public StoreMetaDataCache(IReadOnlyStore store, byte prefix, Func <T> factory = null) : base(factory) { = store; this.snapshot = store as ISnapshot; this.prefix = prefix; }
public static void RegisterHandlers(IReadOnlyStore readOnlyStore, IServiceBus serviceBus) { _serviceBus = serviceBus; RegisterCommandHandler(new ProductListCommandHandlers()); RegisterEventHandler(new ProductListEventHandlers(readOnlyStore)); }
public static void Integrate <A, B>(IReadOnlyStore <A> source, IStore <B> destination, IdMap <A, B> idMap) { var listA = source.List(); foreach (var id in listA) { if (!idMap.ContainsKey(id)) { TextReader reader = source.Get(id); B newId = destination.Store(reader); idMap.Add(id, newId); } } var syncA = idMap.Keys; foreach (var syncId in syncA) { if (!listA.Contains(syncId)) { B idB = idMap[syncId]; destination.Delete(idB); idMap.Remove(syncId); } } }
public bool IsSameStore(IReadOnlyStore other) { if (other is DiskReadOnlyStore dros) { return(dros.Path == Path); } return(false); }
public static byte[]? TryGet(this TrackingMap trackingMap, IReadOnlyStore store, byte[]?key) { key ??= Array.Empty <byte>(); if (trackingMap.TryGetValue(key, out var mapValue)) { return(mapValue.Match <byte[]?>(v => v.ToArray(), _ => null)); } return(store.TryGet(key)); }
/// <summary> /// Copies blobs from <paramref name="source"/> store to <paramref name="destination"/> store. /// Also, this checks that the blobs exist, and that there is no error in the hash of those blobs. /// When these checks fail, an exception is raised, and the task fails. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashes">designates the blobs to be copied</param> /// <param name="accountId">the account of <paramref name="source"/> store. only helps with error messages</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <WrittenBlob[]> ImportBlobs( this IWriteOnlyStore destination, IReadOnlyStore source, IReadOnlyCollection <Hash> hashes, long?accountId = null, CancellationToken cancel = default) { var checkExistTasks = hashes.Select( h => source[h].ExistsAsync(cancel) ).ToArray(); bool[] exist = await Task.WhenAll(checkExistTasks); int i = 0; foreach (var h in hashes) { if (!exist[i]) { throw new NoSuchBlobException(accountId?.ToString() ?? "<unknown>", h); } } var copyTasks = hashes.Select( h => destination.ImportBlobUnchecked(source[h], cancel)).ToArray(); var writtenBlobs = await Task.WhenAll(copyTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); List <(Hash orig, Hash result)> badHashes = null; i = 0; foreach (var orig in hashes) { var blob = writtenBlobs[i++]; if (!blob.Hash.Equals(orig)) { badHashes = badHashes ?? new List <(Hash orig, Hash result)>(); badHashes.Add((orig, blob.Hash)); } } if (badHashes != null) { string details = string.Join("\n", badHashes.Select(_ => $" {accountId}/{_.orig}: {_.result}")); throw new Exception("Bad hash(es) detected: " + details); } return(writtenBlobs); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnapshotCache"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="store">An <see cref="IReadOnlyStore"/> to create a readonly cache; or an <see cref="ISnapshot"/> to create a snapshot cache.</param> public SnapshotCache(IReadOnlyStore store) { = store; this.snapshot = store as ISnapshot; }
public StoreDataCache(IReadOnlyStore store, byte prefix) { = store; this.snapshot = store as ISnapshot; this.prefix = prefix; }
public Snapshot(IReadOnlyStore store, TrackingMap trackingMap, Action <TrackingMap> commitAction) { = store; this.trackingMap = trackingMap; this.commitAction = commitAction; }
public static IEnumerable <DebugInfo> Find(IReadOnlyStore store) { return(store .Seek(DEBUG_INFO_PREFIX, Array.Empty <byte>(), Neo.IO.Caching.SeekDirection.Forward) .Select(t => t.Value.AsSerializable <DebugInfo>())); }
public static DebugInfo?TryGet(IReadOnlyStore store, UInt160 scriptHash) { var value = store.TryGet(DEBUG_INFO_PREFIX, scriptHash.ToArray()); return(value == null ? null : value.AsSerializable <DebugInfo>()); }
public bool IsSameStore(IReadOnlyStore other) => ReferenceEquals(other, this);
public static IEnumerable <(byte[] Key, byte[] Value)> Seek(this TrackingMap trackingMap, IReadOnlyStore store, byte[]?key, SeekDirection direction) { key ??= Array.Empty <byte>(); if (key.Length == 0 && direction == SeekDirection.Backward) { return(Enumerable.Empty <(byte[] key, byte[] value)>()); } var comparer = direction == SeekDirection.Forward ? ReadOnlyMemoryComparer.Default : ReadOnlyMemoryComparer.Reverse; var memoryItems = trackingMap .Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsT0) .Where(kvp => key.Length == 0 || comparer.Compare(kvp.Key, key) >= 0) .Select(kvp => (Key: kvp.Key.ToArray(), Value: kvp.Value.AsT0.ToArray())); var storeItems = store .Seek(key, direction) .Where <(byte[] Key, byte[] Value)>(kvp => !trackingMap.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)); return(memoryItems.Concat(storeItems).OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key, comparer)); }
public ReadOnlyView(IReadOnlyStore store) { = store; }
public MemoryTrackingStore(IReadOnlyStore store) { = store; }
static void TraceBlock(Uri uri, Block block, ProtocolSettings settings, IConsole console, UInt256?txHash = null) { IReadOnlyStore roStore = block.Index > 0 ? new StateServiceStore(uri, block.Index - 1) : NullStore.Instance; using var store = new MemoryTrackingStore(roStore); using var snapshot = new SnapshotCache(store.GetSnapshot()); using (var engine = ApplicationEngine.Create(TriggerType.OnPersist, null, snapshot, block, settings, 0)) { using var sb = new ScriptBuilder(); sb.EmitSysCall(ApplicationEngine.System_Contract_NativeOnPersist); engine.LoadScript(sb.ToArray()); if (engine.Execute() != VMState.HALT) { throw new InvalidOperationException("NativeOnPersist operation failed", engine.FaultException); } } var clonedSnapshot = snapshot.CreateSnapshot(); for (int i = 0; i < block.Transactions.Length; i++) { Transaction tx = block.Transactions[i]; using var engine = GetEngine(tx, clonedSnapshot); if (engine is TraceApplicationEngine) { console.Out.WriteLine($"Tracing Transaction #{i} ({tx.Hash})"); } else { console.Out.WriteLine($"Executing Transaction #{i} ({tx.Hash})"); } engine.LoadScript(tx.Script); if (engine.Execute() == VMState.HALT) { clonedSnapshot.Commit(); } else { clonedSnapshot = snapshot.CreateSnapshot(); } } ApplicationEngine GetEngine(Transaction tx, DataCache snapshot) { if (txHash == null || txHash == tx.Hash) { var path = SysIO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, $"{tx.Hash}.neo-trace"); var sink = new TraceDebugStream(SysIO.File.OpenWrite(path)); return(new TraceApplicationEngine(sink, TriggerType.Application, tx, snapshot, block, settings, tx.SystemFee)); } else { return(ApplicationEngine.Create(TriggerType.Application, tx, snapshot, block, settings, tx.SystemFee)); } } }