예제 #1
        public void Process(ExecutionContext context)
            CmdStore  cs        = context.Store;
            StoreInfo storeInfo = cs.Store;
            string    upLoc     = storeInfo.UpstreamLocation;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(upLoc))
                throw new ApplicationException("There is no upstream location");

            // Collate how much we already have in all remote branches.
            // We may have previously pushed some local branches to the remote
            // store, but nothing is supposed to mutate those remote copies.

            IdCount[] have = cs.Branches.Values
                             .Where(x => x.IsRemote)
                             .Select(x => new IdCount(x.Id, x.Info.CommandCount))

            // Open a channel to the upstream store
            IRemoteStore rs = context.GetRemoteStore(upLoc);

            // Determine what we are missing (including any new branches in the remote)
            IdRange[] toFetch = rs.GetMissingRanges(cs.Id, have, true);

            // How many commands do we need to fetch
            uint total = (uint)toFetch.Sum(x => x.Size);

            Log.Info($"To fetch {total} command`s from {toFetch.Length} branch`es".TrimExtras());

            // Retrieve the command data from the remote, keeping new branches
            // apart from appends to existing branches.

            var newBranchData  = new Dictionary <BranchInfo, CmdData[]>();
            var moreBranchData = new Dictionary <BranchInfo, CmdData[]>();

            foreach (IdRange idr in toFetch)
                // Fetch the remote AC file
                BranchInfo ac = rs.GetBranchInfo(idr.Id);
                if (ac == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not locate remote branch " + idr.Id);

                // And the relevant data
                Log.Info($"Fetch [{idr.Min},{idr.Max}] for {ac.BranchName} ({ac.BranchId})");
                CmdData[] branchData = rs.GetData(idr).ToArray();

                if (cs.FindBranch(ac.BranchId) == null)
                    newBranchData.Add(ac, branchData);
                    moreBranchData.Add(ac, branchData);

            // All done with the remote store

            // Copy any brand new branches (ensuring they get created in the
            // right order so that parent/child relationships can be formed
            // as we go).

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BranchInfo, CmdData[]> kvp in newBranchData.OrderBy(x => x.Key.CreatedAt))
                cs.CopyIn(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            // Append command data for branches we previously had (the order
            // shouldn't matter)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BranchInfo, CmdData[]> kvp in moreBranchData)
                cs.CopyIn(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            Log.Info("Fetch completed");

            // Reload the current command stream (from scratch, kind of brute force,
            // not sure whether appending the new commands would really be sufficient)
            // TODO: Is this really necessary? Perhaps only if the current branch has
            // been fetched (the stuff we're fetching should only come from remotes,
            // but the current branch could be one of those remotes)
            //cs.Stream = new CmdStream(cs.Current);
예제 #2
        internal static FileStore Create(CmdData args)
            // Expand the supplied name to include the current working directory (or
            // expand a relative path)
            string enteredName = args.GetValue <string>(nameof(ICreateStore.Name));
            string name        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(enteredName);
            string folderName  = Path.GetFullPath(enteredName);

            // Disallow if the folder name already exists.

            // It may be worth relaxing this rule at some future date. The
            // reason for disallowing it is because an existing folder may
            // well contain sub-folders, but we also use sub-folders to
            // represent the branch hierarchy. So things would be a bit
            // mixed up. That said, it would be perfectly plausible to
            // place branch sub-folders under a separate ".ac" folder (in
            // much the same way as git). That might be worth considering
            // if we want to support a "working directory" like that
            // provided by git.

            if (Directory.Exists(folderName))
                throw new ApplicationException($"{folderName} already exists");

            // Confirm the folder is on a local drive
            if (!IsLocalDrive(folderName))
                throw new ApplicationException("Command stores can only be initialized on a local fixed drive");

            // Create the folder for the store (but if the folder already exists,
            // confirm that it does not already hold any AC files).
            if (Directory.Exists(folderName))
                if (GetAcFilePath(folderName) != null)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"{folderName} has already been initialized");
                Log.Info("Creating " + folderName);

            Guid      storeId = args.GetGuid(nameof(ICreateStore.StoreId));
            FileStore result  = null;

            // If we're cloning, copy over the source data
            if (args.CmdName == nameof(ICloneStore))
                // TODO: When cloning from a real remote, using wget might be a
                // good choice (but that doesn't really fit with what's below)

                ICloneStore  cs = (args as ICloneStore);
                IRemoteStore rs = GetRemoteStore(cs);

                // Retrieve metadata for all remote branches
                BranchInfo[] acs = rs.GetBranches()
                                   .OrderBy(x => x.CreatedAt)

                var branchFolders = new Dictionary <Guid, string>();

                // Copy over all branches
                foreach (BranchInfo ac in acs)
                    // Get the data for the branch (do this before we do any tweaking
                    // of the folder path from the AC file -- if the command supplier is
                    // a local file store, we won't be able to read the command data files
                    // after changing the folder name recorded in the AC)
                    IdRange   range = new IdRange(ac.BranchId, 0, ac.CommandCount - 1);
                    CmdData[] data  = rs.GetData(range).ToArray();

                    // TODO: what follows is very similar to the CopyIn method.
                    // Consider using that instead (means an empty FileStore needs
                    // to be created up front)

                    // Determine the output location for the AC file (relative to the
                    // location that should have already been defined for the parent)

                    if (!branchFolders.TryGetValue(ac.ParentId, out string parentFolder))
                        parentFolder = folderName;

                    string dataFolder = Path.Combine(parentFolder, ac.BranchName);
                    branchFolders[ac.BranchId] = dataFolder;
                    SaveBranchInfo(dataFolder, ac);

                    // Copy over the command data
                    foreach (CmdData cd in data)
                        FileStore.WriteData(dataFolder, cd);

                // If the origin is a folder on the local file system, ensure it's
                // saved as an absolute path (relative specs may confuse directory
                // navigation, depending on what the current directory is at the time)

                string origin = cs.Origin;
                if (Directory.Exists(origin))
                    origin = Path.GetFullPath(origin);

                // Save the store metadata
                var root = new StoreInfo(storeId, name, rs.Id, origin);
                SaveStoreInfo(folderName, root);

                // And suck it back up again
                string acSpec = Path.Combine(folderName, acs[0].BranchId + ".ac");
                result = FileStore.Load(acSpec);
                // Create the AC file that represents the store root branch
                var ac = new BranchInfo(storeId: storeId,
                                        parentId: Guid.Empty,
                                        branchId: storeId,
                                        branchName: name,
                                        createdAt: args.CreatedAt);

                // Create the store metadata
                var storeInfo = new StoreInfo(storeId, name, Guid.Empty);

                // Create the store and save it
                result = new FileStore(folderName,
                                       new BranchInfo[] { ac },

                // Save the AC file plus the store metadata
                FileStore.SaveBranchInfo(folderName, ac);
