public async Task TestCheckReplies1()
            // Perform API call
            CheckRepliesResponse result = null;

                result = await controller.GetCheckRepliesAsync();
            catch (APIException apiException) {

            // Test response code
            Assert.AreEqual(200, httpCallBackHandler.Response.StatusCode, "Status should be 200");

            // Test headers
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Content-Type", null);

                              headers, httpCallBackHandler.Response.Headers),
                          "Headers should match");

            // Test whether the captured response is as we expected
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Result should exist");

            // Note, since we're testing the actual replies for our test account, we should be safe to test the empty replies
                          "Response body should match exactly (string literal match)");
        public async Task TestCheckReplies1()
            // Perform API call
            Messages.Models.CheckRepliesResponse result = null;

                result = await controller.GetCheckRepliesAsync();
            catch (APIException) {};

            // Test response code
            Assert.AreEqual(200, httpCallBackHandler.Response.StatusCode,
                            "Status should be 200");

            // Test headers
            Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers.Add("Content-Type", null);

                              headers, httpCallBackHandler.Response.Headers),
                          "Headers should match");

            // Test whether the captured response is as we expected
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Result should exist");

            Assert.AreEqual("{  \"replies\": [    {      \"metadata\": {        \"key1\": \"value1\",        \"key2\": \"value2\"      },      \"message_id\": \"877c19ef-fa2e-4cec-827a-e1df9b5509f7\",      \"reply_id\": \"a175e797-2b54-468b-9850-41a3eab32f74\",      \"date_received\": \"2016-12-07T08:43:00.850Z\",      \"callback_url\": \"\",      \"destination_number\": \"+61491570156\",      \"source_number\": \"+61491570157\",      \"vendor_account_id\": {        \"vendor_id\": \"MessageMedia\",        \"account_id\": \"MyAccount\"      },      \"content\": \"My first reply!\"    },    {      \"metadata\": {        \"key1\": \"value1\",        \"key2\": \"value2\"      },      \"message_id\": \"8f2f5927-2e16-4f1c-bd43-47dbe2a77ae4\",      \"reply_id\": \"3d8d53d8-01d3-45dd-8cfa-4dfc81600f7f\",      \"date_received\": \"2016-12-07T08:43:00.850Z\",      \"callback_url\": \"\",      \"destination_number\": \"+61491570157\",      \"source_number\": \"+61491570158\",      \"vendor_account_id\": {        \"vendor_id\": \"MessageMedia\",        \"account_id\": \"MyAccount\"      },      \"content\": \"My second reply!\"    }  ]}",
                            "Response body should match exactly (string literal match)");