public void Assign(IRecipe recipe) { Id = recipe.Id; Name = recipe.Name + "\n" + getIngredientList(); Text = recipe.Text; Date = recipe.Date; }
public void Show(IRecipe recipe) { Console.Clear(); Header = recipe.Name; ShowHeaderPanel(); Console.WriteLine("\nIngredienser"); Console.WriteLine("============="); foreach (Ingredient ingredient in recipe.Ingredients) { Console.WriteLine(ingredient); } int instructionCount = 1; Console.WriteLine("\nGör så här"); Console.WriteLine("============"); foreach (string instructions in recipe.Instructions) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}>", instructionCount); Console.WriteLine(instructions); instructionCount++; Console.WriteLine(); } }
public IRecipe SaveRecipe(string filename, IRecipe recipe) { if (recipe == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("recipe"); return SaveRecipeCore (filename, recipe); }
public Garlic(IRecipe inRecipe, double inUnits) { this.setRecipe(inRecipe); this.Units = inUnits; this.IsOrganic = true; this.UnitPrice = DEFAULT_UNIT_COST; }
public Salt(IRecipe inRecipe, double inUnits) { this.setRecipe(inRecipe); this.Units = inUnits; this.IsOrganic = false; this.UnitPrice = DEFAULT_UNIT_COST; }
public void NullRecipeThrowsNullException() { IRecipe recipe = null; //Assert Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => sut.AddRecipeItem(recipe)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the meal record. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The meal history record.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IRecipe> AddRecipe(IRecipe item) { var wrappedRecord = item as Recipe; var newMealRecord = wrappedRecord != null?wrappedRecord.UnwrapDataObject() : item; if (newMealRecord != null) { using (var dietyContext = DietyDbContext) { //newMealRecord as RecipeDb //var newItem = new RecipeDb //{ // ComponentsList = newMealRecord.ComponentsList, // Description = newMealRecord.Description, // Name = newMealRecord.Name, // Id = newMealRecord.Id, // MealType = newMealRecord.MealType //}; dietyContext.Recipes.Add(newMealRecord as RecipeDb); await dietyContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } await Task.Yield(); } return(item); }
public double ApplyToRecipe(IRecipe targetRecipe) { var og = targetRecipe.GetEstimatedOriginalGravity(); var forReturn = ((og - 1) - ((og - 1) * this.Attenuation / 100)) + 1; return(forReturn); }
public void ApplyBitterToRecipe() { RecipeFactory myFactory = new RecipeFactory(); IRecipe myRecipe = myFactory.GetRecipe(RecipeTypes.Beer); IngredientFactory myIngredientFactory = new IngredientFactory(); var ingredient = myIngredientFactory.GetIngredient(IngredientType.Fermentable); ingredient.Amount = 10; (ingredient as IFermentable).DiastaticPower = 1.04; myRecipe.Ingredients.Add(ingredient); //adding bitters is just a test for my sanity in querying interfaces and dealing with Covariance //note it will be repeated on the IBU calculation as the fermentable power impacts bitterness ingredient = myIngredientFactory.GetIngredient(IngredientType.BitterSeason); ingredient.Amount = 1.5; (ingredient as IBitter).BitteringFactor = 15; (ingredient as IBitter).BitterCalculationTime = 60; myRecipe.Ingredients.Add(ingredient); myRecipe.BatchVolume = 6.5; myRecipe.TotalEfficiencyPercent = 70; var ibus = myRecipe.GetEstimatedBitterness(); Assert.AreEqual(myRecipe.Bitters.Count, 1); //May need to check formula. BeerSmith usually is a little higher. BeerSmith has been known to tweak their forumulas though. Assert.AreEqual(63.81, Math.Round(ibus, 2)); }
public void SetUp() { Inventory = new Inventory(InventoryJSON); Recipe = new Recipe(RecipesJSON); Logger = new Mock <ILogger>(); Factory = new AutoFactory(Inventory, Recipe, Logger.Object); }
