
                IResourceList listChildren = resCurrent.GetLinksTo(resItemType, propParent);
                if (resFolderType != null)
                    listChildren = listChildren.Union(resCurrent.GetLinksTo(resFolderType, propParent));
                listChildren.Sort("RootSortOrder", true);

                arEnums.Add(listChildren.GetEnumerator());         // Add a new enumerator to the stack

            // Add the items
            foreach (TempListItem tli in arItems)
                if ((!bAddRoot) && (tli.Resource == resRoot))
                    continue;             // Do not add the root if prohibited
                SetItemIndent(tli.Resource, nStartIndent + (tli.Indent - (bAddRoot ? 0 : 1)) * 16);         // Decrease all the indents if there's no root
예제 #9
        public static void DeliverNewsFromServer(IResource server,
                                                 IResource preferableGroup,
                                                 bool invokedByUser,
                                                 AsciiProtocolUnitDelegate finishedMethod)
            Guard.NullArgument(server, "server");

            ServerResource serverResource = new ServerResource(server);

            if (Utils.IsNetworkConnectedLight())
                NntpConnection connection = NntpConnectionPool.GetConnection(server, "background");
                IResourceList  groups     = serverResource.Groups;

                if (groups.Count > 0)
                     * at first deliver news from prefered group
                    if (preferableGroup != null && groups.Contains(preferableGroup))
                        connection.StartUnit(Int32.MaxValue - 2,
                                             new NntpDownloadHeadersUnit(new NewsgroupResource(preferableGroup), JobPriority.AboveNormal));
                        if (serverResource.DownloadBodiesOnDeliver)
                            connection.StartUnit(Int32.MaxValue - 3,
                                                 new NntpDeliverEmptyArticlesFromGroupsUnit(preferableGroup.ToResourceList(), null));

                     * then deliver headers of other groups
                    NntpDeliverHeadersFromGroupsUnit deliverHeadersFromGroupsUnit =
                        new NntpDeliverHeadersFromGroupsUnit(groups, preferableGroup);
                    if (finishedMethod != null)
                        deliverHeadersFromGroupsUnit.Finished += finishedMethod;
                    int clientPriority = 0;
                    if (invokedByUser && preferableGroup != null && groups.Contains(preferableGroup))
                        clientPriority = Int32.MaxValue - 3;
                    connection.StartUnit(clientPriority, deliverHeadersFromGroupsUnit);

                     * then download empty bodies
                    if (serverResource.DownloadBodiesOnDeliver)
                        NntpDeliverEmptyArticlesFromGroupsUnit deliverEmptyArticlesUnit =
                            new NntpDeliverEmptyArticlesFromGroupsUnit(groups, preferableGroup);
                        if (finishedMethod != null)
                            deliverEmptyArticlesUnit.Finished += finishedMethod;
                        connection.StartUnit(clientPriority, deliverEmptyArticlesUnit);

                 * finally replicate new groups
                NntpDownloadGroupsUnit groupsUnit = new NntpDownloadGroupsUnit(server, false, JobPriority.Lowest);
                if (finishedMethod != null)
                    groupsUnit.Finished += finishedMethod;
                connection.StartUnit(0, groupsUnit);

             * queue timed news delivering is necessary
            int freq = serverResource.DeliverFreq;

            if (freq > 0)
                    DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(freq), new ResourceDelegate(DeliverNewsFromServer), server);