예제 #1
        //** Assumption! All visits are paired in/out/invalid except the students currently in...
        public List <ICTReportRow> GenerateCourseReportVisits(int courseID)
            List <ICTReportRow> ret  = new List <ICTReportRow>();                       //working space
            IList <Visit>       list = Repository.GenerateCourseReportVisits(courseID); //get list of valid visits grouped by userID

            List <SwimTime>        baseRules = Repository.GetRulesByCourse(courseID);
            IList <ISwimTimeRule>  converted = SwimTimeToISwimTimeAdaptor.ConvertListOfSwimTimeToListOfISwimTimeRule();
            ISwimTimeRuleProcessor temp      = SwimTimeRuleProcessorFactory.CreateSwimTimeRuleProcessor(converted);

            IEnumerator <Visit> i = list.GetEnumerator();

            i.MoveNext();                                          //initialize iterator
            while (i.Current != null && i.Current.Visitor != null) //iterate through all visits
                int currentUserID = i.Current.Visitor.UserID;
                List <SwimTimeVisit> cleanVisits = new List <SwimTimeVisit>();         //this users running batch of visits
                double runningTotal = 0.0;
                while (i.Current != null && currentUserID == i.Current.Visitor.UserID) //while we are on this userID
                    Visit prev = i.Current;

                    if (i.Current != null && i.Current.InOutFlag != 1 && prev.InOutFlag == 1) //we have two valid line items
                        Visit cur = i.Current;                                                //get second visit
                        ret.Add(new ICTReportRow(prev.Visitor.UserID, prev.Visitor.FirstName, prev.Visitor.LastName,
                                                 prev.InOutFlag, -1.0, prev.VisitTime));      //no display for checkin time...?
                        cleanVisits.Add(new SwimTimeVisit(prev.VisitTime, cur.VisitTime, cur.InOutFlag == 0));
                        SwimTimeRuleProcessingInformation answer = temp.ProcessMultipleVisits(cleanVisits);
                        runningTotal = answer.GetValidTime();                   //get valid time total for this batch of visits
                        ret.Add(new ICTReportRow(cur.Visitor.UserID, cur.Visitor.FirstName, cur.Visitor.LastName,
                                                 cur.InOutFlag, runningTotal, cur.VisitTime));
                        i.MoveNext();                                               //advance iterator