public void CraftButton() { if (this.CraftingItemContainer.CanCraft()) { foreach (IItemInstance item in this.CraftingItemContainer.Contents) { this.Player.AddContents(item.Contents); } this.Player.RemoveContents(this.CraftingItemContainer.Contents); List <IItemInstance> newItems = new List <IItemInstance>(); IRecipe recipe = this.CraftingItemContainer.InferRecipeFromIngredients(); if (recipe is null) { return; } foreach (BaseItemType itemType in recipe.CraftingResults) { IItemInstance item = this.ItemFactory.CreateFromTemplate( itemType, true); newItems.Add(item); GlobalConstants.GameManager.ItemHandler.Add(item); } this.Player.AddContents(newItems); this.PlayerInventory.Display(); this.CraftingItemContainer.RemoveAllItems(); } }
public void Assign(IRecipe recipe) { Id = recipe.Id; Name = recipe.Name; Text = recipe.Text; Date = recipe.Date; }
public void AddRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { if(recipe == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Recipe cannot be null"); }; }
public void AddRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { if (recipe == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Recipe you try to add in restaurant recipes cannot be null"); }; }
public Batch(string brewerName, IRecipe recipe) { m_brewerName = brewerName; m_recipe = recipe; m_assistantBrewerName = null; m_originalGravity = null; m_finalGravity = null; m_recordedGravityReadings = new ObservableCollection<IGravityReading>(); }
public void AddRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { bool isDuplicate = this.Recipes.Any(x => x.Name == recipe.Name); if (isDuplicate) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } this.Recipes.Add(recipe); }
public float TestRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { float result = 0.0f; var sp = new RecipeGroups (recipe.GetGroups ()); foreach (var permutation in _resultPermutations) { var match = sp.TestMatch (permutation); if (match > 0) { result = Math.Max (result, match); } } return result; }
public DefaultXmlWriter(IRecipe recipe, string resultsPathFileName) { if( resultsPathFileName != string.Empty ) { _resultsFileName = resultsPathFileName; } _recipeStarted = OnRecipeStarted; _recipeFinished = OnRecipeFinished; _assemblyStarted = OnAssemblyStarted; _assemblyFinished = OnAssemblyFinished; _testPassed = OnTestPassed; _testFailed = OnTestFailed; _testError = OnTestError; _testSkipped = OnTestSkipped; Hookup(recipe); }
public int compareRecipes(IRecipe irecipe, IRecipe irecipe1) { if ((irecipe is ShapelessRecipes) && (irecipe1 is ShapedRecipes)) { return 1; } if ((irecipe1 is ShapelessRecipes) && (irecipe is ShapedRecipes)) { return -1; } if (irecipe1.getRecipeSize() < irecipe.getRecipeSize()) { return -1; } return irecipe1.getRecipeSize() <= irecipe.getRecipeSize() ? 0 : 1; }
private void Hookup(IRecipe recipe) { _document = XmlDocumentFactory.CreateInstance(); WriteDocumentHeader(recipe.DisplayName); recipe.Started += _recipeStarted; recipe.Finished += _recipeFinished; recipe.Aborted += _recipeFinished; foreach(var ta in recipe.Assemblies) { ta.AssemblyStarted += _assemblyStarted; ta.AssemblyFinished += _assemblyFinished; ta.TestPassed += _testPassed; ta.TestFailed += _testFailed; ta.TestError += _testError; ta.TestSkipped += _testSkipped; } }
public void Show(IRecipe recipe) { Header = recipe.Name; //tilldela receptens namn i headern ShowHeaderPanel(); // visa headern Console.WriteLine("\nIngridienser\n==================="); //Skriver ut ingridienserna med en radbrytning foreach (IIngredient ingridient in recipe.Ingredients) { Console.WriteLine(ingridient); } int count = 1; Console.WriteLine("\nGör så här\n==================="); //skriver ut instruktioner samt nummrering som ökas varje gång foreach (string instruction in recipe.Instructions) { Console.WriteLine("<{0}>", count++); Console.WriteLine("{0}\n", instruction); } }
