public async Task AddAsync(ITransaction tx, string key, TValue value) { var metadata = await GetMetadataAsync(tx, key).ConfigureAwait(false); var index = metadata.From + metadata.Count; var listKey = new ReliableListKey { Key = key, Id = index }; await _valueStore.SetAsync(tx, listKey, value).ConfigureAwait(false); var updatedMetadata = new ReliableListMetaData { From = metadata.From, Count = metadata.Count + 1 }; await UpdateMetadataAsync(tx, key, updatedMetadata).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private async Task RemoveAsync(ITransaction tx, TKey key, IEnumerable <string> words, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken token) { foreach (var word in words) { // This key should exist in the index for each word. var result = await _index.TryGetValueAsync(tx, word, LockMode.Update, timeout, token).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!result.HasValue) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } // Remove this key from the index. var updatedIndex = result.Value.CopyAndRemove(key); if (updatedIndex.Length > 0) { // Update the index. await _index.SetAsync(tx, word, updatedIndex, timeout, token).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { // Remove the index completely if this was the last key with this filter value. await _index.TryRemoveAsync(tx, word, timeout, token).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
public void TestInitialize() { userDictionaryManager = new MockReliableStateManager(); IReliableDictionary2 <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile> users = userDictionaryManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary2 <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile> >("users").Result; var indexed_users = userDictionaryManager.GetOrAddIndexedAsync <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile>("indexed_users", FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, string> .CreateQueryableInstance("Email"), FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, int> .CreateQueryableInstance("Age")).Result; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { using (var tx = userDictionaryManager.CreateTransaction()) { var user = new Basic.Common.UserProfile { Name = new UserName { First = $"First{i}", Last = $"Last{i}", }, Email = $"user-{i}", Age = 20 + i / 3, Address = new Basic.Common.Address { AddressLine1 = $"1{i} Main St.", City = "Seattle", State = "WA", Zipcode = 98117, }, }; users.SetAsync(tx, user.Name, user, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), new CancellationToken()); indexed_users.SetAsync(tx, user.Name, user, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), new CancellationToken()); tx.CommitAsync(); } } Assert.IsTrue(userDictionaryManager.TryGetAsync <IReliableDictionary2 <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile> >("users").Result.HasValue); Assert.IsTrue(userDictionaryManager.TryGetIndexedAsync <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile>("indexed_users", FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, string> .CreateQueryableInstance("Email"), FilterableIndex <UserName, Basic.Common.UserProfile, int> .CreateQueryableInstance("Age")).Result.HasValue); }
private Task UpdateMetadataAsync(ITransaction tx, string key, ReliableListMetaData updatedMetadata) => _metadataStore.SetAsync(tx, MakeMetadataKey(key), updatedMetadata);