public void ExecuteRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { if (_shellSettings.Name == recipe.TenantName) { _importExportServiceWork.Value.Import(recipe.RecipeText); } else { var shellContext = _orchardHost.GetShellContext(new ShellSettings { Name = recipe.TenantName }); if (shellContext == null || shellContext.Settings.State != TenantState.Running) { throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no tenant running with the name \"" + recipe.TenantName + "\"."); } var shellSettings = shellContext.Settings; IWorkContextScope environment; using (environment = shellContext.LifetimeScope.Resolve<IWorkContextAccessor>().CreateWorkContextScope()) { IImportExportService importExportService; if (!environment.TryResolve<IImportExportService>(out importExportService)) { IFeatureManager featureManager; if (!environment.TryResolve<IFeatureManager>(out featureManager)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The tenant \"" + recipe.TenantName + "\" is not running properly."); } featureManager.EnableFeatures(new[] { "Orchard.ImportExport" }, true); // Reloading the shell. This is costly but unfortunately necessary, just creating a new work context isn't enough. environment.Dispose(); environment = _orchardHost.CreateStandaloneEnvironment(shellSettings); importExportService = environment.Resolve<IImportExportService>(); } importExportService.Import(recipe.RecipeText); } } }
public void Show(IRecipe recipe) { Console.Clear(); int i = 0; Header = recipe.Name; ShowHeaderPanel(); Console.WriteLine(Text_lines.ingredienser_prompt + Environment.NewLine + Text_lines.div_prompt); foreach (var ingredient in recipe.Ingredients) { Console.WriteLine(ingredient); } Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Text_lines.instruktioner_prompt + Environment.NewLine + Text_lines.div_prompt); foreach (var line in recipe.Instructions) { i++; Console.WriteLine("<{0}>" + Environment.NewLine + "{1}" + Environment.NewLine, i, line); } }
public RecipeView(IRecipe recipe, IIngredient[] ingredient) { Assign(recipe); Ingredients = new IngredientCollectionView(ingredient); }
public void RemoveRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { if (this.Recipes.Contains(recipe)) { this.Recipes.Remove(recipe); } }
public DbRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { Assign(recipe); }
private static void SetUpRegexSelector(CmdLineHandler clh, IRecipe recipe) { if(clh.HasOption("pattern")) { var selector = new RegexSelector { Pattern = clh.GetOptionValueFor( "pattern" ) }; recipe.RegisterSelector(selector); } }
public void RemoveRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { if (recipe == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Recipe you try to remove in restaurant recipes cannot be null"); }; }
public void AddRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { this.ValidationForNull(recipe, ValueCanTBeNull);; }
public void RemoveRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { this.ValidationForNull(recipe, ValueCanTBeNull);; }
protected void setRecipe(IRecipe newRecipe) { this.Recipe = newRecipe; }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a recipe. /// </summary> /// <param name="recipe">The recipe to delete. The value can be null.</param> public virtual void Delete(IRecipe recipe) { // If it's a copy of a recipe... if (!_recipes.Contains(recipe)) { // ...try to find the original! recipe = _recipes.Find(r => r.Equals(recipe)); } _recipes.Remove(recipe); IsModified = true; OnRecipesChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
public void AddRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { this.Recipes.Add(recipe); }
public void addFavorite(IRecipe aRecipe) { myFaves.Add(aRecipe); updateView(); }
public void removeFavourite(IRecipe aRecipe) { myFaves.Remove(aRecipe); updateView(); }
public void RemoveRecipe(IRecipe recipe) { this.Recipes.Remove(recipe); }
public IRecipe SaveRecipe(string filename, IRecipe recipe) { var formatter = new XmlFormatter (); Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe r = recipe as Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe ?? Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe.FromRecipe (recipe); using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create (filename)) { //XamlWriter.Save (r, stream); formatter.Serialize (stream, r); stream.Close (); } return recipe; }